barack obama is the worst president in history!

You know why Typhoid Barry is the worst president in history? I've never seen a politician with a more festering resentment against his own public, particularly white people, than that son of a bitch. If you read his writings, you'll know they're a cocaine-reeking paranoia fit about whites page after page after page. He's the only president in history who badmouths this country when he speaks abroad. Everything about his presidency is about taking America down a peg while building up his muslim filth and/or radical black crybabies.
Want to hear some screams, wait until the historians rate Obama.
the left are a bunch of desperate pieces of shit that want everyone to keep suffering
The usual RW insanity that happens in a GOP world depression. Great job!
Go to hell, you white-hating, atrocity-justifying column of bowel-hemmorhaged dogshit. If you want to justify the epidemic of black violence against whites (such as that video), I wish cancer on you and your ilk. You are NOT human, get it?
The usual RW insanity that happens in a GOP world depression. Great job!
Go to hell, you white-hating, atrocity-justifying column of bowel-hemmorhaged dogshit. If you want to justify the epidemic of black violence against whites (such as that video), I wish cancer on you and your ilk. You are NOT human, get it?
Take a pill. I was talking about world events, not anything to do with that. Depressions (GOP corrupt so far) bring RW nationalism and violence. So do W's ME idiocies...

Jeebus what an idiot. Have a stroke why don't ya lol...I give you a 99% chance racist a-hole rating. What epidemic? Only in dupe world. IDIOT.
"a black mark on this nation"

i can think of a democrat president who is literally a black mark on this nation!

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