Barack Obama should be scared!

He deserves a one way ticket to Siberia for giving away those 3 American bought and paid for Aleutian islands that harbor more oil rich deposits than Saudi Arabia
Another day, another idiotic internet hoax.

Had to look this one up. Do you guys believe everything you read on the idiotic right wing blogs?
Those Aleutians are now Russian property thanks to Obummer and his secy of state Hillbillary.
He deserves a one way ticket to Siberia for giving away those 3 American bought and paid for Aleutian islands that harbor more oil rich deposits than Saudi Arabia
Another day, another idiotic internet hoax.

Had to look this one up. Do you guys believe everything you read on the idiotic right wing blogs?
USMB is bipartisan, Mr Tweedle-DeeDum
He deserves a one way ticket to Siberia for giving away those 3 American bought and paid for Aleutian islands that harbor more oil rich deposits than Saudi Arabia
Another day, another idiotic internet hoax.

Had to look this one up. Do you guys believe everything you read on the idiotic right wing blogs?
Those Aleutians are now Russian property thanks to Obummer and his secy of state Hillbillary.
They're not Aleutian islands and they were never US property. No one gave them away.

Stop believing every idiotic thing you read on the internet.
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
He deserves a one way ticket to Siberia for giving away those 3 American bought and paid for Aleutian islands that harbor more oil rich deposits than Saudi Arabia
Another day, another idiotic internet hoax.

Had to look this one up. Do you guys believe everything you read on the idiotic right wing blogs?
its much more intelligent compared to brain dead idiotic right wing blogs
He deserves a one way ticket to Siberia for giving away those 3 American bought and paid for Aleutian islands that harbor more oil rich deposits than Saudi Arabia
Another day, another idiotic internet hoax.

Had to look this one up. Do you guys believe everything you read on the idiotic right wing blogs?
its much more intelligent compared to brain dead idiotic right wing blogs
This hoax comes from WND, so it in fact does come from brain dead idiotic right wing blog.

Have you guys noticed how often fake information, hoaxes and lies permeate your political discourse?
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.
Senate intelligence report extensively documents contacts between Russia and Trump campaign, meaning collusion is well established. Fast-forward to now, Trump doesnt care that Russia is helping him right now.

The steele dossier was totally legal. In fact, John Mccain turned it into the FBI.
not to mention his gift of 20% of known American uranium product.

I love you guys. You make me laugh. In reality, the mines in question produce about 4% of the commercial uranium we use each year in this country. At the time the Canadian firm sold them to Russia, we were still in the process of purchasing 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Soviet warheads.

But hats off to the GOP wordsmiths, cause you know what uranium is used for............
not to mention his gift of 20% of known American uranium product.

I love you guys. You make me laugh. In reality, the mines in question produce about 4% of the commercial uranium we use each year in this country. At the time the Canadian firm sold them to Russia, we were still in the process of purchasing 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from decommissioned Soviet warheads.

But hats off to the GOP wordsmiths, cause you know what uranium is used for............
You dontknow Blindboo, but I lived in central Wyoming 30 miles from one of the largest and richest uranium deposits in the world.

Democrats regularly punish states thst produce a son like Vice President Dick Cheney. They order coconspiritors in the Msm Press to beat up their home states by any means possible, and the Obama-Biden scorched earth crew did just thst with nasty Hillbillary looking over their shoulders. The consequence of Democrat vengeance is unspeakably ubiquitous umbrage all around.
Yall have become a blight on earth's face. Down with Biden-Harris. They're barking up the wrong tree.
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
Every bit of that is true.
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
Every bit of that is true.

Sure it was. Because the internet told you it was true.

What are you going to do when none of this ever comes to court?
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
Every bit of that is true.

Sure it was. Because the internet told you it was true.

What are you going to do when none of this ever comes to court?
If Biden loses it goes to court. I still can't believe I'm going back and fourth will someone that still believes Trump colluding with Russia.
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
Every bit of that is true.

Sure it was. Because the internet told you it was true.

What are you going to do when none of this ever comes to court?
If Biden loses it goes to court. I still can't believe I'm going back and fourth will someone that still believes Trump colluding with Russia.

Where did I say anything about Trump colluding with Russia?

Why isn't Biden in court right now?
View attachment 377773
if this gets to Obama telling the fbi to spy! How deep is Obama in? Treason!?
Any Law ppl on here?

No one, NOT EVEN TRUMP, is above the law......

do you think trump will move to russia when he flees the USA because of all of his criminal activities?
Trump has nothing to worry about. If Trump gets a second term, Obama does.
Why does Obama only have to worry if Trump gets a second term?
Because the only reason they want Biden to be president is, because he would stop the investigation on day one. Remember he is a part of it also.
If Trump’s administration can’t dig up any evidence against Obama in 4 years, what makes you think they can do it in 8?
It took a while to weed out the people covering for Obama. We have one person now that will testify. I wish they would hurry up, because Biden deserves to be in prison.
Like who? Who did they have to weed out that was covering for Obama?

Who is the person that will testify?
Comey and all the other whistle blowers he was dealing with.
Comey was fired more than three years ago after less than 4 months into the administration.

Is that really your excuse?
You asked for an example, personally I hope he waits till the last week in October to prove how corrupt your party is.
I was expecting your “example” would make sense. It’s not a serious argument that Comey could cover when he hasn’t been in government for 3 years.

Fact is that your excuse isn’t rational. There isn’t some cabal protecting Obama.
Maybe he is waiting for October, you know. To pay y'all back for russian collusion.
And maybe your firmly held beliefs of this vast illegal conspiracy aren’t true.

When the indictments don’t come down, are you going to accept it? Or will you persist in believing that this imagined, invisible, nameless cabal is protecting them?
Its true and the truth is slowly coming out. The Russian collision was made up by the obama administration paid for by Hillary .
Are you sure it’s true? Have you considered the possibility that it’s not true and you’ve been misled by Trump and conservative media?
Well we know the story about Trump colluding is false, and we know the hillary campaign paid Steele to make up a false dossier to take to the fisa court, and we know that Obama approved of it. So yes I'm positive he is guilty.

Very little of this post is true.

Steele wasn't paid to make up a dossier.
He wasn't instructed to bring it to the FBI by the campaign.
Obama wasn't asked for approval of any warrants, he never is.

You'd be less positive of his guilt if you didn't believe falsehoods.
Every bit of that is true.

Sure it was. Because the internet told you it was true.

What are you going to do when none of this ever comes to court?
If Biden loses it goes to court. I still can't believe I'm going back and fourth will someone that still believes Trump colluding with Russia.

Where did I say anything about Trump colluding with Russia?

Why isn't Biden in court right now?
Liberal privilege. Look it up.

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