Baker must make gay cakes

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

Any day the Left cannot "force" a business to "comply" with them is like a day without sunshine!


It's pretty amazing. They decry any attempt from the Christian community to try to "force their beliefs" on them then they turn right around and aggressively force their skewed perspective down everyone else's gullet.


1) If someone wants a cake simply order a cake without announcing ones sexual preferences.
2) If a gay person MUST have some sort of decoration on a cake that announces his sexual preference (why is anybody's guess) then either have a gay baker bake the cake or a secular/non-Christian baker make it for him. Or, get a cake from a Christian bake shop and decorate it yourself.
3) Bake your own cake.
4) Have consideration for others' beliefs. If a Christian bake shop is known for baking cakes for Christian occasions with Christian decorations then simply go to another bake shop if you want some non-Christian theme reflected on your cake.

Simple stuff.

It is, but again, this is not about logic or "public accommodations" or laws or anything like that. It's about control.

There will be a time when the Left will admit this, just not yet.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

no. idiot.


So where, precisely, do you draw the line?


She has no answer. She'll likely disappear without ever explaining what the difference is. The bottom line is that the queer community wants to literally FORCE everyone to accept their oddball lifestyle and they froth at the mouth when we don't and WON'T.
if you can't do your job, you should go into another business. your personal prejudices do not allow you to discriminate against people who wish to access your business... not based on race, religion or gender or other things protected constitutionally.

now if they don't have the money to pay for the service you provide, you DO get to say you won't serve them.

otherwise, find another job/business. that goes for bakers, pharmacists, doctors or anyone else offering a public service who wants to use their religion to justify hate.

if a baker said he refused to work for christians, the wingers would be standing in front of the business threatening to shut it down.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

no. idiot.

Good! Then we agree that a baker has a right to draw a line!
Any day the Left cannot "force" a business to "comply" with them is like a day without sunshine!


It's pretty amazing. They decry any attempt from the Christian community to try to "force their beliefs" on them then they turn right around and aggressively force their skewed perspective down everyone else's gullet.


1) If someone wants a cake simply order a cake without announcing ones sexual preferences.
2) If a gay person MUST have some sort of decoration on a cake that announces his sexual preference (why is anybody's guess) then either have a gay baker bake the cake or a secular/non-Christian baker make it for him. Or, get a cake from a Christian bake shop and decorate it yourself.
3) Bake your own cake.
4) Have consideration for others' beliefs. If a Christian bake shop is known for baking cakes for Christian occasions with Christian decorations then simply go to another bake shop if you want some non-Christian theme reflected on your cake.

Simple stuff.

It is, but again, this is not about logic or "public accommodations" or laws or anything like that. It's about control.

There will be a time when the Left will admit this, just not yet.


Yup! That's exactly what it's all about. And we're simply dealing with an army of "bots" who are controlled by their liberal ideologues/handlers.
If gays want two boy dollies on their cake they can go to their local Walmart and buy two boy dollies. Don't force the baker to do something that goes against his conscience. See how easy that is?

if you can't do your job, you should go into another business. your personal prejudices do not allow you to discriminate against people who wish to access your business... not based on race, religion or gender or other things protected constitutionally.

now if they don't have the money to pay for the service you provide, you DO get to say you won't serve them.

otherwise, find another job/business. that goes for bakers, pharmacists, doctors or anyone else offering a public service who wants to use their religion to justify hate.

if a baker said he refused to work for christians, the wingers would be standing in front of the business threatening to shut it down.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

This is ignorant hyperbole and demagoguery on your part.

The issue concerns only the goods and services a business offers to the general public as part of its normal, day to day operation, in this case wedding cakes.

Businesses are at liberty to decline to provide goods or services that are not part of their normal, day to day operations, having nothing to do with public accommodations laws or what particular classes of patrons are being served.
Being black is not condemned in the Bible. Being homosexual is. A Jew has a right to refuse to bake a cake for a group of Neo Nazis if they demand that the cake have swastikas on it. Christians, too, share the freedom to accommodate or refuse to accommodate certain details as well. So if a Christian baker MUST bake a cake for a gay wedding then a Jew baker MUST bake a cake for a group of folks celebrating Hitler's birthday. Is that what you're saying?

I'm sorry, where was the point where Gays murdered Christians by the millions?

It's a weak analogy that doesn't hold up.

"My Imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's bad" isn't a good reason to discriminate.

This has nothing to do with whether you believe in the tenets of the New Testament or not. It has to do with another person's right to.

This nation was founded by Christians who fled a system where one group of people attempted to force everyone else to comply with a single, particular set of beliefs and regulations. The King believed that he was appointed by God to be a god on earth. Anyone (including Christians) who disagreed with him were persecuted in a number of ways.

As a result, Christians of many different denominations fled Europe and came to America. Long story short, the early, Christian Americans fought, bled, and died as a means to create a nation where folks could be free to believe what they wanted without persecution or retribution. You can thank a bunch of Christians for your freedom to think and speak what you wish. Christian bakers, too, get to enjoy the same freedom.
if you can't do your job, you should go into another business. your personal prejudices do not allow you to discriminate against people who wish to access your business... not based on race, religion or gender or other things protected constitutionally.

now if they don't have the money to pay for the service you provide, you DO get to say you won't serve them.

otherwise, find another job/business. that goes for bakers, pharmacists, doctors or anyone else offering a public service who wants to use their religion to justify hate.

if a baker said he refused to work for christians, the wingers would be standing in front of the business threatening to shut it down.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

This is ignorant hyperbole and demagoguery on your part.

The issue concerns only the goods and services a business offers to the general public as part of its normal, day to day operation, in this case wedding cakes.

Businesses are at liberty to decline to provide goods or services that are not part of their normal, day to day operations, having nothing to do with public accommodations laws or what particular classes of patrons are being served.

I've already stated on several occasions that providing a standard cake is not an issue. If I were a Christian baker I would bake a cake for anyone who entered my establishment. However, if someone wanted me to "decorate" the cake in a manner that was contrary to my personal beliefs then I would have every right to decline the request based the dictates of my conscience.
i have been thinking about this and feel like there is a difference in what type of business it is...or rather if there isn't a difference, then maybe there should be, dependent upon the type of business and the relative availability of other accommodations in the marketplace...

think along the lines of a kosher deli... are they forced to accommodate non kosher requests?

the word 'kosher' carries over to this example in that religious matrimony could be seen as a 'kosher' marriage...shouldn't an individual in that type of business be allowed to cater to only religious matrimony..aka 'kosher' weddings...since wedding cakes are not exactly basic public accommodations, maybe some types of businesses should be left up to the free market...?

one other thought i have on this topic is if you reeeally want to buy a wedding cake from a certain yummy baker who only caters to 'kosher' weddings, the baker does not need to know your personal life story, so why make it any of their business by telling them what is none of their business? they bake cakes, so ask them to bake a yummy wedding cake, buy the two groom topping elsewhere, and forget about it!

just some food for thought. :dunno:
i have been thinking about this and feel like there is a difference in what type of business it is...or rather if there isn't a difference, then maybe there should be, dependent upon the type of business and the relative availability of other accommodations in the marketplace...

think along the lines of a kosher deli... are they forced to accommodate non kosher requests?

the word 'kosher' carries over to this example in that religious matrimony could be seen as a 'kosher' marriage...shouldn't an individual in that type of business be allowed to cater to only religious matrimony..aka 'kosher' weddings...since wedding cakes are not exactly basic public accommodations, maybe some types of businesses should be left up to the free market...?

one other thought i have on this topic is if you reeeally want to buy a wedding cake from a certain yummy baker who only caters to 'kosher' weddings, the baker does not need to know your personal life story, so why make it any of their business by telling them what is none of their business? they bake cakes, so ask them to bake a yummy wedding cake, buy the two groom topping elsewhere, and forget about it!

just some food for thought. :dunno:

I fully agree!!! I wonder why the anti-Christian folks aren't trying to legislate Kosher delis and bakers into submission as well. I certainly wouldn't want to force a Jewish baker to bake me a cake with a Christian theme.
if you can't do your job, you should go into another business. your personal prejudices do not allow you to discriminate against people who wish to access your business... not based on race, religion or gender or other things protected constitutionally.

now if they don't have the money to pay for the service you provide, you DO get to say you won't serve them.

otherwise, find another job/business. that goes for bakers, pharmacists, doctors or anyone else offering a public service who wants to use their religion to justify hate.

if a baker said he refused to work for christians, the wingers would be standing in front of the business threatening to shut it down.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

no. idiot.

he was uh kind of drifting down the wrong path there...

hey what aboot piss christ, can i have piss christ on a cake too? :lol:
This thread cracks me up. All this over a damn cake...smh.

The fag enablers should start a gay marriage cake charity & put out videos like Christians do those "feed the children" commercials with the poor 3rd world kids that have those swollen bellies..they'd probably get a lot further in garnering sympathy with the public.

Start it off with like a bolt of lightning, and then have a preacher fade in slamming a bible on a table and screaming "No Gay Cakes!"in slow motion, make sure the guy resembles either Fred Phelps or one of those fat televengalists. Right when the bible hits the table, put a loud BANG! & then cut to some real sad sounding music and then the face of a faggot, tears streaming down his cheek in slow motion while his obsessive compulsive partner face palms and screams in agony, gnawing at his fingernails..again make sure this is all in slow motion because that will drive the message home.

That's all I got for now, you guys take it from here...
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Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

Any day the Left cannot "force" a business to "comply" with them is like a day without sunshine!


the RIGHT isn't allowed to jim crow people you don't like.

again, get over it.

If gays want two boy dollies on their cake they can go to their local Walmart and buy two boy dollies. Don't force the baker to do something that goes against his conscience. See how easy that is?

Is that baker killing his neighbors for working on Sunday like the bible says to?

Or maybe he's working on Sunday himself.

Businesses are public accommedations. this argument was made 50 years ago when they didn't want to serve blacks.

The Baker doesn't have a leg to stand on. If he doesn't want to make cakes for gays, he should close down his bakery.

Being black is not condemned in the Bible. Being homosexual is.

And fortunately the bible and other religious dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

Gay Americans constitute a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), where the states and local jurisdictions may not seek to subject them to disadvantage, regardless the dogma of ignorance and hate propagated by the bible.
Hahaha. Now THAT's what I'm talkin' about. Bam!

Look ... if a queer must go to a straight dude to get a cake just go in and ask for a cake without announcing your sexual preferences. I don't go to Subway and ask for a sandwich then blurt out: " by the way ... I'm straight ... just so ya know." Only a mentally incompetent goon would announce his sexual activities when ordering food.

Now if a queer goes in and asks the baker to draw an image of a penis on the cake the baker has EVERY RIGHT UNDER THE SUN to decline such a mentally screwed up request.

No, you see, a wedding cake has these little figures on the top...

Which means straights want these.


But these Bible Thumping assholes would freak out if they had to put THIS on top of a cake.


Tough for them. They have a business, they need to fulfill what they promised to do.

If gays want two boy dollies on their cake they can go to their local Walmart and buy two boy dollies. Don't force the baker to do something that goes against his conscience. See how easy that is?

And they do...they are only buying a wedding cake as advertised by the business that agreed to abide by the rules of the locality.
I see this issue as no different than serving blacks was back in the 60s. If you owned a cafe/restaurant, whatever, the civil rights law dictated that you served blacks as well as whites: that you couldn't discriminate. This is no different: if you own a business, you can't say who you will serve and who you won't serve. That's the bottom line. There is nothing here up for discussion until you can undo the civil rights law.

I personally know blacks that HATE being equated to the gay issue. Being black is not the same as being gay. From a Christian perspective there is nothing in the Bible that bans anyone from baking a cake or performing a service for someone who's black. It's not a sin to be black. However, the Bible is very clear that homosexuality is very much a sin (both Old and New Testaments). So a Christian baker who knows his Bible has the right to follow his conscience concerning this issue.

Maybe you shouldn't seek to discriminate against gays the same way blacks were discriminated against...then people wouldn't have to compare the discrimination.
If gays want two boy dollies on their cake they can go to their local Walmart and buy two boy dollies. Don't force the baker to do something that goes against his conscience. See how easy that is?

This isn't about logic or cost or convenience or "public accommodations" or laws or anything like that.

It's about making a statement and increasing control.


It is exactly about public accommodation laws. Don't like 'em, repeal them all, but don't get all whiny because in some places they apply to the fags too.

I've been told that if I live in a rural area where nobody wants to serve my gay ass, I should move. Doesn't that apply to people that live in localities with these business laws?
If gays want two boy dollies on their cake they can go to their local Walmart and buy two boy dollies. Don't force the baker to do something that goes against his conscience. See how easy that is?

if you can't do your job, you should go into another business. your personal prejudices do not allow you to discriminate against people who wish to access your business... not based on race, religion or gender or other things protected constitutionally.

now if they don't have the money to pay for the service you provide, you DO get to say you won't serve them.

otherwise, find another job/business. that goes for bakers, pharmacists, doctors or anyone else offering a public service who wants to use their religion to justify hate.

if a baker said he refused to work for christians, the wingers would be standing in front of the business threatening to shut it down.

Then what you're saying is that Charles Manson can force a baker to bake a cake with an outline of a knife sticking out of Sharon Tate's stomach? The baker must comply?

Is that cake in their catalogue? Does the business advertise "no special orders refused"?

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