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Are you seriously saying New Yorkers didn’t leave the state because of the pandemic and the terrible way it was handled in New York State?

Read and learn:

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And now that the pandemic isn’t quite so bad the people are returning. That indicates they left because of the pandemic and not becasue of the rising crime rate in the city. I suspect many of those who moved to Florida discovered they could not take the summer heat.

You are brain-dead stupid, I gave you all the information you needed to figure out that you are just stupid. Drop this in any Search engine, "Death by covid by state. Per 100,000" What you find out stupid is that 360 per 100,000 died in NY and 359 per 100,000 died in Florida. OK STUPID NOW TELL US AGAIN THAT NEW YORK PEOPLE LEFT NEW YORK FOR FLORIDA TO GET AWAY FROM COVID DEATHS< YOU ARE A IDIOT < THEY ARE LITERALLY THE SAME COUNT> STUPID> Death rates from COVID-19 U.S. by state 2022 | Statista I posted this information to you many comments back, and you said something stupid about it then , so You have another chance to show how stupid you are. YUK YUK!
OK I will post a link to a 2022 article.

By Samantha Chang April 12, 2022 at 6:02am

In no surprise to conservatives, the GOP-led state of Florida outperformed Democrat-controlled California and New York when it came to their coronavirus responses, according to a comprehensive new study.

The conclusions vindicate the leadership of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was relentlessly vilified by Democrats and their corporate media allies over his pragmatic, science-based management of the pandemic.

In its 20-page report, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity said the states that followed the most draconian COVID-19 policies — such as closing schools and shuttering businesses — lagged behind states such as Florida that followed a commonsensical approach to the pandemic.

The study was authored by Wall Street Journal writer Stephen Moore, University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan and free-market policy analyst Phil Kerpen.

The research compared COVID-19 outcomes in all U.S. states based on three major variables: health outcomes, economic performance throughout the pandemic and impact on education.


As far as Maine being a tourist state just look at these maps and graphs. Florida is #2 behind California and Maine is #44. Your coastline may be jammed but that is all.


Florida gets a around a100 million tourists every year or a little over.

According to statistics from VISIT FLORIDA Research, record numbers of visitors came to Florida for nine consecutive years in a row between 2011 and 2019 but crashed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the various global lockdowns.

How Many Tourists Visit Florida Each Year?

In 2013 an estimated 94.7 million tourists visited Florida in total, up 3.6% on 2012 and then in 2014 that number grew to 97.35 million, a 2.8% increase on 2013.

In 2015 despite a small fall in international visitors, overall growth was around 6.5% topping the 100 million mark and reaching a record near 105 million visitors. A further 5.9% increase in 2016 saw numbers reach nearly 113 million.

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What a pile of stupid , BOZO MAN JUST KEEPS ON DIGGING A DEEPER STUPID DITCH, He is trying to tell you that Florida creamed NEW YORK and California on their covid response. You decide From Death rates from COVID-19 U.S. by state 2022 | Statista DEATHS PER 100,000 by state.
covid response.png

NEW YORK 360 per 100,000 deaths, Florida 359 (the same) and California waxed the hell out of Florida with 236 deaths per 100,000. BOZO MAN IS A IDIOT and is always willing to prove it to everyone.
What a pile of stupid , BOZO MAN JUST KEEPS ON DIGGING A DEEPER STUPID DITCH, He is trying to tell you that Florida creamed NEW YORK and California on their covid response. You decide From Death rates from COVID-19 U.S. by state 2022 | Statista DEATHS PER 100,000 by state.
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NEW YORK 360 per 100,000 deaths, Florida 359 (the same) and California waxed the hell out of Florida with 236 deaths per 100,000. BOZO MAN IS A IDIOT and is always willing to prove it to everyone.
You keep ignoring the fact that COVID-19 targeted the elderly more than other people.

So let’s look at what states have the most elderly.

Florida is number two in the list of states with elderly people, New York is number 25 and California is number 45.

And how did Florida’s approach to handling the elderly differ from New York Sate’s approach? Much of the difference was in the early stages of the pandemic.


An irony of the national coverage of the coronavirus crisis is that at the same time DeSantis was being made into a villain, New York Gov. Cuomo was being elevated as a hero, even though the DeSantis approach to nursing homes was obviously superior to that of Cuomo. Florida went out of its way to get COVID-19-positive people out of nursing homes, while New York went out of its way to get them in, a policy now widely acknowledged to have been a debacle. …emphasis added

The media didn’t exactly have their eyes on the ball. “The day that the media had their first big freakout about Florida was March 15th,” DeSantis recalls. “There were people on Clearwater Beach, and it was this big deal. That same day is when we signed the executive order to, one, ban visitation in the nursing homes, and two, ban the reintroduction of a COVID-positive patient back into a nursing home.”

DeSantis is bemused by the obsession with Florida’s beaches. When they opened in Jacksonville, it was a big national story, usually relayed with a dire tone. “Jacksonville has almost no COVID activity outside of a nursing-home context,” he says. “Their hospitalizations are down, ICU down since the beaches opened a month ago. And yet, nobody talks about it. It’s just like, ‘OK, we just move on to the next target.’ ”


Far and away the most important factor in determining the severity of COVID-19 illness is age. There is an exponential relationship between age and COVID-19’s infection fatality rate. The estimated IFR is very low for children and younger adults (0.002% at age 10; 0.01% at age 25), increases to 0.4% by age 55, and then soars with advanced age (1.4% at age 65; 4.6% at age 75; and 15% at age 85).

Florida has the second-highest percentage of population 65 and older (21.3%) in the nation. In contrast, New York ranks 25th among the states in the percentage of population 65 and older (17.4%), Illinois is 35th (16.6%), and California is 45th (15.2%).

Remarkably, despite its elderly population and laissez-faire approach, Florida has only the 33rd highest age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 population (251) among the states. That puts it in the same ballpark as mandate heavy Illinois (ranked 32 with 255 deaths/100,000) and California (ranked 38; 234) and well below New York (ranked 7th highest; 334).


From early in the pandemic the media vilified Florida Governor DeSantis as irresponsible and dangerous. Some labeled him “DeathSantis.” But DeSantis’s approach proved to be right. The mitigation measures imposed in other, largely blue, states did little to improve health outcomes. And Florida was better able to preserve its economic health than most other states.

As COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to plummet around the country, hold-out public health officials and politicians should strongly consider mimicking the COVID policies of that “Florida Man.”
You keep ignoring the fact that COVID-19 targeted the elderly more than other people.

So let’s look at what states have the most elderly.

Florida is number two in the list of states with elderly people, New York is number 25 and California is number 45.

And how did Florida’s approach to handling the elderly differ from New York Sate’s approach? Much of the difference was in the early stages of the pandemic.


An irony of the national coverage of the coronavirus crisis is that at the same time DeSantis was being made into a villain, New York Gov. Cuomo was being elevated as a hero, even though the DeSantis approach to nursing homes was obviously superior to that of Cuomo. Florida went out of its way to get COVID-19-positive people out of nursing homes, while New York went out of its way to get them in, a policy now widely acknowledged to have been a debacle. …emphasis added

The media didn’t exactly have their eyes on the ball. “The day that the media had their first big freakout about Florida was March 15th,” DeSantis recalls. “There were people on Clearwater Beach, and it was this big deal. That same day is when we signed the executive order to, one, ban visitation in the nursing homes, and two, ban the reintroduction of a COVID-positive patient back into a nursing home.”

DeSantis is bemused by the obsession with Florida’s beaches. When they opened in Jacksonville, it was a big national story, usually relayed with a dire tone. “Jacksonville has almost no COVID activity outside of a nursing-home context,” he says. “Their hospitalizations are down, ICU down since the beaches opened a month ago. And yet, nobody talks about it. It’s just like, ‘OK, we just move on to the next target.’ ”


Far and away the most important factor in determining the severity of COVID-19 illness is age. There is an exponential relationship between age and COVID-19’s infection fatality rate. The estimated IFR is very low for children and younger adults (0.002% at age 10; 0.01% at age 25), increases to 0.4% by age 55, and then soars with advanced age (1.4% at age 65; 4.6% at age 75; and 15% at age 85).

Florida has the second-highest percentage of population 65 and older (21.3%) in the nation. In contrast, New York ranks 25th among the states in the percentage of population 65 and older (17.4%), Illinois is 35th (16.6%), and California is 45th (15.2%).

Remarkably, despite its elderly population and laissez-faire approach, Florida has only the 33rd highest age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 population (251) among the states. That puts it in the same ballpark as mandate heavy Illinois (ranked 32 with 255 deaths/100,000) and California (ranked 38; 234) and well below New York (ranked 7th highest; 334).


From early in the pandemic the media vilified Florida Governor DeSantis as irresponsible and dangerous. Some labeled him “DeathSantis.” But DeSantis’s approach proved to be right. The mitigation measures imposed in other, largely blue, states did little to improve health outcomes. And Florida was better able to preserve its economic health than most other states.

As COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to plummet around the country, hold-out public health officials and politicians should strongly consider mimicking the COVID policies of that “Florida Man.”
Kiss off , that bullshit and who cares , you said the Florida did way better than New York and California , I said bullshit , here are the facts For deaths per100,000 people, Florida had 359 per 100,000 and New York had 360 per 100,000 and California beat the shit out of Florida with 236 per 100,000 people dying. You also said that masses of people were escaping New York because of Covid to go the great DeSantis heaven of Florida , NOW THAT WE KNOW THAT EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS BULLSHIT STUPID , WE CAN MOVE ON. California BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF Florida FOR NUMBERS AND New York AND Florida Had the same amounts of deaths per 100,000 people , Bozo Man is a liar or just dumb. You choose.
By the way I'll read BOZO Man till the first lie comes up then I drop the rest. I never get far into what the Bozo Man says before I blow him off. Does anyone?
Kiss off , that bullshit and who cares , you said the Florida did way better than New York and California , I said bullshit , here are the facts For deaths per100,000 people, Florida had 359 per 100,000 and New York had 360 per 100,000 and California beat the shit out of Florida with 236 per 100,000 people dying. You also said that masses of people were escaping New York because of Covid to go the great DeSantis heaven of Florida , NOW THAT WE KNOW THAT EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS BULLSHIT STUPID , WE CAN MOVE ON. California BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF Florida FOR NUMBERS AND New York AND Florida Had the same amounts of deaths per 100,000 people , Bozo Man is a liar or just dumb. You choose.
We have been though this enough. You have your view point. I have mine.

I live in Florida and although I am elderly I am damn glad I live here rather than in California or New York State. DeSantis handled the pandemic far better than either Cuomo or Newson.

You argue that Florida had 359 deaths per 100,000, California had 236 and New York State had the same rate as Florida,

More elderly people die from the virus than any other age group. The percentage of people in Florida over the age of 65 is 20.1% (the highest in the nation). New York State has 16.1% over 65 and California has 14%. Elderly people have many medical issues that make it more difficult to survive COVID-19 or its variations.

Plus as I pointed out in several linked articles, people from New York State fled to Florida which help spread the virus. People from Florida did not flee to New York State or California. They preferred to stay in the Free State of Florida without all the mask mandates and the lockdowns.

I presented numerous articles to back my viewpoints up while you usually just present your opinion. (In passing I could argue your side much more effectively than you have.)

I‘ll add three more articles to support my side of the argument.

You most likely will simply post your opinion once again as usual and if you do I sill simply ignore your post. I have wasted enough time replying to you and can see it is a fruitless endeavor.
BOZO MAN IS A IDIOT and is always willing to prove it to everyone.
Yes, but he "fights". That's their priority, and it's all they care about. Fight, fight, fight. Be the living expression of our rage and our paranoia.

Look at the most popular names in the party -- that's the one and only requirement for full support. Fight. Attack. Fight. Attack. That's it.
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Oh? which part were you not serious about?

i was sarcastically serious, cartoon boy.

Complaining that Trump talked about jailing Hillary,

not so much complaining as pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy & blatant fascism exhibited from yer chosen one et al.

or gloating that your side will jail Trump?

lol ... the side of the law will be jailing ol' donny. know why? huh?

huh huh HUH?

'cause he's guilty AF ... & so are all his capos & flying monkeys.

bob ross.jpg
I don't know, when I did a search for Trump with his fists raised, I got THIS:

View attachment 677407

When I tried the same search for Biddum, all I could find was a fist bump from the germophobe.

See the source image

I bet Trump can hold his own pretty well with another his age. When Joe Biddum meets a dog or a bike, he loses. He can't even win a discussion with his wife, sister, the Easter Bunny or Nancy.



i was sarcastically serious, cartoon boy.

not so much complaining as pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy & blatant fascism exhibited from yer chosen one et al.

lol ... the side of the law will be jailing ol' donny. know why? huh?

huh huh HUH?

'cause he's guilty AF ... & so are all his capos & flying monkeys.

View attachment 677964

Trump talked about it, you are actually trying to do it.

That is not hypocrisy from us. Dumbass.
Trump talked about it,

uh ... yes he did. quite openly in fact. got his flying monkeys to chant it over & over again.... one might say he ginned them up. & are YOU saying he wouldn't have if he could? LOL!!!!

he failed is all that was. cause the losing loooooooooser failed. get used to it.

you are actually trying to do it.

damn right - because no one is above the law. he should be held accountable for all the crimeing donny has done; not to mention the outright treason against this country & the constitution.

That is not hypocrisy from us. Dumbass.

hypocrisy is only the beginning.
i was sarcastically serious, cartoon boy.

not so much complaining as pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy & blatant fascism exhibited from yer chosen one et al.

lol ... the side of the law will be jailing ol' donny. know why? huh?

huh huh HUH?

'cause he's guilty AF ... & so are all his capos & flying monkeys.

View attachment 677964
What are the charges?
What are the charges?

you mean what would the charges include?

Dereliction of duty is a person’s purposeful or accidental failure to perform an obligation without a valid excuse, especially an obligation attached to his or her job. In the 1991 U.S. Court of Military Appeals case, U.S. v. Powell, the Court stated that a person is guilty of the offense of dereliction of duty when he or she willingly or negligently fails to perform his or her duties or by performing such duties in a culpably inefficient manner. The Court noted that work done in a culpably inefficient manner is when there is no reasonable or just excuse for the inefficiency.



Section 1505 of Title 18, United States Code, as amended by the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982, forbids anyone from corruptly, or by threats of force or by any threatening communication, influencing, obstructing, or impeding any pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States, or Congress. In 1996 Congress enacted a clarifying amendment to 18 U.S.C. § 1515, which defines the term "corruptly" as used in section 1505 to mean "acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information." False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-292, §3, 110 Stat. 3459, 3460.

1725. Protection Of Government Processes -- Obstruction Of Pending Proceeding -- 18 U.S.C. 1505

8 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots​

(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots


The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose. (emphasis added). See Project, Tenth Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, 32 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 137, 379-406 (1995)(generally discussing § 371).
The operative language is the so-called "defraud clause," that prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States. This clause creates a separate offense from the "offense clause" in Section 371. Both offenses require the traditional elements of Section 371 conspiracy, including an illegal agreement, criminal intent, and proof of an overt act.

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

i think those would do quite nicely.
you mean what would the charges include?

Dereliction of duty is a person’s purposeful or accidental failure to perform an obligation without a valid excuse, especially an obligation attached to his or her job. In the 1991 U.S. Court of Military Appeals case, U.S. v. Powell, the Court stated that a person is guilty of the offense of dereliction of duty when he or she willingly or negligently fails to perform his or her duties or by performing such duties in a culpably inefficient manner. The Court noted that work done in a culpably inefficient manner is when there is no reasonable or just excuse for the inefficiency.



Section 1505 of Title 18, United States Code, as amended by the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982, forbids anyone from corruptly, or by threats of force or by any threatening communication, influencing, obstructing, or impeding any pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States, or Congress. In 1996 Congress enacted a clarifying amendment to 18 U.S.C. § 1515, which defines the term "corruptly" as used in section 1505 to mean "acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information." False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-292, §3, 110 Stat. 3459, 3460.

1725. Protection Of Government Processes -- Obstruction Of Pending Proceeding -- 18 U.S.C. 1505

8 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots​

(a)Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots


The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose. (emphasis added). See Project, Tenth Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, 32 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 137, 379-406 (1995)(generally discussing § 371).
The operative language is the so-called "defraud clause," that prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States. This clause creates a separate offense from the "offense clause" in Section 371. Both offenses require the traditional elements of Section 371 conspiracy, including an illegal agreement, criminal intent, and proof of an overt act.

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

i think those would do quite nicely.
Quoting statutes is real cool.....but you haven't provided any specific, indictable instances where it is shown Trump violated the law.
Quoting statutes is real cool.....but you haven't provided any specific, indictable instances where it is shown Trump violated the law.
Because that isn't what you asked.

And even if he does, you will find a dubious cult reason to shit on his post, like you just did with his last one.
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