CDZ Basically, There Is No Such Thing As Judeo-Christian Values

Why do we have "under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our money?
Why wouldn't we? The term "God" is not specific or endorsing any particular religion.
If you are God-phobic we cannot please every individual in the country. Most are not.
The compromise made has been a good and just one.

If you don't like the money don't use it.
Why do bakers and photographers in public accommodation seem to believe we have theocracy instead of a Constitutional republic?
They do not, obviously. If we lived in a theocracy butt-hurt leftists would not be able to sue and harass
people merely for exercising their right to turn down jobs that violate their consciences, convictions and Constitutional rights.
ALL points of views should be accommodated. Not just the ones you approve of.

Or would you enable Klan members to sue a tattoo parlor that refused to do explicitly pro racist and anti Semitic work that glorified Nazis? The right to refuse work that violates the conscience is just as important
as any other.
Where have you been? Under a rock? Stop with the idiocy.
Why do we have "under God" in our pledge and "In God We Trust" on our money?
Why wouldn't we? The term "God" is not specific or endorsing any particular religion.
If you are God-phobic we cannot please every individual in the country. Most are not.
The compromise made has been a good and just one.

If you don't like the money don't use it.
Then quit whining when baking or photographing in public accommodation.
Why do bakers and photographers in public accommodation seem to believe we have theocracy instead of a Constitutional republic?
They do not, obviously. If we lived in a theocracy butt-hurt leftists would not be able to sue and harass
people merely for exercising their right to turn down jobs that violate their consciences, convictions and Constitutional rights.
ALL points of views should be accommodated. Not just the ones you approve of.

Or would you enable Klan members to sue a tattoo parlor that refused to do explicitly pro racist and anti Semitic work that glorified Nazis?
Where have you been? Under a rock? Stop with the idiocy.
Working on a Petition to a Pope for a contingent of subject matter specialists who may Inquire into the moral rectitude of those alleging the morals of Religion in public accommodation on a for-the-profit-of-Lucre basis.
Then quit whining when baking or photographing in public accommodation.
Fortunately the courts are more nuanced in their thinking than you.
Public accommodations are not given carte blanche to run rough shod over the rights of others.

Who else would you say that to when people assert their Constitutional rights?
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Then quit whining when baking or photographing in public accommodation.
Fortunately the courts are more nuanced in their thinking than you.
Public accommodations are not given carte blanche to run rough shod over the rights of others.

Who else would you say that to when people assert their Constitutional rights?
Buyers also have Constitutional rights. Only bigots on the Right-Wing don't understand the concept.
Buyers also have Constitutional rights. Only bigots on the Right-Wing don't understand the concept.
You're a moron! The matter is settled. You don't have a right to force a Jewish cake maker to
bake and decorate a cake to the Fuhrer celebrating his birthday. You simply don't!
In a sense I blame myself for reacting to the useless crap you post.
You can't stick your hand in a steaming pile of cow dung and expect to pull out a diamond.
Buyers also have Constitutional rights. Only bigots on the Right-Wing don't understand the concept.
You're a moron! The matter is settled. You don't have a right to force a Jewish cake maker to
bake and decorate a cake to the Fuhrer celebrating his birthday. You simply don't!
In a sense I blame myself for reacting to the useless crap you post.
You can't stick your hand in a steaming pile of cow dung and expect to pull out a diamond.
They advertise their "kosherness" unlike false Christians who don't.
No. You could just as well say Progressive instead of Regressive if you want, but the twisted and sick Islamo-Judaic morality presently imposed as law throughout the U.S. is more than a little bit bass-ackwards ... Gay people get married in their rear end and the judge at the local courthouse is going to tell us how faithful they are.
Morals and values are not defined as either progressive or regressive. Morals are a set of rules that provide a foundation for a society. Once you start diluting them with terms like that they are no longer morals, they are suggestions subject to change at the whim of human frailty and undermine the foundation.
Unlike for-profit bakers and photographers in public accommodation?
It's the opposite, others wanted to force the baker to participate and go against his religion. The baker offered a pre-made product but the customers wanted him to participate in their nuptials thereby mandating their 'woke' religion on the baker. As per usual, you radical Marxsists and ignorant Marxist tools, have it 'bassackwards.'
That's the big problem with Judeo-Christian values, they seem to be an exceptionally effective way to get poor people killing each other.
The man you admire the most----


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Then quit whining when baking or photographing in public accommodation.
Fortunately the courts are more nuanced in their thinking than you.
Public accommodations are not given carte blanche to run rough shod over the rights of others.

Who else would you say that to when people assert their Constitutional rights?
Buyers also have Constitutional rights. Only bigots on the Right-Wing don't understand the concept.

So how soon will I be able to have that kosher pork delivered from the Jewish caterer?


A common rallying cry of the right in America, to justify regressive morality laws, is often to say that "America was founded as a Christian country" with "Judeo-Christian values" while the common response from the left is to declare that the United States was founded as an explicitly secular country with a separation of church and state. Would it surprise you to learn both are wrong?

An interesting article that shows both sides in a non antagonistic, and debatable format.
GOP principles = hobbies.
I thought the author spelled it out well. To a particular community of Christians, Jews are just a means to an end. Using your analogy, the Christian bible states that in the end, the Jews are killed once again.
In the Old Testament as printed in the KJV of the bible God gives His cloosen choices.
If you do what I say, you will be rewarded for your loyalty
If you refuse, you will be scatter to the wind
.,.,.,.,.,.,. they were scattered
The Lord decided to give them a second chance.
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.they were gathered in 1947 calling this new place Israel
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Today they are being judged by the Lord for the last time
You will be a witness
To this group of Christians, their support of Israel is like the farmer fattening up the turkey for Thanksgiving.
Christians, including myself .,.,in the past was believing what one says means what one says
lying as a faith is new to us Christians but we do adapt quickly, shutting the mouth of liars by exposing the lie, over and over until the lie fads away never to be heard again
I'm sure I can speak for many Jews, who do not share their "values", regarding their situation in Christians end times scripture.
There is no "ends times" referenced in my KJV of the bible.
The French "passed the Torch of Liberty" to us?
I'm sure you do not know why so here is a history leason.
The French gave the Statue Of Liberty to us as a gift at the end of the Civil War which the world witnessed.
Personally ... I only believe in Judeo values.
Well, here they are-----
Ten Commandments

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath
, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.


The Israelis violate the above on a daily bases
Sad, yes saD INDEED,
May the truth set you free

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