Bad precedent to penalize Greene

I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?
You also defended her numerous times and used this as an excuse to attack Omar and call for her removal. Something you have STILL not called for in the case of Greene.

In fact you have a bit of a history of using claims of anti-Semitism ONLY against "political enemies"...earned or not
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?
You also defended her numerous times and used this as an excuse to attack Omar and call for her removal. Something you have STILL not called for in the case of Greene.

In fact you have a bit of a history of using claims of anti-Semitism ONLY against "political enemies"...earned or not
I am defending her the same a I defend Omar. Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that. You just see what you want to see. I went hard at Red Curtain, LaDairus and numerous others for being Alt-Right racist fucks. To me you and they are the same. Racist, ignorant pussies. I am no friend of the Alt-Right. Not remotely. I am a fucking Jew, Lesh. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this?
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

I think you are both getting it wrong. Yes her voters did elect her. But no one is taking away her position as an elected Congress member, they are simply stripping away her committee positions. These assignments do not get voted on by the voters, they are internal House assignments.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

I think you are both getting it wrong. Yes her voters did elect her. But no one is taking away her position as an elected Congress member, they are simply stripping away her comettee positions. These assignments do not get voted on by the voters, they are internal House assignments.

Fucking idiot. Honestly.
Yep and wait until the GOP take over and AOC and Omar are removed...for a reason.
Omar is an over antisemite. Cannot wait until she is removed.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that.
I am a fucking Jew, Lesh. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this?

I am well aware that you are a Jew. But you are first and foremost a dishonest piece of shit who uses claims of anti-Semitism as a weapon.

In fact I believe that might be the FIRST post in which you did not refer to me as "Herr" Lesh
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.


I kind of agree with you... Kill them with kindness... Keep quoting her as the GOP position on stuff...

Use her as the reason you can't vote a GOP to congress... Jim Jordan is almost as bad as her and he is dream to Democrat fundraisers and campaigns.... We all know that Jordan knew about those poor kids getting molested, we see acting like a fool....

The person who should be feeling the heat Kevin McCarthy, he picked her... The transgression was to put her on the committee, she didn't do that, Kevin did...
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House

Horsecrap, she kept spreading Q Anon bs after being elected. and then LIED about that being the case in front of Congress during the proceedings to remove her from assignments.

...a month after being elected to Congress, Greene shared a blog post by Gab CEO Andrew Torba defending QAnon. In a since-deleted tweet, she called Torba's defense "the first accurate article about people following Q."

During her Thursday speech from the House floor, Greene said that she "stopped believing" in QAnon in 2018 when she "started finding misinformation." And she falsely claimed that she never discussed QAnon during her congressional campaign.

She is total whackjob and a liar that has no bussiness sitting on any committee. 10 Republicans voted to remove her with Democrats, making this a bi-partisan removal.
Last edited:
Yep and wait until the GOP take over and AOC and Omar are removed...for a reason.
Omar is an over antisemite. Cannot wait until she is removed.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that.
I am a fucking Jew, Lesh. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this?

I am well aware that you are a Jew. But you are first and foremost a dishonest piece of shit who uses claims of anti-Semitism as a weapon.

In fact I believe that might be the FIRST post in which you did not refer to me as "Herr" Lesh
I posted THOSE after the Greene move. Find those BEFORE the Greene move. Of course I put those in this thread because your cancel culture party threw the first shot. Now the GOP will respond.

And "Herr" means "Mister" f*cking moron. Relax.
You have a bitch that claimed a member of the senate tried to get her killed when she wasnt even in the building.

Dummy, she wasn't saying Cruz was trying to kill her, she said he was inciting others to kill her. This after she was hiding in her office bathroom as angry mob just outside of it were shouting "Where is she?"

How the hell is it even in the same realm of Green talking about shooting Pelosi in the head?
You misstated what he said.

She wasn't even in the building, moron.
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House

Horsecrap, she kept spreading Q Anon bs after being elected.

Yup...she lied to McCarthy's face and he HAD to know she was lying.

Most of her colleagues knew it as well.
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House

Horsecrap, she kept spreading Q Anon bs after being elected.

That isn't a crime, asshole.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

I think you are both getting it wrong. Yes her voters did elect her. But no one is taking away her position as an elected Congress member, they are simply stripping away her committee positions. These assignments do not get voted on by the voters, they are internal House assignments.
The Republican Party choose her commitee assignments, not the minions of the Democrat Reich.
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House

Horsecrap, she kept spreading Q Anon bs after being elected.

Yup...she lied to McCarthy's face and he HAD to know she was lying.

Most of her colleagues knew it as well.
Again, it is a slippery slope. The Democratic Party would have been better off to let her stay and expose her for the C*NT that she is. Democrats are stupid. You're case in point.
Yep and wait until the GOP take over and AOC and Omar are removed...for a reason.
Omar is an over antisemite. Cannot wait until she is removed.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that.
I am a fucking Jew, Lesh. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this?

I am well aware that you are a Jew. But you are first and foremost a dishonest piece of shit who uses claims of anti-Semitism as a weapon.

In fact I believe that might be the FIRST post in which you did not refer to me as "Herr" Lesh

I don't know why people bother with Azog's small minded idiocy. Had him on ignore for a year now.
Yep and wait until the GOP take over and AOC and Omar are removed...for a reason.
Omar is an over antisemite. Cannot wait until she is removed.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that.
I am a fucking Jew, Lesh. Not sure how many times I have to tell you this?

I am well aware that you are a Jew. But you are first and foremost a dishonest piece of shit who uses claims of anti-Semitism as a weapon.

In fact I believe that might be the FIRST post in which you did not refer to me as "Herr" Lesh

I don't know why people bother with Azog's small minded idiocy. Had him on ignore for a year now.
Only cowards ignore. Lesh will put me on ignore very soon.
I posted THOSE after the Greene move. Find those BEFORE the Greene move. Of course I put those in this thread because your cancel culture party threw the first shot. Now the GOP will respond.

And "Herr" means "Mister" f*cking moron. Relax.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that. just exposed your dishonesty.

And oh yea...I am not German so using "Herr" is a not so subtle way of calling me a Nazi (which is a slur against Germans as well). One more example of your blatant dishonesty. What a good little Trumper/Republican you are.

Give it up dude. You can't talk your way out of this. You're a lying POS. Tuck tail and save what's left of your dignity
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?
You also defended her numerous times and used this as an excuse to attack Omar and call for her removal. Something you have STILL not called for in the case of Greene.

In fact you have a bit of a history of using claims of anti-Semitism ONLY against "political enemies"...earned or not
What specifically am I defending? Please explain this to me? Her racist voters voted her in. I am not sure what you or I can do about that. Same with Ilhan Omar. Her voters voted her in. Same with Liz Warren, who is mentally ill. Votes still matter.

I have given you examples where I have attacked the Alt Right on this board over their anti Jew propaganda. But more of it comes from the left these days. Do I need to type this in a different language for you to understand?

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