Banning gun sales to young American adults under 21 is unconstitutional, judge rules

... join the military ...

Yeah, the first part of the 2nd Amendment ... what's the point of citizen-solders if they don't have guns? ... also, try reading Article I of your own State Constitution ... makes the argument moot in most states ....
I think things got way out of hand when the NRA decided to be the Lobbyists for the Gun Manufacturers. Many of us left the NRA when that happened.
I left the NRA when they refused to use actual case histories instead of throwing out meaningless statistics, to defend gun rights.
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I think things got way out of hand when the NRA decided to be the Lobbyists for the Gun Manufacturers. Many of us left the NRA when that happened.

That being said, I disagree. When I head for the hills (right outside my back door), I need to take some kind of firearm with me. The biggest thing is that a handgun or long gun makes a noise that scares the living hell out of most wildlife. You don't have to shoot the bear, just scare his butt off. I also may have a yearning for Venison and hunting Deer with a knife is extremely difficult not to mention damned dangerous.
Use a bow and arrow. Indians did it.
Federal Judge in Virginia got it wrong.

Yeah, the first part of the 2nd Amendment ... what's the point of citizen-solders if they don't have guns? ... also, try reading Article I of your own State Constitution ... makes the argument moot in most states ....

Until after WWII, the States had Armories all over the place. In those were the weapons to arm civilians if needed at any time if the Stated deemed it necessary. I can't easily find it but one community had to break into the armory to arm themselves so they could overthrow the police department and mayor who was trying to hide the ballot boxes during an election.
Can't buy cigarettes until you 21.
And yet teenagers don't seem to have a problem getting any of those products. When I was 15 a 16 y/o friend got beer for us. He had a note from his invalid parents that the local grocery store honored allowing him to purchase beer along with groceries. We also had no problem getting cigarettes as there were cigarette vending machines everywhere.

Kids could drink beer in restaurants as well as long as they were with their parents.
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what is your unit number? Your rank?

Idiot. He meant that it's all American's birthright to own firearms. That right is granted to every American citizen by way of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. The right to bear arms has nothing to do with the US military.

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