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Be Strong In The LORD

out lives have been touched by the atonement of Christ. We have become new people. We have overcome amazing trials because of Him. Why wouldn't we want to share that?

I guess my problem with that atonement is that it was for a punishment God imposed to start with because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree.

Now, I will say, I've known people who've actually found Jesus and became 'new people". Better people/ Meh, not so much. So instead of being a sloppy drunk, you are gushing with scripture verses...

Please note, no one has answered my doctrinal questions from Post #40 yet.
out lives have been touched by the atonement of Christ. We have become new people. We have overcome amazing trials because of Him. Why wouldn't we want to share that?

I guess my problem with that atonement is that it was for a punishment God imposed to start with because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree.

Now, I will say, I've known people who've actually found Jesus and became 'new people". Better people/ Meh, not so much. So instead of being a sloppy drunk, you are gushing with scripture verses...

Please note, no one has answered my doctrinal questions from Post #40 yet.

Joe, the truth is I answered your questions pertaining to post #40 and even questions you did not ask - many months ago and you didn't receive those answers then so why would I repeat myself now? You see, your purpose for coming here was to derail the thread because you are not willing to come to Jesus Christ (which be reminded again-the doctrine of Jesus Christ is not taught within the Roman Church - you are speaking of an apostasy - a false teaching that the LORD is not in - you cannot receive from the LORD if you refuse to come to him- that goes for all Catholics - just not you alone)

The Roman church has always been at enmity with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and protestants who preached it - from the times of feeding the Christians to the lions - to the times of the Inquisitons and the Catholic queen - Bloody Mary - later which burned the born again Christians at the stake for preaching the true Gospel therein exposing the false teachings of the RCC. Had anyone read the bible they would have departed from such teachings in order to go and follow Christ who is our Savior (Not Mary) I should know. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church before I read a bible and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am no longer a "Catholic". The bible does not condone or approve the sins that you hold fast to - to protect & defend and we both know this is at the root of your decision - more so then the other matter you mentioned. We know the Word of God exposes the heart and lays bare all that is inside. It is also the revealer of the intentions and motives of the heart.

So with that, I think we will have to leave this matter to prayer and as I have already told you I am praying for you to be healed of this and to stop blaming God for something He never was a part of. I am also praying that the Holy Spirit will point out what it is that is really keeping you from repentance and that you will submit to God - resist Satan and that he will flee from you.

The God of the Bible has no part in the Roman church, Joe. That is the truth. I wish the best for you. That is the truth also.
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This Video has such a wonderful message in it - it is worth seeing and listening to twice.

Well, a REAL enemy can actually mess up your life.

Yes, we can see that by what has happened to you, Joe. Satan has had a heyday with your life and instead of blaming Satan for the false teachers sent into your life, false doctrines - doctrines of devils - and the people who told you to pray to a demon god named Mary - Queen of heaven - or one of the many other statues that faith demands you pay homage to - you have blamed Jesus Christ who has no part in your religion - I find it quite disingenuous of you.

If a Hindu suffers a loss they would not blame Jesus Christ. If a Buddhist suffers some lost they do not blame Jesus Christ. If a Jehovah Witness suffers loss they do not blame Jesus Christ for the loss. If a Muslim suffers a great loss they do not blame Jesus Christ. If a Catholic suffers some loss neither should they blame Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has no more part in Catholicism than He does Islam. That is another truth for you. It's a false religion and God isn't in it. Stop blaming God for what He has not part of.
For those desiring to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. To have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness for your sins - to know that you can be forgiven and that your name can be written in the Lambs book of life? Please read the scriptures on this link and you will know the truth. This is the Gospel of John from the New Testament.
The Gospel According to John Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Why do you think we are asked to put on the armor of God and why?

I think that there is no God. I think the concept of the Christian God is kind of silly.

You essentially have a being who is omnipotent, omniscient, eternal and has spent the last 14 billion years created a universe.

But he is really, really concerned about what one tribe of Bronze Age savages did 3000 years ago, or what one third of the population on one planet in that vast universe worshipping him?

By the very definition of your God, he shouldn't care if I put on the armor of God or not. Why would he?

On another tact, if God has a plan, and everything is pre-determined, and he knows what I'm going to do before I do it, then why is he really concerned about what I'm going to do? Conversely, if God's plan involves things happening a certain way, why would prayer be necessary?

If it was his plan that my Mom died of cancer when I was 20, what was the point of everyone praying for htat not to happen?

The real problem with your religion is how absolutely absurd it becomes when you think about it.

Joe, the adults, babies and oxen that were destroyed weren't human but nephilim. Gigantic and nasty. They were so prevalent, God finally had to flood the earth to get rid of them. There was nothing cruel about preserving the human race. The nuns were remiss if they didn't explain that.

God's concern is his children, 3,000 years ago and today. And He has given you a way to protect yourself against evil. Jere was nice enough to introduce you to that protection. Not for her sake. She already knows. She did it for the sake of others.
Nuns should have done what Jere has done today.

And sweetheart, as for your mom, this is earth. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. That is Satan's gig, not God's. If your mom belonged to Christ, she is alive and well and in a better place than you are at present. Thanks to God, she will be in good health for eternity, and happy.
And Joe, if you belong to Christ, you will see her again. You have that option. You can't blame God if you refuse to accept His gift of a perfect afterlife, back here, on earth, with your mom right beside you, never to be separated again. You have that to look forward to. The nun's may have let you down, but Christ will never let you down.

Your momma loves you just as much today as she did 20 years ago. And she's waiting for you. What a glorious day it will be when she wraps her arms around you again, for you and for her. < Christ gift to you both. Don't let anger toward nuns take that event from you. In Christ all things are possible. Follow Him and he'll lead you right to your mom. A reunion awaits you, which is why death has no sting. Your mom is just fine now. That's God's gig.

And a note to Jere, ROCK IT SISTER. God's word is life to those who have ears to hear. And we'll pray for those who are hard of hearing. :smiliehug:
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Yes, we can see that by what has happened to you, Joe. Satan has had a heyday with your life and instead of blaming Satan for the false teachers sent into your life, false doctrines - doctrines of devils - and the people who told you to pray to a demon god named Mary - Queen of heaven - or one of the many other statues that faith demands you pay homage to - you have blamed Jesus Christ who has no part in your religion - I find it quite disingenuous of you.

Aaaaaand we've got full frontal Protestant Crazy here!!!! Woo-hooo...

I don't blame Jesus or Mary or Satan- because none of those people EVER existed.

Now, i would argue that Catholicism, being closer to the pagan religions it replaced, has a residual bit of the Mother Goddess in Mary.

I also think that these nuns were probably just as sincere in their faith as you are. And, no, I don't think that's a good thing.

I base my beliefs on science and reason.
Joe, the adults, babies and oxen that were destroyed weren't human but nephilim. Gigantic and nasty. God had to flood the earth to get rid of them. There was nothing cruel about preserving the human race. The nuns were remiss if they didn't explain that.

Wow, dude, that's just kind of crazy, really. ..

The fact is, the Noah story is a ripoff of earlier Sumerian and Babylonian myths.

But let's take the next claim here. that when the angels went down to earth and were tapping human women and animals - because apparently god couldn't control his angels - isn't there a better solution than flooding everything.

Are we to believe EVERY baby on earth was a Nephilim?
It is full on goddess worship, Joe. What are you thinking? Of course it is not the Mary of the Bible. So nice of you to point out the obvious. Care to go full on and explain the perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Christ over and over - or the claim that this is Christ actual blood and body? None of which is taught in scripture of the bible? It is steeped in paganism which is why many high level WICCA feel very comfortable advertising themselves as "practicing Catholics" - it's like an inside joke with them.

As for the sincere nuns, Joe. Sincerity following wrong doctrine is still wrong - and will not get God's stamp of approval no matter how hard you stamp it. Read the bible, believe the bible, stop following the doctrines of man and stand up for the Word of God. It is not difficult once you determine in your heart that you are more concerned with the praise of God vs. the praise of men. (which will afford you nothing in the end)

Spiritual ambition is probably one of the worst sins out there. Mary Magdalene - the ex -prostitute had no spiritual ambition - she had a true faith in Jesus Christ and her heart was purposed to follow Jesus. At all costs. Follow Jesus and stop following men who are intent on leading you astray.
As for your mom. This is earth. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. That is Satan's gig, not God's. If your mom belonged to Christ, she is alive and well and in a better place than you are at present. Thanks to God, she will be in good health for eternity, and happy.
And Joe, if you belong to Christ, you will see her again. You have that option. You can't blame God if you refuse to accept His gift of a perfect afterlife, back here, on earth, with your mom right beside you, never to be separated again. You have that to look forward to. The nun's let you down. Christ will never let you down.
Your momma loves you just as much today as she did 20 years ago. And she's waiting for you. What a glorious day it will be when she wraps her arms around you again, for you and for her. Christ gift to you both. Don't let angry nun's take that event from you. In Christ all things are possible. Follow Him and he'll lead you right to your mom. Death has no sting. That's God's gig.

Um, no, my MOm ceased to exist in 1983. I'm good with that.

Other than that, religion is a lie.

Now, I realize that most of you guys are terrified of death and such, and therefore you let these scammers fool you into believing utterly silly things. I totally get that. Death is scary.

But the dogma you espouse is absurd.

By your logic that Jesus welcomes those who embrace him and burns those who do not.

That's all manner of messed up.

By that logic, Ann Frank is burning in hell. She was a Jew who never accepted Jesus. But Jeff Dahmner accepted Jesus into his soul, and he gets into heaven if he was really sincere.

I really can't buy a God with that lack of a sense of right and wrong.
You do not know what Ann Frank did or didn't do as you were not there, Joe. As for fear of death? I do not fear death. Why should I fear death? I sleep very well, Joe. I do not think about not waking up nor do I fear it.

If I am living for Christ right now this very moment what is going to change when I die? I am only going to have the veil torn back so that I can see Jesus face to face. The difference being - I now see him by faith. I can say with Paul for me to live is Christ - for me to die is for me to gain Christ - to be with Him face to face and out of this earthly body - this spiritual warfare battle zone - for me to live is Christ and for me to die is Christ.

Whereas if you are living for money then when you die you lose it all. If you live for pleasure when you die you lose it all. If you live for making a name for yourself, when you die you lose it all. If you live for enjoying this worlds pleasures - then when you die you lose it all. On the other hand when I die I gain what I am living for now. How awesome is that? Now you can have the same hope I do. By faith - you can by an act of your will believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is LORD. That he died on the cross for your sins - rose on the 3rd day - appeared before many before ascending to heaven and being seated at the right hand of the Father. By faith you can receive Jesus Christ - by an act of your will you can lay down any un-forgiveness you have towards others and be free of it today. That is what is possible for you. Because of what Jesus Christ did at the cross for you over 2,000 years ago.
It is full on goddess worship, Joe. What are you thinking? Of course it is not the Mary of the Bible. So nice of you to point out the obvious. Care to go full on and explain the perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Christ over and over - or the claim that this is Christ actual blood and body? None of which is taught in scripture of the bible? It is steeped in paganism which is why many high level WICCA feel very comfortable advertising themselves as "practicing Catholics" - it's like an inside joke with them.

So the Catholics had more pagan baggage than the Protestants. But it took the Protestants 1500 to come arond, and it was usually over petty issues like some fat king couldn't get a divorce. but because your fairy stories are different than their fairy stories, doesn't take away from the fact you all read from the same bible.

As for the sincere nuns, Joe. Sincerity following wrong doctrine is still wrong - and will not get God's stamp of approval no matter how hard you stamp it. Read the bible, believe the bible, stop following the doctrines of man and stand up for the Word of God. It is not difficult once you determine in your heart that you are more concerned with the praise of God vs. the praise of men. (which will afford you nothing in the end)

I've read the bible. First thing that hit me was that they said, "No Graven Images", and we had a lot of them. Second thing I noticed was that they couldn't agree who Jesus's grandfather was and traced his ancestory through Joseph. (Or as I like to say, only MY patron saint could buy THAT story.)

Spiritual ambition is probably one of the worst sins out there. Mary Magdalene - the ex -prostitute had no spiritual ambition - she had a true faith in Jesus Christ and her heart was purposed to follow Jesus. At all costs. Follow Jesus and stop following men who are intent on leading you astray.

Please point out the verse in the bible that SPECIFICALLY says that Mary Magedelene was a prostitute. The bible only talks about an "adulteress" Hay-Zus kept from getting stoned. They don't call her Mary Magdelene and they don't say she's a prostitute.
You do not know what Ann Frank did or didn't do as you were not there, Joe. As for fear of death? I do not fear death. Why should I fear death? I sleep very well, Joe. I do not think about not waking up nor do I fear it.

I'm reasonably sure that when Christians invade someone's country, make her hide in an attic for three years and then throw you in a concentration camp, you aren't really going to be keen on praising Jesus.

But Chef Jeff, he's totally sitting on a cloud.
As for your mom. This is earth. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. That is Satan's gig, not God's. If your mom belonged to Christ, she is alive and well and in a better place than you are at present. Thanks to God, she will be in good health for eternity, and happy.
And Joe, if you belong to Christ, you will see her again. You have that option. You can't blame God if you refuse to accept His gift of a perfect afterlife, back here, on earth, with your mom right beside you, never to be separated again. You have that to look forward to. The nun's let you down. Christ will never let you down.
Your momma loves you just as much today as she did 20 years ago. And she's waiting for you. What a glorious day it will be when she wraps her arms around you again, for you and for her. Christ gift to you both. Don't let angry nun's take that event from you. In Christ all things are possible. Follow Him and he'll lead you right to your mom. Death has no sting. That's God's gig.

Um, no, my MOm ceased to exist in 1983. I'm good with that.

Other than that, religion is a lie.

Now, I realize that most of you guys are terrified of death and such, and therefore you let these scammers fool you into believing utterly silly things. I totally get that. Death is scary.

But the dogma you espouse is absurd.

By your logic that Jesus welcomes those who embrace him and burns those who do not.

That's all manner of messed up.

By that logic, Ann Frank is burning in hell. She was a Jew who never accepted Jesus. But Jeff Dahmner accepted Jesus into his soul, and he gets into heaven if he was really sincere.

I really can't buy a God with that lack of a sense of right and wrong.

John 4 tells us that salvation is of the Jews. Romans explains the reason in part for the unbelief of the Jewish people, that all Israel shall be saved and you and I are not discussing the Jews but rather your fear of death and hell - which is quite reasonable all things considered, Joe.

Now Jeff Dahmer was a satanist as was John Wayne Gacy, the Zodiac killer, Charles Manson, David Berkowitz and hundreds more of the most notorious serial killers of the past because that is what Satanists are - first and foremost - they are serial killers -they kill as in over and over and over again to sacrifice to Satan in exchange for more power from demons - that is what this upcoming Halloween October 31st day, Nov, 1,2,3rd is all about - satanic holy day to Satan - even now people are being kidnapped in preparation for being sacrificed to Satan - how evil is that? Satanists have infiltrated high places of government, elected office, churches - even on television we see them posing as Ministers of the Grace Gospel - they are fully infiltrated in the RCC as I have already covered in other threads - they are in high places for news media, law enforcement and are for the moment getting away with Murder - no pun intended - yet the day of reckoning shall soon be upon them (hell is truth seen too late) and please do realize that even if Dahmer did "repent" it does not mean he was saved because you do not come to Jesus Christ when you feel like coming to Him. You come when the Spirit of God draws you to come - some at the end of their life will weep many tears for loss of their birthright even as Essau did - what a picture of the loss of the ultimate birth right and that being forgiveness through Jesus Christ our LORD.

Do not waste away your day of grace - as Christ so graciously offers you salvation, Joe, or you may find yourself shut out eternally. Today is the Day of Salvation. You are most certainly on this thread for a reason and this is it. Repent of your sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Now.
It is full on goddess worship, Joe. What are you thinking? Of course it is not the Mary of the Bible. So nice of you to point out the obvious. Care to go full on and explain the perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Christ over and over - or the claim that this is Christ actual blood and body? None of which is taught in scripture of the bible? It is steeped in paganism which is why many high level WICCA feel very comfortable advertising themselves as "practicing Catholics" - it's like an inside joke with them.

So the Catholics had more pagan baggage than the Protestants. But it took the Protestants 1500 to come arond, and it was usually over petty issues like some fat king couldn't get a divorce. but because your fairy stories are different than their fairy stories, doesn't take away from the fact you all read from the same bible.

As for the sincere nuns, Joe. Sincerity following wrong doctrine is still wrong - and will not get God's stamp of approval no matter how hard you stamp it. Read the bible, believe the bible, stop following the doctrines of man and stand up for the Word of God. It is not difficult once you determine in your heart that you are more concerned with the praise of God vs. the praise of men. (which will afford you nothing in the end)

I've read the bible. First thing that hit me was that they said, "No Graven Images", and we had a lot of them. Second thing I noticed was that they couldn't agree who Jesus's grandfather was and traced his ancestory through Joseph. (Or as I like to say, only MY patron saint could buy THAT story.)

Spiritual ambition is probably one of the worst sins out there. Mary Magdalene - the ex -prostitute had no spiritual ambition - she had a true faith in Jesus Christ and her heart was purposed to follow Jesus. At all costs. Follow Jesus and stop following men who are intent on leading you astray.

Please point out the verse in the bible that SPECIFICALLY says that Mary Magedelene was a prostitute. The bible only talks about an "adulteress" Hay-Zus kept from getting stoned. They don't call her Mary Magdelene and they don't say she's a prostitute.

Wrong, Joe. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. There is nothing for the Pope to do but repent for acting as the Vicar of Christ when Christ never asked for a Vicar nor did he ever need one. Then he can leave the RCC and serve the poor instead of all the pretending and living a lie. As for the rest of them? The RCC is not "the church' Nor is it even " A " church ' - Lock the doors, go home, buy a bible and find a nice holiness church fellowship that preaches on the humility of Christ and how to be born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

As to Mary Magdalene - I covered this also months ago in a discussion with you and if you didn't receive the truth then there would be no reason for me to deliver it to you again and again......no. First be saved and baptized and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit - then you will understand spiritual things that at this point confuse you.
Wrong, Joe. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. There is nothing for the Pope to do but repent for acting as the Vicar of Christ when Christ never asked for a Vicar nor did he ever need one. As for the rest of them? The RCC is not "the church' Nor is it even " A " church ' - Lock the doors, go home, buy a bible and find a nice holiness church fellowship that preaches on the humility of Christ and how to be born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

but that doesnt sound like your God understands marketting all that well. I mean, if you talk through the Pope (and Francis I seems like a pretty reasonable guy compared to his predecessors) you are going to reach millions, as opposed to some storefront church that only reaches a couple hundred people.

As to Mary Magdalene - I covered this also months ago in a discussion with you and if you didn't receive the truth then there would be no reason for me to deliver it to you again and again......no. First be saved and baptized and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit - then you will understand spiritual things that at this point confuse you.

Guy, nowhere in the bible does it say Mary M was a hooker.

It's just not there. Just like a lot of other things aren't in the bible that you all think are there. A lot of them are just later inventions.

Mary Magdalene - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is almost universally agreed today that characterizations of Mary Magdalene in Western Christianity as a repentant prostitute or loose woman are unfounded,[3][4][8] arising from conflating or merging her identity with the unnamed sinner who anoints Jesus' feet in Luke 7:36-50.[3] The figures of Mary Magdalene, the anointing sinner of Luke, and Mary of Bethany, who in John 11:1-2 also anoints Jesus' feet, were long regarded as the same person. Though Mary Magdalene is named in each of the four gospels in the New Testament, none of the clear references to her indicate that she was a prostitute or notable for a sinful way of life,[4][8] nor link her with Mary of Bethany. Modern scholarship has restored the understanding of Mary of Magdala as an important early Christian leader.[16][17]

Penitent Magdalene, Guido Reni, typically shown half-dressed[18] The Walters Art Museum.
The notion of Mary Magdalene being a repentant sinner can be traced at least as far back as Ephraim the Syrian in the fourth century,[19][20] and became the generally accepted view in Western Christianity because of its acceptance in an influential homily of Pope Gregory I ("Gregory the Great") in about 591,[21][22] in which he identified Magdalene not only with the anonymous sinner with the perfume in Luke's gospel, but also with Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; this interpretation is often called the "composite Magdalene" in modern scholarship. The seven devils removed from her by Jesus "morphed into the seven capital sins, and Mary Magdalene began to be condemned not only for lust but for pride and covetousness as well."
The Lord knows those who are His. If Dahmer confessed to being a Satanist and repented of his sins by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and was truly born again then he is in heaven. If he didn't? He is in hell. I have known of Satanists who repented of serving Satan and were forgiven but in each case I have heard of they came to repentance when the Spirit of God was convicting their hearts and drawing them to come to Jesus Christ. Some had even sold their souls to Satan - made pacts with hell - but God did forgive them and today they are living a full life for Jesus Christ and have no part of evil.
As for your mom. This is earth. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. That is Satan's gig, not God's. If your mom belonged to Christ, she is alive and well and in a better place than you are at present. Thanks to God, she will be in good health for eternity, and happy.
And Joe, if you belong to Christ, you will see her again. You have that option. You can't blame God if you refuse to accept His gift of a perfect afterlife, back here, on earth, with your mom right beside you, never to be separated again. You have that to look forward to. The nun's let you down. Christ will never let you down.
Your momma loves you just as much today as she did 20 years ago. And she's waiting for you. What a glorious day it will be when she wraps her arms around you again, for you and for her. Christ gift to you both. Don't let angry nun's take that event from you. In Christ all things are possible. Follow Him and he'll lead you right to your mom. Death has no sting. That's God's gig.

Um, no, my MOm ceased to exist in 1983. I'm good with that.

Other than that, religion is a lie.

Now, I realize that most of you guys are terrified of death and such, and therefore you let these scammers fool you into believing utterly silly things. I totally get that. Death is scary.

But the dogma you espouse is absurd.

By your logic that Jesus welcomes those who embrace him and burns those who do not.

That's all manner of messed up.

By that logic, Ann Frank is burning in hell. She was a Jew who never accepted Jesus. But Jeff Dahmner accepted Jesus into his soul, and he gets into heaven if he was really sincere.

I really can't buy a God with that lack of a sense of right and wrong.

Not a dude. Have no reason to fear death whatsoever. Christ fulfilled the law for Anne. Christ burns no one. The choice is yours. We are made in God's image, your mom is eternal, and so are you.
Hoping that you come to that realization and reunite with your loved ones.

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