Baldwin Update

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Baldwin's gun was a F.LLI Pietta 1873 Single Action Revolver 45 Long Colt. (the photo there is not that model but similar) A single action revolver requires you to cock the hammer manually before pulling the trigger. I have read that with this type of firearm, once the hammer is cocked, only very light pressure on the trigger is required for it to fire. Baldwin said he pulled the hammer back and when he let go if it it fired. However, if he had his finger even lightly on the trigger, could the gun have fired? I'm sure there are folks here that are more experienced than myself comments are welcome.

That being said, the 'gorilla in the room' is: Why was there a live round in the gun and shouldn't last person handling that gun (Baldwin) ensure the gun had no live round? Lots of weird shit going on here IMO. Where is Columbo when you need him?

I am not in to "cowboy action" shooting and don't own a cowboy pistol but I have shot plenty of them over the years.

The trigger is not a "light" pull. Unless the trigger was modified for competetion use then it is probably six pounds, Like what a military issued M-16 would be.

A double action pistol will have a very hard pull to get the hammer back but if the hammer is cocked then the pull is probably around five to six pounds to release it.

I have a light pull on my carry Sig and it is 3 pounds and it takes more than a "touch" to pull it. A touch is a one lb trigger pull and I guarantee you that pistol has a hellva lot more than that.

The sonofabitch is lying.
Or he never pulled the hammer to full cocking position and released it to fall back.
Putting his thumb on the hammer makes him just as guilty as putting his finger on the trigger. Messing with the firing mechanism.

The pistol did not go off by itself. He was screwing around one way or another.

His lawyer told him to go on national TV and claim he never pulled the trigger to taint a potential jury.

Being an actor he knows how to play it.
You are pathetic you will say ANYTHING to defend a lefty, remind us how you gave any benefit of the doubt to Rittenhouse?

I put that clown on ignore a long time ago. He has no convictions on anything. He just spouts whatever he thinks will get a rise out of somebody.
Putting his thumb on the hammer makes him just as guilty as putting his finger on the trigger. Messing with the firing mechanism.

The pistol did not go off by itself. He was screwing around one way or another.

His lawyer told him to go on national TV and claim he never pulled the trigger to taint a potential jury.

Being an actor he knows how to play it.
Look there is film of what happened.

He claims he was told where to point it. He claims that pulling the hammer back was part of the filming.

If he pulled it to full cock and released it making it fire...only two things could have happened. Either the gun was defective or he (possibly inadvertently) already has his finger on the trigger.

He could also have only pulled the hammer back short of half cock and released it. This could have fired the round.

Paramount to did a live round get into that gun. It should have been checked by the armorer and there never should have been a live round on the set at all
Look there is film of what happened.

He claims he was told where to point it. He claims that pulling the hammer back was part of the filming.

If he pulled it to full cock and released it making it fire...only two things could have happened. Either the gun was defective or he (possibly inadvertently) already has his finger on the trigger.

He could also have only pulled the hammer back short of half cock and released it. This could have fired the round.

Paramount to did a live round get into that gun. It should have been checked by the armorer and there never should have been a live round on the set at all

As a firearm instructor and range officer that knows something about firearm safety I will tell you that you cannot out source safety to somebody else. It is always the responsibility of a person holding a firearm to make sure it is safe. Baldwin failed at all four of the basic firearm safety rules.

In this case Baldwin is even more guilty because he is the producer of the movie. It is his responsibility to hire competent people. It is his responsibility to make sure they do their job correctly. In movie making the buck stops at the producer level.

You can't hire an incompetent armorer and fail to supervise her and then claim no culpability when things go wrong.
Single action revolvers have to be cocked.
Who cocked the gun?
Why did Baldwin point the gun at the person?
Who does he think pulled the trigger if it was not him?
One of the good things about single action guns is that they are the safest type of guns.
Baldwin is in deep doo doo.
Look there is film of what happened.

He claims he was told where to point it. He claims that pulling the hammer back was part of the filming.

If he pulled it to full cock and released it making it fire...only two things could have happened. Either the gun was defective or he (possibly inadvertently) already has his finger on the trigger.

He could also have only pulled the hammer back short of half cock and released it. This could have fired the round.

Paramount to did a live round get into that gun. It should have been checked by the armorer and there never should have been a live round on the set at all


If I was hired to to be an armorer on a movie set my rule would be no live rounds anywhere on the set. No concealed carry rounds, not plinking rounds, no nothing.

The only exception would be if the location required armed security guards but they would have to account for the ammo they brought to the location.

Every thing would be double checked by multiple people.

There are many movies and TV shows made each year that are done safely. Hollywood actually has a very good record of gun safety seeing how many productions have firearms. They know how to do it. Why wasn't it done safely on this set? There was some major negligence on this movie.
Single action revolvers have to be cocked.
Who cocked the gun?
Why did Baldwin point the gun at the person?
Who does he think pulled the trigger if it was not him?
One of the good things about single action guns is that they are the safest type of guns.
Baldwin is in deep doo doo.

Not that it makes a difference but was the pistol double action or single action? Either way the gun does not shoot itself. It takes human intervention to fire the bullet.
Not that it makes a difference but was the pistol double action or single action? Either way the gun does not shoot itself. It takes human intervention to fire the bullet.
It was single action. Pulling back the hammer just a little and releasing it can fire the gun.
It was single action. Pulling back the hammer just a little and releasing it can fire the gun.

So Baldwin was an idiot for pulling back the hammer and releasing it while pointing it at somebody? Without checking to see if it had live rounds? Taking somebody else's word that it had no live ammo? Not hiring a competent armorer?

Dat Boy dun fucked up!
Not that it makes a difference but was the pistol double action or single action? Either way the gun does not shoot itself. It takes human intervention to fire the bullet.
Well on a single action it takes two steps to fire it.
First it has to be cocked.
Someone had to have cock it first.
Baldwin will fail in cross examination.
So Baldwin was an idiot for pulling back the hammer and releasing it while pointing it at somebody? Without checking to see if it had live rounds? Taking somebody else's word that it had no live ammo? Not hiring a competent armorer?

Dat Boy dun fucked up!
sounds grossly negligent to me
So Baldwin was an idiot for pulling back the hammer and releasing it while pointing it at somebody? Without checking to see if it had live rounds? Taking somebody else's word that it had no live ammo? Not hiring a competent armorer?

Dat Boy dun fucked up!
A. That gun was likely supposed to have dummy rounds in it since the camera was so close and pointed directly at the gun. As you should well know...a single action revolver will show empty cylinders if there is nothing there.

There is no practical way for an actor to be able to tell the difference between a live round and a dummy round since the dummy is identical except for the removal of the powder charge which is not visible.

B. There was discussion with the cinematographer regarding the hammer pull. Is Baldwin lying about that? It was filmed so that's doubtful.

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