Bad precedent to penalize Greene

I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House

Horsecrap, she kept spreading Q Anon bs after being elected.

That isn't a crime, asshole.

...moron, no one is charging her with any crime. She was simply removed from Congress's own assignments.

It's not illegal for you to shit your pants at work, but don't be surprised when you get demoted.
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I posted THOSE after the Greene move. Find those BEFORE the Greene move. Of course I put those in this thread because your cancel culture party threw the first shot. Now the GOP will respond.

And "Herr" means "Mister" f*cking moron. Relax.
Find one post where I say Omar should be removed from committees and or Congress. I never said that. just exposed your dishonesty.

And oh yea...I am not German so using "Herr" is a not so subtle way of calling me a Nazi (which is a slur against Germans as well). One more example of your blatant dishonesty. What a good little Trumper/Republican you are.

Give it up dude. You can't talk your way out of this. You're a lying POS. Tuck tail and save what's left of your dignity
How is it a slur when it means "Mister"??!?!?

NEVER until now. Precedent has been set. Now its removal for both parties. You knew that and decided to troll anyway. I have a lot of posts. Find one where I posted to remove anyone until just now. If you cannot you leave the board forever. Fair? You dishonest, ugly, cancel culture supporting, leftist.
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?
You also defended her numerous times and used this as an excuse to attack Omar and call for her removal. Something you have STILL not called for in the case of Greene.

In fact you have a bit of a history of using claims of anti-Semitism ONLY against "political enemies"...earned or not
What specifically am I defending? Please explain this to me? Her racist voters voted her in. I am not sure what you or I can do about that. Same with Ilhan Omar. Her voters voted her in. Same with Liz Warren, who is mentally ill. Votes still matter.

I have given you examples where I have attacked the Alt Right on this board over their anti Jew propaganda. But more of it comes from the left these days. Do I need to type this in a different language for you to understand? just exposed your dishonesty.

And oh yea...I am not German so using "Herr" is a not so subtle way of calling me a Nazi (which is a slur against Germans as well). One more example of your blatant dishonesty. What a good little Trumper/Republican you are.

Give it up dude. You can't talk your way out of this. You're a lying POS. Tuck tail and save what's left of your dignity

But you just soldier if no one can see what a lying POS you are.
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?
You also defended her numerous times and used this as an excuse to attack Omar and call for her removal. Something you have STILL not called for in the case of Greene.

In fact you have a bit of a history of using claims of anti-Semitism ONLY against "political enemies"...earned or not
What specifically am I defending? Please explain this to me? Her racist voters voted her in. I am not sure what you or I can do about that. Same with Ilhan Omar. Her voters voted her in. Same with Liz Warren, who is mentally ill. Votes still matter.

I have given you examples where I have attacked the Alt Right on this board over their anti Jew propaganda. But more of it comes from the left these days. Do I need to type this in a different language for you to understand? just exposed your dishonesty.

And oh yea...I am not German so using "Herr" is a not so subtle way of calling me a Nazi (which is a slur against Germans as well). One more example of your blatant dishonesty. What a good little Trumper/Republican you are.

Give it up dude. You can't talk your way out of this. You're a lying POS. Tuck tail and save what's left of your dignity

But you just soldier if no one can see what a lying POS you are.
You are the one lying. You're so easily triggered Senor Shit. Amazing. Show me one post where you vilify antisemites on the left. I'll patiently wait.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.

I notice how staunchly you defend this anti-Semite. Given the hatred and bile she expresses towards Jews, it's shocking that you're defending her.
Anything we say or type can make us something not nice by the arbiters of the realm's accusations. Of course the actions of the Obama administration and the Progs in the congress crapping on Israel with the Iran deal and even not even letting the leader of Israel into the White House when he visited while the Repubs let him give a speech in the Capitol Building means nothing. Words matter and words do not matter. Actions matter more. We need to reduce the bile while not destroying people for it. There are many Prog politicians that can be dealt the way this congresswoman was. Repubs follow suit on what Progs do in many ways.

Quite frankly, Netanyahu is an asshole who should be stripped of office. Since he isn't able to win a majority in Parliament, I gather most Israelis agree with that assessment. So don't start on Obama's treatment of Isreal as evidence of anything. I guess you think building roadways and highways with no off-ramps to Palestinian towns, strangling them economically, and the marginalization and abuse of Palestians by the Isreali government is something that all Jews should be proud of. One would think that a people who have suffered discrimination and abuse for centuries would treat minorities better.

You seem to have difficulty separating opposition to political leaders in Isreal with anti-Semitism. This cult of slavish devotion to right wing leaders is a danger to the world. I have no difficulty opposing some policies of the left without being considered a traitor to the cause, but right wingers have to march in lockstep. The shunning of Liz Cheney being a prime example.
She’ll be a one termer, unlike the squad members
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.

I notice how staunchly you defend this anti-Semite. Given the hatred and bile she expresses towards Jews, it's shocking that you're defending her.
Anything we say or type can make us something not nice by the arbiters of the realm's accusations. Of course the actions of the Obama administration and the Progs in the congress crapping on Israel with the Iran deal and even not even letting the leader of Israel into the White House when he visited while the Repubs let him give a speech in the Capitol Building means nothing. Words matter and words do not matter. Actions matter more. We need to reduce the bile while not destroying people for it. There are many Prog politicians that can be dealt the way this congresswoman was. Repubs follow suit on what Progs do in many ways.

Quite frankly, Netanyahu is an asshole who should be stripped of office. Since he isn't able to win a majority in Parliament, I gather most Israelis agree with that assessment. So don't start on Obama's treatment of Isreal as evidence of anything. I guess you think building roadways and highways with no off-ramps to Palestinian towns, strangling them economically, and the marginalization and abuse of Palestians by the Isreali government is something that all Jews should be proud of. One would think that a people who have suffered discrimination and abuse for centuries would treat minorities better.

You seem to have difficulty separating opposition to political leaders in Isreal with anti-Semitism. This cult of slavish devotion to right wing leaders is a danger to the world. I have no difficulty opposing some policies of the left without being considered a traitor to the cause, but right wingers have to march in lockstep. The shunning of Liz Cheney being a prime example.
Now this Canadian moon bat wants to decide what Israel does as well as America. The audacity is mind blowing. Check out my siggy for her over antisemitism.
I am defending her right to support her constituents as I do with the evil Ilhan Omar and the bird brain AOC. I dislike them but fully support their right as the representatives of those that voted for them. Why do you care? You are a Canuck.
I'm still waiting for your excuse for ignoring her blatant anti-Semitism.
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?

Did you post that the House needs 100 more just like her? I thought that was you?
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
In other words, she wasn't in the capitol.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.
I am defending her right to support her constituents as I do with the evil Ilhan Omar and the bird brain AOC. I dislike them but fully support their right as the representatives of those that voted for them. Why do you care? You are a Canuck.
I'm still waiting for your excuse for ignoring her blatant anti-Semitism.
I just called her a C*NT....I am not sure what else you want me to say on the matter?

Did you post that the House needs 100 more just like her? I thought that was you?
Nope. Another lie from this antisemite. Find that post from me. Amazing how you're not banned for your blatant lies.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
In other words, she wasn't in the capitol.

She was in her office, exactly as she AND the RedState article states and exactly contrary to TNHarley's claim that she lied about hiding in her office's bathroom.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
She claimed people were trying to break in.
Going back, i see i quoted the wrong part of your statement. My apologies.
The fact is, she lied. She literally made it up and tried to blame fellow congress critters on it.

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