Baltimore mayor who "gave rioters room to destroy" will not run again.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The media continues to cover for her. Nowhere in this article do they mention that incredible comment that she "gave rioters room to destroy". That's why she's quitting. That was the biggest gaffe in history.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake won't seek re-election

Sep 11 2015 Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, whose once-bright political future dimmed this spring with the death of Freddie Gray, shocked the city Friday with the announcement that she will not run for re-election next year.

The 45-year-old mayor's every move has drawn heightened scrutiny since Gray was fatally injured in police custody in April and the city erupted in flames. She said she wanted to take election politics out of the decisions she must make to help the city recover from the riots and prepare for the trials of the six police officers accused in Gray's death.

Speaking at a brief news conference at City Hall, the Democrat said the time she had been spending on her campaign was taking away from the work needed to help the city.
Her recent decision to give the freddie gray family $6.4 million infuriated people too. Everybody thinks there was an agreement to kick some of that money back to her.
She's another double affirmative action baby. Black and female. I bet she can't even read.
well I think Obama gifted her millions for the riots so after she skims some for herself.

oh wait a minuet , they were already gifted a BILLION dollars before the riots and lootings, so she could stand by and watch it all go up in flames. No wonder she isn't going to run again when this starts getting out to be used against her. SO he claimed this was going to STIMULATE the economy. 1.8 billion of our tax dollars.

Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law
City burned despite ‘massive investment’ implemented by president

BY: Elizabeth Harrington
May 4, 2015 5:00 am

The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion from President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, including $467.1 million to invest in education and $26.5 million for crime prevention.

President Obama claimed last Tuesday that if the Republican-controlled Congress would implement his policies to make “massive investments in urban communities,” they could “make a difference right now” in the city, currently in upheaval following the death of Freddie Gray.

However, a Washington Free Beacon analysis found that the Obama administration and Democratically-controlled Congress did make a “massive” investment into Baltimore, appropriating $1,831,768,487 though the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly known as the stimulus.

all of it here:
Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law
I think she should run...

in Chicago, or NYC, or Detroit, or San Francisco.

Make some other thugs family rich
Could this the Democrat who's gonna ride a white horse down the aisle of their love-feat and sweep the nomination away from........
She fucked up and didn't use law enforcement to stop the destruction of her city. Good bye is all I'll say
I'm sure this lady will have a bunch of offers for a job...
Sad but true.

Being black and female means she gets double affirmative action. Yeah - she'll get plenty of job offers even though she's a moron white-hating racist who can barely read.
She wasn't likely to win reelection and I suspect the majority of the city is glad to see her go.
She will land at MSNBC or on Hillary's team. Some liberal will scoop her up. She has a bright future along side Huma or any of the brain dead MSNBC team

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