Banks Join Federal Pot Fight Against Sessions & Congress

Do you think banks etc. will get all 50 States in Congress to Agree to Remove Pot From Schedule 1?

  • Not bloodly likely. The conservative states will balk.

  • Sure, with a little nudging.

  • Maybe, but won't that open the door for other popular drugs like heroin to justified too?

  • I just ate a pot brownie & I'm seeing trails; gonna go drive my car and think about the question.

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why are you upset that legal pot will take away revenue from the cartels? Why do you want money going to the cartels?

because he HATES AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I don't want is a continuing escalation of heroin imports. If I had to choose between the two imports, I'd return the lucrative pot market to Mexico's cartels and beg them to back off on the heroin imports.

I'm pro keeping people alive; instead of doping up until they don't wake up one day. Not too many cases of that happening with pot. And the cartels WILL have their black market up way or another. They can crunch numbers. You can't. It's that simple.

If I hear one word about how pot is going to replace heroin addiction in the US, I'll laugh you right off the boards. :1peleas:
1. a plus $300 billion to Uncle Sam
2. stopping US dollars from flowing out of the US into the hands of murderous anti-American narcotraficantes....
3. employing more Americans who also pay American taxes
4. giving a therapeutic plant the green light to help millions with pain, nausea, migraines etc.

1. Selling surplus tonnage to who? And at what price if there's such a backlog surplus? (I think your figure there might be a WEE bit off).
2. US dollars will simply flow out to heroin when cartels up that trade to offset US-flooded pot markets (see #1)
3. The type of work will be given to Hispanics as traditional in agriculture. Illegals will do most of the work as always for almost no pay (see #1).
4. People could grow enough for themselves in many states or they just did it anyway. No need for BigPharma to put their finger in the game.

Cartels will go where the money is- heroin is already far more lucrative for them them- if the cartels can make more money on heroin they will import more heroin- regardless of the pot laws- but legalizing pot will take away pot money from the cartels- and that is a good thing

Sure some work will go to illegals- but hardly for no pay- but you are thinking that growers and pickers are the only ones in the industry- there is a whole chain of supply that supports the pot industry.

Yes- people can grow their own- just as people can brew their own beer. Note how much home brewers cut into the beer market.
why are you upset that legal pot will take away revenue from the cartels? Why do you want money going to the cartels?

because he HATES AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I don't want is a continuing escalation of heroin imports. If I had to choose between the two imports, I'd return the lucrative pot market to Mexico's cartels and beg them to back off on the heroin imports.

I'm pro keeping people alive; instead of doping up until they don't wake up one day. Not too many cases of that happening with pot. And the cartels WILL have their black market up way or another. They can crunch numbers. You can't. It's that simple.

Except- the pot market and the heroin market are unrelated.

Cutting off the pot market will not change the Cartels strategy- they are already selling as much heroin as they can in the United States- if they thought they could get away with selling more they would do so regardless of the pot laws.
The US banks will have their monies from pot as will corporations it's a done deal. Just need the legislation to pass and it will...
why are you upset that legal pot will take away revenue from the cartels? Why do you want money going to the cartels?

because he HATES AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I don't want is a continuing escalation of heroin imports. If I had to choose between the two imports, I'd return the lucrative pot market to Mexico's cartels and beg them to back off on the heroin imports.

I'm pro keeping people alive; instead of doping up until they don't wake up one day. Not too many cases of that happening with pot. And the cartels WILL have their black market up way or another. They can crunch numbers. You can't. It's that simple.

Except- the pot market and the heroin market are unrelated.

Cutting off the pot market will not change the Cartels strategy- they are already selling as much heroin as they can in the United States- if they thought they could get away with selling more they would do so regardless of the pot laws.
Heroin makes them more money and is easier to move.
why are you upset that legal pot will take away revenue from the cartels? Why do you want money going to the cartels?

because he HATES AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I don't want is a continuing escalation of heroin imports. If I had to choose between the two imports, I'd return the lucrative pot market to Mexico's cartels and beg them to back off on the heroin imports.

I'm pro keeping people alive; instead of doping up until they don't wake up one day. Not too many cases of that happening with pot. And the cartels WILL have their black market up way or another. They can crunch numbers. You can't. It's that simple.

Except- the pot market and the heroin market are unrelated.

Cutting off the pot market will not change the Cartels strategy- they are already selling as much heroin as they can in the United States- if they thought they could get away with selling more they would do so regardless of the pot laws.
Heroin makes them more money and is easier to move.

Sadly true.

Silhouette seems to think that pot and heroin are fungible- that if the Cartels can't sell as much pot they will just sell more heroin- but the Cartels will sell as much pot- and heroin as they can sell.

That is like saying that if we tell the corner grocery store he can't sell beer, that he will just sell more cigarettes.
OPIUM grows in the MIDDLE EAST, which is where ours is coming from....

Actually most of ours comes from Mexico and Columbia.

The largest supplier in the world is Afghanistan- which is not in the Middle East.
Silhouette seems to think that pot and heroin are fungible- that if the Cartels can't sell as much pot they will just sell more heroin- but the Cartels will sell as much pot- and heroin as they can sell.

And the Eskimos will sell as many snowcones as they can sell. Heroin is more lucrative by leaps and bounds. So my bet is that instead of taking the time to gut the cars that they're stuffing drugs into for pot, they'll probably fill those precious spaces with heroin instead. But that's because I took economics, a course apparently Syriusly failed, along with "logic and critical thinking"..
You almost gotta laugh. Two years ago banks were the freaking enemy of lefties and pot heads and democrats and the Hussein administration. Now they are hoping banks will influence the Attorney General to legalize a freaking drug? What's in that pipe?

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