Bar under fire for banning tranny for using ladies' room


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.
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Business owners should be forced to live in the tranny's fantasy world!

I'm watching Anderson Cooper interview the SEAL tranny. I'm supposed to think that is a woman? It sounds awfully paranoid as well. I'm sorry these people are so mentally ill, but what other mental problems do we enable so much?
"I use the ladies room because the voices in my head tell me I'm a woman" and the establishment apologizes to the nut case rather than the women who were traumatized. An example of the left's war on (real) women?
Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.

I could care less if women want to come into the men's room.

Be my guest. :cool:

Just don't leave those maxi-pads in the commode and not flush it.
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This is why they apologized.

"Humpy’s is one of a handful of local businesses listed as sponsors of Pridefest, the celebration of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender culture that takes place each year in June"

Yes, but I would rather they withdraw their sponsorship than side with the tranny when women objected to him being in the ladies' room. I mean they have a responsibility to their normally-gendered clients as well.

I don't know, maybe they'll morph into a gay bar.

One solution is to have a gender-neutral restroom, and require the trannys to use that one. But from what I hear they don't want that, they want to go in the ladies' room.

Just have all gender-neutral restrooms, then, no ladies' room or men's room. I would think the MAJORITY of the customers would NOT like that.

Wait a whole point is...why are we allowing these freaks to dictate what happens!??? And I wouldn't call them freaks if they weren't so fucking obnoxious. But they are.
Here's a news tidbit from my hometown. Apparently women at a local watering hole complained about a transvestite using the ladies' room. When bouncers checked the transvestite's ID, he was listed as a male.

They asked him to leave and not come back.

The next day there is an uproar and the bar management is APOLOGIZING ????? and the transvestite is making a big show of protesting and talking about how traumatized he was by the event. Thinks he has a lawsuit, doesn't he, the fucker.

Why is the management at the bar apologizing? Men ARE allowed in the ladies' room now? So it's official? We can't do anything about it if the penises want to come into the ladies' room????

What do you think? Here's the link to the article:

Restroom politics - Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press News

There was a much shorter article in our main newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News, and I noticed they shut down the comments section. I suspect a lot of people feel exactly as I do about this, and strongly so.

I could care less if women want to come into the men's room.

Be my guest. :cool:

Just don't leave those maxi-pads in the commode and not flush it.

Not all men feel the same way. Nor do their girlfriends. As me how I know. :razz:

I don't really care if men come in the ladies' room either. Trouble is, if they mess with me and I kick them in the balls, I'll be the one who gets blamed. That's how things are starting to be!
I think the transvestite was out of line and it sounds like he is clearly throwing a pity party in the hopes of cashing in.

However, the bar doesn't do what you or I want, the owner will do what's best for business. If being a sponsor of Pridefest brings in lots of money, then of course the owner will go where the green is.

Besides which, it sounds like issuing such a quick apology took most of the steam out of the sails on this story.
I had a friend, once, who said the same thing as Magnetek said, "I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body". I have not spoken to that person in many years. Maybe these two are related.

Nevertheless, a business has right to do what it wants in this regard and I have a right not to patronize it or patronize it.
I had a friend, once, who said the same thing as Magnetek said, "I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body". I have not spoken to that person in many years. Maybe these two are related.

Nevertheless, a business has right to do what it wants in this regard and I have a right not to patronize it or patronize it.

No, liberals say you must be forced to deny reality, OR ELSE FACE THE WRATH OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM.

Liberals are prancing, reality deny SISSIES. Fruits, the whole lot of them.
Deviant mutants who force their deviancy upon others.

Now the force the denial of reality. What mutants.

What a bunch of freaks.
I had a friend, once, who said the same thing as Magnetek said, "I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body". I have not spoken to that person in many years. Maybe these two are related.

Nevertheless, a business has right to do what it wants in this regard and I have a right not to patronize it or patronize it.

No, liberals say you must be forced to deny reality, OR ELSE FACE THE WRATH OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM.

Liberals are prancing, reality deny SISSIES. Fruits, the whole lot of them.
Deviant mutants who force their deviancy upon others.

Now the force the denial of reality. What mutants.

What a bunch of freaks.

I was thinking more in terms of the business and my relationship with it. The other subject I leave to more advanced minds than mine. Don't understand it and don't wish to go to the lengths to understand it.

Bottom line: If ya got a "peepee" go to the men's room where the rest of the pricks hangout....:piss2:
Was there a disabled bathroom she could have used?

I doubt it. Most restrooms in these places are wheelchair accessible and have at least one stall that can accommodate a person in a wheelchair. But to have a separate restroom that is just for disabled people? Probably not. Besides he wouldn't wanted to use that one, anyway. He wanted to go in the ladies' room and was probably hoping it would bother someone. That's what I think.
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Was there a disabled bathroom she could have used?

I doubt it. Most restrooms in these places are wheelchair accessible and have at least one stall that can accommodate a person in a wheelchair. But to have a separate restroom that is just for disabled people? Probably not. Besides he wouldn't wanted to use that one, anyway. He wanted to go in the ladies' room and was probably hoping it would bother someone. That's what I think.

Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.
I had a friend, once, who said the same thing as Magnetek said, "I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body". I have not spoken to that person in many years. Maybe these two are related.

Nevertheless, a business has right to do what it wants in this regard and I have a right not to patronize it or patronize it.

No, liberals say you must be forced to deny reality, OR ELSE FACE THE WRATH OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM.

Liberals are prancing, reality deny SISSIES. Fruits, the whole lot of them.
Deviant mutants who force their deviancy upon others.

Now the force the denial of reality. What mutants.

What a bunch of freaks.

Come on, novasteve, don't hold back. Why don't you tell us what you really think? :razz:

(just kidding, don't get mad)
The women who objected to the man in the ladies room should have taken care of the matter themselves and left the bar out of it.
Was there a disabled bathroom she could have used?

You continue to stun me on how fucking stupid you are. It would not have made a difference if there was a handicap bathroom available. The tranny thinks it is entitled to use the womans restroom. Now the tranny gets a lawsuit payday, just like it wanted in the first place.
Was there a disabled bathroom she could have used?

I doubt it. Most restrooms in these places are wheelchair accessible and have at least one stall that can accommodate a person in a wheelchair. But to have a separate restroom that is just for disabled people? Probably not. Besides he wouldn't wanted to use that one, anyway. He wanted to go in the ladies' room and was probably hoping it would bother someone. That's what I think.

Is the disabled stall in the men or ladies bathroom? It shouldn't matter to let them use that one. It wouldn't bother me.

There is usually a disabled stall in every restroom. So there would be one in the men's room AND the ladies' room.

Why do you think it would be okay for the tranny to use the disabled stall in the ladies' room???? It's still in the ladies' room. It's not a separate room, it's a stall in the ladies' room. The women didn't want him in there at all.

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