CDZ Basically, There Is No Such Thing As Judeo-Christian Values

A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
Yo, Comrade, we already went through this commie propaganda during the first Cold War.
Yo, Comrade, we already went through this commie propaganda during the first Cold War.
The dishonest left has continuously and purposely conflated a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values
and attitudes with the erroneous notion that America is some sort of theocracy.
The founders were just very aware of the nation most of them had left, England, and their state formed
Church of England, and they were very certain they didn't want a nationalized church with the power
of the monarchy behind it.
Just as they had conspicuously rejected the monarchy itself so they rejected the idea of a monarchical
church further cementing the power and authority of a monarch.

Trying to restir this pot up is pointless and an act of futility.
Yo, Comrade, we already went through this commie propaganda during the first Cold War.
The dishonest left has continuously and purposely conflated a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values
and attitudes with the erroneous notion that America is some sort of theocracy.
The founders were just very aware of the nation most of them had left, England, and their state formed
Church of England, and they were very certain they didn't want a nationalized church with the power
of the monarchy behind it.
Just as they had conspicuously rejected the monarchy itself so they rejected the idea of a monarchical
church further cementing the power and authority of a monarch.

Trying to restir this pot up is pointless and an act of futility.
Why do we have "under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our money?
Yo, Comrade, we already went through this commie propaganda during the first Cold War.
The dishonest left has continuously and purposely conflated a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values
and attitudes with the erroneous notion that America is some sort of theocracy.
The founders were just very aware of the nation most of them had left, England, and their state formed
Church of England, and they were very certain they didn't want a nationalized church with the power
of the monarchy behind it.
Just as they had conspicuously rejected the monarchy itself so they rejected the idea of a monarchical
church further cementing the power and authority of a monarch.

Trying to restir this pot up is pointless and an act of futility.
Why do we have "under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our money?
Put there by right wing assholes during the cold war to differentiate us from the godless communists.
Yo, Comrade, we already went through this commie propaganda during the first Cold War.
The dishonest left has continuously and purposely conflated a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values
and attitudes with the erroneous notion that America is some sort of theocracy.
The founders were just very aware of the nation most of them had left, England, and their state formed
Church of England, and they were very certain they didn't want a nationalized church with the power
of the monarchy behind it.
Just as they had conspicuously rejected the monarchy itself so they rejected the idea of a monarchical
church further cementing the power and authority of a monarch.

Trying to restir this pot up is pointless and an act of futility.
Why do we have "under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our money?
Put there by right wing assholes during the cold war to differentiate us from the godless communists.

I don't care if they're godless ... I care that they want to take my golf cart and give it to the poor in the trailer park next town over.

Poor people don't even play golf!
Why do bakers and photographers in public accommodation seem to believe we have theocracy instead of a Constitutional republic?
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
you will believe anything someone tells you,,

might be why youre hiding this in CDZ cause you know you will get hammered on such a dumb comment,,

our whole justice system comes from it,,

Our whole justice system? What laws do we have that have no been in almost every system of laws?

And surely you are not referring to the 10 Commandments? Only a few of the commandments are laws, and most shouldn't be.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
you will believe anything someone tells you,,

might be why youre hiding this in CDZ cause you know you will get hammered on such a dumb comment,,

our whole justice system comes from it,,

Our whole justice system? What laws do we have that have no been in almost every system of laws?

And surely you are not referring to the 10 Commandments? Only a few of the commandments are laws, and most shouldn't be.
Our legal oaths have been sworn using a Bible for well over 200 years.
BTW, watch this...

A bible and a Koran.

I wrote that so you’s can see how my communist spell-checker doesn’t capitalize bible but it does for the Koran.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
you will believe anything someone tells you,,

might be why youre hiding this in CDZ cause you know you will get hammered on such a dumb comment,,

our whole justice system comes from it,,

Our whole justice system? What laws do we have that have no been in almost every system of laws?

And surely you are not referring to the 10 Commandments? Only a few of the commandments are laws, and most shouldn't be.
Our legal oaths have been sworn using a Bible for well over 200 years.
BTW, watch this...

A bible and a Koran.

I wrote that so you’s can see how my communist spell-checker doesn’t capitalize bible but it does for the Koran.

I can capitalize it easily enough when I type it.

And it isn't about the "communist spell-checker". The word "bible" is also used to denote a definitive work. The Shooters Bible, the Backpacker's Bible, ect ect.

And oaths have been taken on other books as well, even at the beginning of our nation.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
you will believe anything someone tells you,,

might be why youre hiding this in CDZ cause you know you will get hammered on such a dumb comment,,

our whole justice system comes from it,,

Our whole justice system? What laws do we have that have no been in almost every system of laws?

And surely you are not referring to the 10 Commandments? Only a few of the commandments are laws, and most shouldn't be.
Our legal oaths have been sworn using a Bible for well over 200 years.
BTW, watch this...

A bible and a Koran.

I wrote that so you’s can see how my communist spell-checker doesn’t capitalize bible but it does for the Koran.

I can capitalize it easily enough when I type it.

And it isn't about the "communist spell-checker". The word "bible" is also used to denote a definitive work. The Shooters Bible, the Backpacker's Bible, ect ect.

And oaths have been taken on other books as well, even at the beginning of our nation.
But the standard is the Bible. That comes from a rooting in judeo-Christian philosophy.
Bible vs Koran isn’t the only capitalization discrepancy.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
I tell ya, after the first sentence or so where the term 'regressive morality' was dropped we can be certain the rest of the diatribe is a Marxist/Leftist anti-American screed. It's a made-up term whose definition is anything radicals want it to mean.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
you will believe anything someone tells you,,

might be why youre hiding this in CDZ cause you know you will get hammered on such a dumb comment,,

our whole justice system comes from it,,

Our whole justice system? What laws do we have that have no been in almost every system of laws?

And surely you are not referring to the 10 Commandments? Only a few of the commandments are laws, and most shouldn't be.
Our legal oaths have been sworn using a Bible for well over 200 years.
BTW, watch this...

A bible and a Koran.

I wrote that so you’s can see how my communist spell-checker doesn’t capitalize bible but it does for the Koran.

I can capitalize it easily enough when I type it.

And it isn't about the "communist spell-checker". The word "bible" is also used to denote a definitive work. The Shooters Bible, the Backpacker's Bible, ect ect.

And oaths have been taken on other books as well, even at the beginning of our nation.
Try Antifa and kkk.
Judaism and Islam both feature a very strict code to live by that covers all aspects of life. Christianity does not.
People lead a horrible lifestyle of heavy sins, fornication, adultery, and ritualized infant genital mutilation and then they tell us it's a sin to eat pork versus beef or chicken, or milk and meat in the same meal or whatever.
I tell ya, after the first sentence or so where the term 'regressive morality' was dropped we can be certain the rest of the diatribe is a Marxist/Leftist anti-American screed. It's a made-up term whose definition is anything radicals want it to mean.
No. You could just as well say Progressive instead of Regressive if you want, but the twisted and sick Islamo-Judaic morality presently imposed as law throughout the U.S. is more than a little bit bass-ackwards ... Gay people get married in their rear end and the judge at the local courthouse is going to tell us how faithful they are.
A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
Sorry, pal. I don't pay to read trash. Your article is pure click bait and your source is nothing more that a carnival barker.

The fact that Judeo-Christian values exist manifests itself in the roughly 15 million Jews and roughy 2.5 billion Christians that hold them today. This doesn't include the billions of people that have held these same values for thousands of years.

To say that their values do not exist is to say that their beliefs do not exist.

Do you understand the patently obvious lunacy of this posit?
So are refugees coming through our southern border.
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Do you know why we were given this statue?
The poem was not posted at the base of the Statue of Liberty until 1903, about 20 years after it was unveiled.

The gift of the statue to the United States had nothing to do with immigration.

Originally, the meaning of the monument had more to do with the abolition of slavery than with immigration. In the 1860s, French anti-slavery activist Edouard de Laboulaye had first proposed that France should make a gift of the statue, dubbed “Liberty Enlightening the World” and designed by sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, both to commemorate the alliance between the U.S. and France during the American Revolution and the end of slavery in the U.S. after the Civil War, according to the National Park Service.
Care not at all what your religion is, my choice is to not support the teachings of any religion that is willing to lie cheat steal, belittle others or kill in Gods name. Raised as a Christian. Totally disgusted with those who would distort the positive of a Christian life style to promote a political party.

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