Bad precedent to penalize Greene

Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

Oh lord....

They voted for her.

She won.

End of discussion. Nobody else should be able to disqualify their selection. That is just the way it goes.
I agree with CC. Greene is a looney B*TCH but she was voted in. Elections have consequences.
I don't think even the dems are stupid enough to not want the gop congress to own her.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

And, if you were to look deep enough into all of these people's past, you'd probably find some pretty kookie views and statements that make you go "WTF?" How many believe in extra terrestrials? I imagine a few do. How many have questions about why we couldn't find these planes on 9/11? I imagine some do--I hope they don't think that there were bombs in buildings or anything like that but I think questioning why we couldn't locate planes in our airspace is a valid concern...what if they were Russian bombers? Serious question.

Anyway...MTG should resign as a matter of honor. She has none. She's garbage. But she is duly elected garbage. Leave her alone...just let her serve her term. Don't work with her; if she tries to co-sponsor any bill you introduce...have the house secretary remove her name. It's. Just freeze her out. She'll get 5 minutes to ask her questions in a committee meeting and thats that.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.
Normally I would agree. Within the context of the events of 1/6 and her behavior since, it can’t be ignored. Much as Trump will stand trial in the Senate for his role in inciting those who believe as Greene does, Greene is now answering for hers.

There is no simply overlooking shit like this. Not post 1/6.

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The fact remains that the voters in her district elected her. She's trash but voters can elect trash if they decide to. That is how we got the blob...the voters elected trash

Her voters elected the committee assignments she has in the House?

Nope, I don't think so.
Okay, now you're getting into the majority expanding it's authority. It comes back two fold. Prepared to have the Pelosi sit on no committee in 2023 if the GOP wins back the house. Will it be justified? No. Will they do it anyway? Yes. Why? Because they can.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
She claimed people were trying to break in.
Going back, i see i quoted the wrong part of your statement. My apologies.
The fact is, she lied. She literally made it up and tried to blame fellow congress critters on it.

No she didn't. She said that someone just outside her office was asking "Where is she?" and then she was put off by Security officer's behaviour towards her and her staff.
"I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die," she said of the riots.
Then she blamed for almost having her killed.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
She claimed people were trying to break in.
Going back, i see i quoted the wrong part of your statement. My apologies.
The fact is, she lied. She literally made it up and tried to blame fellow congress critters on it.

No she didn't. She said that someone just outside her office was asking "Where is she?" and then she was put off by Security officer's behaviour towards her and her staff.
"I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die," she said of the riots.
Then she blamed for almost having her killed.

...whats the lie? She locked herself in the bathroom, thought that the building was broken into and when security officer came to evacuate them she and her staff found him to have a hostile attitude towards them, they weren't sure if he was there to help or hurt them.

She was obviously fucking scared (you would be too in her widely-hated-by-the-right shoes) and nothing you said contradicts that.

Maybe she and her staff misread the officer, but you should retract your statement that she was lying.
Last edited:
Shit, Ilhan Omar lied and married her brother to become a citizen.
If only you had proof of every right wing nutter talking point you parrot....
You are under the impression that there isnt a tremendous amount of proof that she married her brother?
Ah, when unable to defend actions taken against innocent persons, pull up a false equivalency. Shrewd.
It seems pretty obvious that she married her brother. Her kids were even caught calling him "uncle". If she didnt marry her brother, why hasnt she sued EVERYONE for defaming her? She could be a billionaire if she didnt actually marry her brother. The reason she doesnt sue is because, there would be an invesitgation that wouldnt turn out well for her, so she says nothing. She wont even deny it. When it comes to journalists asking her questions about her marrying her brother, she shuts the fuck up.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

Oh lord....

They voted for her.

She won.

End of discussion. Nobody else should be able to disqualify their selection. That is just the way it goes.

Though nobody IS diqualifying their selection. She remains a Congresswoman.

Well...the House has a committee structure. Its a de-facto reality that you must be on a committee to do anything. So yes it is disqualifying her.

Here is my question...what is the harm in having her on a committee where she has 5 minutes to question witnesses... This is not addressed to "you" per-say but when was the last time you watched a committee hearing?

It doesn't matter... And the retribution will be fierce.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

Oh lord....

They voted for her.

She won.

End of discussion. Nobody else should be able to disqualify their selection. That is just the way it goes.
I agree with CC. Greene is a looney B*TCH but she was voted in. Elections have consequences.

Good to see you are stating the Georgia election was valid.

LOL. Gotcha!
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
She claimed people were trying to break in.
Going back, i see i quoted the wrong part of your statement. My apologies.
The fact is, she lied. She literally made it up and tried to blame fellow congress critters on it.

No she didn't. She said that someone just outside her office was asking "Where is she?" and then she was put off by Security officer's behaviour towards her and her staff.
"I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die," she said of the riots.
Then she blamed for almost having her killed.
And then the video came out of rioters saying they wanted to find her and harm her. And then a rioter was arrested and charged for threatening to assassinate her.
Shit, Ilhan Omar lied and married her brother to become a citizen.
If only you had proof of every right wing nutter talking point you parrot....
You are under the impression that there isnt a tremendous amount of proof that she married her brother?
I am under the impression there is none. Do you have any? Or just circumstantial speculation and personal anecdotes?

In 2002, Omar, then 19, religiously married Ahmed Hirsi, but not legally. Omar and Hirsi had two children, but in 2008, they obtained a religious divorce. The following year, in 2009, Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi both religiously and legally.

Little is known about Elmi, other than that Omar has referred to him as a "British citizen" and that he attended high school in the Minneapolis area and, like Omar, later attended North Dakota State University.

• In 2011, Omar and Elmi divorced religiously, but remained married legally. In 2012, Omar and Hirsi reconciled and had a third child. In 2017, Omar legally divorced Elmi, and the following year, she legally married Hirsi.

• In 2016, as Omar was seeking a state House seat, the conservative website AlphaNewsMN, followed by other ideological sites, posted a screenshot of an Instagram post — since deleted — that was allegedly uploaded by Elmi on June 12, 2012, shortly after Omar gave birth to her third child. The caption of the photograph identified Elmi as holding the baby girl, calling her "nieces." To some, this suggested a sibling relationship.

• Omar has denied the allegation that Elmi is her brother — she has called the charges "disgusting lies," the AP reported — but has not provided further documentation to debunk it. She did tell the Star-Tribune in October 2018, before she was elected to Congress, that "it’s really strange, right, to prove a negative. … If someone was asking me, do I have a brother by that name, I don’t."

• In June 2019 a different problem emerged for Omar: During an investigation of alleged misuse of campaign funds by Omar, a Minnesota campaign finance board determined that Omar had filed joint tax returns with her future husband, Hirsi, at a time when she was legally married to Elmi.

Where are the lawsuits if this is defamation? She could sue Trump right now... if it wasnt true. Even Snopes wont say its false.

Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn
Congressional representative who delete their anti-American posts and conceal their more repugnant, fanatical and aberrant notions from their constituents don't get a cut-off date waiver. Especially, when they do not disavow and apologize for their anti-semitic and anti-Islamic ravings, death threats, and q-anon conspiracy crap that is offensive to decent folks, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Ideologically-driven denial of tragedies such as the Sandy Hook massacre are a baseless attack upon bereaved parents.

Greene indicated that she "liked" a social media post of January 2019 that said "a bullet to the head would be quicker" to remove Pelosi from power.

The Republican Steering Committee removed white-supremacist sympathizer Steven King from all House committee assignments. Greene's insipid derangement is far more wide-ranging, and they would have served the nation by following their precedent.
Shit, Ilhan Omar lied and married her brother to become a citizen.
If only you had proof of every right wing nutter talking point you parrot....
You are under the impression that there isnt a tremendous amount of proof that she married her brother?
I am under the impression there is none. Do you have any? Or just circumstantial speculation and personal anecdotes?

In 2002, Omar, then 19, religiously married Ahmed Hirsi, but not legally. Omar and Hirsi had two children, but in 2008, they obtained a religious divorce. The following year, in 2009, Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi both religiously and legally.

Little is known about Elmi, other than that Omar has referred to him as a "British citizen" and that he attended high school in the Minneapolis area and, like Omar, later attended North Dakota State University.

• In 2011, Omar and Elmi divorced religiously, but remained married legally. In 2012, Omar and Hirsi reconciled and had a third child. In 2017, Omar legally divorced Elmi, and the following year, she legally married Hirsi.

• In 2016, as Omar was seeking a state House seat, the conservative website AlphaNewsMN, followed by other ideological sites, posted a screenshot of an Instagram post — since deleted — that was allegedly uploaded by Elmi on June 12, 2012, shortly after Omar gave birth to her third child. The caption of the photograph identified Elmi as holding the baby girl, calling her "nieces." To some, this suggested a sibling relationship.

• Omar has denied the allegation that Elmi is her brother — she has called the charges "disgusting lies," the AP reported — but has not provided further documentation to debunk it. She did tell the Star-Tribune in October 2018, before she was elected to Congress, that "it’s really strange, right, to prove a negative. … If someone was asking me, do I have a brother by that name, I don’t."

• In June 2019 a different problem emerged for Omar: During an investigation of alleged misuse of campaign funds by Omar, a Minnesota campaign finance board determined that Omar had filed joint tax returns with her future husband, Hirsi, at a time when she was legally married to Elmi.

A repetition of your claim is not support for it. Got anything else? Like, any documentation he is her brother?
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason.
She was removed for a reason as well.
They get to pick whomever they want to represent them. Its their decision.

I wouldn't want the other 434 members deciding on how effective my representative can be and we shouldn't be doing it to her district.

The voters in her Districti did not "pick her". The Republican Party did. She ran unopposed in a solidly Red District. The Party has an obligation not to put people who are certifiably mentally ill, into office. This woman does not live in the real world, and her delusions are threatening her co-workers. She is armed and believes dangerous theories that her co-workers are out to destroy the nation, and are all pedophiles.

She threatened a 17 year old Parkland survivor because she said he was "trying to take away her gun". She is a danger to herself and others.

The Republican Party has a obligation to the American people to promote candidates for national office who can at least past a minimum set of standards in sanity, morals, and competence.

Oh lord....

They voted for her.

She won.

End of discussion. Nobody else should be able to disqualify their selection. That is just the way it goes.

Though nobody IS diqualifying their selection. She remains a Congresswoman.

Well...the House has a committee structure. Its a de-facto reality that you must be on a committee to do anything. So yes it is disqualifying her.

Here is my question...what is the harm in having her on a committee where she has 5 minutes to question witnesses... This is not addressed to "you" per-say but when was the last time you watched a committee hearing?

It doesn't matter... And the retribution will be fierce.

That is plainly FALSE. Getting elected as a House representatives gives you the vote on any legislation. She, as a representative of her district retains that position.

There is ZERO promise of any committee asignments to the voters who elected her. This has nothing to do with what they voted for.
Shit, Ilhan Omar lied and married her brother to become a citizen.
If only you had proof of every right wing nutter talking point you parrot....
You are under the impression that there isnt a tremendous amount of proof that she married her brother?
I am under the impression there is none. Do you have any? Or just circumstantial speculation and personal anecdotes?

In 2002, Omar, then 19, religiously married Ahmed Hirsi, but not legally. Omar and Hirsi had two children, but in 2008, they obtained a religious divorce. The following year, in 2009, Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi both religiously and legally.

Little is known about Elmi, other than that Omar has referred to him as a "British citizen" and that he attended high school in the Minneapolis area and, like Omar, later attended North Dakota State University.

• In 2011, Omar and Elmi divorced religiously, but remained married legally. In 2012, Omar and Hirsi reconciled and had a third child. In 2017, Omar legally divorced Elmi, and the following year, she legally married Hirsi.

• In 2016, as Omar was seeking a state House seat, the conservative website AlphaNewsMN, followed by other ideological sites, posted a screenshot of an Instagram post — since deleted — that was allegedly uploaded by Elmi on June 12, 2012, shortly after Omar gave birth to her third child. The caption of the photograph identified Elmi as holding the baby girl, calling her "nieces." To some, this suggested a sibling relationship.

• Omar has denied the allegation that Elmi is her brother — she has called the charges "disgusting lies," the AP reported — but has not provided further documentation to debunk it. She did tell the Star-Tribune in October 2018, before she was elected to Congress, that "it’s really strange, right, to prove a negative. … If someone was asking me, do I have a brother by that name, I don’t."

• In June 2019 a different problem emerged for Omar: During an investigation of alleged misuse of campaign funds by Omar, a Minnesota campaign finance board determined that Omar had filed joint tax returns with her future husband, Hirsi, at a time when she was legally married to Elmi.

A repetition of your claim is not support for it. Got anything else? Like, any documentation he is her brother?

The fact that she hasnt sued anyone is pretty damning.

Saying there is no proof is false. There is proof, but that also doesnt mean it has been completely proven. You should be asking the federal government to investigate this, not me. Im just a guy on a message board.
This after she was hiding in her office bathroom
she made that up, doofus

Source? If you don't have good evidence that she is lying about that, then you need to retract your baselss bs.
Report Claims AOC Wasn't In Capitol At Time Of Riot As #AlexandriaOcasioSmollett Goes Viral | 93.1FM WIBC

Do you even know how to read? Nothing in your link refutes that she was in her office, which is in the adjacent building.
According to Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who has an office in the same hall as AOC, two doors away, there were never any rioters in their hall so there was never any physical danger from rioters coming in at any point.
Her response to this : "I just thought to myself that they got inside," she said during the emotional live stream.

All of which is consistent with AOC locking herself in her office's bathroom. DUH
She claimed people were trying to break in.
Going back, i see i quoted the wrong part of your statement. My apologies.
The fact is, she lied. She literally made it up and tried to blame fellow congress critters on it.

No she didn't. She said that someone just outside her office was asking "Where is she?" and then she was put off by Security officer's behaviour towards her and her staff.
"I can tell you that I had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die," she said of the riots.
Then she blamed for almost having her killed.
And then the video came out of rioters saying they wanted to find her and harm her. And then a rioter was arrested and charged for threatening to assassinate her.
And they were nowhere around her. Is she psychic? :lol:
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.

I notice how staunchly you defend this anti-Semite. Given the hatred and bile she expresses towards Jews, it's shocking that you're defending her.
I am defending her right to support her constituents as I do with the evil Ilhan Omar and the bird brain AOC. I dislike them but fully support their right as the representatives of those that voted for them. Why do you care? You are a Canuck.

The problem with MTG is that she wasn't "elected by her constituents". She was appointed by the Republican leadership in her District. She ran unopposed.

The Party has a responsibility to run sane, qualified people for office - by qualified, I'm talking about someone you would hire to work in your business. They had a similar responsibility in running a corrupt, criminal like Donald Trump, but this is becoming a real problem for the Republican Party. As it increasingly becomes the party of racists, conspiracy theorists, and crazies, real conservatives have nowhere to go.

Where I live, there are laws against hiring someone who makes death threats against co-workers. There are "safe workplace laws" which would make me liable for hiring such a person, who threatens my employees.

Corporate money and rational voters who just want good governance, are fleeing the Republican Party, because they cannot be trusted to deal with any sort of crisis, be it catstrophic storms, the economy, or a pandemic. What has made the USA the richest country in the world is that its government was very stable, and provided the stability, infrastructure, and resources to enable them to prosper.

As the Republican Party drifts towards white nationalist authoritarianism, you will find that capital will flee the country, and no international investment will be happening to create jobs will happen until you stabilize.

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