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Considering the inflation our nation is seeing today and the fact that new spending will only make that inflation worse, I see little chance that the Democrats can win in the Midterms. But I might be wrong,

There might be enough brainwashed young people who are attracted to the music of the Pied Piper of the current Marxists in control of the Democratic Party to overcome rational voters. Plus there is always the possibility that the Democrats can rig the election as it seems they have the support of our wonderful Deep State.
So, if there is any fraud, it will only be by democrats, in races they win that you aren't expecting them to win.

Yep, that's sound about right. Listen to yourself. Cuckoo
The only time I will use lethal force is when someone attacks me with the intention of putting me in the hospital for an extended period of time or six feet under and has the means to do so.

At 76 years old with a number of medical issues I am not going to be involved in fighting in an insurrection or a civil war.

I like Trump but even if I was half my age in great shape, he couldn’t convince me to go to war to put him back in office.

Currently I like DeSantis more than Trump as my favorite candidate for President. DeSantis is a fighter like Trump but less obnoxious. He has been an outstanding governor in my state of Florida.
So you see being a psychopath as being a fighter. You would be big on paranoid schizophrenics then. Which does make sense. I'm so tired of you Maga Maggots and your God and leaders. All DeSantis is, is a very uncreative Maga Maggot, he is Trump the second. Canned Trump in a box , mimicking the same insanity that seems so popular with the right these days. Why do you people hate so much. Or if you deny that, what is the driving force, what do you see in loser's like Trump and DeSantis.
Lol give bannon 30 days.. you will amplify his voice 1000 times.
Give that scum two years and keep the charges coming on him. By the way, there is nothing you can do for his voice , all the nut jobs are with him already. No more nut jobs out there. Traitors should get the death penalty in this country. That's Everyone who attacked the capital to bring down our democracy and country, and every person behind the scenes that made it happen.
Considering the inflation our nation is seeing today and the fact that new spending will only make that inflation worse, I see little chance that the Democrats can win in the Midterms. But I might be wrong,

There might be enough brainwashed young people who are attracted to the music of the Pied Piper of the current Marxists in control of the Democratic Party to overcome rational voters. Plus there is always the possibility that the Democrats can rig the election as it seems they have the support of our wonderful Deep State.
So you are stupid also ,
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!
So tell us great thinker, how did Biden cause gas prices and inflation in the whole world. You people are driven by lies and ignorance. What a hoot. Another MAGA maggot strikes.
By the way there is no Communist anywhere in the world , there has never been any and there never will be any. Again only your MAGA Maggot definition can make it so. Marx defined communism. And what he defined will never exist. But step right up, so you can add to your stupid numbers. Tell us all about it. Idiots all.
So, if there is any fraud, it will only be by democrats, in races they win that you aren't expecting them to win.

Yep, that's sound about right. Listen to yourself. Cuckoo
Their first important lose will have these traitors at the capital spreading shit and piss all over the walls. Just like the last time. This time a machine gun at every door should be in place and pistol people walking around to make sure the job is finished. It's only fair, They will ask their MAGA Maggots to bring guns again.
So you are stupid also ,
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!
So tell us great thinker, how did Biden cause gas prices and inflation in the whole world. You people are driven by lies and ignorance. What a hoot. Another MAGA maggot strikes.
Bernie Sanders and AOC are two very important and influential members of the Democratic Party even though Bernie isn’t a true Democrat.

The record on avowed socialist senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (shown) continues to demonstrate that he has been a longtime vocal supporter and fellow-traveler with communists and Marxists.

A closer look at AOC’s ideas: They are communist and insane, but I repeat myself​

Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the Democratic Party off a cliff. AOC, as she’s commonly known, is a radical socialist whose ideas are pushing the Democrats to the hard left — and to possible defeat and political oblivion.

Her Green New Deal has nearly 50 Democrat co-sponsors in the House. Besides Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, who sponsored AOC’s bill in the Senate, other top Democrats have embraced it: Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand. This 29-year-old woman-child is driving the liberal agenda.

AOC is right. Yet, if implemented her Green New Deal would be a catastrophe. It is a form of milquetoast communism — it calls for “Medicare-for-all,” a single-payer government-run health care system; it demands the federal government provide a job (at a “living wage”) for every adult; it insists the government provide a basic income (welfare) to any individual, even those “unwilling to work”; it champions free college and universal public pre-k education; it wants to ban all meat consumption; it mandates the end of all fossil fuels within ten years to combat “climate change”; it dictates that 99 percent of all gas-powered cars, SUVs and trucks be taken off the road; it demands a ban on all airplane travel by 2030; it aims to outlaw nuclear power; and it seeks to retrofit every building and home in the U.S. so they can be “energy-efficient.” AOC proposes that America becomes completely powered by clean, renewable energy resulting in “zero carbon emissions,” primarily through alternatives such as wind and solar.


You state, “There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble.”

While a majority of U.S. adults still have more positive than negative perceptions of capitalism, less than half of the country’s 18 to 34-year-olds view the profit-maximizing market system favorably, and the attractiveness of socialism continues to increase among people over 35, according to a new poll released Friday.

The online survey, conducted June 11-25 by Momentive on behalf of Axios, found that 57% of U.S. adults view capitalism in a positive light, down from 61% in January 2019, when the news outlet first polled on these questions. Then and now, 36% are critical of the exploitation of the working class and the environment by the owning class.

Perceptions of capitalism have remained consistent among adults ages 35 and older, meaning that the system’s dwindling popularity is driven by the nation’s young adults. According to the poll, 18 to 34-year-olds today are almost equally likely to hold a negative opinion of capitalism as a positive one (46% vs. 49%). Just two years ago, that margin was 38% vs. 58%.


Now on to the insults in your post.

Intelligent people can disagree on issues and have entirely different viewpoints. That in no way means one is stupid and the other is intelligent.

In my experience people who run around calling other people stupid are often the ones with a deficit of intelligence. Such people have an inflated view of their brain power. Often they also have ego problems.

Feeling other people are stupid when they don’t agree with you is also one of the biggest problems in our nation today. Republicans feel they are far smarter than Democrats and Democrats feel Republicans are a bunch of stinky Walmart rubes.

It is hard to make real progress when the two sides of an issue hate each other and both sides refuse to even consider their viewpoint might be wrong.
So you see being a psychopath as being a fighter. You would be big on paranoid schizophrenics then. Which does make sense. I'm so tired of you Maga Maggots and your God and leaders. All DeSantis is, is a very uncreative Maga Maggot, he is Trump the second. Canned Trump in a box , mimicking the same insanity that seems so popular with the right these days. Why do you people hate so much. Or if you deny that, what is the driving force, what do you see in loser's like Trump and DeSantis.
You seem to be full of hate. I’m not.

An elected official that fights for causes those who elected him support is hardly a psychopath. He is just an responsible politician which is a rarity today.

However, I still hope Joe Biden ends up doing a good job as that would make all of our lives better. Unfortunately I feel he has dementia and really is not running this nation and I have no idea who is. I actually often feel sorry for Joe as what I am witnessing appears to be a form of elder abuse.

DeSantis is a fighter like Trump who I feel will try to help people rather than wallow in corruption like the Bidens and The Pelosi family. He is not a New Yorker so he is not as obnoxious as Trump who definitely is a New Yorker all the way.
"He fights". "She fights".

It's not about intelligence or temperament or decency or ideas or collaboration. They just want someone who will "fight".

Fight, fight, fight. Attack, attack, attack.

What kind of mindset settles for, celebrates, something so base?
Give that scum two years and keep the charges coming on him. By the way, there is nothing you can do for his voice , all the nut jobs are with him already. No more nut jobs out there. Traitors should get the death penalty in this country. That's Everyone who attacked the capital to bring down our democracy and country, and every person behind the scenes that made it happen.
Lol tds is real
So, if there is any fraud, it will only be by democrats, in races they win that you aren't expecting them to win.

Yep, that's sound about right. Listen to yourself. Cuckoo
So you are saying Democrats never cheat? Both Republicans and Democrats have been known to cheat on elections.


American history is hardly lacking in examples of real voter manipulation and electoral skullduggery, especially in the segregation-era deep south. To this day, the US electoral system is widely viewed as an anomaly in the western world because of persistent problems with the reliability of its voting machinery, frequent bureaucratic incompetence, the lack of uniform standards from state to state or even county to county, the systematic exclusion of more than 6 million felons and ex-prisoners, and the tendency of election officials to adopt rules that benefit their party over democracy itself.

Until 2000, though, these issues were not widely aired in public. Then the battle over Florida ripped a veil off a dysfunctional system and offered an opportunity not just for meaningful electoral reform – a slow and frustrating process – but also for new forms of political warfare unseen since the darkest days of the segregation era in which the electoral process itself became fair game, particularly for the Republicans.

A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.

Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded.


Inside jobs

The tipster said sometimes postal employees are in on the scam.

“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.”


election stock

New election ordered in NJ race marred by voter fraud charges​

In some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative.

In 2017, more than 500 mail-in ballots in New York City never arrived to the Board of Elections for races that November — leaving hundreds disenfranchised. They eventually were discovered in April 2018. “For some undetermined reason, some baskets of mail that were bound to the New York City Board of Elections were put off to the side at the Brooklyn processing facility,” city elections boss Michael Ryan said at the time of discovery.

Nursing homes

Hitting up assisted-living facilities and “helping” the elderly fill out their absentee ballots was a gold mine of votes, the insider said.

“There are nursing homes where the nurse is actually a paid operative. And they go room by room by room to these old people who still want to feel like they’re relevant,” said the whistleblower. “[They] literally fill it out for them.”

The insider pointed to former Jersey City Mayor Gerald McCann, who was sued in 2007 after a razor-thin victory for a local school board seat for allegedly tricking “incompetent … and ill” residents of nursing homes into casting ballots for him. McCann denied it, though he did admit to assisting some nursing home residents with absentee ballot applications.
Stolen election.

Got people injured and killed. Harms our democracy. Makes people violent.

Boy, that took almost no brain effort.

I see you have a time wasting fetish.
One day in the far future I predict it will be found that the Democrats did indeed steal the 2020 Presidential election.

However, I can’t visualize any way the election could have been reversed without tearing this nation apart. See post #694.
Lol tds is real
Every patriot in this country hates Trump, we naturally hate traitors to this country , and we believe in democracy, and we aren't going to sit by while a mentally ill hate group tries to force their God and leader in as a dictator.
Bernie Sanders and AOC are two very important and influential members of the Democratic Party even though Bernie isn’t a true Democrat.

The record on avowed socialist senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (shown) continues to demonstrate that he has been a longtime vocal supporter and fellow-traveler with communists and Marxists.

A closer look at AOC’s ideas: They are communist and insane, but I repeat myself​

Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the Democratic Party off a cliff. AOC, as she’s commonly known, is a radical socialist whose ideas are pushing the Democrats to the hard left — and to possible defeat and political oblivion.

Her Green New Deal has nearly 50 Democrat co-sponsors in the House. Besides Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, who sponsored AOC’s bill in the Senate, other top Democrats have embraced it: Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand. This 29-year-old woman-child is driving the liberal agenda.

AOC is right. Yet, if implemented her Green New Deal would be a catastrophe. It is a form of milquetoast communism — it calls for “Medicare-for-all,” a single-payer government-run health care system; it demands the federal government provide a job (at a “living wage”) for every adult; it insists the government provide a basic income (welfare) to any individual, even those “unwilling to work”; it champions free college and universal public pre-k education; it wants to ban all meat consumption; it mandates the end of all fossil fuels within ten years to combat “climate change”; it dictates that 99 percent of all gas-powered cars, SUVs and trucks be taken off the road; it demands a ban on all airplane travel by 2030; it aims to outlaw nuclear power; and it seeks to retrofit every building and home in the U.S. so they can be “energy-efficient.” AOC proposes that America becomes completely powered by clean, renewable energy resulting in “zero carbon emissions,” primarily through alternatives such as wind and solar.


You state, “There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble.”

While a majority of U.S. adults still have more positive than negative perceptions of capitalism, less than half of the country’s 18 to 34-year-olds view the profit-maximizing market system favorably, and the attractiveness of socialism continues to increase among people over 35, according to a new poll released Friday.

The online survey, conducted June 11-25 by Momentive on behalf of Axios, found that 57% of U.S. adults view capitalism in a positive light, down from 61% in January 2019, when the news outlet first polled on these questions. Then and now, 36% are critical of the exploitation of the working class and the environment by the owning class.

Perceptions of capitalism have remained consistent among adults ages 35 and older, meaning that the system’s dwindling popularity is driven by the nation’s young adults. According to the poll, 18 to 34-year-olds today are almost equally likely to hold a negative opinion of capitalism as a positive one (46% vs. 49%). Just two years ago, that margin was 38% vs. 58%.


Now on to the insults in your post.

Intelligent people can disagree on issues and have entirely different viewpoints. That in no way means one is stupid and the other is intelligent.

In my experience people who run around calling other people stupid are often the ones with a deficit of intelligence. Such people have an inflated view of their brain power. Often they also have ego problems.

Feeling other people are stupid when they don’t agree with you is also one of the biggest problems in our nation today. Republicans feel they are far smarter than Democrats and Democrats feel Republicans are a bunch of stinky Walmart rubes.

It is hard to make real progress when the two sides of an issue hate each other and both sides refuse to even consider their viewpoint might be wrong.
I love this shit.
OH, boy the commie attack. I enjoy this one the most, it is the willingness for the most brainless among us to step right up and say how totally stupid they are. There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble. The only way the hate party can make it work for them is by defining what it is themselves. Problem is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is straight up stupid.
NOTHING ELSE HAS TO BE SAID> WE WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST MARXIST OR COMMUNIST COUNTRY, UNLESS THE HATE PART FORCES THE POPULATION TO CHOOSE THAT OVER THEIR STUPID VERSION OF CAPITALISM> Where every dime of new profit is forced up into the hands of the golden few at the top. As it has been since 1981 trickle down lie.
You people are idiots. And you prove it every time you open your yap!
Bernie Sanders and AOC are two very important and influential members of the Democratic Party even though Bernie isn’t a true Democrat.

The record on avowed socialist senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (shown) continues to demonstrate that he has been a longtime vocal supporter and fellow-traveler with communists and Marxists.

A closer look at AOC’s ideas: They are communist and insane, but I repeat myself​

Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the Democratic Party off a cliff. AOC, as she’s commonly known, is a radical socialist whose ideas are pushing the Democrats to the hard left — and to possible defeat and political oblivion.

Her Green New Deal has nearly 50 Democrat co-sponsors in the House. Besides Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, who sponsored AOC’s bill in the Senate, other top Democrats have embraced it: Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand. This 29-year-old woman-child is driving the liberal agenda.

AOC is right. Yet, if implemented her Green New Deal would be a catastrophe. It is a form of milquetoast communism — it calls for “Medicare-for-all,” a single-payer government-run health care system; it demands the federal government provide a job (at a “living wage”) for every adult; it insists the government provide a basic income (welfare) to any individual, even those “unwilling to work”; it champions free college and universal public pre-k education; it wants to ban all meat consumption; it mandates the end of all fossil fuels within ten years to combat “climate change”; it dictates that 99 percent of all gas-powered cars, SUVs and trucks be taken off the road; it demands a ban on all airplane travel by 2030; it aims to outlaw nuclear power; and it seeks to retrofit every building and home in the U.S. so they can be “energy-efficient.” AOC proposes that America becomes completely powered by clean, renewable energy resulting in “zero carbon emissions,” primarily through alternatives such as wind and solar.


You state, “There isn't enough Socialist in this country to fill in a thimble.”

While a majority of U.S. adults still have more positive than negative perceptions of capitalism, less than half of the country’s 18 to 34-year-olds view the profit-maximizing market system favorably, and the attractiveness of socialism continues to increase among people over 35, according to a new poll released Friday.

The online survey, conducted June 11-25 by Momentive on behalf of Axios, found that 57% of U.S. adults view capitalism in a positive light, down from 61% in January 2019, when the news outlet first polled on these questions. Then and now, 36% are critical of the exploitation of the working class and the environment by the owning class.

Perceptions of capitalism have remained consistent among adults ages 35 and older, meaning that the system’s dwindling popularity is driven by the nation’s young adults. According to the poll, 18 to 34-year-olds today are almost equally likely to hold a negative opinion of capitalism as a positive one (46% vs. 49%). Just two years ago, that margin was 38% vs. 58%.


Now on to the insults in your post.

Intelligent people can disagree on issues and have entirely different viewpoints. That in no way means one is stupid and the other is intelligent.

In my experience people who run around calling other people stupid are often the ones with a deficit of intelligence. Such people have an inflated view of their brain power. Often they also have ego problems.

Feeling other people are stupid when they don’t agree with you is also one of the biggest problems in our nation today. Republicans feel they are far smarter than Democrats and Democrats feel Republicans are a bunch of stinky Walmart rubes.

It is hard to make real progress when the two sides of an issue hate each other and both sides refuse to even consider their viewpoint might be wrong.
You brain-dead need a lesson, listen closely , Marxism, socialism and communism are all implemented the same way. It is on the top of every list of the main tenants of those concepts. Everyone knows it . The means of production in owned and operated by the state , and the sale of that production is designated to the state. Now ace, when was the last time someone , anyone came up to you in this country and said you know it would be a good idea if the government took over ownership and control of all businesses in this country. And also took care of sales of all the production in those companies , never happened, and it never will and ace without that there is no Marxism socialism or communism,/ It won't happen in any capitalistic system that isn’t;'t being controlled by business. It won't happen because once you live under capitalism you know it is the only way. Thanks for admitting the level of stupidity that drives your thinking. Love it>
You seem to be full of hate. I’m not.

An elected official that fights for causes those who elected him support is hardly a psychopath. He is just an responsible politician which is a rarity today.

However, I still hope Joe Biden ends up doing a good job as that would make all of our lives better. Unfortunately I feel he has dementia and really is not running this nation and I have no idea who is. I actually often feel sorry for Joe as what I am witnessing appears to be a form of elder abuse.

DeSantis is a fighter like Trump who I feel will try to help people rather than wallow in corruption like the Bidens and The Pelosi family. He is not a New Yorker so he is not as obnoxious as Trump who definitely is a New Yorker all the way.
I hate every supporter of Trump and any supporter of Jan6th and anyone who holds allegiances to this psychopath. . Yup, that means I hate the right wing. They are scum and traitors to my country. DeSantis is just trying to out hate trump, but he will lose because no one out hates Trump. DeSantis is a joke. Your hate group has no one at this point.
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