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Baker Who Won’t Make Cakes for Same-Sex Weddings Appeals Mandatory Re-Education Order

it is getting people tired of hearing their shit and worthless complaints that someone would not bake them a damn cake. The rest of us are dealing with REAL problems.

Over the span of the last 15 years or so I've migrated from being a supporter to an opponent of homosexuals. Totalitarianism just rubs me the wrong way and I won't lend my support to it.

And therein lays the real problems for the ‘gay rights activists.’ They are taking this to a level that is unacceptable. I support gay marriage because I don’t believe that the government has the right to limit contracts between two parties (and that is what civil marriage is in essence). That does not and will never mean that they get to violate others rights or demand that they be accepted by individuals for what they are doing. You can be a bigot – that is your right and you can pay the price for it.
Wtf. I first I thought this was a fake thread or satire or a shitty link.

Now I just realized:

You were right, suspension of Jury Trials is not the only parameter that justifies Restoring the Rule of Law. The Government has now assumed to power to compel THOUGHT. This is worse than Orwell.
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The right of free association is not the right to free exercise of religion.

Look, I get it, you feel the need to defend your totalitarianism and you'll even use misdirection and strawmen to do it, but only a brainless liberal would buy into what you're pushing.

Human rights are not trumped by appealing to administrative laws which address commerce. Isn't one of the key defining characteristics of being a liberal the constant complaint about putting the almighty dollar ahead of the interests of people? So live true to your principles. Put HUMAN RIGHTS about the interests of commercial administrative law.

People have the right to CHOOSE their own associations, business law and business profit, be damned.
What you believe is incorrect. I don't care whether you hate the ******* or not, whether you feel it's your faith to hate them or not, if they pull up for gas and coffee, and have money, then that is what they get, your "faith" matters not a damn. You're a gas station, not a church or a club.

Pumping gas or baking cakes is not serving God. It's a business and they follow our rules, not yours.

I'll have to remember your position in the future. Liberal values put commerce above that of human rights. OK, I'm now recalibrating what I know of liberals. Money before human rights. OK, gotcha. Thanks.

I should point to your declarations when I run into wayward liberals who are bemoaning some instance of money being put before human rights and remind them that they're complaining about the very principle that they favor.

PMH is not a "liberal". He is a psychotic nut.

Yeah, leveraging the force of law has really helped to bring the two sides together.

Aw, just kidding, this isn't about healing.

It's about control, intimidation, submission.

As usual.


frankly, being a homophobic asshole is a self-inflicted wound, and I have no interest in helping them heal it. Maybe throw a little salt in there just for fun.

they don't want to bake cakes for gays, no one is forcing them to stay in the bakery business.
Where did he say that?

Matthew 19.

Jesus referenced what was marriage at the time, in relation to divorce. His position on gay marriage, like most other issues, is entirely unknown.

But hey, his position that is known, on divorce, certainly doesn't seem to stop anybody in modern America. Just as with most of what he said, it's ignored.

PMH, you just read what you want to read. Once again, here is what Jesus says about gay marriage.

I have no problem giving you a lesson on what the Bible actually says.

Leviticus 18:21'You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the LORD. 22'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. 23'Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.…

Notice there, it's just perverted to have sex with an animal, it's an abomination to commit homosexual acts. That's because the animal doesn't know any better.

Now, Jesus is God, that too has been proven in the Bible, so any argument on what Jesus said or didn't say is moot. These verses explain it.

Genesis 1:26Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Jesus was there when God made the earth. God the Father addressed God the Son, when he used the pronoun 'us'

John 1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God.…3All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.…5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Jesus is referred to as the Word, He was with God and He was/is God.

YES! Jesus is anti-gay, He loves people who call themselves gay, but He hates the sins they commit.

Thus since Jesus is anti-gay, He would oppose gay marriage.
Couldn't queers just get their cakes somewhere else without the fascist charade....

Course they could

Can't those Negroes sit at another lunch counter without the fascist charade?

Now you know how silly it sounds.

You sing a one note song JoeB.

Always comparing race to homosexuality, a factor of birth, to a choice. That's like comparing people born with Down's syndrome to homosexuals.

Keep on beating that dead horse mate, you are making our job that much easier. :lol:
Couldn't queers just get their cakes somewhere else without the fascist charade....

Course they could

Can't those Negroes sit at another lunch counter without the fascist charade?

Now you know how silly it sounds.

You sing a one note song JoeB.

Always comparing race to homosexuality, a factor of birth, to a choice. That's like comparing people born with Down's syndrome to homosexuals.

Keep on beating that dead horse mate, you are making our job that much easier. :lol:

So again, when did you decide to be "Straight"?

Because if it was a "choice", as you say, there must have been a point where you at least considered homosexuality, right? I mean, looked at the brochures and stuff?

No. You always knew you were straight?

Mandatory re education. God I can't believe what we've come to !

Jesus fucking Christ I hate liberals !!

well, if your lack of tolerance keeps you from obeying laws against discrimination, you certainly shouldn't be rewarded.

jesus has nothing to do with our laws.


Question, would you tell a painter what to paint?

In case you haven't seen the story, google it. This man's cakes are works of art. They should not be eaten, they should be on display. Then 2 men want him to design a cake that shows something the man does not agree with on it.

I tell you what, let's start making one black man wear a KKK hood one day a year, just to remember the past, let's see how well that goes over. :cuckoo:
Can't those Negroes sit at another lunch counter without the fascist charade?

Now you know how silly it sounds.

You sing a one note song JoeB.

Always comparing race to homosexuality, a factor of birth, to a choice. That's like comparing people born with Down's syndrome to homosexuals.

Keep on beating that dead horse mate, you are making our job that much easier. :lol:

So again, when did you decide to be "Straight"?

Because if it was a "choice", as you say, there must have been a point where you at least considered homosexuality, right? I mean, looked at the brochures and stuff?

No. You always knew you were straight?


You can call me 'strait,' if it makes you sleep better at night. I call myself moral, I can't say the same for you. If you decide to act on all impulses you have, you are truly immoral. Morality, is not acting on impulses, but in making good decisions, and homosexual acts are NOT a good decision.
Wonder how the Hobby LObby decision effects this sort of thing. If employers can refuse to provide coverage for abortive things, why not a business refuse to do other things their faith doesn't embrace?
Couldn't queers just get their cakes somewhere else without the fascist charade....

Course they could

Can't those Negroes sit at another lunch counter without the fascist charade?

Now you know how silly it sounds.

You sing a one note song JoeB.

Always comparing race to homosexuality, a factor of birth, to a choice. That's like comparing people born with Down's syndrome to homosexuals.

Keep on beating that dead horse mate, you are making our job that much easier. :lol:

A decade ago States were passing ban's on Same-sex Civil Marriages and Civil Unions with 23-76% margins of victory.

In 2008/2009 that margin was down to the point where a 2.5% shift in the vote would have changed the outcome when Prop 8 (CA, 2008) and Question 1 (Maine, 2009),

In 2012 Same-sex Civil Marriage issues appeared on 4 General Election ballots and Marriage Equality won in all 4 cases. In fact one of those States was Maine which reversed it's vote just 3-years later.

Since the bans a decade ago SSCM has one in the courts, but it has also won in the Legislatures being passed by the representative process and it has passed at the ballot box. In January 2004 there was not one State with SSCM now there are what 19? 20?


Looks like the arguments presented are working pretty good.

From the California Supreme Court decision by the California to overturn interracial marriage ban in 1948 (or so) to the SCOTUS Loving decision was 20 years. At that rate Marriage Equality is doing quite well.

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It does when you own a business. At that point you follow our faith, not your own...

The right of free association is not the right to free exercise of religion.

Look, I get it, you feel the need to defend your totalitarianism and you'll even use misdirection and strawmen to do it, but only a brainless liberal would buy into what you're pushing.

Human rights are not trumped by appealing to administrative laws which address commerce. Isn't one of the key defining characteristics of being a liberal the constant complaint about putting the almighty dollar ahead of the interests of people? So live true to your principles. Put HUMAN RIGHTS about the interests of commercial administrative law.

People have the right to CHOOSE their own associations, business law and business profit, be damned.
What you believe is incorrect. I don't care whether you hate the ******* or not, whether you feel it's your faith to hate them or not, if they pull up for gas and coffee, and have money, then that is what they get, your "faith" matters not a damn. You're a gas station, not a church or a club.

Pumping gas or baking cakes is not serving God. It's a business and they follow our rules, not yours.

That's not the complaint. Gays got service at the bakery just like everyone else. There was never a complaint that they were denied service. They were denied a specialty service.
You sing a one note song JoeB.

Always comparing race to homosexuality, a factor of birth, to a choice. That's like comparing people born with Down's syndrome to homosexuals.

Keep on beating that dead horse mate, you are making our job that much easier. :lol:

So again, when did you decide to be "Straight"?

Because if it was a "choice", as you say, there must have been a point where you at least considered homosexuality, right? I mean, looked at the brochures and stuff?

No. You always knew you were straight?


You can call me 'strait,' if it makes you sleep better at night. I call myself moral, I can't say the same for you. If you decide to act on all impulses you have, you are truly immoral. Morality, is not acting on impulses, but in making good decisions, and homosexual acts are NOT a good decision.

Actually, the proper term is "heterosexual", but that's a bit clumsy to say, so straight works better.

It isn't an issue of "moral". I've know a gay couple who've been in a committed relationship for decades, I've known straight couples who cheat, abandon their kids, and so on.

If Britany Spears' drive through Vegas wedding is deserving of legal recognition, so it the relationship of a gay couple who've been together for years. And neither one should be hassled about buying a fucking cake.
That's not the complaint. Gays got service at the bakery just like everyone else. There was never a complaint that they were denied service. They were denied a specialty service.

Actually that statement is false and has been pointed out in the past that it was and is false.

You state that the bakery offered services to gays "just like everyone else" which of course is false. They offered wedding cakes to everyone else, but refused to offer them to gays - that is not "just like everyone else".

Now if you review the law you have...

"It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation or, directly or indirectly, to publish, circulate, issue, display, post, or mail any written, electronic, or printed communication, notice, or advertisement that indicates that the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from, or denied an individual or that an individual's patronage or presence at a place of public accommodation is unwelcome, objectionable, unacceptable, or undesirable because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry."


The law requires "Full and Equal" access to goods and services sold. Offering a subset of goods and services to one group and full goods and services is not "full and equal".

Mandatory re education. God I can't believe what we've come to !

Jesus fucking Christ I hate liberals !!

Yep. The Dead Kennedys saw it coming back in the 1970s. I've spend time in California near ground zero for the rainbow jackboots. Let me assure you, it is nothing short of pure fascism. Hitler would be proud in just the mechanics of the delivery.

OK, once again from the 1970s...The Dead Kennedy Lyrics:

California Uber Alles

I am governor jerry brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president

Carter power will soon go away
I will be furhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school

California uber alles
uber alles california

Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big brother on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay

California uber alles
uber alles california

Now it is 1984
Knock knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece

Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower

Die on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with president brown

California uber alles
uber alles california
Actually, the proper term is "heterosexual", but that's a bit clumsy to say, so straight works better.

It isn't an issue of "moral". I've know a gay couple who've been in a committed relationship for decades, I've known straight couples who cheat, abandon their kids, and so on.

If Britany Spears' drive through Vegas wedding is deserving of legal recognition, so it the relationship of a gay couple who've been together for years. And neither one should be hassled about buying a fucking cake.

Except for Windsor 2013's "states' choice" Constitutional Finding on gay marriage. Oh, and Hobby Lobby's Finding on "business' choice" more recently...

Just those two little snags.
The right of free association is not the right to free exercise of religion.

Look, I get it, you feel the need to defend your totalitarianism and you'll even use misdirection and strawmen to do it, but only a brainless liberal would buy into what you're pushing.

Human rights are not trumped by appealing to administrative laws which address commerce. Isn't one of the key defining characteristics of being a liberal the constant complaint about putting the almighty dollar ahead of the interests of people? So live true to your principles. Put HUMAN RIGHTS about the interests of commercial administrative law.

People have the right to CHOOSE their own associations, business law and business profit, be damned.
What you believe is incorrect. I don't care whether you hate the ******* or not, whether you feel it's your faith to hate them or not, if they pull up for gas and coffee, and have money, then that is what they get, your "faith" matters not a damn. You're a gas station, not a church or a club.

Pumping gas or baking cakes is not serving God. It's a business and they follow our rules, not yours.

That's not the complaint. Gays got service at the bakery just like everyone else. There was never a complaint that they were denied service. They were denied a specialty service.
They were denied what a heterosexual couple would have gotten, which makes then unequal in Public Accommodations, which is against the law. If you serve one, you serve all, service with a smile. That's business.
Actually, the proper term is "heterosexual", but that's a bit clumsy to say, so straight works better.

It isn't an issue of "moral". I've know a gay couple who've been in a committed relationship for decades, I've known straight couples who cheat, abandon their kids, and so on.

If Britany Spears' drive through Vegas wedding is deserving of legal recognition, so it the relationship of a gay couple who've been together for years. And neither one should be hassled about buying a fucking cake.

Except for Windsor 2013's "states' choice" Constitutional Finding on gay marriage. Oh, and Hobby Lobby's Finding on "business' choice" more recently...

Just those two little snags.
Those aren't snags in the slightest, and entirely unrelated. Hobby Lobby didn't win the right to put up a big sign that says no Kikes, Faggots, or *******.

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