Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

Still fucked up thinking on your part.

Maybe I was a bit OTT with that regard. Let's put it this way - most people who I have come in contact with who are pushing that agenda - meet my criteria. BTW, the sex part was a metaphor, not literally, but you knew that, right?

A lust for power...Guns are absolute power...

You're fucking warped in your thinkiing. Seriously...for somebody who hates the govt and authority you certainly have a funny way of showing it...
It's part of our Bill of Rights...they seem to work so far quite well.

And, to comment earlier on a post of yours to Oddball about asking him for proof of any libertarian system that has worked, obviously we have none because we have never seen a libertarian system. The USA approaches one, but is still pretty far off and gets farther off the mark. So, other than the USA (and less than a handful of others), there is NO governmental system that hasn't failed.

Yeah, it 's ok on the most part.

I see the US as one of the most restrictive democracies out there (and yes guys, I know you're a Constitutional Republic, am using the word 'democracy' in the wider vernacular). If you mean by handful - half a dozen or so - you'd be wrong. There are at least 21 nations - off the top of head - that meet the criteria of being democracies....
And, we're not a pure democracy because our founders knew they fail.
Do you contradict yourself and talk to straw regularly, or just now?

Where did I contradict myself? Merely saying I did so does not make it so.
I'm here to debate those who have a brain. Those who don't, I mock, and thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've seen little evidence of the former with you.

I see..

Hmm let's see. I make a clear lucid post which makes a valid point, you hurl insults in return because you don't have anything to counter my argument , and yet I'm the one who doesn't have a brain?

I accept your surrender in this debate and look forward to a time when you have licked your wounds and return for more.

In the meantime I shall converse with adults.
Where did I contradict myself? Merely saying I did so does not make it so.
I'm here to debate those who have a brain. Those who don't, I mock, and thoroughly enjoy doing so.

I've seen little evidence of the former with you.

I see..

Hmm let's see. I make a clear lucid post which makes a valid point, you hurl insults in return because you don't have anything to counter my argument , and yet I'm the one who doesn't have a brain?

I accept your surrender in this debate and look forward to a time when you have licked your wounds and return for more.

In the meantime I shall converse with adults.

"I win! I win!!"
Still fucked up thinking on your part.

Maybe I was a bit OTT with that regard. Let's put it this way - most people who I have come in contact with who are pushing that agenda - meet my criteria. BTW, the sex part was a metaphor, not literally, but you knew that, right?

A lust for power...Guns are absolute power...

You're fucking warped in your thinkiing. Seriously...for somebody who hates the govt and authority you certainly have a funny way of showing it...

Absolutely they are, which is why the military is under civilian authority.

However, what some are failing to consider is that the US military does not and will not obey any illegal orders. Oh sure, a few probably would, any group with 3 million people in it is going to contain some whack jobs, but as an entity? No the US military is not going to ever impose one man's will on the nation.

It just isn't reality to think that might ever happen.
I said say your right...As in "let's take your argument as face value"....This is not about me.

Now, answer the question and tell us how it's any of your goddamn business?

I never said nor implied that you agreed with my assessment, did I? I simply stated that I am right.

It's only my business for the sake discussion that the only reason people conceal carry is because they are afraid. But yet you see all of this false bravado and tough guy image just because they like playing with and carrying guns. They don't like to think about the real reason they carry. FEAR.
Oh, so it's all about you believing that you're right and declaring yourself so.

Good thing you're not a shallow egomaniac, or anything like that. :rolleyes:

takes one to know one
It's part of our Bill of Rights...they seem to work so far quite well.

And, to comment earlier on a post of yours to Oddball about asking him for proof of any libertarian system that has worked, obviously we have none because we have never seen a libertarian system. The USA approaches one, but is still pretty far off and gets farther off the mark. So, other than the USA (and less than a handful of others), there is NO governmental system that hasn't failed.

Yeah, it 's ok on the most part.

I see the US as one of the most restrictive democracies out there (and yes guys, I know you're a Constitutional Republic, am using the word 'democracy' in the wider vernacular). If you mean by handful - half a dozen or so - you'd be wrong. There are at least 21 nations - off the top of head - that meet the criteria of being democracies....
And, we're not a pure democracy because our founders knew they fail.

I don't think many democracies are of the pure type. Maybe the UK to a degree. Most have checks and balances...
Yeah, it 's ok on the most part.

I see the US as one of the most restrictive democracies out there (and yes guys, I know you're a Constitutional Republic, am using the word 'democracy' in the wider vernacular). If you mean by handful - half a dozen or so - you'd be wrong. There are at least 21 nations - off the top of head - that meet the criteria of being democracies....
And, we're not a pure democracy because our founders knew they fail.

I don't think many democracies are of the pure type. Maybe the UK to a degree. Most have checks and balances...

Depends on what you mean by pure democracy. There are , I think, 25 democracies in the world today, and none of them are direct democracies.

Although I sometimes wonder if with the advent of technology if that would be possible? I mean if we can all sit around and instantly vote via our cellphone on who should be the next american idol. Why couldn't we vote on which country to invade next??

Facetious example of course, but you get the point
Nope. When I first started on messageboards in 2001, I had my first run in with US 2nd amendment folk. Had discourse for about 6 months. Have hardly spoken about it since, but had my opinions about it pretty much summed up in the above paragraph. Have read and seen nothing since that changes my mind.
So you hold on to stupid forever.

Oh let's look at your magnificent contributions to this thread:

1) Fear? No. A well thought out action to counter the possibility something may happen, some day, in a situation you wouldn't expect where you need to defend yourself? Absolutely.
Fear is what people that didn't prepare experience as the moment unfolds. Fear is the person that didn't take the time to get a CCW and is now caught in the line of fire from a raving lunatic in a mall. Fear only comes about when you have lulled yourself to sleep in a false security blanket of protection from a police force that is nowhere to be found the moment you need them. Taking as much control of a potential situation as you can and preparing eliminates fear and replaces it with preparedness.

2) We are a land of laws. One of those laws is every citizen has a right to bear arms. You don't seem to like that one but that's your problem to live with. Most of us have no intention of giving that up.
3) Then get to your point. So far nothing you are saying makes sense.
4) Aaaand the mental tank runs dry, the engine sputters and quits. That happens a lot to you lefties.
5) Civilized with the left wing nuts is always tied to the force of the government as long as that power belongs to them. An individual is free to be an individual until he/she goes against the collective. Sometimes demonizing entire groups is used to bring the base together, up to and including mass murder of those groups they don't like. The far left is insanity on a grand scale.

6) Your first two posts from this thread. I stopped looking after these f*cking jewels of intellectual process. 1- I will decide on my computer settings not you. I'm sure that p*sses you off to no end but so be it.
2- Seems you found a place to troll. Trolls don't like competition now? Did you graduate with a doctorate from the troll nobody is a loser we all get participation trophies school?
3- Your inability to read anything not directed to you tells me all I need to know. You post to hear yourself talk not gain information. Try reading all reply's for more perspective.

7) I can see why guns scare you. Three shots and three misses. You don't bring much to the table do you?
8) So you hold on to stupid forever.

The first post is nothing but a gun nut's empty rhetoric trying to play on peoples' fear that the bogey man is out there so you must be armed.

The second is much the same. So much so I can almost hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Old Glory being raised.

The rest are not only trolling, but vacuous to boot. So many words, yet nothing of worth being said....

A very impressive list you have no chance at matching. If you did you would have included your epic reply's yet you have none.

I own you. Nothing you can do about that. You don't have the mental capacity to compete.
So you hold on to stupid forever.

Oh let's look at your magnificent contributions to this thread:

1) Fear? No. A well thought out action to counter the possibility something may happen, some day, in a situation you wouldn't expect where you need to defend yourself? Absolutely.
Fear is what people that didn't prepare experience as the moment unfolds. Fear is the person that didn't take the time to get a CCW and is now caught in the line of fire from a raving lunatic in a mall. Fear only comes about when you have lulled yourself to sleep in a false security blanket of protection from a police force that is nowhere to be found the moment you need them. Taking as much control of a potential situation as you can and preparing eliminates fear and replaces it with preparedness.

2) We are a land of laws. One of those laws is every citizen has a right to bear arms. You don't seem to like that one but that's your problem to live with. Most of us have no intention of giving that up.
3) Then get to your point. So far nothing you are saying makes sense.
4) Aaaand the mental tank runs dry, the engine sputters and quits. That happens a lot to you lefties.
5) Civilized with the left wing nuts is always tied to the force of the government as long as that power belongs to them. An individual is free to be an individual until he/she goes against the collective. Sometimes demonizing entire groups is used to bring the base together, up to and including mass murder of those groups they don't like. The far left is insanity on a grand scale.

6) Your first two posts from this thread. I stopped looking after these f*cking jewels of intellectual process. 1- I will decide on my computer settings not you. I'm sure that p*sses you off to no end but so be it.
2- Seems you found a place to troll. Trolls don't like competition now? Did you graduate with a doctorate from the troll nobody is a loser we all get participation trophies school?
3- Your inability to read anything not directed to you tells me all I need to know. You post to hear yourself talk not gain information. Try reading all reply's for more perspective.

7) I can see why guns scare you. Three shots and three misses. You don't bring much to the table do you?
8) So you hold on to stupid forever.

The first post is nothing but a gun nut's empty rhetoric trying to play on peoples' fear that the bogey man is out there so you must be armed.

The second is much the same. So much so I can almost hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Old Glory being raised.

The rest are not only trolling, but vacuous to boot. So many words, yet nothing of worth being said....

A very impressive list you have no chance at matching. If you did you would have included your epic reply's yet you have none.

I own you. Nothing you can do about that. You don't have the mental capacity to compete.

One small point, as a nation of laws, you must recognize that if enough people favor replacing the second amendment and repealing the right to own firearms then boom you have been beaten by the very constitution you defend?

I would hate to see that happen, and I don't think it ever will, but denying that it is the right of voters to decide that would be stupid.
Oh let's look at your magnificent contributions to this thread:

1) Fear? No. A well thought out action to counter the possibility something may happen, some day, in a situation you wouldn't expect where you need to defend yourself? Absolutely.
Fear is what people that didn't prepare experience as the moment unfolds. Fear is the person that didn't take the time to get a CCW and is now caught in the line of fire from a raving lunatic in a mall. Fear only comes about when you have lulled yourself to sleep in a false security blanket of protection from a police force that is nowhere to be found the moment you need them. Taking as much control of a potential situation as you can and preparing eliminates fear and replaces it with preparedness.

2) We are a land of laws. One of those laws is every citizen has a right to bear arms. You don't seem to like that one but that's your problem to live with. Most of us have no intention of giving that up.
3) Then get to your point. So far nothing you are saying makes sense.
4) Aaaand the mental tank runs dry, the engine sputters and quits. That happens a lot to you lefties.
5) Civilized with the left wing nuts is always tied to the force of the government as long as that power belongs to them. An individual is free to be an individual until he/she goes against the collective. Sometimes demonizing entire groups is used to bring the base together, up to and including mass murder of those groups they don't like. The far left is insanity on a grand scale.

6) Your first two posts from this thread. I stopped looking after these f*cking jewels of intellectual process. 1- I will decide on my computer settings not you. I'm sure that p*sses you off to no end but so be it.
2- Seems you found a place to troll. Trolls don't like competition now? Did you graduate with a doctorate from the troll nobody is a loser we all get participation trophies school?
3- Your inability to read anything not directed to you tells me all I need to know. You post to hear yourself talk not gain information. Try reading all reply's for more perspective.

7) I can see why guns scare you. Three shots and three misses. You don't bring much to the table do you?
8) So you hold on to stupid forever.

The first post is nothing but a gun nut's empty rhetoric trying to play on peoples' fear that the bogey man is out there so you must be armed.

The second is much the same. So much so I can almost hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Old Glory being raised.

The rest are not only trolling, but vacuous to boot. So many words, yet nothing of worth being said....

A very impressive list you have no chance at matching. If you did you would have included your epic reply's yet you have none.

I own you. Nothing you can do about that. You don't have the mental capacity to compete.

One small point, as a nation of laws, you must recognize that if enough people favor replacing the second amendment and repealing the right to own firearms then boom you have been beaten by the very constitution you defend?

I would hate to see that happen, and I don't think it ever will, but denying that it is the right of voters to decide that would be stupid.
That hasn't happened and it never will. What we do have is a bunch of left wingers trying to circumvent the 2nd amendment to achieve gun bans without going through the amendment process. You want to amend the constitution have at it. They aren't even attempting that, they can't win that way.
Tell ya what. How about not answering at all if you're going to be deliberately obtuse? Take up the 'fake' dichotomy with g5000. It borders on tin-foil hat territory....

Obtuse and deflection seem to be another two of your stocks in trade. Nice try attempting to pass the buck though, I'll give you points for that. Now would you like to have a real discussion with everyone or do you wish to continue in your simplistic stereotypical cultural arguments that have little basis in fact?

Ring, if you're gonna come on this thread, drop one liners and say that my posts are nothing but me being 'obtuse' and 'deflection', please feel free not to interact. Because if you think that is all I have done - oh, and passing the buck - then you obviously haven't read all the posts.

What parts aren't fact, and what are facts? A stereotype isn't wrong if it is true...

I've been reading your, let's call them arguments just for shits and giggles. Your blatant, misrepresentation, poorly informed, stereotypical conclusions concerning American culture are exactly that. I don't know what ivory laboratory you glean your limited information in but you would benefit greatly if you left it on occasion, you'd be amazed what information you can discover in the real world. Give it a try sometime.
Oh let's look at your magnificent contributions to this thread:

1) Fear? No. A well thought out action to counter the possibility something may happen, some day, in a situation you wouldn't expect where you need to defend yourself? Absolutely.
Fear is what people that didn't prepare experience as the moment unfolds. Fear is the person that didn't take the time to get a CCW and is now caught in the line of fire from a raving lunatic in a mall. Fear only comes about when you have lulled yourself to sleep in a false security blanket of protection from a police force that is nowhere to be found the moment you need them. Taking as much control of a potential situation as you can and preparing eliminates fear and replaces it with preparedness.

2) We are a land of laws. One of those laws is every citizen has a right to bear arms. You don't seem to like that one but that's your problem to live with. Most of us have no intention of giving that up.
3) Then get to your point. So far nothing you are saying makes sense.
4) Aaaand the mental tank runs dry, the engine sputters and quits. That happens a lot to you lefties.
5) Civilized with the left wing nuts is always tied to the force of the government as long as that power belongs to them. An individual is free to be an individual until he/she goes against the collective. Sometimes demonizing entire groups is used to bring the base together, up to and including mass murder of those groups they don't like. The far left is insanity on a grand scale.

6) Your first two posts from this thread. I stopped looking after these f*cking jewels of intellectual process. 1- I will decide on my computer settings not you. I'm sure that p*sses you off to no end but so be it.
2- Seems you found a place to troll. Trolls don't like competition now? Did you graduate with a doctorate from the troll nobody is a loser we all get participation trophies school?
3- Your inability to read anything not directed to you tells me all I need to know. You post to hear yourself talk not gain information. Try reading all reply's for more perspective.

7) I can see why guns scare you. Three shots and three misses. You don't bring much to the table do you?
8) So you hold on to stupid forever.

The first post is nothing but a gun nut's empty rhetoric trying to play on peoples' fear that the bogey man is out there so you must be armed.

The second is much the same. So much so I can almost hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Old Glory being raised.

The rest are not only trolling, but vacuous to boot. So many words, yet nothing of worth being said....

A very impressive list you have no chance at matching. If you did you would have included your epic reply's yet you have none.

I own you. Nothing you can do about that. You don't have the mental capacity to compete.

One small point, as a nation of laws, you must recognize that if enough people favor replacing the second amendment and repealing the right to own firearms then boom you have been beaten by the very constitution you defend?

I would hate to see that happen, and I don't think it ever will, but denying that it is the right of voters to decide that would be stupid.
The Constitution is not amended by referendum. <--- That's in the Constitution as is the right to bear arms not being infringed. If Congress wants to start the amendment process, then sure, go for it. But, it's not a referendum situation. Many states do amend their constitutions by referendum, but not the US Constitution.

Now you know.
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I own you. Nothing you can do about that. You don't have the mental capacity to compete.

The only thing you own is a rusty Ford mustang with no tail pipe and a poodle named Billy Bob...
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That hasn't happened and it never will. What we do have is a bunch of left wingers trying to circumvent the 2nd amendment to achieve gun bans without going through the amendment process. You want to amend the constitution have at it. They aren't even attempting that, they can't win that way.

Gun control is not gun banning. Get it yet, Cletus?
I've been reading your, let's call them arguments just for shits and giggles. Your blatant, misrepresentation, poorly informed, stereotypical conclusions concerning American culture are exactly that. I don't know what ivory laboratory you glean your limited information in but you would benefit greatly if you left it on occasion, you'd be amazed what information you can discover in the real world. Give it a try sometime.

Of course you have.

Which parts are wrong....take your time....

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


It's not fear, it's called preparedness. If you climb a mountain do you use ropes because of fear or because you wish to be prepared for if you fall something will catch you? Do you have health insurance because you are afraid or because it is best to be prepared in the highly unlikely event that some asshat on a Harley loses control and slams into your car injuring you and your family.

Fear or preparedness?

Nimrods fear, normal people prepare.
I've been reading your, let's call them arguments just for shits and giggles. Your blatant, misrepresentation, poorly informed, stereotypical conclusions concerning American culture are exactly that. I don't know what ivory laboratory you glean your limited information in but you would benefit greatly if you left it on occasion, you'd be amazed what information you can discover in the real world. Give it a try sometime.

Of course you have.

Which parts are wrong....take your time....

Remember I'm not talking about your concept of law, it's creation and or application, it's your interpretation of American culture based on what others have responded with. That's what makes your arguments false. They're based on your own biased, misapplied stereotypes. Such blatant misrepresentation destroys any credibility you might have had with the rest of your arguments. Go figure.
I've been reading your, let's call them arguments just for shits and giggles. Your blatant, misrepresentation, poorly informed, stereotypical conclusions concerning American culture are exactly that. I don't know what ivory laboratory you glean your limited information in but you would benefit greatly if you left it on occasion, you'd be amazed what information you can discover in the real world. Give it a try sometime.

Of course you have.

Which parts are wrong....take your time....

Remember I'm not talking about your concept of law, it's creation and or application, it's your interpretation of American culture based on what others have responded with. That's what makes your arguments false. They're based on your own biased, misapplied stereotypes. Such blatant misrepresentation destroys any credibility you might have had with the rest of your arguments. Go figure.

What parts are false? If somebody responds in a stereotypical way, and it is their belief, then what is false about that?

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