BBC Poll: 27 Percent of British Muslims Sympathize with 'Charlie Hebdo' Shooters


Apr 22, 2007
Shocking. Insulting the Prophet, blessings be upon him, should have gotten an easy 50%. These people are becoming downright Liberal. That's what you want BTW, liberal Muslims. They are live and let live.
Unsurprisingly you failed to understand the survey.

Sympathy for motive is not support for action.

Unsurprisingly you failed to understand the survey.

Sympathy for motive is not support for action.


an apologist who is so stupid that he thinks his prime directive requires him to salivate every time Muslims ring the dinner bell has no business calling anybody else a dumb ass.
What was that supposed to mean?

I must apologize for not responding to you as if you were a child by carefully explaining the meaning of the words and implied imagery.

An apologist is a person who has predetermined that he or she must absolutely defend something no matter what.

The reference to the dinner bell and salivation was an obvious reference to the Pavlovian nature of your reaction, which is based upon nothing beyond a conditioned response.

Intelligent, rational people do not launch into a ridiculous defense of the indefensible as they are more concerned with getting to the heart of he matter than they are receiving props from their little peeps for indulging in politically correctness.
What was that supposed to mean?

I must apologize for not responding to you as if you were a child by carefully explaining the meaning of the words and implied imagery.

An apologist is a person who has predetermined that he or she must absolutely defend something no matter what.

The reference to the dinner bell and salivation was an obvious reference to the Pavlovian nature of your reaction, which is based upon nothing beyond a conditioned response.

Intelligent, rational people do not launch into a ridiculous defense of the indefensible as they are more concerned with getting to the heart of he matter than they are receiving props from their little peeps for indulging in politically correctness.
Oh i see. In your mind i'm in the wrong because I pointed out the lie of the op.

desiring people deal in reality makes me an "apologist"

You may be a bigger dumbass than GHook93

There are many players here.

There are the terrorists; there are those who, while not violent, generally support the goal of the terrorists and are just keeping their mouths shut about the whole thing; and there are those who abhor the terrorists.

And, of course there are those in America who are deflecting for and enabling the first two groups above.

The Crusades, the Crusades.

BBC Poll 27 Percent of British Muslims Sympathize with Charlie Hebdo Shooters - Guy Benson

More than 1/4 of British Muslims support the Charlie Hebdo killers! Islam is a religion of peace my ass! Muslim are mostly peaceful my ass! This is a poll of Muslims in a western country, imagine the percent in backwater Islamic shitholes. I would say it's over 80% if not 90%.

Again the radical Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem.

You are lying.

From your link:

One in four British Muslims sympathise with terrorists behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks, a new poll shows. A poll reveals how a significant minority of Muslims endorse terrorist atrocities against those who mock the Prophet Mohammed. Some 27 per cent of British Muslims said they have "some sympathy for the motives behind the attacks" on the Paris magazine, according to polling by ComRes for the BBC. A further 32 per cent said they were not surprised by the attacks. Some 11 per cent said that magazines which publish images of the Prophet Mohammed "deserve to be attacked." And only 68 per cent of British Muslims said that attacks on the publishers of images of the Prophet are "never" justified, while 24 disagreed.

The BBC poll also found that 95 percent of Muslims polled express loyalty to Britain, with 93 percent agreeing that British laws must be obeyed.
Having "some sympathy for the motives behind the attack" is not the same as supporting the killers.
What was that supposed to mean?

I must apologize for not responding to you as if you were a child by carefully explaining the meaning of the words and implied imagery.

An apologist is a person who has predetermined that he or she must absolutely defend something no matter what.

The reference to the dinner bell and salivation was an obvious reference to the Pavlovian nature of your reaction, which is based upon nothing beyond a conditioned response.

Intelligent, rational people do not launch into a ridiculous defense of the indefensible as they are more concerned with getting to the heart of he matter than they are receiving props from their little peeps for indulging in politically correctness.

How is pointing out that the OP's claim is wrong a "ridiculous defense of the indefensible"?
How is pointing out that the OP's claim is wrong a "ridiculous defense of the indefensible"?

Those such as yourself who promote the Isalmist agenda like you do can split hairs all you want about the distinction between sympathizing with those who would murder over a cartoon and supporting those who would murder over a cartoon, but at the end of the day, you are still in the same moral position as the murderers, themselves.

There are many players here.

There are the terrorists; there are those who, while not violent, generally support the goal of the terrorists and are just keeping their mouths shut about the whole thing; and there are those who abhor the terrorists.

And, of course there are those in America who are deflecting for and enabling the first two groups above.

The Crusades, the Crusades.


Those, like Coyote, who devote so many tens of thousands of postings across various boards towards paving the way for Islamism in America only do so because they C.A.I.R.
How is pointing out that the OP's claim is wrong a "ridiculous defense of the indefensible"?

Those such as yourself who promote the Isalmist agenda like you do can split hairs all you want about the distinction between sympathizing with those who would murder over a cartoon and supporting those who would murder over a cartoon, but at the end of the day, you are still in the same moral position as the murderers, themselves.

Perhaps you can't read well. Your answer doesn't even remotely address the question. Let me repeat it:

How is pointing out that the OP's claim is wrong a "ridiculous defense of the indefensible"?

There are many players here.

There are the terrorists; there are those who, while not violent, generally support the goal of the terrorists and are just keeping their mouths shut about the whole thing; and there are those who abhor the terrorists.

And, of course there are those in America who are deflecting for and enabling the first two groups above.

The Crusades, the Crusades.


Those, like Coyote, who devote so many tens of thousands of postings across various boards towards paving the way for Islamism in America only do so because they C.A.I.R.

There are those like you who are so bound up in personal feuds you can't address the topics. You have a predictable set of unvarying responses for anyone who disagrees with your world view whether it's Islam or Leftists. I believe they would fit on a set of index cards. Here's a thought - perhaps instead of bothering ourself to type out a response - simply write: Response #3-A, or Rebuttal#9-D, or Deflection2-C with a witty 1-A and a catastrophic Put Down #E-14 (gotta watch those #-14's though).

Perhaps you can explain how the OP's claim of a quarter of British Muslims support the Hebdo killers?.
Britain made a huge mistake by allowing Muslims to immigrate.Why would a Westerrj country be willing to accommodate such homophobic and radical trash?
How is pointing out that the OP's claim is wrong a "ridiculous defense of the indefensible"?

Those such as yourself who promote the Isalmist agenda like you do can split hairs all you want about the distinction between sympathizing with those who would murder over a cartoon and supporting those who would murder over a cartoon, but at the end of the day, you are still in the same moral position as the murderers, themselves.
Right, because saying "i understand how that could upset someone" is the same as "let's go gun some people down"

You just keep getting dumber.
Unsurprisingly you failed to understand the survey.

Sympathy for motive is not support for action.


I did understand it. Showing sympathy for murdering innocent people is the equivalent of supporting!
BBC Poll 27 Percent of British Muslims Sympathize with Charlie Hebdo Shooters - Guy Benson

More than 1/4 of British Muslims support the Charlie Hebdo killers! Islam is a religion of peace my ass! Muslim are mostly peaceful my ass! This is a poll of Muslims in a western country, imagine the percent in backwater Islamic shitholes. I would say it's over 80% if not 90%.

Again the radical Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem.

The above is a lie.

27% support the Charlie Hebdo killers, there is no lying there, but nice red herring!
BBC Poll 27 Percent of British Muslims Sympathize with Charlie Hebdo Shooters - Guy Benson

More than 1/4 of British Muslims support the Charlie Hebdo killers! Islam is a religion of peace my ass! Muslim are mostly peaceful my ass! This is a poll of Muslims in a western country, imagine the percent in backwater Islamic shitholes. I would say it's over 80% if not 90%.

Again the radical Islam is not the problem, Islam itself is the problem.

You are lying.

From your link:

One in four British Muslims sympathise with terrorists behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks, a new poll shows. A poll reveals how a significant minority of Muslims endorse terrorist atrocities against those who mock the Prophet Mohammed. Some 27 per cent of British Muslims said they have "some sympathy for the motives behind the attacks" on the Paris magazine, according to polling by ComRes for the BBC. A further 32 per cent said they were not surprised by the attacks. Some 11 per cent said that magazines which publish images of the Prophet Mohammed "deserve to be attacked." And only 68 per cent of British Muslims said that attacks on the publishers of images of the Prophet are "never" justified, while 24 disagreed.

The BBC poll also found that 95 percent of Muslims polled express loyalty to Britain, with 93 percent agreeing that British laws must be obeyed.
Having "some sympathy for the motives behind the attack" is not the same as supporting the killers.

27% have sympathy for the attack are read that as not supporting the Islamist killers! I know you are a liberal douche bag, but apologist for Islam is beyond foolish!

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