I vote for the Green Party, so my guy never wins. I waste my vote. I wish I could work like I used to, I miss the pocket full of cash and seeing things I've built that will be around long after I die.
I've known people that have never used dope or drank booze and they acted worse than the ones that did.

I got home from the RVN 10-68 and figured I might as well vote since it was my first chance. So when November rolls around, I stroll into where they told me to go with my buzz-cut, vacant stare, bandages still on my cheek and neck, and the man tells me I'm not registered so I can't vote. An old boy wearing a VFW cap rises up and yells at the guy at the table if I can't vote nobody else is going to either and promises the guy at the table he'll tear down the booths and rip up the ballots. :lol:

So the guy at the table handed me a ballot....I looked at it. Nixon and Humphrey. No shit...that was my choice. So I handed the ballot back to him, winked at the old boy in the VFW cap, and stolled out which left the old boy in the VFW cap laughing his ass off.
I vote for the Green Party, so my guy never wins. I waste my vote. I wish I could work like I used to, I miss the pocket full of cash and seeing things I've built that will be around long after I die.
I've known people that have never used dope or drank booze and they acted worse than the ones that did.

I got home from the RVN 10-68 and figured I might as well vote since it was my first chance. So when November rolls around, I stroll into where they told me to go with my buzz-cut, vacant stare, bandages still on my cheek and neck, and the man tells me I'm not registered so I can't vote. An old boy wearing a VFW cap rises up and yells at the guy at the table if I can't vote nobody else is going to either and promises the guy at the table he'll tear down the booths and rip up the ballots. :lol:

So the guy at the table handed me a ballot....I looked at it. Nixon and Humphrey. No shit...that was my choice. So I handed the ballot back to him, winked at the old boy in the VFW cap, and stolled out which left the old boy in the VFW cap laughing his ass off.

I did vote for Reagan, but after him I pretty much decided that one dead fish was a bad as the other.

I went into a VFW in bum fu%% Oklahoma with long hair, we were lost on a road trip party, when I entered with my fro bro hair friend the old guys jumped up from the bar and immediately told us to get the hell out.
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I went into a VFW in bum fu%% Oklahoma with long hair, we were lost on a road trip party, when I entered with my fro bro hair friend the old guys jumped up from the bar and immediately told us to get the hell out. belong to one or the other. Most longhairs who served in RVN were draftees....some served with distinction in the early years, but later on were mostly shit when it came to soldiering. Lazy, stupid, got their patrols ambushed by making noise, smoking, not paying attention....treated villagers with contempt instead of respect, fragged their officers....and came home with a heroin habit. I never had anything but a good time at a VFW hall....but then I was a professional and looked like one.
It goes down in the Official Record Book as a gigantic BLINK from Barry, but certainly understandable after getting kicked in the nuts by the Dims who came to the White House to talk a little 'woodshed' with the clueless-in-chief one.

What a humiliating albatross BarryCare has become, and odds are as it continues to rot we're in for more mea culpas from J. Earl Carter's new best friend.
Pretty much his natural state but now the rest of the country is seeing him for what he is....a fraud, a liar, and a lazy putz who's smoked so much ganga he's permanently stoned.


To wit: He was given until tomorrow BY SENATE DEMOCRATS to produce a solution to the mess he's created....fat chance. It's been announced the hopelessly inept web-design to register will NOT be ready by the end of the month as promised. And Barry himself? Barry wants to talk about "jobs" again and trying to amesty 12M who sneaked in from mehico. And for good measure, he's now parading Moochelle and the girls around to remind us he's a part-time hetero, even when it's clear Moochelle is the man of the family. :eusa_shhh:

Sure, he's lost his mojo, his pants are down around his knees, and the comedians are having a field-day at his expense. Not to worry the progs though....Barry will play his 151st round of golf this weekend and is eating his arugula like a good little Kenyan communist should. Our healthcare can wait until he's finished with his me-time. :eusa_shifty:

Maybe he will resign! :lol:
The DNC is hoping to hold onto the voters they still have by extending the deadline until just after the 2014 elections.

That might work for some. But elections are controlled by the swing voters in this country. We are not stupid.
OK, it's past COB Friday. Did he fix it?

Nope! It works just well enough to take your most private information and then stall....leaving the dopes still trying in even worse shape then before....if they try again, they're told they already enrolled, can't change or delete their data, and of course now have to worry about identity-theft. :lol:
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OK, it's past COB Friday. Did he fix it?

Nope! It works just well enough to take your most private information and then stall....leaving the dopes still trying in even worse shape then they're told they already enrolled, can't change or delete their data and of course now have to worry about identity-theft. :lol:

I would worry about that identity theft thing. Every thug friend of the moo sow in inner city Chicago prolly already has the private information of all those who signed up. They better keep an eye on their accounts.
OK, it's past COB Friday. Did he fix it?

Nope! It works just well enough to take your most private information and then stall....leaving the dopes still trying in even worse shape then before....if they try agains, they're told they already enrolled, can't change or delete their data and of course now have to worry about identity-theft. :lol:

we are from the government and here to help

OK, it's past COB Friday. Did he fix it?

Nope! It works just well enough to take your most private information and then stall....leaving the dopes still trying in even worse shape then before....if they try again, they're told they already enrolled, can't change or delete their data and of course now have to worry about identity-theft. :lol:

we are from the government and here to help


During that sham press conference on Thursday, he claimed if we totalled up all the "attempts" to sign up there'd be "500,000" enrolled instead of less then 20% of that number....yesterday in Ohio, that lie grew to "5,000,000 if the GOP governors hadn't blocked the ACA". The MSM also remains silent on the fact that less then 1% of those enrolled have actually bought a policy from the exchanges. Meanwhile the number of those who have lost the coverage the ACA destroyed now numbers at around 5 million...the same number he slyly used to smear the GOP and if challenged claim he was "misunderstood" or simply "misspoke". There is only one solution...we must IMPEACH this lying sack of shit.
During that sham press conference on Thursday, he claimed if we totalled up all the "attempts" to sign up there'd be "500,000" enrolled instead of less then 20% of that number....yesterday in Ohio, that lie grew to "5,000,000 if the GOP governors hadn't blocked the ACA". The MSM also remains silent on the fact that less then 1% of those enrolled have actually bought a policy from the exchanges. Meanwhile the number of those who have lost the coverage the ACA destroyed now numbers at around 5 million...the same number he slyly used to smear the GOP and if challenged claim he was "misunderstood" or simply "misspoke". There is only one solution...we must IMPEACH this lying sack of shit.

obama and crew are liars period
You ever smoked ganga? If you ever had you would see the ignorance in your assertions about being permanently stone.

What was Mittens problem then, since he lost to a stoner?

Bush talked like a drunk.

Have I ever smoked Ganga? :lol: That's none of your business but I would tell you that coming of age in the 60's, I knew dozens of dopers who no longer needed a hit to get a's permanent damage or enlightenment, which ever description you're happy with.

Mittens problem was there were still enough of you moonglows out there who wouldn't chance losing their free-ride on Sam. Mittens was telling you to get off your ass and DO something....poison to a prog.

Bush had a higher IQ than both Gore and Flippy and whipped both their asses by making sense to people who still had some sense. Barry's replacement will remind you of Bush43 so you better be ready.

Bush had a higher IQ than both Gore and Flippy and whipped both their asses by making sense to people who still had some sense. Barry's replacement will remind you of Bush43 so you better be ready.

presidential candidates, (via Drudge). The bottom line: from available hard evidence, IQ's are: Bush 123, Kerry 120, Gore 134.

You will be required to prove to my satisfaction you read this link for further data:

Bush dumb, Gore bright?

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Bush had a higher IQ than both Gore and Flippy and whipped both their asses by making sense to people who still had some sense. Barry's replacement will remind you of Bush43 so you better be ready.

presidential candidates, (via Drudge). The bottom line: from available hard evidence, IQ's are: Bush 123, Kerry 120, Gore 134.

Rasmusen Weblog: IQ's of Bush, Kerry, Gore: Hard Evidence

You will be required to prove to my satisfaction you read this link for further data:

Bush dumb, Gore bright?


So according to the wannabe marine's own link Gore scores 11 points higher than Bush. Thanks for admitting that you were lying again! :lol:
Bush had a higher IQ than both Gore and Flippy and whipped both their asses by making sense to people who still had some sense. Barry's replacement will remind you of Bush43 so you better be ready.

presidential candidates, (via Drudge). The bottom line: from available hard evidence, IQ's are: Bush 123, Kerry 120, Gore 134.

Rasmusen Weblog: IQ's of Bush, Kerry, Gore: Hard Evidence

You will be required to prove to my satisfaction you read this link for further data:

Bush dumb, Gore bright?


So according to the wannabe marine's own link Gore scores 11 points higher than Bush. Thanks for admitting that you were lying again! :lol:

No, what I'm telling you is Bush scored higher than Kerry and if you'd read the link like I told you instead of being a gutless little bitch, you'd see Bush was a much better student than Gore, accomplished much more in life than Gore, and defeated Gore in his home state of Tennessee...the people who knew Gore best refused to make him president.
presidential candidates, (via Drudge). The bottom line: from available hard evidence, IQ's are: Bush 123, Kerry 120, Gore 134.

Rasmusen Weblog: IQ's of Bush, Kerry, Gore: Hard Evidence

You will be required to prove to my satisfaction you read this link for further data:

Bush dumb, Gore bright?


So according to the wannabe marine's own link Gore scores 11 points higher than Bush. Thanks for admitting that you were lying again! :lol:

No, what I'm telling you is Bush scored higher than Kerry and if you'd read the link like I told you instead of being a gutless little bitch, you'd see Bush was a much better student than Gore, accomplished much more in life than Gore, and defeated Gore in his home state of Tennessee...the people who knew Gore best refused to make him president.

Your original canard didn't say that;
Bush had a higher IQ than both Gore and Flippy

Squirming like a 3 year old needing to pee just makes you appear "dazed and confused" and explains why you never made it into the marine corp!

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