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Well yes, there is that.
Notably, those convictions were unanimously decided by a jury of his peers in less than three hours....which included lunch.
So there is that too.

Not to mention this old news:

"Trump told people that after much deliberation, he had decided to pardon Bannon as one of his final acts in office.
It was a far cry from when Trump exiled Bannon from his inner circle after he was quoted in a book trashing the President's children, claiming that Donald Trump Jr. had been "treasonous" by meeting with a Russian attorney and labeling Ivanka Trump "dumb as a brick."

The men were accused of allegedly using hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to an online crowdfunding campaign called We Build the Wall for personal expenses, among other things.

Bannon and another defendant, Brian Kolfage, allegedly promised donors that the campaign, which raised more than $25 million, ....that "100% of the funds raised ... will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose," according to the indictment.

Instead, according to prosecutors, Bannon, through a nonprofit under his control, allegedly used more than $1 million from We Build the Wall to "secretly" pay Kolfage and cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bannon's personal expenses.


ps.....Kolfage didn't get a pardon for the same crime as his co-conspirator Bannon. He wasn't as connected.

There is this:
"MIRAMAR BEACH —Brian Kolfage has entered an agreement with federal prosecutors in New York to plead guilty to a wire fraud conspiracy charge connected to the defrauding of donors to a nonprofit organization he founded in 2019 to collect donations for construction of sections of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a letter filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Zzzz. And as I said. Two whole misdemeanors. Lol.
Well sure, easy for you, you're not the one who's going to be sitting his fat, dirty ass in prison.
Zzzz. Misdemeanor defendants go to jail, not prison.

And the snoring is for your posting efforts. You being a pathetic new dimension to the meaning of the word dull. If it weren’t for ennui, you’d have nothing to offer.
Zzzz. Misdemeanor defendants go to jail, not prison.

And the snoring is for your posting efforts. You being a pathetic new dimension to the meaning of the word dull. If it weren’t for ennui, you’d have nothing to offer.
I was talking about the felonies. Please pay attention, we can't take the entire class time for the slow kids
I was talking about the felonies. Please pay attention, we can't take the entire class time for the slow kids
The felonies of which he hasn’t been charged or convicted and you’re babbling about a prison sentence. You’re an odious little troll.

Please run with scissors. 🤣😂
The felonies of which he hasn’t been charged or convicted and you’re babbling about a prison sentence. You’re an odious little troll.

Please run with scissors. 🤣😂
Oh, he will be both charged and convicted of these felonies. You can pretty much take it to the bank. And you know it. But any semblance of Integrity or honesty you once had went out the window when you stuck your face between Trump's butt cheeks.
So, you are attacking Trump for sayhing he would jail his enemy in the same sentence you are gloating for jailing your enemy?


i guess you don't understand what just when on there ....

here, you need one of these:

sarcasm detector.jpg
Oh, he will be both charged and convicted of these felonies.

Thanks for that heads up, Nostradumbass.
You can pretty much take it to the bank.

Not on your ability to get anything right.
And you know it.
No. Nobody “knows” anything just because you make one of your idiotic claims, you jerkoff.
But any semblance of Integrity or honesty you once had went out the window when you stuck your face between Trump's butt cheeks.

You have no frame of reference for honesty or integrity. Now get back down on Brandon and toss that salad, ya hapless bitch.
You're welcome. I understand your cultism dictates that you mindlessly lash out at even the thought of one of your high priests going to prison. But try to remember, this is Little Stevie's fault, not mine.
Nah. I just laugh at you because you talk outta your dopey ass so much. Your commentary is perpetually worthless. And you remain only mock-worthy. 👍
Nah. I just laugh at you because you talk outta your dopey ass so much. Your commentary is perpetually worthless. And you remain only mock-worthy. 👍
Yes, we all know how you love soothing yourself out loud. It's a daily occurrence, as are your hissy fits.
You’re an odious little troll.........Please run with scissors
you jerkoff.
ya hapless bitch.
your dopey ass

Back again, Back Again?
Here once before?
But left?
Or, umm, suggested by management?
Where did you go?
Didn't like it there?
Or was another, ummm, 'suggestion' made by another management?
Just askin'. Only curious.
Age adjusted ranking? But why would anyone do that? The governor of each state has to consider its own population make up, in their

Like the state with the most seniors SHOULD BE more concerned and protective for their state citizens against covid than the state that ranks as the youngest aged population, no???

I live in the state with the oldest population, more old folks as a percentage of total population, than even Florida has....who ranks right under us with the second highest elderly population percentage out of their total population.

My governor took that in to consideration in her strict measures of protection, for them, the most vulnerable of being killed by covid....closures, masks etc....

We've had 2465 total deaths to covid, out of 1,379,000 people....0.00178% of our citizens died from covid... with Gov. Mills measures.

Florida has had 77,377 total deaths to covid, out of 21,781,000 people.... 0.003552% of Florida citizens died from covid.....with Gov. DeSantis measures.

If Florida had taken precautions to protect their elderly, like Maine did, and killed only 0.00178% of their population, as we did here,

then ONLY 38,933 Floridians would be dead instead of 77,377.

I was scared to death that my very elderly parents living there would be killed off, by his lack of concern for old folks like them! I've never prayed so hard in my life, for them!!! :eek:

I suppose it is all in the eyes of the beholder, on who thinks DeSantis did great with covid or not.....? I think he stunk at protecting his elderly citizens, he stunk from here, to high heaven!
It is amazing whgat they th
The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Coumo in New York State. Keep in mind Florida is a prime destination for tourists while Maine is not. People from New York State often visit Florida and many left New York State to escape the pandemic.


According to Murdock, Florida approached the nursing home crisis in the right way.

"They sent people to make sure the nursing homes had all of the equipment they needed. They gave them additional training on how to avoid infections, And, the result so far has been about 665 folks, seniors dead in nursing homes in Florida," he remarked.

"The death rate in Florida is about three per 100,000. In New York state it's 27.5 per 100,000. So, [that’s] nine times worse," he added. "Absolutely tragic [and] totally, totally unnecessary!"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was condemned at every step of the way for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But Florida’s handling of the virus has been superb, while media darling Andrew Cuomo and lockdown fanatic Gavin Newsom have done terribly.

California’s coronavirus cases are surging, despite Newsom doubling down on strict lockdown measures. While Florida opened schools in August, California is still pushing for a returnin February 2021. With its strict mask mandates and business restrictions, California is a coronavirus hot spot, seeing the mostcases per 1,000 people of any state over the last seven days. Florida, with no statewide business restrictions, is 28th.

New York is also faring worse than Florida right now, as it has been for most of the pandemic. DeSantis was attacked by establishment media for his handling of the pandemic, which saw Florida avoid coronavirus deaths relatively well for a state with a larger elderly population. Meanwhile, Cuomo got to go on a friendly media tour, including clowning around with CNN “anchor” Chris Cuomo, his brother. This, despite overseeing one of the worst coronavirus responses of any governor.

But it’s DeSantis’s leadership that truly sets him apart from his liberal counterparts. When asked if he would take the coronavirus vaccine, DeSantis reiterated the principle of protecting the elderly and vulnerable populations that have made Florida’s response successful. “What I’ve said is, I’m willing to take it, but I am not the priority,” DeSantis said, “Granted, I’m an elected official, but whoop dee doo. At the end of the day, let's focus on where the risk is.”

A glaring lack of leadership has marred both New York and California this year. Cuomo did his book tour victory lap after his policies led to New York having the most nursing home deaths of any state. Just like Cuomo was caught maskless repeatedlywhile demanding New Yorkers wear them, Newsom was caught celebrating a lobbyist’s birthday at an indoor dinner after ordering restrictions on indoor dining and private gatherings.

Plus it doesn’t look like Maine handled the Delta variant of the virus all that well.

Total pile of nonsense. Left New York and went to Florida to escape Covid/ Do you know how absolutely stupid this comment is from bozo man. New York had 360 deaths per 100,000 and Florida had 359 deaths per 100,000. Ya you bet they escaped New York to get away from covid. This shows how these clowns operate only on lies and distortions. especially people like BOZO MAN. There is nothing they say ever that can't be taken apart like this, It is the party of lies and hate.
WE better add in this also from Bozo man quote de BOZO "The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Cuomo in New York State." They did the exact same as far as Covid deaths are concerned. 360 to 359 , Bozo man is full of shit.
Steve Bannon, who offered to testify live on TV convicted.

Guy who attempts to MURDER New York Republican candidate release on cashless bail.

What a world the leftists have created.
Is that true? He got out on cashless bail?
Florida also has a high population of elderly people and elderly people are prime targets for COVID-19 and its variations.

Plus no matter how hard you try it was nice to live in a state that didn’t lock down everything and force people to stay home and wear masks when in public.

From BOZO MAN ,BOZO QUOTE"Do masks actually work? The best studies suggest they don't "bullshit Some lying right-winger crapped out one study saying they don't work and 100,000 said they do ,but BOZO Man thinks we should believe him. and the one study. These people are total idiots.
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