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Obviously you listen to the wonderful liberal media who will try to destroy DeSantis because he is a fighter like Trump.

I was just listening to some talking heads on TV saying that some kids would have to go through two years of education to catch up on what they lost in remote schooling.

Florida children will be ahead of the pack.

Florida School Grades Far Exceed Expectations

~ Data shows Florida’s schools performed much better than expected due to policies that kept schools open and kept students in the classroom ~

Tallahassee, Fla., July 7, 2022 – Today, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released school grades for the 2021-2022 academic year, which show that schools statewide exceeded expectations. The 2021-2022 school grades mark the first full school grade data release since 2019 due to the lack of assessments in the 2019-2020 school year and the opt-in nature of the 2020-2021 school grades. FDOE applauds the hard work of Florida’s students, parents, teachers and school leaders as their collective efforts to support student achievement resulted in school grades that defied conventional wisdom and established a foundation for further closing achievement gaps.

Key Highlights:

  • Fifty-three schools exited the School Improvement Support list in 2022.
  • 100% of schools graded F in 2019 improved their grades in 2022, including one that earned a B and six that earned a C.
  • 84% of schools graded D and F in 2019 improved their grades in 2022.
  • Overall, elementary schools had the largest increase in the percentage of schools increasing their grade with 20% (351) of elementary schools improving one or more letter grade.
  • 469 schools increased their grade in 2022, while 825 schools maintained an A grade and 348 schools maintained a B grade compared to 2019.
“From Spring 2021 to Spring 2022, it’s clear that our teachers and school leaders used every resource at their disposal to lift Florida’s students well beyond expectations,” said Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. “We know that these results are thanks to policies that kept schools open and kept kids in the classroom, which has been widely recognized as critical to student achievement. Today we can celebrate these incredible results, while continuing to support the schools that are struggling. With Governor DeSantis’ leadership, Florida will continue to support our great teachers and implement world class instructional and educational supports to uplift Florida’s education family.”
…emphasis added
Trump and DeSantis are pussy's , You have no concept even of what a fighter is. Total joke, they wouldn't stand up to another man half their size. They would both piss in their pants , like all normal right-wingers. DeSantis picking on young boys telling them to take off their mask, so he can look Macho with these young kids behind him., that's what Bozo man thinks a fighter is, picking on young teen agers, Like I said a pussy.
Trump and DeSantis are pussy's , You have no concept even of what a fighter is. Total joke, they wouldn't stand up to another man half their size. They would both piss in their pants , like all normal right-wingers. DeSantis picking on young boys telling them to take off their mask, so he can look Macho with these young kids behind him., that's what Bozo man thinks a fighter is, picking on young teen agers, Like I said a pussy.
^^^The Village Idiot has spoken.

Heed his sage words.

If any man can recognize a pussy, this would be he.

As he confronts one each time he passes a mirror.
Trump and DeSantis are pussy's , You have no concept even of what a fighter is. Total joke, they wouldn't stand up to another man half their size. They would both piss in their pants , like all normal right-wingers. DeSantis picking on young boys telling them to take off their mask, so he can look Macho with these young kids behind him., that's what Bozo man thinks a fighter is, picking on young teen agers, Like I said a pussy.
A fighter can also be a person who fights for a cause.


2: a struggle for a goal or an objectivea fight for justice

For example: …

People who fought for Human Rights / Civil Rights
A selection of famous people who fought for, campaigned and promoted human/civil rights and freedom. I have grouped people into different sections:

  1. Civil rights – Ending slavery, racial discrimination and promoting the equal treatment of people in society.
  2. Women’s Rights – People specifically working towards promoting equal rights for women.
  3. Writers – Authors who have promoted respect for human rights by championing the cause of freedom.
  4. Humanitarian – People concerned with improving the welfare of others through charitable and humanitarian work.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday scored a legal win in his fight to ban mask mandates for children in schools across the state, instead allowing parents to decide what’s best for their kids. …emphasis added

After the DeSantis administration filed an emergency motion asking an appeals court to reinstate a stay on his order to ban the mandates, the 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee granted the stay Friday.
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It is amazing whgat they th

Total pile of nonsense. Left New York and went to Florida to escape Covid/ Do you know how absolutely stupid this comment is from bozo man. New York had 360 deaths per 100,000 and Florida had 359 deaths per 100,000. Ya you bet they escaped New York to get away from covid. This shows how these clowns operate only on lies and distortions. especially people like BOZO MAN. There is nothing they say ever that can't be taken apart like this, It is the party of lies and hate.
WE better add in this also from Bozo man quote de BOZO "The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Cuomo in New York State." They did the exact same as far as Covid deaths are concerned. 360 to 359 , Bozo man is full of shit.
You look like a fool when you insult people without doing some basic research.

Thousands of New Yorkers fled their state for the sunshine of Florida during the pandemic.

Over 33,000 New York residents turned in their Empire State driver's licenses in exchange for Florida licenses between September 2020 and March 2021, according to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

The number represents a 32% increase from the same time period during the previous year, when 25,370 New Yorkers traded in their New York licenses for Florida licenses.

Florida officials say one of the driving forces behind the defections included parents looking to get their children back to in-person instruction full-time, highlighting the difference between the states' approaches to pandemic restrictions.


On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order requiring airline passengers arriving from the "tri-state area" — New York, New Jersey and Connecticut — be quarantined or isolated for 14 days after arriving in the Sunshine State.

As of this writing — it will surely change by the time you read these words — Florida has 2,484 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and 29 deaths.

New York alone has 39,140 confirmed cases, and 457 deaths.

So we might understand the impetus to flee.

“After the stay-at-home, shelter-in-place order was issued, you started having a flood out of New York City, taking hundreds of flights to the state of Florida," said DeSantis at a Wednesday press conference.
This is what happens when a non-scientist, paid liar is paid to write lies for gulluble people like you.

CA and NY were experiencing worse outbreaks at the time, because their outbreaks started earlier, and because of their large metropolitan areas.

As of right now, Florida is the worst state in the country for covid cases per 100,000 residents.

Once again you pinch off an article you never actually read, and leave it to everyone else to sift through the steaming pile of crap you pinched off.
Obviously you still haven’t tried to learn speed reading. Reading must be quite an effort for you, reading word by word by word and sounding out each word as you read. You really ought to try a course on speed reading. Some online courses are free.


COVID-19 is most deadly to elderly people.

People of any age can catch COVID-19. But it most commonly affects middle-aged and older adults. The risk of developing dangerous symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older are at the highest risk of serious symptoms. In the U.S., about 81% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older. Risks are even higher for older people when they have other health conditions.

Which states have the highest percentage of elderly people?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest estimates:

  • Over 50 million senior citizens live in the U.S., making up 16.5% of the total population.
  • Florida has the highest percentage of senior citizens (21%), followed by Maine (20%).
  • Utah has the lowest percentage of senior citizens (10.8%), followed by Alaska (11.1%).
  • California is home to the largest total population of senior citizens (over 5.4 million), followed by Florida (4.2 million).

So since Florida has the highest percentage of elderly people at 21% it is no surprise that it has the most cases of COVID per 100,000 people.

California has a population with 14% elderly. New York State has a population with 16.1% elderly.

People were not fleeing Florida to go to California or New York State. They were fleeing from California and New York State to Florida and Texas and bringing COVID with them.


It only took me a couple of minutes to locate this data because I know how to read efficiently. I know people today are not as fond of reading as people raised in the 1960s. I usually read between 60 and 100 books a year and most of them are 300 to 400 pages or more.
The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Coumo in New York State. Keep in mind Florida is a prime destination for tourists while Maine is not. People from New York State often visit Florida and many left New York State to escape the pandemic.


According to Murdock, Florida approached the nursing home crisis in the right way.

"They sent people to make sure the nursing homes had all of the equipment they needed. They gave them additional training on how to avoid infections, And, the result so far has been about 665 folks, seniors dead in nursing homes in Florida," he remarked.

"The death rate in Florida is about three per 100,000. In New York state it's 27.5 per 100,000. So, [that’s] nine times worse," he added. "Absolutely tragic [and] totally, totally unnecessary!"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was condemned at every step of the way for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But Florida’s handling of the virus has been superb, while media darling Andrew Cuomo and lockdown fanatic Gavin Newsom have done terribly.

California’s coronavirus cases are surging, despite Newsom doubling down on strict lockdown measures. While Florida opened schools in August, California is still pushing for a returnin February 2021. With its strict mask mandates and business restrictions, California is a coronavirus hot spot, seeing the mostcases per 1,000 people of any state over the last seven days. Florida, with no statewide business restrictions, is 28th.

New York is also faring worse than Florida right now, as it has been for most of the pandemic. DeSantis was attacked by establishment media for his handling of the pandemic, which saw Florida avoid coronavirus deaths relatively well for a state with a larger elderly population. Meanwhile, Cuomo got to go on a friendly media tour, including clowning around with CNN “anchor” Chris Cuomo, his brother. This, despite overseeing one of the worst coronavirus responses of any governor.

But it’s DeSantis’s leadership that truly sets him apart from his liberal counterparts. When asked if he would take the coronavirus vaccine, DeSantis reiterated the principle of protecting the elderly and vulnerable populations that have made Florida’s response successful. “What I’ve said is, I’m willing to take it, but I am not the priority,” DeSantis said, “Granted, I’m an elected official, but whoop dee doo. At the end of the day, let's focus on where the risk is.”

A glaring lack of leadership has marred both New York and California this year. Cuomo did his book tour victory lap after his policies led to New York having the most nursing home deaths of any state. Just like Cuomo was caught maskless repeatedlywhile demanding New Yorkers wear them, Newsom was caught celebrating a lobbyist’s birthday at an indoor dinner after ordering restrictions on indoor dining and private gatherings.

Plus it doesn’t look like Maine handled the Delta variant of the virus all that well.

Why compare Florida to New York, when you thought New York did a shitty job?

Your article comparing them, was limited to 2020? And did not include 2021 and 2022.....

Thousands and thousands of seniors have died in Florida nursing homes, not just the faux and fake 600 number.

MAINE IS VACATION LAND......for the northeast and New England area! It's even on my license plate Maine- Vacation Land! We even have resort goers from Europe and Japan coming here! Our coastline is jammed in the spring summer and fall.

Back again, Back Again?
Here once before?
But left?
Or, umm, suggested by management?
Where did you go?
Didn't like it there?
Or was another, ummm, 'suggestion' made by another management?
Just askin'. Only curious.
Try to post on topic.
We should keep tabs on these two very highly important misdemeanor convictions, like NIGHTLINE did for the Iranian Hostage Crisis back in the Carter years.

“Bannon still convicted. Day 11”
Merely following the lead.
As most will notice, my post (#755)......relied heavily on the direct quotes of the poster Back Again.

Now you know.
Try to post on topic. Your troll effort is transparent.

Chiilconcrap you just don’t get it. You chose this crucial thread about the two Bannon misdemeanor convictions to go all off topic. How could you do that to such a crucial thread?!? Have you no shame?

And now you know.

Stick to the topic. Regale us all with the utter importance and dire significance of the two misdemeanor convictions. 😂🤣 :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
" go all off topic. How could you do that to such a crucial thread?!?"

Poster Back Again, is back again.
From wherever he was banished, others may wonder.

And he suggests the following thoughtful and articulate commentary of his avatar are "on topic" to this thread.

  • You be the judge.
You’re an odious little troll.........Please run with scissors
you jerkoff.
ya hapless bitch.
your dopey ass
Poster Back Again, is back again.
From wherever he was banished, others may wonder.

And he suggests the following thoughtful and articulate commentary of his avatar are "on topic" to this thread.

  • You be the judge.
Chilliconcrap is still off topic. His Trolling effort fails continue. And he still couldn’t score a point on an SAT where you get points merely for signing the paper. 😂🤣

Topic is still all about the two (count ‘em, two) Bannon misdemeanor convictions.

Crucial stuff.
You look like a fool when you insult people without doing some basic research.

Thousands of New Yorkers fled their state for the sunshine of Florida during the pandemic.

Over 33,000 New York residents turned in their Empire State driver's licenses in exchange for Florida licenses between September 2020 and March 2021, according to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

The number represents a 32% increase from the same time period during the previous year, when 25,370 New Yorkers traded in their New York licenses for Florida licenses.

Florida officials say one of the driving forces behind the defections included parents looking to get their children back to in-person instruction full-time, highlighting the difference between the states' approaches to pandemic restrictions.


On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order requiring airline passengers arriving from the "tri-state area" — New York, New Jersey and Connecticut — be quarantined or isolated for 14 days after arriving in the Sunshine State.

As of this writing — it will surely change by the time you read these words — Florida has 2,484 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and 29 deaths.

New York alone has 39,140 confirmed cases, and 457 deaths.

So we might understand the impetus to flee.

“After the stay-at-home, shelter-in-place order was issued, you started having a flood out of New York City, taking hundreds of flights to the state of Florida," said DeSantis at a Wednesday press conference.
Idiot you said they left New York because of covid but your source said this BOZO MAN "

"Thousands of New Yorkers fled their state for the sunshine of Florida during the pandemic"
During the pandemic idiot not because of the pandemic idiot. BOZO MAN YOU ARE A Flipping JOKE>
Idiot you said they left New York because of covid but your source said this BOZO MAN "

"Thousands of New Yorkers fled their state for the sunshine of Florida during the pandemic"
During the pandemic idiot not because of the pandemic idiot. BOZO MAN YOU ARE A Flipping JOKE>
Are you seriously saying New Yorkers didn’t leave the state because of the pandemic and the terrible way it was handled in New York State?

Read and learn:


And now that the pandemic isn’t quite so bad the people are returning. That indicates they left because of the pandemic and not becasue of the rising crime rate in the city. I suspect many of those who moved to Florida discovered they could not take the summer heat.

Why compare Florida to New York, when you thought New York did a shitty job?

Your article comparing them, was limited to 2020? And did not include 2021 and 2022.....

Thousands and thousands of seniors have died in Florida nursing homes, not just the faux and fake 600 number.

MAINE IS VACATION LAND......for the northeast and New England area! It's even on my license plate Maine- Vacation Land! We even have resort goers from Europe and Japan coming here! Our coastline is jammed in the spring summer and fall.
OK I will post a link to a 2022 article.

By Samantha Chang April 12, 2022 at 6:02am

In no surprise to conservatives, the GOP-led state of Florida outperformed Democrat-controlled California and New York when it came to their coronavirus responses, according to a comprehensive new study.

The conclusions vindicate the leadership of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was relentlessly vilified by Democrats and their corporate media allies over his pragmatic, science-based management of the pandemic.

In its 20-page report, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity said the states that followed the most draconian COVID-19 policies — such as closing schools and shuttering businesses — lagged behind states such as Florida that followed a commonsensical approach to the pandemic.

The study was authored by Wall Street Journal writer Stephen Moore, University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan and free-market policy analyst Phil Kerpen.

The research compared COVID-19 outcomes in all U.S. states based on three major variables: health outcomes, economic performance throughout the pandemic and impact on education.


As far as Maine being a tourist state just look at these maps and graphs. Florida is #2 behind California and Maine is #44. Your coastline may be jammed but that is all.


Florida gets a around a100 million tourists every year or a little over.

According to statistics from VISIT FLORIDA Research, record numbers of visitors came to Florida for nine consecutive years in a row between 2011 and 2019 but crashed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the various global lockdowns.

How Many Tourists Visit Florida Each Year?

In 2013 an estimated 94.7 million tourists visited Florida in total, up 3.6% on 2012 and then in 2014 that number grew to 97.35 million, a 2.8% increase on 2013.

In 2015 despite a small fall in international visitors, overall growth was around 6.5% topping the 100 million mark and reaching a record near 105 million visitors. A further 5.9% increase in 2016 saw numbers reach nearly 113 million.

Trump and DeSantis are pussy's , You have no concept even of what a fighter is.

I don't know, when I did a search for Trump with his fists raised, I got THIS:


When I tried the same search for Biddum, all I could find was a fist bump from the germophobe.

See the source image

I bet Trump can hold his own pretty well with another his age. When Joe Biddum meets a dog or a bike, he loses. He can't even win a discussion with his wife, sister, the Easter Bunny or Nancy.
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