Baltimore Zoo Restless

.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.
The gun "culture " in urban democrat run ghettos are the only real gun problems we have..........
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.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Spit balls?

The nutters want everyone to have guns but then whine when they use them.

What a disgusting piece of sub-human garbage the OP is.
Dude should've taken a baseball bat to her arm while she was in the store and half out of the store. Fuckin fat ho.
Political philosophies don't run cities, stoopid.
That's laughable! Liberalism has ruined cities....running them.
Yet another ridiculous, ignorant lie from the right.

The most violent cities in America are all Democrat controlled and have been for decades. Shit holes like Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans and Baltimore.

Democrat policies have destroyed black families and destroyed those cities....yet blacks keep voting for the same crap. I guess there is no accounting for stupid.

This is what you wanted black America. got it. :(


4 US Cities Cited as Most Violent in the World. Do You Know What They Have in Common
It's so fucking bad you'd almost believe some REP underground group always rigs the elections in these cities to make sure a LIB. is always elected b/c everyone knows how much REPs "hate" negroes and never want them to get ahead.
The same REP secret group is responsible for secretly promoting negro fashions so all the young negro men walk around like two years olds who have just shit their pants and wearing ball caps with foot long brims turned sideways like 'special needs' people do.........what a minute!
"Mommy. I just pooped my pants and they are hanging around my knees and I'm so fucking dumb I can't put a ball cap on straight".
.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Before the assorted zip guns I made as a yoot, my pride and joy next to my Daisy Red Rider, was a rubber band gun. Most of us 3rd graders had one...the trick was to mount it on the end of a carrier of some sort and hook it to a spring-loaded clothespin. Get close enough to your target and you could raise a welt. :lol:
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Its not even fair to call her a zoo animal. Zoo animals have more intelligence a d civility than she does. At least zoo animals are acting on some animal survival instinct.

As the video taper said...she was "wilding"...the time honored ghetto cultural act of...well...acting like a lawless rabid animal.
.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Which would prevent more crime.

Banning guns from the US, or banning blacks?

Oh, blacks have constitutional rights you say? So do gun owners.

And deep down inside , you know the answer is banning blacks.

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