Baltimore Zoo Restless

.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Which would prevent more crime.

Banning guns from the US, or banning blacks?

Oh, blacks have constitutional rights you say? So do gun owners.

And deep down inside , you know the answer is banning blacks.

Thats a great idea. I suggest you gather your folks and go to Baltimore and give it a try. And wear a go pro that automatically updates to this board.

So we can all know what happened when you stop posting
.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Which would prevent more crime.

Banning guns from the US, or banning blacks?

Oh, blacks have constitutional rights you say? So do gun owners.

And deep down inside , you know the answer is banning blacks.

Thats a great idea. I suggest you gather your folks and go to Baltimore and give it a try. And wear a go pro that automatically updates to this board.

So we can all know what happened when you stop posting

You do realize that at no point did I suggest we should ban blacks don't you? I mean are you at least honest enough to admit that? Probably not.
.... but "we don't have a gun culture".

Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.

Which would prevent more crime.

Banning guns from the US, or banning blacks?

Oh, blacks have constitutional rights you say? So do gun owners.

And deep down inside , you know the answer is banning blacks.

Thats a great idea. I suggest you gather your folks and go to Baltimore and give it a try. And wear a go pro that automatically updates to this board.

So we can all know what happened when you stop posting

You do realize that at no point did I suggest we should ban blacks don't you? I mean are you at least honest enough to admit that? Probably not.

Keep guns out of the hands of inner city gangs and young black males you solve most of the gun violence in this country.

That or institute gun free "zones".... Lol
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Political philosophies don't run cities, stoopid.
Actually they do. It's the one thing you Leftwats can't escape no matter how hard you try. Baltimore, Detroit, all these cities are run by Leftists from top to bottom. Your people, your idiotic ideas, and your fault for its colossal failure.
Know what the REAL problem is? Blacks are lumped in with those freaks (I won't call them animals because real animals don't act like that) due to skin color and race. So many are not like that fat ho. So many. But even when they speak out against that shit, they are denigrated as uncle toms.
Kinda like the mindset of terrorist muslims. Not with them and side with them? You are the enemy. Even from their own kind. Same with blacks. Don't side with even the thugs and murderers and you are black? They are the enemy. Deadly Uncle Toms.
.... but "we don't have a gun culture". Perhaps they're shooting rubber bands.
Spit balls? The nutters want everyone to have guns but then whine when they use them. What a disgusting piece of sub-human garbage the OP is.

A couple of our loony lefties trying to justify the carnage in one of America's cities.
Just wow!
Keep guns out of the hands of inner city gangs and young black males you solve most of the gun violence in this country.

That or institute gun free "zones".... Lol
No. You curb the anger and disrespect for authority. That is prerequisite to a peaceful society. It is the anger and disrespect that is today being condoned and encouraged by Obama and his ilk. You stop procreating fatherless families and unruly, maladjusted children the develop into criminals by acting out their inbred belief in anarchy.

You cannot take away weapons of any sort and expect to solve the problem. Guns, machetes, claw hammers, screw drivers...wood name it. The weapon is NOT THE PROBLEM... it's the culture-driven behavior of inner-city black youth. The culture that generates more black-on-black crime than anybody on the left wants to talk about.
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