Barack destroys ISIL cash depot

^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
WTF do you know about military tactics and the situation on the ground? :eusa_think: What unit/division did you serve in?!!! :mad-61: OH!!! That right :redface: You "served" but not in the military ;) :p
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^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
What unit did yiou serve in?!!! OH!! thats right :redface: You "served"t not in t
^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
WTF do you know about military tactics and the situation on the ground? :eusa_think: What unit/division did you serve in?!!! :mad-61: OH!!! That right :redface: You "served" but not in the military ;) :p

I left you empty handed so you go off on some irrelevant tangent.
FYI you don't need to have served to be smart enough to know you don't arm your enemies with your own gear.

Ps. What unit did Obama serve in?
^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
What unit did yiou serve in?!!! OH!! thats right :redface: You "served"t not in t
^ hack boi never fails to impress. So first you said you wanted that equipment for what I do not know (see my previous posts explaining why this country doesn't want the expence of shipping all that contractor-produced (see W admin) gear) and now you want to blow it up. rw hack reasoning

see what you people paid-for to be left over there because of the enormous expense of transporting it & we already have enough of it in CONUS

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"


Grampa Murked U
I never said I wanted it so we can add lying to your resume now. I said when isis took it Obama should have bombed it. No amount of twisting in the wind will win this argument for you.
WTF do you know about military tactics and the situation on the ground? :eusa_think: What unit/division did you serve in?!!! :mad-61: OH!!! That right :redface: You "served" but not in the military ;) :p

I left you empty handed so you go off on some irrelevant tangent.
FYI you don't need to have served to be smart enough to know you don't arm your enemies with your own gear.

Ps. What unit did Obama serve in?
given the choice between Harvard and being a Ground Pounder. This nation's resources are better spent doing the former.
Who could have guessed His destruction of American industry and the stock market had even the slightest effect on His Muslim asshole buddies!
So corporations outsourcing their work overseas for cheap labor didnt destroy American industry?

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Who could have guessed His destruction of American industry and the stock market had even the slightest effect on His Muslim asshole buddies!
ummm..... newsflash rw kool aid drinker!!! Barack, peace be upon him, has killed more terrorists and deported more illegals than his Repub predecesser :slap:
Who could have guessed His destruction of American industry and the stock market had even the slightest effect on His Muslim asshole buddies!
ummm..... newsflash rw kool aid drinker!!! Barack, peace be upon him, has killed more terrorists and deported more illegals than his Repub predecesser :slap:

deported more illegals than his Repub predecessor

But they keep coming, faster and faster. Even faster than Obama's faked deported numbers.
Who could have guessed His destruction of American industry and the stock market had even the slightest effect on His Muslim asshole buddies!
So corporations outsourcing their work overseas for cheap labor didnt destroy American industry?
No, the unions did that. Nobody wants to pay some factory drone $70 an hour to man an assembly line.
Who could have guessed His destruction of American industry and the stock market had even the slightest effect on His Muslim asshole buddies!
So corporations outsourcing their work overseas for cheap labor didnt destroy American industry?
No, the unions did that. Nobody wants to pay some factory drone $70 an hour to man an assembly line.
There arent unions everywhere, and those unions were created out of labor laws hoping to ensure corporations didnt take advantage of employees. Even if there were no unions, other countries would still offer labor cheaper. With companies looking to increase profits every quarter they will always look to save an extra buck for their share holders, even it it means cutting 100k jobs or outsourcing whole departments overseas. i just dont see how obama is to blame for the way corporations operate.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Wonder how many missions there'd be, or how many bombs would be dropped if we hadn't pulled out of Iraq.
So barry pulls out of Iraq, leaves a vacuum, and is now being hailed as a war hero.
I guess obama likes to hear the roar of the crowd.
NEWSFLASH hack boi tyroneweaver We pulled out under an agreement reached by his Repub predecessor. BTW- Iraq wouldn't agree to giving immunity to US Troops from prosecution as well

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bush Administration later sought an agreement with the Iraqi government, and in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory
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And oil reserves.

More than 10 THOUSAND strikes against ISIL by the US and even more by the more than 65 countries led by our president and yet the worthless Repubs still refuse to okay military and of course, the RWNJs traitors think Pooting has done more than their own military has.

Thank you Mr President.
75% come back without ever having dropped a bomb PROVEN many times by many members here.
Oh and AFTER he gives them a one hour warning. YOUR rock misses you, go back to it and apologize.

You brain dead RWs don't want to destroy isis. You are on the side of isis and want to kill the same people isis kills.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And oil reserves.

More than 10 THOUSAND strikes against ISIL by the US and even more by the more than 65 countries led by our president and yet the worthless Repubs still refuse to okay military and of course, the RWNJs traitors think Pooting has done more than their own military has.

Thank you Mr President.
75% come back without ever having dropped a bomb PROVEN many times by many members here.
Oh and AFTER he gives them a one hour warning. YOUR rock misses you, go back to it and apologize.

You brain dead RWs don't want to destroy isis. You are on the side of isis and want to kill the same people isis kills.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Let's not bomb their oil trucks, we might kill a driver. Durr.
And oil reserves.

More than 10 THOUSAND strikes against ISIL by the US and even more by the more than 65 countries led by our president and yet the worthless Repubs still refuse to okay military and of course, the RWNJs traitors think Pooting has done more than their own military has.

Thank you Mr President.
75% come back without ever having dropped a bomb PROVEN many times by many members here.
Oh and AFTER he gives them a one hour warning. YOUR rock misses you, go back to it and apologize.

You brain dead RWs don't want to destroy isis. You are on the side of isis and want to kill the same people isis kills.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Let's not bomb their oil trucks, we might kill a driver. Durr.

Hussein Obama's heart is not there... let's face it.

And with can it be? along with Hillary Clinton , he created ISIS!
How did RW wankers get to be so ignorant? Seriously.

We know that under Obama's direction, the US has killed more terrorists than any other country.

We know that modern day terrorists were created when Ronnie RayGun gave and sold arms illegally to terrorists and then lied to the American people about it. ISIL is the most incarnation of what the GOP wanted and purposely created.

We know that under Obama's direction, our military has carried out a NET plus 10K strikes against ISIL. (IOW, bombs that are not dropped, ordinance that is not delivered to a target ARE NOT COUNTED in that total. That's the way it was up until W was elected. He changed it to count every time a plane took off as a hit and it was changed back after his regime was sent into exile in Dallass Texass.)

We know that oil reserves and cash has been among the successful targets.

We know that our military has never ever dropped bombs on civilians and that during WWII and other wars, our planes routinely dropped bombs/ordinance at sea rather than needlessly killing civilians. We know that the RWs threw a fit when two terrorists who were also American citizens were killed. ( DarkFury - you want to address those facts?)

Why do RWs' want to kill innocent people who ISIL is targeting? Because they side with the terrorists.

We know that under Obama's direction, we have had more than 70 months of straight job creation after months of losing almost a million jobs every month under bush as well as more than 40K factories under bush.

We know the US has the strongest economy on the planet - because of President Obama.

We know that under Obama's direction, the US has deported more illegals than any other president and that we are now at a net zero for illegals coming in.

So why do RWs always side against their own country?

Because they are traitors.

Why do they call their military liars? Why do worship dictator Pooting? Why do lie about about their own country and their own president?

Because they are traitors.
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Thank you Mr. President :salute:

First on CNN: Video of bombing of 'millions' in ISIS cash -

Washington (CNN)The Department of Defense has released declassified video from its January 11 bombing of an ISIS cash depot in Mosul, Iraq, which was first reported exclusively by CNN.
The video, which has no sound, begins moments before a pair of 2,000-pound bomb strikes the building. After the explosion, clouds of cash are seen fluttering in the air and later scatter on top of the roofs of nearby buildings.
too bad he left them a billion dollars worth of arms
Hussein Obama's heart is not there... let's face it.

And with can it be? along with Hillary Clinton , he created ISIS!
you idiots keep sputing that nonsense.

He was against his Repub predecessor kicking that hornets nest (Iraq) from the start rw Sugar Shorts :eusa_hand:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.
Thank you Mr. President :salute:

First on CNN: Video of bombing of 'millions' in ISIS cash -

Washington (CNN)The Department of Defense has released declassified video from its January 11 bombing of an ISIS cash depot in Mosul, Iraq, which was first reported exclusively by CNN.
The video, which has no sound, begins moments before a pair of 2,000-pound bomb strikes the building. After the explosion, clouds of cash are seen fluttering in the air and later scatter on top of the roofs of nearby buildings.
too bad he left them a billion dollars worth of arms
which we didn't need and couldn't afford to send back you ASSCLOWN. jon_berzerk Who put all that gear there? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question

the result of Bu$h/Cheney's "war corporatism"

Thank you Mr. President :salute:

First on CNN: Video of bombing of 'millions' in ISIS cash -

Washington (CNN)The Department of Defense has released declassified video from its January 11 bombing of an ISIS cash depot in Mosul, Iraq, which was first reported exclusively by CNN.
The video, which has no sound, begins moments before a pair of 2,000-pound bomb strikes the building. After the explosion, clouds of cash are seen fluttering in the air and later scatter on top of the roofs of nearby buildings.
too bad he left them a billion dollars worth of arms
which we didn't need and couldn't afford to send back you ASSCLOWN. jon_berzerk Who put all that gear there? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question

the point remains the same

he left a billion dollars worth of arms

that has now supplied isis

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