Be Prepared, Liberals: ABC’s Jon Karl Warns Mueller Report “Almost Certain To Be Anti-Climatic”

We are about to experience the largest mental health collapse in America in history.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

but not as anti-climatic as the numerous "Lock Hillary up" -- "Obama is going to jail" promises I've seen from Trumptards on this board....

So far, the Mueller investigation has been far more productive than all 8 Benghazi investigations and Whitewater, Clinton perjury included.
The indictments coming from Mueller and team have been anything but anti climactic.
and not a one has had shit to do with russia.

lol... happy reading.

you're welcome.
who has been indicted so far and for what?

happy hunting.

read it.
i did.

this was funny.

50. The political advertisements included the following: Approximate Date Excerpt of Advertisement April 6, 2016 “You know, a great number of black people support us saying that #HillaryClintonIsNotMyPresident” April 7, 2016 “I say no to Hillary Clinton / I say no to manipulation” April 19, 2016 “JOIN our #HillaryClintonForPrison2016” May 10, 2016 “Donald wants to defeat terrorism . . . Hillary wants to sponsor it” May 19, 2016 “Vote Republican, vote Trump, and support the Second Amendment!” May 24, 2016 “Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote” June 7, 2016 “Trump is our only hope for a better future!” June 30, 2016 “#NeverHillary #HillaryForPrison #Hillary4Prison #HillaryForPrison2016 #Trump2016 #Trump #Trump4President” July 20, 2016 “Ohio Wants Hillary 4 Prison” August 4, 2016 “Hillary Clinton has already committed voter fraud during the Democrat Iowa Caucus.” August 10, 2016 “We cannot trust Hillary to take care of our veterans!” October 14, 2016 “Among all the candidates Donald Trump is the one and only who can defend the police from terrorists.” October 19, 2016 “Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.”

you can go look at what i reference; not going to reformat it in here.

it talks about the case itself. i don't see names indicted and what they were found guilty of. i also find it funny this says "ads included" and cherry pick a few against clinton. hell i went and spent hours going into ads "RUSSIA" put on facebook and 95% of them were not political in as much dividing people.

go away now son.
The indictments coming from Mueller and team have been anything but anti climactic.
and not a one has had shit to do with russia.

lol... happy reading.

you're welcome.
Amount Russia gave to Trump campaign: $0.
Amount Russia gave to Clinton Foundation: $57,000,000
The fact that playtime laughs, ought to let you know what we are dealing with.

Hate them yet?
The Dem Talkingpoint Gnomes are busy on the narrative:

1. The Mueller Report doesn't matter
2. ???
3. Orange Man Bad
Can you point out whoever on the Left is saying that the "Mueller Report doesn't matter"?
We are about to experience the largest mental health collapse in America in history.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

cool story bro.

Its funny tbough. CNN, Newsweek, and several other sources say pretty much the opposite, bolstered by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame saying tRump "helped Russia destabilize the United States" among other things.

Wonder why that is?

Wet dream?


Reality my friend.

I know you are unfamiliar with the concept, but it's right outside your door.

Well up yer mom's stairs and outside the door.

The reality is if there was anything criminal it would have been apparent after all these years. FBI would of certainly hammered Trump to stop his agenda. Think about it, if they had dirt, why would they leave him in office where he is looking at picking his 3rd Supreme Court Justice and all the other things that derail the leftist agenda?


we are only 2 years in on this administration. watergate alone took as long but that was a cakewalk compared to this clusterfuck.

By 2025 we can read the report.
Look for the Mueller report to say, approximately, "We couldn't find any actual, indictable, criminal activity on the part of the president or his family, but they are Very Bad People who promoted the appearance of impropriety at every turn."

And the Media and the Leftists will run around as with their hair on fire, yelling, "SEE? SEE? We TOLD YOU SO!!!"
We are about to experience the largest mental health collapse in America in history.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

cool story bro.

Its funny tbough. CNN, Newsweek, and several other sources say pretty much the opposite, bolstered by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame saying tRump "helped Russia destabilize the United States" among other things.

Wonder why that is?

Wet dream?


Reality my friend.

I know you are unfamiliar with the concept, but it's right outside your door.

Well up yer mom's stairs and outside the door.

The reality is if there was anything criminal it would have been apparent after all these years. FBI would of certainly hammered Trump to stop his agenda. Think about it, if they had dirt, why would they leave him in office where he is looking at picking his 3rd Supreme Court Justice and all the other things that derail the leftist agenda?


A. the FBI is nonpartisan, in spite of what you tRumpkins may think.
B. you don't bring something like this to the table without having all of your ducks in a row.
The indictments coming from Mueller and team have been anything but anti climactic.
Oh nooooooze... We got some tax cheats. Some have served 2 weeks in jail... Evil white collar crimes..... lol... I feel so much better these scary guys are off the streets



low hanging fruit always gets nabbed first.
Yep, meanwhile Trump keeps fucking the liberal agenda which is what this whole witch hunt was supposed to prevent.

We are about to experience the largest mental health collapse in America in history.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

cool story bro.

Its funny tbough. CNN, Newsweek, and several other sources say pretty much the opposite, bolstered by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame saying tRump "helped Russia destabilize the United States" among other things.

Wonder why that is?

Need you ask?

That is funny.

Boy, you wouldn't recognize irony if it was made out of real iron and landed on your foot.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.
Lol the house haha.. he is setting up his huge win in 2020... he know democrats will highlight how bad they are haha
Mean while senate will be confirming conservative judges for the next 50 years

trump appointed judges have already ruled several times against trump's whims.

ha ha.

& the SC ( with 2 appointed trump judges) just ruled that the 'foreign company' involved in mueller's investigation must turn over documents that bob wants.

ha ha HA.
Because the judges saw the evidence was in favor of trump lol
We are about to experience the largest mental health collapse in America in history.

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

cool story bro.

Its funny tbough. CNN, Newsweek, and several other sources say pretty much the opposite, bolstered by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame saying tRump "helped Russia destabilize the United States" among other things.

Wonder why that is?

Wet dream?


Reality my friend.

I know you are unfamiliar with the concept, but it's right outside your door.

Well up yer mom's stairs and outside the door.

The reality is if there was anything criminal it would have been apparent after all these years. FBI would of certainly hammered Trump to stop his agenda. Think about it, if they had dirt, why would they leave him in office where he is looking at picking his 3rd Supreme Court Justice and all the other things that derail the leftist agenda?


A. the FBI is nonpartisan, in spite of what you tRumpkins may think.
B. you don't bring something like this to the table without having all of your ducks in a row.

Yea right... Good luck with that

I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.

Increased his Senate holdings. which mostly negates the House.
He failed in the Senate as well. With the balance of seats up for reelection being heavily democratic they should have picked up 2-3 times as many as they did.

Marion Barry.
unsolicited non sequitur need not apply.
I will never get enough of democrat crying because they keep losing! RBG retires trump wins in 2020 the wall being built! I love my life
Yeah, so much winning POTUS lost the House. So much winning going on.

Increased his Senate holdings. which mostly negates the House.
it’s going to destroy Obama’s future,, he spied on the president

not when the house will be holding open public hearings on all the info & the players that know it.... cohen, stone, traitor tot, pantywaist jared... human sausage casing bannon...

oh how delicious it's going to be.
cool story bro.

Its funny tbough. CNN, Newsweek, and several other sources say pretty much the opposite, bolstered by Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame saying tRump "helped Russia destabilize the United States" among other things.

Wonder why that is?
Wet dream?

Reality my friend.

I know you are unfamiliar with the concept, but it's right outside your door.

Well up yer mom's stairs and outside the door.
The reality is if there was anything criminal it would have been apparent after all these years. FBI would of certainly hammered Trump to stop his agenda. Think about it, if they had dirt, why would they leave him in office where he is looking at picking his 3rd Supreme Court Justice and all the other things that derail the leftist agenda?

A. the FBI is nonpartisan, in spite of what you tRumpkins may think.
B. you don't bring something like this to the table without having all of your ducks in a row.
Yea right... Good luck with that

denial. It's not just a river in Egypt you know.

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