Bad precedent to penalize Greene

How much bat shit crazy stuff have we heard over the years from any member of the squad, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Adam Schiff Eric Swalwell. You start removing everyone from Congress who has said something idiotic there will be a lot of empty offices which might be a good thing.
I agree with Black Hawk. I have been following politics and government since I was a child. There have been politicians who believe in flying saucers, Goldfish are spying on us at the order of the C.IA.( that particular one was a democrat) . members who conduct seances.
KKK members. And other types of odd folks. As long as Greene sticks by the rules she should be left alone .
Democrats have become totalitarians. They can't deal with other peoples opinions. These Marxist bigots are against everything this great country was founded on, especially the first amendment. Democrats are evil.

How do you deal with an opinion that wildfires are started by lasers in space?
She never said that, you lying NAZI.

Fact Checks

Did Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Say ‘Jewish Lasers’ Caused California Wildfires?
The Republican representative from Georgia has endorsed QAnon conspiracy theories, among others. Nur Ibrahim Published 1 February 2021


U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia speculated that the real culprit behind the November 2018 wildfires in California may have been a Jewish laser beam from space.


About this rating

What's True
In a now-deleted Facebook post, Greene suggested that laser beams from space may have started the 2018 California wildfires, and that among the entities behind this conspiracy were former California Gov. Jerry Brown, Pacific Gas & Electric, and Rothschild Inc., an investment firm frequently targeted by anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.

What's False
Greene did not explicitly state that “Jewish lasers” caused the fires.
Did Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Say 'Jewish Lasers' Caused California Wildfires?

Jan 30, 2021,05:52pm EST
Did Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Blame A ‘Space Laser’ For Wildfires? Here’s The Response
Did Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Blame A ‘Space Laser’ For Wildfires? Here’s The Response

How much bat shit crazy stuff have we heard over the years from any member of the squad, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Adam Schiff Eric Swalwell. You start removing everyone from Congress who has said something idiotic there will be a lot of empty offices which might be a good thing.

No one is being removed from Congress.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn
Professional sanctions for questionable social media histories is nothing new. People are fired all the time for exposing their questionable beliefs online. Especially if they suggest violence against or otherwise endanger colleagues.
How much bat shit crazy stuff have we heard over the years from any member of the squad, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Adam Schiff Eric Swalwell. You start removing everyone from Congress who has said something idiotic there will be a lot of empty offices which might be a good thing.

No one is being removed from Congress.
No they aren't not yet but this trend of trying to punish and destroy anyone who says something we don't like is getting way out of hand.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.

I strongly disagree. She should not even BE in the House. She ran unopposed in her district. Republicans are committing political malpractice by running candidates like Greene or Donald Trump. The GOP needs to ensure the sanity of those who run for office under their banner. At the very least.
How much bat shit crazy stuff have we heard over the years from any member of the squad, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Adam Schiff Eric Swalwell. You start removing everyone from Congress who has said something idiotic there will be a lot of empty offices which might be a good thing.

No one is being removed from Congress.
No they aren't not yet but this trend of trying to punish and destroy anyone who says something we don't like is getting way out of hand.

This isn't an attempt to punish and destroy people for their beliefs. This is eliminating the crazy. Jewish space lasers???? And she's armed and threatening her co-workers. Get serious. If you had an employee acting like Greene, you'd fire her.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.

I strongly disagree. She should not even BE in the House. She ran unopposed in her district. Republicans are committing political malpractice by running candidates like Greene or Donald Trump. The GOP needs to ensure the sanity of those who run for office under their banner. At the very least.

I felt the same way about the blob and several other members of Congress. But thats our system.... The voters in her district get to pick whomever they want.

Walmart looks at this sort of thing and decides that they need to use simpler words in their advertising in that district however.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

And, if you were to look deep enough into all of these people's past, you'd probably find some pretty kookie views and statements that make you go "WTF?" How many believe in extra terrestrials? I imagine a few do. How many have questions about why we couldn't find these planes on 9/11? I imagine some do--I hope they don't think that there were bombs in buildings or anything like that but I think questioning why we couldn't locate planes in our airspace is a valid concern...what if they were Russian bombers? Serious question.

Anyway...MTG should resign as a matter of honor. She has none. She's garbage. But she is duly elected garbage. Leave her alone...just let her serve her term. Don't work with her; if she tries to co-sponsor any bill you introduce...have the house secretary remove her name. It's. Just freeze her out. She'll get 5 minutes to ask her questions in a committee meeting and thats that.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

And, if you were to look deep enough into all of these people's past, you'd probably find some pretty kookie views and statements that make you go "WTF?" How many believe in extra terrestrials? I imagine a few do. How many have questions about why we couldn't find these planes on 9/11? I imagine some do--I hope they don't think that there were bombs in buildings or anything like that but I think questioning why we couldn't locate planes in our airspace is a valid concern...what if they were Russian bombers? Serious question.

Anyway...MTG should resign as a matter of honor. She has none. She's garbage. But she is duly elected garbage. Leave her alone...just let her serve her term. Don't work with her; if she tries to co-sponsor any bill you introduce...have the house secretary remove her name. It's. Just freeze her out. She'll get 5 minutes to ask her questions in a committee meeting and thats that.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.
Normally I would agree. Within the context of the events of 1/6 and her behavior since, it can’t be ignored. Much as Trump will stand trial in the Senate for his role in inciting those who believe as Greene does, Greene is now answering for hers.

There is no simply overlooking shit like this. Not post 1/6.

Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

And, if you were to look deep enough into all of these people's past, you'd probably find some pretty kookie views and statements that make you go "WTF?" How many believe in extra terrestrials? I imagine a few do. How many have questions about why we couldn't find these planes on 9/11? I imagine some do--I hope they don't think that there were bombs in buildings or anything like that but I think questioning why we couldn't locate planes in our airspace is a valid concern...what if they were Russian bombers? Serious question.

Anyway...MTG should resign as a matter of honor. She has none. She's garbage. But she is duly elected garbage. Leave her alone...just let her serve her term. Don't work with her; if she tries to co-sponsor any bill you introduce...have the house secretary remove her name. It's. Just freeze her out. She'll get 5 minutes to ask her questions in a committee meeting and thats that.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.
Normally I would agree. Within the context of the events of 1/6 and her behavior since, it can’t be ignored. Much as Trump will stand trial in the Senate for his role in inciting those who believe as Greene does, Greene is now answering for hers.

There is no simply overlooking shit like this. Not post 1/6.

View attachment 453407
I notice three people in that picture still have their committee assignments, and one does not.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
I disagree, the Reps never have enough balls to do to the Dems what the Dems do to them, and that's why Trump was so loved, he didn't put up with or bow down to their shit. Conservatives will never see an even playing field as long as the R party is the one representing us, and even then it's doubtful since the 'media' are owned by leftists as well. Conservative ideas will never be the mainstream again until that is rectified because they literally own the message that most Americans hear every day. Another reason that Trump battled them on a daily basis. I really see no hope until we reach the bottom and most of these idiots that support the left are finally victims of their own stupidity, but sadly we'll suffer along with them until that happens.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn
You may be right about that. Greene is a loon, but she is a Qpub loon. She is their problem.

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