Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

Barr has less evidence of spying than the Democrats have of Trump personally colluding with Putin.
Thanks for the admission, but it's impossible to have less than zero evidence so you're obviously wrong.

But regardless, we're still entitled to two years of investigations and constant cries of "the walls are closing in!", right?
Didn't Democrats tell us that any investigation even if it comes up with nothing should have NO TIME LIMITS?
Barr has less evidence of spying than the Democrats have of Trump personally colluding with Putin.
Thanks for the admission, but it's impossible to have less than zero evidence so you're obviously wrong.

But regardless, we're still entitled to two years of investigations and constant cries of "the walls are closing in!", right?
Didn't Democrats tell us that any investigation even if it comes up with nothing should have NO TIME LIMITS?
Woody, I think that was Kenm Starr.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
Stop spitting all over your monitor. What Barr needs is not thinking it happened, he needs proof it happened.

Well obviously, the proof is in Obama's private communications. We must have, because we think crimes were committed, immediate access to every email Obama sent or received during his last term and every recorded phone call. I mean, isn't that the new standard?

Have a t it.

At least there are recorded calls unlike your fat assed orange buddy who uses his private cell phone & his kids use their private e-mail accounts to do business.

Any day now. Tick tock. The walls are closing in, he's done for now. And on and on it goes.

Oh, and I don't have any fat assed orange buddies. Be sure to let me know when yours becomes available. They sound fun.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
Here, I shortened your tirade to three words and sacrificed none of the content:

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
Did you forget he said nothing illegal had happened?
Huge laugh, the Feds leaking did Clinton in, not trump
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
Here, I shortened your tirade to three words and sacrificed none of the content:

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
You forgot he said there was nothing illegal.
Hilarious, the Comey statement didhillary in not the con
Democrats are going crazy because they know this will lead to them being exposed as shitheads.

LOL: "Journalists" Lose Their Minds Over AG Barr Saying Trump Campaign Was Spied On

LOL: “Journalists” Lose Their Minds Over AG Barr Saying Trump Campaign Was Spied On

Earlier this morning, AG Barr admitted in an open hearing that he’s going to investigate the genesis of the 2016 Trump investigation and that he personally thinks “spying did occur.” This of course left the Democrats on the panel stunned and in disbelief. They’ve been pushing for years that any such admission is just wild conspiracy mongering and no one in good company should ever state something so obvious.

This led to all kinds of hysterical (not in the funny sense) gnashing of teeth by “journalists” and cable news “analysts.”
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
All that’s required is probable cause.
Which is likely that AG Barr has, or he would not have made the statement.

Barr has probable cause to open an investigation into criminal conduct at the FBI.

It only remains to be seen to see if he has the courage to actually go through with it.

He said there's no evidence of wrong doing and that he's not going to open an investigation. You rightards live in your own alternate universe.

Oh there will be an investigation. Sounds like you and fakedave are already soiling yourselves. No collusion, NO obstruction, and NO hope in 2020. Why are you scared? You should WELCOME an investigation if your statements aren't lies.
Why are the left afraid of the truth? It’s what guilty people are most afraid of. I expect the attorney general to follow evidence. It’s what I thought was his job!

Why wouldn't they want an investigation to give them and their allies a "clean bill of health", letting one and all of us know that they can be trusted?
what was it they asked about investigating trump? what are you afraid of? I ask them the same question? what is there to lose? Isn't this best for America? Or, isn't america their concern. I'm ready to go down that road now. They got their two years to prove their side, I'm like ok. now let's see why they felt it was needed and they are like...these aren't the droids you're looking for.

when I hear people whining, it must be they have something to hide. isn't that also what they said? Doh!
Last edited:
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
and if we allow this against trump cause we hate him, the right will adopt this as a viable tactic in todays climate.

it's the nature of the beast.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
#1 so fking what?
#2 no he didn't no evidence was presented
#3 no, they lied to an fbi agent, that's illegal.
#4 nope, cohen never said that.
#5 prove it!!!

Now, why are you crying about finding out if someone in our intelligence agency spied on them? what is it you're afraid of? was it you? LOL. dude, you don't want anything about russia, you are batshit infected with TDS. and only that. what a douche.
Barr has less evidence of spying than the Democrats have of Trump personally colluding with Putin.
Thanks for the admission, but it's impossible to have less than zero evidence so you're obviously wrong.

But regardless, we're still entitled to two years of investigations and constant cries of "the walls are closing in!", right?
Didn't Democrats tell us that any investigation even if it comes up with nothing should have NO TIME LIMITS?
right? they can't even follow their own advice or guidance. they feel they should be left alone. nothing to see here, and these are not the droids you're looking for.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
Stop spitting all over your monitor. What Barr needs is not thinking it happened, he needs proof it happened.

Well obviously, the proof is in Obama's private communications. We must have, because we think crimes were committed, immediate access to every email Obama sent or received during his last term and every recorded phone call. I mean, isn't that the new standard?

Have a t it.

At least there are recorded calls unlike your fat assed orange buddy who uses his private cell phone & his kids use their private e-mail accounts to do business.

Any day now. Tick tock. The walls are closing in, he's done for now. And on and on it goes.

Oh, and I don't have any fat assed orange buddies. Be sure to let me know when yours becomes available. They sound fun.
wait for that mueller report. tick tock.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
You forgot he said there was nothing illegal.
Hilarious, the Comey statement didhillary in not the con
and yet here we are at russia russia right? so which is it? comey or russia? and if it was russia, what is it they did?
Barr has less evidence of spying than the Democrats have of Trump personally colluding with Putin.
Thanks for the admission, but it's impossible to have less than zero evidence so you're obviously wrong.

But regardless, we're still entitled to two years of investigations and constant cries of "the walls are closing in!", right?
We had six years of investigations into Benghazi. We had birther Trump announcing he would be unveiling proof Obama was born in Kenya any day now for five years.

I'd say Trump and the GOP are reaping what they have sown. Karma is a BITCH!
Yep, there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
And there would have been no Obama if there was no Bush.
True, Both are career politicians largely the same...
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
and if we allow this against trump cause we hate him, the right will adopt this as a viable tactic in todays climate.

it's the nature of the beast.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
#1 so fking what?
#2 no he didn't no evidence was presented
#3 no, they lied to an fbi agent, that's illegal.
#4 nope, cohen never said that.
#5 prove it!!!

Now, why are you crying about finding out if someone in our intelligence agency spied on them? what is it you're afraid of? was it you? LOL. dude, you don't want anything about russia, you are batshit infected with TDS. and only that. what a douche.

"No one in my campaign has had contact with the Russians" Donald Trump.

very intelligence agency has said Russia interfered. Every one.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
You forgot he said there was nothing illegal.
Hilarious, the Comey statement didhillary in not the con
and yet here we are at russia russia right? so which is it? comey or russia? and if it was russia, what is it they did?
Talk about being uninformed. You deny Russia interfered. How stupid are yopu?

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