Ban This Breed

Go ahead and make an ass of yourself. I have reported you for trolling and deliberately going off topic even after asking you to stay on topic. The topic here is pit bulls.

Yeah, we'll see how well that turns out for you, in the meantime.

There is no legitimate reason for having a dog that another breed isn’t better suited. People who insist on keeping pits are irresponsible douche bags.
Typically you are a reasoned poster.
Today, the douche.

Reason suggests it is irresponsible to keep an animal out of childish vanity that is more likely to endanger human life than another better suited to the purpose of keeping said animal.
these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.

Banning pets is part of big government. You gotta say you are for big government if you want to ban whatever breed your links are talking about.

Now we have big government in the picture already. I effectively can't own a bobcat as a pet.
these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.

Banning pets is part of big government. You gotta say you are for big government if you want to ban whatever breed your links are talking about.

Now we have big government in the picture already. I effectively can't own a bobcat as a pet.
Oh, I see you want more dead people at the alter of viscous pit bull dogs! That makes sense!
these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.

Banning pets is part of big government. You gotta say you are for big government if you want to ban whatever breed your links are talking about.

Now we have big government in the picture already. I effectively can't own a bobcat as a pet.
Oh, I see you want more dead people at the alter of viscous pit bull dogs! That makes sense!

I didn't say that.

I just asked if you were for big government banning what pets people can own.
Go ahead and make an ass of yourself. I have reported you for trolling and deliberately going off topic even after asking you to stay on topic. The topic here is pit bulls.

Yeah, we'll see how well that turns out for you, in the meantime.

Here you go. This should make you jump with happiness damn three kids wow what a coup for the gentle pit bull right? Yay pit bull team!

Here you go. This should make you jump with happiness damn three kids wow what a coup for the gentle pit bull right? Yay pit bull team!

"Give that monster whatever treat it wants when you get home, baby girl. That monster did what it was supposed to do."

If you can make it through the profanity, watch the pit bull when it lets go and leaves the other dog in a pile next to the road.
It's just smiling, wagging its tail, and doesn't care at all about the other people around.

Yay pit bull team, one dead York Ie! Ya’ll are rockin it!

Here’s some very heartwarming footage of the gentle giants yay pit bull team score another win.

Here’s some very heartwarming footage of the gentle giants yay pit bull team score another win.

Here's a pit bull that saved a child from his mother who was trying to drown him after drowning her other child. Let's hear it for dogs who are better creatures than humans. The dog was spared, the human faced murder and attempted murder charges.

Yup and notice the owner of the pits just walked away with his dogs??

He couldn't care less his dogs savaged that little dog and he sure wasn't going to pay to have the little dog at the vet.

That's what I object to. Owners who never take responsibility for what their dogs do.
Score again for team pit bull! Yay you!

Here's one you can mark off the list for extermination. The pit pull saved the family from the human, and gives its life doing so. You can celebrate as you watch the hero die.

Yup and notice the owner of the pits just walked away with his dogs??

He couldn't care less his dogs savaged that little dog and he sure wasn't going to pay to have the little dog at the vet.

That's what I object to. Owners who never take responsibility for what their dogs do.
We need to ban this breed and imprison the owners whose dogs have damaged others! For a long time.
And my dad got his head sliced open by a German shepherd when he was a boy. It would have killed him if his brother hadn’t been there to help.

Not all pit bulls attack and most breeds we know about have.
Pit bulls are responsible for the most deaths and maimings, by far.

So we should euthanize ‘em all? Even the tame ones who’re part of a family? I do wonder if pit bulls, bc of their reputation are taken in by humans with ulterior motives who treat them in a way specifically to make them vicious. We should identify the reason(s) behind the high number of attacks by the breed before erasing them from existence.

And even if we did nix them, what about the breed that takes their place? Kill all of them too?
The tames ones who are part of a family are the ones who always end up killing the neighbors kid. Yes, get rid of all of them.

Good luck with that. I’m sure the owners will just hand ‘em over.
Yup and notice the owner of the pits just walked away with his dogs??

He couldn't care less his dogs savaged that little dog and he sure wasn't going to pay to have the little dog at the vet.

That's what I object to. Owners who never take responsibility for what their dogs do.
We need to ban this breed and imprison the owners whose dogs have damaged others! For a long time.
Fascists gotta fascist :dunno:

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