Ban Bumpstocks?

Ban the bumpstock or no?

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I have my bumpstock. It's called a belt loop.

Ban belt loops and rubber bands! I will not rest until we have banned anything that could be used to kill.

Dang, there goes my pencil!

Not bad.

Haven't heard anyone mention any real solutions yet though. Unless you honestly don't think the U.S. has a gun problem, despite our outrageously high rate of gun violence for a Western nation.


11000 violent gun crimes.

100,000,000+ gun owners

Not even a blip. Where's the outrageous high rate of gun violence? The problem is media magnification of a minor issue.
Automatic weapons are illegal without proper permits.

Anything that allows a semi automatic to mimic an automatic weapon should be regulated the same way.
Banning bumpstocks is fucking pointless.

Have you seen them?

It's basically just a fancy plastic stock. You could make a similar contraption in your garage.
Yes or no?

Because only the law-abiding will comply with the law.
Why not? They have no real purpose except mass murder. You can't aim for shit with them, but you don't need accuracy when you're firing into a crowd. You certainly wouldn't use them to hunt or for defense, as you're as likely to shoot your neighbor as you are the home invader.
Does anyone need a sports car with a 300hp engine capable of reaching 120mph?

If I can afford to buy an AR15, put a bump-stock on it, and place it in a closet, just to have it. Or to take it to a range or to some remote place just to shoot it when I'm in the mood, or to just have it tucked away in a closet, just for the occasion when I might wish I had such a weapon -- and did. Why not?

Would you agree that it's better to have such a weapon and never need it than to someday need such a weapon and not have it. I spend a lot of money on all kinds of insurance against things I really don't expect will ever happen. Do you think that's not a good idea?
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Why not? They have no real purpose except mass murder. You can't aim for shit with them, but you don't need accuracy when you're firing into a crowd. You certainly wouldn't use them to hunt or for defense, as you're as likely to shoot your neighbor as you are the home invader.

No. They should not be banned. (And no, I do not have one)

1). Because ONE person used a car to ram into a crowd would we talk of banning cars? Don't let ONE persons actions dictate the law of the land.

2) The slippery slope syndrome....You allow them to ban ONE thing....and they will smell blood and get on a roll.
It would fuel their anti-Constitutional hysteria. If they acheive this, they will later say...."See? So and so was banned and it's the same thing" (even if it's totally different. They lie).... So NO

3). Bumpstocks scare the freaking SHIT out of Democrats who are already afraid of guns to begin with. If every American had one they'd be less likely to pull the corrupt shit they pull in Washington etc.

4). Statistically, I have ZERO fear of being gunned down by some fool with a bumpstock. Likewise, statistically, I have MUCH more to fear from teenagers texting while driving.

The above is why they need to be banned.
Automatic weapons are illegal without proper permits.

Anything that allows a semi automatic to mimic an automatic weapon should be regulated the same way.

Again... the whole problem with this whole "it should be regulated" is that is doesn't work.

If you want to ban bump stocks, or whatever else, fine go knock yourself out.

But if you think that's going to change ANYTHING... you are crazy. It will have zero effect whatsoever. None. There isn't a single country on the face of the Earth, where banning something made it impossible, or even difficult to get.

If banning stuff worked, then let's ban crime. Why hasn't banning drugs worked? Why hasn't regulating prescription drugs worked at all? Why are we in the middle of a Heroin epidemic? 33,000 people died from drugs that are completely banned, in 2015.

How did this happen? They are banned! They are regulated! They are controlled! We have laws!

You want to regulate bump stocks, fine, do whatever stupidity you want. It will not improve anything. It will not solve anything. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are saving lives, or even one life. You are not.

The problem is we have a lack of morals, and an inability properly punish crime. The problem is we are more interested in attacking the police, than attacking the criminals. The problem is we defend people who commit evil acts, more than we defend the victims of those attacks.

That's what we need to fix. None of your regulations and bans, and laws, is ever going to fix anything, until we fix that.
Because ... they are tools of mass murder. Vehicles are tools of transportation. The first serves only one purpose ... well, two if you count dicking around in target practice with a half-assed fully automatic. The second keeps society from falling apart.

Just because you're much more likely to die in a car wreck or from eating too many hamburgers doesn't mean we shouldn't try and shave off that extra 0.00001% chance of being gunned down at a concert by some lunatic spraying hundreds of rounds.

The person using the object defines its purpose.

If I use a wrench to drive a nail then the purpose of the wrench at that time is to drive the nail. If I use the wrench to crack a person's skull then the purpose of the tool at that time was to crack a skull.

The person wielding the tool defines its purpose.
Why not? They have no real purpose except mass murder. You can't aim for shit with them, but you don't need accuracy when you're firing into a crowd. You certainly wouldn't use them to hunt or for defense, as you're as likely to shoot your neighbor as you are the home invader.

Owing a gun is a right. Since it is a right, there is no requirement to show a need or purpose for owning one. Banning bumpstocks will have no effect on crazy or evil people using bumpstocks to do bad things. I just googled how to make a bumpstocks, and guess what, there are videos on the internet which show how to make a bumpstock. People who want to commit murder are criminals and therefore do not obey laws. As a country, we need to deal with the people who commit crimes, not the tools they employ to commit them.
What's more is that you do not need a bump stock to bump fire a semiautomatic rifle
Huh. No kidding,

As a Marine, I was trained to use fully automatic weapons (and a grenade launcher) for defensive purposes.

Go figger.

In a military setting? Sure. In your house? Probably not your go-to weapon. At least, I'd be very surprised to hear a marine tell me they need a machine gun for self-defense. Because the marines I know would laugh at the suggestion.

I may not NEED ANY guns for self defense.

Thankfully, my right to own them and even to use them if it comes down to it is not a right that is contingent upon my "need."

It is far better to own a gun and know how to use it than to ever "need" one and not have it and though it is extremely unlikely it will ever happen, that would include having access to the very weapons you shit your pants over the most.

Why are you acting like I'm some 2nd-amendment hating flag-burner dude? I'm just having a conversation here.

You don't seem to be cognizant of what the purpose of the 2nd Amendment really is.

A well-regulated militia. The right to keep and bear arms.

A well-regulated militia.

A well-regulated ...

Well-regulated ...

The 2nd amendment does not give you the right to have any weapon you damn well please. It gives you the right to bear arms. Not all and any arms, but arms.

The Constitution doesn't "give" rights. The Framers were of the mind that all those guaranteed rights exist no matter what
Did I say guns are only for murder? No. I said fully-automatic guns are. Or at least I heavily implied it. Good for clearing a room and suppressing fire and that's about it.

These were not fully automatic weapons, as has been said here several times.

When was the last time a fully automatic weapon was used in a crime in the US?

Why not?

They were modified to act similarly to a fully automatic.

I'm a little worried we might see more attacks like this now, seeing how "successful" it was. Pretty easy to kill a lot of people with a gun like that. Just post up somewhere when people are gathered together and pop as many as you can.

The next time it will probably be a Muslim terrorist. Then all the people here will be outraged even though they are suspiciously quiet about the old white guy.
No it didn't act like an automatic. The trigger was pulled for every round fired that is by definition a semiautomatic
All the bump stock does is pull the trigger faster
The Constitution doesn't "give" rights. The Framers were of the mind that all those guaranteed rights exist no matter what

The problem is, there are no rights.

There are privileges that the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

That's how fast rights can disappear.

so the real question is, why does the 80% of the population who don't own guns need to let the 20% who do own them have the privilege of owning them?

Especially giving the cost of that privilege is 33,000 deaths, 78,000 injuries and 400,000 gun crimes every year.

So what is the benefit?

That they stop crime? No evidence of that at all, no matter how many wishful studies the NRA puts out....

That they would prevent a "dictatorship". Also bullshit. Lots of countries banned guns and democracy was just fine, thank you.
The Constitution doesn't "give" rights. The Framers were of the mind that all those guaranteed rights exist no matter what

The problem is, there are no rights.

There are privileges that the rest of society thinks you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"

That's how fast rights can disappear.

so the real question is, why does the 80% of the population who don't own guns need to let the 20% who do own them have the privilege of owning them?

Especially giving the cost of that privilege is 33,000 deaths, 78,000 injuries and 400,000 gun crimes every year.

So what is the benefit?

That they stop crime? No evidence of that at all, no matter how many wishful studies the NRA puts out....

That they would prevent a "dictatorship". Also bullshit. Lots of countries banned guns and democracy was just fine, thank you.

Gun laws do not stop crime and they do not stop suicides.

Suicide is a choice and it's not up to you to tell a person he does not have the right to end his own life.

And you have to make the distinction between those who own guns legally and those who don't. The latter are the ones committing most of the crime and murder
Did I say guns are only for murder? No. I said fully-automatic guns are. Or at least I heavily implied it. Good for clearing a room and suppressing fire and that's about it.

These were not fully automatic weapons, as has been said here several times.

When was the last time a fully automatic weapon was used in a crime in the US?

Why not?

They were modified to act similarly to a fully automatic.

I'm a little worried we might see more attacks like this now, seeing how "successful" it was. Pretty easy to kill a lot of people with a gun like that. Just post up somewhere when people are gathered together and pop as many as you can.

The next time it will probably be a Muslim terrorist. Then all the people here will be outraged even though they are suspiciously quiet about the old white guy.
No it didn't act like an automatic. The trigger was pulled for every round fired that is by definition a semiautomatic
All the bump stock does is pull the trigger faster

A semi-auto requires you to pull the trigger for each shot. The bump stock pulls the trigger FOR you. That makes it an automatic.

It's interesting how so many rightwing fanatics, on any issue, are attracted to USMB.
Did I say guns are only for murder? No. I said fully-automatic guns are. Or at least I heavily implied it. Good for clearing a room and suppressing fire and that's about it.

These were not fully automatic weapons, as has been said here several times.

When was the last time a fully automatic weapon was used in a crime in the US?

Why not?

They were modified to act similarly to a fully automatic.

I'm a little worried we might see more attacks like this now, seeing how "successful" it was. Pretty easy to kill a lot of people with a gun like that. Just post up somewhere when people are gathered together and pop as many as you can.

The next time it will probably be a Muslim terrorist. Then all the people here will be outraged even though they are suspiciously quiet about the old white guy.
No it didn't act like an automatic. The trigger was pulled for every round fired that is by definition a semiautomatic
All the bump stock does is pull the trigger faster

A semi-auto requires you to pull the trigger for each shot. The bump stock pulls the trigger FOR you. That makes it an automatic.

It's interesting how so many rightwing fanatics, on any issue, are attracted to USMB.

That's because you Lefties post so much ignorant shit that requires addressing.

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