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Your efforts are always sub par. Indeed, like you, they are sub intelligent.


Tell ya what, naptime, your constant trolling efforts are so ineffectual, all they do is shine the light of dumb on you.

you came knocking on my door in this thread... so ummmm...there is that, togatroll.

Either up your game of I’ll be forced to banish you.

<pffffft> by all means.... ba-byeeeeeEEEEEeeeeeee..........

The topic is — wait. Bannon is still guilty. Yep. That’s it. 2 whole misd counts. 😂🤣😂🤣


your ride's here.
I hate every supporter of Trump and any supporter of Jan6th and anyone who holds allegiances to this psychopath. .

may i add to that very accurate, but not quite complete description of that orange traitor? i would also include the following:

is a sociopath.
he has proven to have zero empathy & emotions - except when it benefits him

has arrested development.
all his schoolyard bullying & nic names he gives to anybody that disagrees with him

& this makes donny a text book example:

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving the self.

Posted Feb 22, 2017
Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).
How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
No, as already correctly noted, DeSantis is an authoritarian thug like Trump – and like Trump, DeSantis has no interest in fighting for or helping anyone.

Indeed, like Trump, DeSantis will fight to destroy our rights and liberties, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
DeSantis made my life a lot easier here in Florida during the days when all the blue states were playing dictatorships forcing people to stay home and wear masks everywhere. Our kids were attending school while children in many states were involved in remote learning.

The Free State of Florida got that moniker because of Governor DeSantis.

DeSantis made my life a lot easier here in Florida during the days when all the blue states were playing dictatorships forcing people to stay home and wear masks everywhere. Our kids were attending school while children in many states were involved in remote learning.

The Free State of Florida got that moniker because of Governor DeSantis.

God you are that dumb.
DeSantis made my life a lot easier here in Florida during the days when all the blue states were playing dictatorships forcing people to stay home and wear masks everywhere. Our kids were attending school while children in many states were involved in remote learning.

The Free State of Florida got that moniker because of Governor DeSantis.

He killed a lot of old people with his lack of covid measures.... Florida is in the top 5 in the country with their massive amount of covid deaths.....

If you don't count all the people killed from covid, then yea...he kept his economy going....whoopie, whoopdee, do!
He killed a lot of old people with his lack of covid measures.... Florida is in the top 5 in the country with their massive amount of covid deaths.....

If you don't count all the people killed from covid, then yea...he kept his economy going....whoopie, whoopdee, do!
WE are dealing with the lowest form of humanity, they are small people who are driven by hate and all things ugly. The right has never been so sick.
He killed a lot of old people with his lack of covid measures.... Florida is in the top 5 in the country with their massive amount of covid deaths.....

If you don't count all the people killed from covid, then yea...he kept his economy going....whoopie, whoopdee, do!


Far and away the most important factor in determining the severity of COVID-19 illness is age. There is an exponential relationship between age and COVID-19’s infection fatality rate. The estimated IFR is very low for children and younger adults (0.002% at age 10; 0.01% at age 25), increases to 0.4% by age 55, and then soars with advanced age (1.4% at age 65; 4.6% at age 75; and 15% at age 85).

Florida has the second-highest percentage of population 65 and older (21.3%) in the nation. In contrast, New York ranks 25th among the states in the percentage of population 65 and older (17.4%), Illinois is 35th (16.6%), and California is 45th (15.2%).

Remarkably, despite its elderly population and laissez-faire approach, Florida has only the 33rd highest age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 population (251) among the states. That puts it in the same ballpark as mandate heavy Illinois (ranked 32 with 255 deaths/100,000) and California (ranked 38; 234) and well below New York (ranked 7th highest; 334).
…emphasis added


From early in the pandemic the media vilified Florida Governor DeSantis as irresponsible and dangerous. Some labeled him “DeathSantis.” But DeSantis’s approach proved to be right. The mitigation measures imposed in other, largely blue, states did little to improve health outcomes. And Florida was better able to preserve its economic health than most other states.

As COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to plummet around the country, hold-out public health officials and politicians should strongly consider mimicking the COVID policies of that “Florida Man.”


Far and away the most important factor in determining the severity of COVID-19 illness is age. There is an exponential relationship between age and COVID-19’s infection fatality rate. The estimated IFR is very low for children and younger adults (0.002% at age 10; 0.01% at age 25), increases to 0.4% by age 55, and then soars with advanced age (1.4% at age 65; 4.6% at age 75; and 15% at age 85).

Florida has the second-highest percentage of population 65 and older (21.3%) in the nation. In contrast, New York ranks 25th among the states in the percentage of population 65 and older (17.4%), Illinois is 35th (16.6%), and California is 45th (15.2%).

Remarkably, despite its elderly population and laissez-faire approach, Florida has only the 33rd highest age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 population (251) among the states. That puts it in the same ballpark as mandate heavy Illinois (ranked 32 with 255 deaths/100,000) and California (ranked 38; 234) and well below New York (ranked 7th highest; 334).
…emphasis added


From early in the pandemic the media vilified Florida Governor DeSantis as irresponsible and dangerous. Some labeled him “DeathSantis.” But DeSantis’s approach proved to be right. The mitigation measures imposed in other, largely blue, states did little to improve health outcomes. And Florida was better able to preserve its economic health than most other states.

As COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to plummet around the country, hold-out public health officials and politicians should strongly consider mimicking the COVID policies of that “Florida Man.”
Age adjusted ranking? But why would anyone do that? The governor of each state has to consider its own population make up, in their

Like the state with the most seniors SHOULD BE more concerned and protective for their state citizens against covid than the state that ranks as the youngest aged population, no???

I live in the state with the oldest population, more old folks as a percentage of total population, than even Florida has....who ranks right under us with the second highest elderly population percentage out of their total population.

My governor took that in to consideration in her strict measures of protection, for them, the most vulnerable of being killed by covid....closures, masks etc....

We've had 2465 total deaths to covid, out of 1,379,000 people....0.00178% of our citizens died from covid... with Gov. Mills measures.

Florida has had 77,377 total deaths to covid, out of 21,781,000 people.... 0.003552% of Florida citizens died from covid.....with Gov. DeSantis measures.

If Florida had taken precautions to protect their elderly, like Maine did, and killed only 0.00178% of their population, as we did here,

then ONLY 38,933 Floridians would be dead instead of 77,377.

I was scared to death that my very elderly parents living there would be killed off, by his lack of concern for old folks like them! I've never prayed so hard in my life, for them!!! :eek:

I suppose it is all in the eyes of the beholder, on who thinks DeSantis did great with covid or not.....? I think he stunk at protecting his elderly citizens, he stunk from here, to high heaven!
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Yet, he didn't actually do it. So....

because well ... he couldn't.

but ya know what, cartoon boy? whilst donny is under the microscope of the select committee ... the DOJ ... & the NYS AG has him in her sites, AND the multitude of civil lawsuits heading his way, including having to cough up his DNA in feb for the e jean carroll rape case ...

hillary last laugh.jpg

Age adjusted ranking? But why would anyone do that? The governor of each state has to consider its own population make up, in their

Like the state with the most seniors SHOULD BE more concerned and protective for their state citizens against covid than the state that ranks as the youngest aged population, no???

I live in the state with the oldest population, more old folks as a percentage of total population, than even Florida has....who ranks right under us with the second highest elderly population percentage out of their total population.

My governor took that in to consideration in her strict measures of protection, for them, the most vulnerable of being killed by covid....closures, masks etc....

We've had 2465 total deaths to covid, out of 1,379,000 people....0.00178% of our citizens died from covid... with Gov. Mills measures.

Florida has had 77,377 total deaths to covid, out of 21,781,000 people.... 0.003552% of Florida citizens died from covid.....with Gov. DeSantis measures.

If Florida had taken precautions to protect their elderly, like Maine did, and killed only 0.00178% of their population, as we did here,

then ONLY 38,933 Floridians would be dead instead of 77,377.

I was scared to death that my very elderly parents living there would be killed off, by his lack of concern for old folks like them! I've never prayed so hard in my life, for them!!! :eek:

I suppose it is all in the eyes of the beholder, on who thinks DeSantis did great with covid or not.....? I think he stunk at protecting his elderly citizens, he stunk from here, to high heaven!
The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Coumo in New York State. Keep in mind Florida is a prime destination for tourists while Maine is not. People from New York State often visit Florida and many left New York State to escape the pandemic.


According to Murdock, Florida approached the nursing home crisis in the right way.

"They sent people to make sure the nursing homes had all of the equipment they needed. They gave them additional training on how to avoid infections, And, the result so far has been about 665 folks, seniors dead in nursing homes in Florida," he remarked.

"The death rate in Florida is about three per 100,000. In New York state it's 27.5 per 100,000. So, [that’s] nine times worse," he added. "Absolutely tragic [and] totally, totally unnecessary!"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was condemned at every step of the way for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But Florida’s handling of the virus has been superb, while media darling Andrew Cuomo and lockdown fanatic Gavin Newsom have done terribly.

California’s coronavirus cases are surging, despite Newsom doubling down on strict lockdown measures. While Florida opened schools in August, California is still pushing for a returnin February 2021. With its strict mask mandates and business restrictions, California is a coronavirus hot spot, seeing the mostcases per 1,000 people of any state over the last seven days. Florida, with no statewide business restrictions, is 28th.

New York is also faring worse than Florida right now, as it has been for most of the pandemic. DeSantis was attacked by establishment media for his handling of the pandemic, which saw Florida avoid coronavirus deaths relatively well for a state with a larger elderly population. Meanwhile, Cuomo got to go on a friendly media tour, including clowning around with CNN “anchor” Chris Cuomo, his brother. This, despite overseeing one of the worst coronavirus responses of any governor.

But it’s DeSantis’s leadership that truly sets him apart from his liberal counterparts. When asked if he would take the coronavirus vaccine, DeSantis reiterated the principle of protecting the elderly and vulnerable populations that have made Florida’s response successful. “What I’ve said is, I’m willing to take it, but I am not the priority,” DeSantis said, “Granted, I’m an elected official, but whoop dee doo. At the end of the day, let's focus on where the risk is.”

A glaring lack of leadership has marred both New York and California this year. Cuomo did his book tour victory lap after his policies led to New York having the most nursing home deaths of any state. Just like Cuomo was caught maskless repeatedlywhile demanding New Yorkers wear them, Newsom was caught celebrating a lobbyist’s birthday at an indoor dinner after ordering restrictions on indoor dining and private gatherings.

Plus it doesn’t look like Maine handled the Delta variant of the virus all that well.

He killed a lot of old people with his lack of covid measures.... Florida is in the top 5 in the country with their massive amount of covid deaths.....

If you don't count all the people killed from covid, then yea...he kept his economy going....whoopie, whoopdee, do!
Florida also has a high population of elderly people and elderly people are prime targets for COVID-19 and its variations.

Plus no matter how hard you try it was nice to live in a state that didn’t lock down everything and force people to stay home and wear masks when in public.

because well ... he couldn't.

but ya know what, cartoon boy? whilst donny is under the microscope of the select committee ... the DOJ ... & the NYS AG has him in her sites, AND the multitude of civil lawsuits heading his way, including having to cough up his DNA in feb for the e jean carroll rape case ...

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So, you are attacking Trump for sayhing he would jail his enemy in the same sentence you are gloating for jailing your enemy?

DeSantis made my life a lot easier here in Florida during the days when all the blue states were playing dictatorships forcing people to stay home and wear masks everywhere. Our kids were attending school while children in many states were involved in remote learning.

The Free State of Florida got that moniker because of Governor DeSantis.

DeSantis has turned Florida into a neo-fascist authoritarian hellhole:

Attacks on the right to vote

Attacks on gay Americans

Attacks on the First Amendment rights of private social media

Attacks on private businesses exercising their First Amendment right to engage in political speech.

Attacks on transgender Americans.

DeSantis would pursue the same neo-fascist, authoritarian agenda as president.
He killed a lot of old people with his lack of covid measures.... Florida is in the top 5 in the country with their massive amount of covid deaths.....

If you don't count all the people killed from covid, then yea...he kept his economy going....whoopie, whoopdee, do!
DeSantis’ failed response to the pandemic is another example as to why he has no business being president.

He ended measures to combat the pandemic too soon

He attacked school districts when they implemented appropriate, warranted, and lawful COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

DeSantis even attacked and berated high school students for wearing masks.
DeSantis has turned Florida into a neo-fascist authoritarian hellhole:

Attacks on the right to vote

Attacks on gay Americans

Attacks on the First Amendment rights of private social media

Attacks on private businesses exercising their First Amendment right to engage in political speech.

Attacks on transgender Americans.

DeSantis would pursue the same neo-fascist, authoritarian agenda as president.
I personally do not want my grandchildren in elementary school groomed to think the gay lifestyle is absolutely wonderful or convinced they should consider changing their sex.

I want them to learn how to read, write, do math and learn accurate history.

If I ran a business I would concentrate on selling my product and stay the hell out of politics. I will use the “My Pillow” guy as an example of why this is a good idea and Mike Lindell is a Trump supporter. In my opinion Disney would have been wise to concentrate on entertaining children not trying to groom them.

Obviously you hold a different viewpoint. Therefore I suggest that at this time you do not move to the Free State of Florida.

If DeSantis runs for President and promises to keep fighting for people who believe as I you can bet he will get my vote.

It also seems the majority of Americans agree with me on Florida’s anti-grooming bill.

A major poll shows that most Americans support recent legislation passed by Governor Ron DeSantis (R) that keeps teachers from peddling smut and discussing sexuality with 5-through 8-year-olds in Florida’s public schools.

DeSantis caused an uproar when he signed HB 1557 into law, with far-Left activists dubbing it a “don’t say gay” law.

But a Politico/Morning Consult polls shows that those activists were a loud minority.

When asked whether they supported the bill, 50 percent of Americans answered affirmatively. Thirty-seven percent – the largest percentage of any of the five response choices – said they “Strongly Support” the legislation. Another 13 percent said they “Somewhat Support” the legislation. Another 15 percent had no opinion.

The poll was taken by 2005 likely voters from March 11-14, and has a margin of error of two percent.
DeSantis’ failed response to the pandemic is another example as to why he has no business being president.

He ended measures to combat the pandemic too soon

He attacked school districts when they implemented appropriate, warranted, and lawful COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

DeSantis even attacked and berated high school students for wearing masks.
Obviously you listen to the wonderful liberal media who will try to destroy DeSantis because he is a fighter like Trump.

I was just listening to some talking heads on TV saying that some kids would have to go through two years of education to catch up on what they lost in remote schooling.

Florida children will be ahead of the pack.

Florida School Grades Far Exceed Expectations

~ Data shows Florida’s schools performed much better than expected due to policies that kept schools open and kept students in the classroom ~

Tallahassee, Fla., July 7, 2022 – Today, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released school grades for the 2021-2022 academic year, which show that schools statewide exceeded expectations. The 2021-2022 school grades mark the first full school grade data release since 2019 due to the lack of assessments in the 2019-2020 school year and the opt-in nature of the 2020-2021 school grades. FDOE applauds the hard work of Florida’s students, parents, teachers and school leaders as their collective efforts to support student achievement resulted in school grades that defied conventional wisdom and established a foundation for further closing achievement gaps.

Key Highlights:​

  • Fifty-three schools exited the School Improvement Support list in 2022.
  • 100% of schools graded F in 2019 improved their grades in 2022, including one that earned a B and six that earned a C.
  • 84% of schools graded D and F in 2019 improved their grades in 2022.
  • Overall, elementary schools had the largest increase in the percentage of schools increasing their grade with 20% (351) of elementary schools improving one or more letter grade.
  • 469 schools increased their grade in 2022, while 825 schools maintained an A grade and 348 schools maintained a B grade compared to 2019.
“From Spring 2021 to Spring 2022, it’s clear that our teachers and school leaders used every resource at their disposal to lift Florida’s students well beyond expectations,” said Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. “We know that these results are thanks to policies that kept schools open and kept kids in the classroom, which has been widely recognized as critical to student achievement. Today we can celebrate these incredible results, while continuing to support the schools that are struggling. With Governor DeSantis’ leadership, Florida will continue to support our great teachers and implement world class instructional and educational supports to uplift Florida’s education family.”
…emphasis added
The fact remains that DeSantis did a damn good job, far better than Gov. Coumo in New York State. Keep in mind Florida is a prime destination for tourists while Maine is not. People from New York State often visit Florida and many left New York State to escape the pandemic.


According to Murdock, Florida approached the nursing home crisis in the right way.

"They sent people to make sure the nursing homes had all of the equipment they needed. They gave them additional training on how to avoid infections, And, the result so far has been about 665 folks, seniors dead in nursing homes in Florida," he remarked.

"The death rate in Florida is about three per 100,000. In New York state it's 27.5 per 100,000. So, [that’s] nine times worse," he added. "Absolutely tragic [and] totally, totally unnecessary!"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was condemned at every step of the way for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But Florida’s handling of the virus has been superb, while media darling Andrew Cuomo and lockdown fanatic Gavin Newsom have done terribly.

California’s coronavirus cases are surging, despite Newsom doubling down on strict lockdown measures. While Florida opened schools in August, California is still pushing for a returnin February 2021. With its strict mask mandates and business restrictions, California is a coronavirus hot spot, seeing the mostcases per 1,000 people of any state over the last seven days. Florida, with no statewide business restrictions, is 28th.

New York is also faring worse than Florida right now, as it has been for most of the pandemic. DeSantis was attacked by establishment media for his handling of the pandemic, which saw Florida avoid coronavirus deaths relatively well for a state with a larger elderly population. Meanwhile, Cuomo got to go on a friendly media tour, including clowning around with CNN “anchor” Chris Cuomo, his brother. This, despite overseeing one of the worst coronavirus responses of any governor.

But it’s DeSantis’s leadership that truly sets him apart from his liberal counterparts. When asked if he would take the coronavirus vaccine, DeSantis reiterated the principle of protecting the elderly and vulnerable populations that have made Florida’s response successful. “What I’ve said is, I’m willing to take it, but I am not the priority,” DeSantis said, “Granted, I’m an elected official, but whoop dee doo. At the end of the day, let's focus on where the risk is.”

A glaring lack of leadership has marred both New York and California this year. Cuomo did his book tour victory lap after his policies led to New York having the most nursing home deaths of any state. Just like Cuomo was caught maskless repeatedlywhile demanding New Yorkers wear them, Newsom was caught celebrating a lobbyist’s birthday at an indoor dinner after ordering restrictions on indoor dining and private gatherings.

Plus it doesn’t look like Maine handled the Delta variant of the virus all that well.

This is what happens when a non-scientist, paid liar is paid to write lies for gulluble people like you.

CA and NY were experiencing worse outbreaks at the time, because their outbreaks started earlier, and because of their large metropolitan areas.

As of right now, Florida is the worst state in the country for covid cases per 100,000 residents.

Once again you pinch off an article you never actually read, and leave it to everyone else to sift through the steaming pile of crap you pinched off.
To save everyone a little time: Bannon still stands convicted of two whole misdemeanors.

Well yes, there is that.
Notably, those convictions were unanimously decided by a jury of his peers in less than three hours....which included lunch.
So there is that too.

Not to mention this old news:

"Trump told people that after much deliberation, he had decided to pardon Bannon as one of his final acts in office.
It was a far cry from when Trump exiled Bannon from his inner circle after he was quoted in a book trashing the President's children, claiming that Donald Trump Jr. had been "treasonous" by meeting with a Russian attorney and labeling Ivanka Trump "dumb as a brick."

The men were accused of allegedly using hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to an online crowdfunding campaign called We Build the Wall for personal expenses, among other things.

Bannon and another defendant, Brian Kolfage, allegedly promised donors that the campaign, which raised more than $25 million, ....that "100% of the funds raised ... will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose," according to the indictment.

Instead, according to prosecutors, Bannon, through a nonprofit under his control, allegedly used more than $1 million from We Build the Wall to "secretly" pay Kolfage and cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in Bannon's personal expenses.


ps.....Kolfage didn't get a pardon for the same crime as his co-conspirator Bannon. He wasn't as connected.

There is this:
"MIRAMAR BEACH —Brian Kolfage has entered an agreement with federal prosecutors in New York to plead guilty to a wire fraud conspiracy charge connected to the defrauding of donors to a nonprofit organization he founded in 2019 to collect donations for construction of sections of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a letter filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
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