Be Prepared, Liberals: ABC’s Jon Karl Warns Mueller Report “Almost Certain To Be Anti-Climatic”

The Dem Talkingpoint Gnomes are busy on the narrative:

1. The Mueller Report doesn't matter
2. ???
3. Orange Man Bad
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.
I'll make a deal.

If the Mueller report is anti-climatic and exonerates Trump, I will admit I was wrong and move on.

If the Mueller Report points to Russian collusion or illegal conduct on the part of Trump, you will admit you were wrong and call for his impeachment.



Now watch you flip flop more than John Kerry...
The Mueller Report will get edited by Barr and then by the WH before it released, so I'm betting on a lot of redactions, at least until the report is "leaked" out in raw form. The dems will vote for impeachment, the Senate will not remove, and then its all 2020 all the time. The dems pick a loser candidate, Trump wins in 2020, and the dems keep going nuts. When RBG retires and Trump nominates Barrett the dems go ballistic, then depressed and catatonic.

that may happen - howeverrrrrrrrrrr...................... the house... being part of a separate but equal branch of gov'ment can call bob up to capital hill to testify what is in his report. AND, when barr goes thru his confirmation hearing - he will be asked under oath whether he will do such a thing. & he best be honest about it.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.

Just as soon Kavanhagh got into the Supreme Court Building they began a crash course on how to become a a Supreme Court Justice. Just because a President appoints one doesn't mean he now has a slave on the Supreme Court. The first thing that goes is the Party Affiliation. The next to go is the prior commitments. The next thing to go is the biases. It really doesn't matter which "Party" gets the Justice into the Supreme Court. The Supreme court cannot make new laws and has to rule in favor of the Constitution of the United States. All other things are outside the scope of the Supreme Court. If a law is according to the Constitution then the Supreme Court must rule in it's favor. If it's not then the Supreme Court must rule against it. Simple as that.

The Supreme Court is not going to ride in on 9 white horses and save any one groups day unless it's within the Constitution to do so. So I suggest everyone stops with this diatribe and panic.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.

Increased his Senate holdings. which mostly negates the House.

not when the house will be holding open public hearings on all the info & the players that know it.... cohen, stone, traitor tot, pantywaist jared... human sausage casing bannon...

oh how delicious it's going to be.
The Dem Talkingpoint Gnomes are busy on the narrative:

1. The Mueller Report doesn't matter
2. ???
3. Orange Man Bad

I said it yesterday they will proclaim Mueller an enemy of the state if he does not find something, and they ( left ) will demand investigations into why Mueller failed to find something, anything to conclude Orange Man bad and must impeach...

Now what would be HILARIOUS is if Mueller pulls a Comey and says Trump is too stupid to be brought up on charges like Comey did with Hillary!
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.
True. And I've seen in other threads where POTUS apologists are so pissed at Kavanaugh that they have already thrown him under the Trump bus calling him a closet liberal.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.

Just as soon Kavanhagh got into the Supreme Court Building they began a crash course on how to become a a Supreme Court Justice. Just because a President appoints one doesn't mean he now has a slave on the Supreme Court. The first thing that goes is the Party Affiliation. The next to go is the prior commitments. The next thing to go is the biases. It really doesn't matter which "Party" gets the Justice into the Supreme Court. The Supreme court cannot make new laws and has to rule in favor of the Constitution of the United States. All other things are outside the scope of the Supreme Court. If a law is according to the Constitution then the Supreme Court must rule in it's favor. If it's not then the Supreme Court must rule against it. Simple as that.

The Supreme Court is not going to ride in on 9 white horses and save any one groups day unless it's within the Constitution to do so. So I suggest everyone stops with this diatribe and panic.

i never said anything in your reply to the contrary.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.

Increased his Senate holdings. which mostly negates the House.

not when the house will be holding open public hearings on all the info & the players that know it.... cohen, stone, traitor tot, pantywaist jared... human sausage casing bannon...

oh how delicious it's going to be.
Have all the hearings you want.

Nobody cares.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.

Thankfully, whether the judge is appointed by a Republican or a Democrat, the rule of law still reins supreme. Trump is making them spark but the guard rails are holding.
Whatever it is (it will shift to obstruction) the media will create the mountain out of the mole hill. Count on it.

The two scoops of ice cream media will absolutely hype whatever is found and their little lambs will fall right in line.

The indictments coming from Mueller and team have been anything but anti climactic.
Great day in America under the most honorable POTUS since RR. I's so tired of winning..... We need to throw the Libs a bone

Al Sharpton is being investigated for not paying his taxes. Will share a cell with Manafort


I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.

Increased his Senate holdings. which mostly negates the House.

not when the house will be holding open public hearings on all the info & the players that know it.... cohen, stone, traitor tot, pantywaist jared... human sausage casing bannon...

oh how delicious it's going to be.
Have all the hearings you want.

Nobody cares.

trump shirley does.

february 7th - elijah cummings ( who trump denigrated ) & new chair of the oversight committee will be the first with having michael cohen testify.

& there's adam shiff ( who trump denigrated) & new chair of the intel committee said he's going to have hearings as well.

& maxine waters (who trump denigrated) & new chair of the finance committee said she will as well.

& jerry nadler - new chair of the judiciary committee said he will too.

mmm mmm mmmm....:popcorn:...damn good popcorn.
Leaks can only be trusted when they come from the left.... Then they're instantly credible

Man ole man

Yep, when Trump is not implicated the butt hurt here will be tremendous. The Hillary fAiL will look like a victory


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