Battle print: document emerges detailing democratic plans to crush Trump should GOP fail to hold hou


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A document detailing what Democrats intend to do to try to take out President Donald Trump should they take the House majority in November 2018 has emerged.

Battle Print: Document Emerges Detailing Democrat Plans to Crush Trump Should GOP Fail to Hold House

American better vote out every single democratic prick in the house this very minute they are all globalist losers who have been chosen to destroy this nation and ensalve ua all. Democrats are to fkn stupid to undrstand that including the brainwashed democratic idiots on the lower levels of Gov.
Democrats intend to make him ineffective then, in 2020 attack him for being ineffective.
See Obama's year 3-8. McConnell was actually more forceful I saying they would let nothing pass (he didn't even cite specific policy) than any dem today.

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