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One day in the far future I predict it will be found that the Democrats did indeed steal the 2020 Presidential election.

However, I can’t visualize any way the election could have been reversed without tearing this nation apart. See post #694.
OK DR Q anon. What an idiot.
If you are so blind stupid that you can't recognize a lie as blatant as Trumps election lies, then you deserve what you get, any scum that comes along. Trouble is, I don't. Nor does any patriot in this country.
Stolen election.

Got people injured and killed. Harms our democracy. Makes people violent.

Boy, that took almost no brain effort.

I see you have a time wasting fetish.
I am supposed to read your mind. Give me a break. You could have been talking about a dozen different issues.

For example you might be talking about the Antifa and BLM riots in which a lot of people were killed or injured and a lot of property destroyed.
I hate every supporter of Trump and any supporter of Jan6th and anyone who holds allegiances to this psychopath. . Yup, that means I hate the right wing. They are scum and traitors to my country. DeSantis is just trying to out hate trump, but he will lose because no one out hates Trump. DeSantis is a joke. Your hate group has no one at this point.
I don’t hate the left but I do believe they are brainwashed sheeple who support a corrupt government running this nation. That corrupt government includes both Republicans and Democrats and is called the Swamp for good reason.

MAGAt is making his list and checking it twice but really, did anyone actually believe Bannon would NOT "flip"?

Edited to add that "flipping" is the way the cheato will see it but not necessarily what actually happened. Its not as though there wasn't plenty of evidence.
could you get Hunter to send me the number of some hot hookers
If you are so blind stupid that you can't recognize a lie as blatant as Trumps election lies, then you deserve what you get, any scum that comes along. Trouble is, I don't. Nor does any patriot in this country.
As insane as this all is, at the very top of it is the most obvious, blatant, cartoonish, fast talking con man the country has ever seen. A caricature.

This whole ugly period has convinced me that this country isn't what I thought it was. I really thought we were better than this.
I don’t hate the left but I do believe they are brainwashed sheeple who support a corrupt government running this nation. That corrupt government includes both Republicans and Democrats and is called the Swamp for good reason.

You have put yourself in a position with your q anon nonsense that no one will follow your sources, and they shouldn't, they are based on nonsense derived from a mind that has no compass to even give them an inkling on what is right and wrong. When it is hate based, as yours is, it is not a direction worth exploring.
As insane as this all is, at the very top of it is the most obvious, blatant, cartoonish, fast talking con man the country has ever seen. A caricature.

This whole ugly period has convinced me that this country isn't what I thought it was. I really thought we were better than this.
The real problem isn't the bozos who actually believe this nonsense, but the large part of the hate party that knows better but still supports that direction for this country. Those are the real traitors to this country, the dodo's have an excuse stupidity, the people who know better are selling out this country to get their way.
I gave up trying to follow QAnon years ago. His predictions never came true. I have never known a Trump supporter who even mentioned QAnnon to me. Obviously there are some who beleive in QAnnon but they are not as common as liberals believe.

Everything you offer here is q anon crap. What a hoot!
You seem to be full of hate. I’m not.

An elected official that fights for causes those who elected him support is hardly a psychopath. He is just an responsible politician which is a rarity today.

However, I still hope Joe Biden ends up doing a good job as that would make all of our lives better. Unfortunately I feel he has dementia and really is not running this nation and I have no idea who is. I actually often feel sorry for Joe as what I am witnessing appears to be a form of elder abuse.

DeSantis is a fighter like Trump who I feel will try to help people rather than wallow in corruption like the Bidens and The Pelosi family. He is not a New Yorker so he is not as obnoxious as Trump who definitely is a New Yorker all the way.
DeSantis is an authoritarian thug.

The problem with people who support the “fighter” mentality is that they’re not fighting for the country. They’re fighting for their supporters. This is how countries fracture apart.
The real problem isn't the bozos who actually believe this nonsense, but the large part of the hate party that knows better but still supports that direction for this country. Those are the real traitors to this country, the dodo's have an excuse stupidity, the people who know better are selling out this country to get their way.
Yeah, agreed. I almost feel sorry for the rubes. It's the enablers in and around government and their media who are most to blame, shamelessly playing along with this scam for their own professional agendas.

I say it all the time: Look to history. It's never about one guy. It's about those who enable him.
DeSantis is an authoritarian thug.

The problem with people who support the “fighter” mentality is that they’re not fighting for the country. They’re fighting for their supporters. This is how countries fracture apart.
Exactly. That's the one word I hear more than any other from the base. "He's a fighter", "she's a fighter". Nothing to do with intelligence or temperament or pragmatism or ideas or progress. They just want pugilists in the government. They've been filled with rage and just want to bust the whole thing up, the system they feel has made them VICTIMS.
DeSantis is a fighter like Trump who I feel will try to help people
No, as already correctly noted, DeSantis is an authoritarian thug like Trump – and like Trump, DeSantis has no interest in fighting for or helping anyone.

Indeed, like Trump, DeSantis will fight to destroy our rights and liberties, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
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