Baker must make gay cakes

i have been thinking about this and feel like there is a difference in what type of business it is...or rather if there isn't a difference, then maybe there should be, dependent upon the type of business and the relative availability of other accommodations in the marketplace...

think along the lines of a kosher deli... are they forced to accommodate non kosher requests?

the word 'kosher' carries over to this example in that religious matrimony could be seen as a 'kosher' marriage...shouldn't an individual in that type of business be allowed to cater to only religious matrimony..aka 'kosher' weddings...since wedding cakes are not exactly basic public accommodations, maybe some types of businesses should be left up to the free market...?

one other thought i have on this topic is if you reeeally want to buy a wedding cake from a certain yummy baker who only caters to 'kosher' weddings, the baker does not need to know your personal life story, so why make it any of their business by telling them what is none of their business? they bake cakes, so ask them to bake a yummy wedding cake, buy the two groom topping elsewhere, and forget about it!

just some food for thought. :dunno:

They are not being asked to make or carry something they don't make or carry.

COUPLE: Do you sell wedding cakes
COUPLE: #4, please...vanilla and strawberry
BAKER: That will be $400
COUPLE: thank you
oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against gays is anything like what my ancestors went through. Doesn't matter what I do, Im black, I look black, people percieve me as long as you don't put your business out there, noone is going to know your sexual orientation.

So, you fags and dikes need to cut that shit out. Come up with something else, I don't know...maybe treat it as a seperate situation that has few similarities to the black civil rights struggle. I thought you buttfuckers and muff divers were supposed to be creative? Yet you still have to piggy back on the black civil rights movement. You're not exactly like blacks, so your plight is nothing like it either. You bring it on yourselves, we otoh, have no way to not be black.

Fuck you faggots for trying to use our plight for your gain.

I see this issue as no different than serving blacks was back in the 60s. If you owned a cafe/restaurant, whatever, the civil rights law dictated that you served blacks as well as whites: that you couldn't discriminate. This is no different: if you own a business, you can't say who you will serve and who you won't serve. That's the bottom line. There is nothing here up for discussion until you can undo the civil rights law.

I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue. Being black is not the same as being gay. From a Christian perspective there is nothing in the Bible that bans anyone from baking a cake or performing a service for someone who's black. It's not a sin to be black. However, the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is very much a sin (both Old and New Testaments). So a Christian baker who knows his Bible has the right to follow his conscience concerning this issue.

Maybe you shouldn't seek to discriminate against gays the same way blacks were discriminated against...then people wouldn't have to compare the discrimination.
I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue.

Anecdotal, unsubstantiated, subjective, and irrelevant.

Being black is not the same as being gay.

It is to the extent that neither may be subject to discriminatory measures, and where both are entitled to protections as mandated by public accommodations laws.

From a Christian perspective…

Anecdotal, unsubstantiated, subjective, and irrelevant.

This is an issue concerning the Constitution, the law, and responsible governance and public policy only, having nothing to do with religion; where religious beliefs are not being ‘violated’ and where religious beliefs may not be used as ‘justification’ to discriminate against gay Americans and ignore just, proper, and Constitutional laws.
The baker, Mr. Phillips has already stated in the past that he is willing to go to jail rather than renounce his faith. I support him, no way would I ever abandon my religion because of some court ruling. I'd go to jail as well in order to keep practicing my faith.

Colo. Baker Willing to Go to Jail for Not Baking Cake for Same-Sex Wedding | National Review Online

There is NO attempt to prevent him from practicing his beliefs(.) The law requires PUBLIC businesses to accomodate the general public; one may be a Nazi, KKK, or "5 percenter", one still must abide by laws. Tough break, felons compain about it I know.
When the bible states that homosexuality is a sin, and I deliberately bake a gay wedding cake in support of homosexuality, I am abandoning my faith. I'll go to jail first!!!


State law prohibits businesses from refusing to serve customers based on their sexual orientation.

end of conversation
The question really is can the court order an individual to provide a service to gays when that service isn't offered to the general public. Can the basis of such order be that the individual is capable of providing the service even if they don't offer it?

There is no precedent for forcing a person to perform a personal service.

State law prohibits businesses from refusing to serve customers based on their sexual orientation.

besides state law.

That baker looks like a butch gay, so I don't understand why he wouldn't bake for his own kind.

Oh, that's right. His religious beliefs do not override sexual orientation. Good.

Did you notice that he doesn't even bake cakes as part of his business, yet he still has to bake a cake for a gay wedding? Tell me how that isn't slavery.

because he gets paid a fair wage for his services?
oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against gays is anything like what my ancestors went through. Doesn't matter what I do, Im black, I look black, people percieve me as long as you don't put your business out there, noone is going to know your sexual orientation.

So, you fags and dikes need to cut that shit out. Come up with something else, I don't know...maybe treat it as a seperate situation that has few similarities to the black civil rights struggle. I thought you buttfuckers and muff divers were supposed to be creative? Yet you still have to piggy back on the black civil rights movement. You're not exactly like blacks, so your plight is nothing like it either. You bring it on yourselves, we otoh, have no way to not be black.

Fuck you faggots for trying to use our plight for your gain.

Stop being a bigoted asshole like the bigoted assholes of yesteryear and nobody will have to compare the discrimination.
That baker looks like a butch gay, so I don't understand why he wouldn't bake for his own kind.

Oh, that's right. His religious beliefs do not override sexual orientation. Good.

Excellent, odd that he no longer makes wedding cakes but will appeal. His views are shared by 20th century fascists, communists, and 21st century Russins. He could move there, except Archbishop Kirill, (Putin's confessor) says there are no Christians in the US, and favors Russian Orthodox as well.

Why is it odd? If you had a business, and were being forced to provide a service you don't provide to the public simply because some asshole came in and demanded it, wouldn't you appeal the ruling? Or would you simply bow down to the infinite wisdom of the state?
State law prohibits businesses from refusing to serve customers based on their sexual orientation.

he can either follow the law or go to jail or whatever. Its not very complicated.
I see this issue as no different than serving blacks was back in the 60s. If you owned a cafe/restaurant, whatever, the civil rights law dictated that you served blacks as well as whites: that you couldn't discriminate. This is no different: if you own a business, you can't say who you will serve and who you won't serve. That's the bottom line. There is nothing here up for discussion until you can undo the civil rights law.

I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue. Being black is not the same as being gay. From a Christian perspective there is nothing in the Bible that bans anyone from baking a cake or performing a service for someone who's black. It's not a sin to be black. However, the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is very much a sin (both Old and New Testaments). So a Christian baker who knows his Bible has the right to follow his conscience concerning this issue.

Maybe you shouldn't seek to discriminate against gays the same way blacks were discriminated against...then people wouldn't have to compare the discrimination.

I'm not at all about discrimination. I'm about following my personal conscience and exercising my personal freedom. Why would you want to discriminate against me and my rights?
you fags and dikes... Fuck you faggots...

This type of hate and ignorance is repugnant to the Constitution regardless whether it’s directed at a person’s sexual orientation or race; it’s repugnant to men and women of good faith, and it’s repugnant to the fundamental tenets upon which this Nation was founded.
I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue.

Anecdotal, unsubstantiated, subjective, and irrelevant.

Being black is not the same as being gay.

It is to the extent that neither may be subject to discriminatory measures, and where both are entitled to protections as mandated by public accommodations laws.

From a Christian perspective&#8230;

Anecdotal, unsubstantiated, subjective, and irrelevant.

This is an issue concerning the Constitution, the law, and responsible governance and public policy only, having nothing to do with religion; where religious beliefs are not being &#8216;violated&#8217; and where religious beliefs may not be used as &#8216;justification&#8217; to discriminate against gay Americans and ignore just, proper, and Constitutional laws.

Being gay is a choice, a belief, and a lifestyle.
Being Christian is a choice, a belief, and a lifestyle.

If gays shouldn't be forced to follow or cater to a Christian standard then why should a Christian be forced to follow or cater to the LGBT/NAMBLA (LGBTN) community and their standards? Stop discriminating against Christians.
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oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against blacks is anything like my ancestors went through I'm a Jew you witless dullard .
oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against gays is anything like what my ancestors went through. Doesn't matter what I do, Im black, I look black, people percieve me as long as you don't put your business out there, noone is going to know your sexual orientation.

So, you fags and dikes need to cut that shit out. Come up with something else, I don't know...maybe treat it as a seperate situation that has few similarities to the black civil rights struggle. I thought you buttfuckers and muff divers were supposed to be creative? Yet you still have to piggy back on the black civil rights movement. You're not exactly like blacks, so your plight is nothing like it either. You bring it on yourselves, we otoh, have no way to not be black.

Fuck you faggots for trying to use our plight for your gain.

I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue. Being black is not the same as being gay. From a Christian perspective there is nothing in the Bible that bans anyone from baking a cake or performing a service for someone who's black. It's not a sin to be black. However, the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is very much a sin (both Old and New Testaments). So a Christian baker who knows his Bible has the right to follow his conscience concerning this issue.

Maybe you shouldn't seek to discriminate against gays the same way blacks were discriminated against...then people wouldn't have to compare the discrimination.
you fags and dikes... Fuck you faggots...

This type of hate and ignorance is repugnant to the Constitution regardless whether it’s directed at a person’s sexual orientation or race; it’s repugnant to men and women of good faith, and it’s repugnant to the fundamental tenets upon which this Nation was founded.

Oh STFU... You're weak ass attempt to disguise your hatred for free speech & freedom of association using the very document that espouses free speech, private property, everything you what is disgusting here. Chickenshit lawyer.
Noone cares what you say. Limey.

oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against blacks is anything like my ancestors went through I'm a Jew you witless dullard .
oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against gays is anything like what my ancestors went through. Doesn't matter what I do, Im black, I look black, people percieve me as long as you don't put your business out there, noone is going to know your sexual orientation.

So, you fags and dikes need to cut that shit out. Come up with something else, I don't know...maybe treat it as a seperate situation that has few similarities to the black civil rights struggle. I thought you buttfuckers and muff divers were supposed to be creative? Yet you still have to piggy back on the black civil rights movement. You're not exactly like blacks, so your plight is nothing like it either. You bring it on yourselves, we otoh, have no way to not be black.

Fuck you faggots for trying to use our plight for your gain.

Maybe you shouldn't seek to discriminate against gays the same way blacks were discriminated against...then people wouldn't have to compare the discrimination.
you fags and dikes... Fuck you faggots...

This type of hate and ignorance is repugnant to the Constitution regardless whether it’s directed at a person’s sexual orientation or race; it’s repugnant to men and women of good faith, and it’s repugnant to the fundamental tenets upon which this Nation was founded.

Oh STFU... You're weak ass attempt to disguise your hatred for free speech & freedom of association using the very document that espouses free speech, private property, everything you what is disgusting here. Chickenshit lawyer.

he didn't say he hated free speech, he said he hated repugnant speech.

that you choose to be repugnant in your freedom is quite telling...

it's not his fault for noticing your repugnance! :eusa_clap:
why did you read and respond then rasclart
Noone cares what you say. Limey.

oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against blacks is anything like my ancestors went through I'm a Jew you witless dullard .
oh STFU and stop pretending discrimination against gays is anything like what my ancestors went through. Doesn't matter what I do, Im black, I look black, people percieve me as long as you don't put your business out there, noone is going to know your sexual orientation.

So, you fags and dikes need to cut that shit out. Come up with something else, I don't know...maybe treat it as a seperate situation that has few similarities to the black civil rights struggle. I thought you buttfuckers and muff divers were supposed to be creative? Yet you still have to piggy back on the black civil rights movement. You're not exactly like blacks, so your plight is nothing like it either. You bring it on yourselves, we otoh, have no way to not be black.

Fuck you faggots for trying to use our plight for your gain.

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