Beach Home Invaders


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism parable inspired by the graphic modern-crime film Cobra.

Isn't it funny how modern traffic and transit creates new forms of 'real-estate paranoia' and of course self-defense storytelling?



Ali was an immigrant from Egypt and self-proclaimed 'American vigilante.' Ali loved American comic books, and since comics-adapted movies became the rave in Hollywood, Ali had a theory that a psychotic serial-killer would start committing murders modelled after a comic book villain. Ali's favorite comic book hero was Spider-Man (Marvel Comics), so Ali believed that this hypothetical 'comics copycat-killer' would model himself/herself after the Spider-Man villain Sandman (a mutant comprised entirely of sand, enabling him to change shape and make weapons on-the-fly). Since Sandman was comprised of sand, Ali hypothesized that the comics copycat-killer (CCK) would strike at people visiting beaches across America (where there was plenty of sand!). Ali kept a small trophy for himself in honor of Spider-Man and went about tracking the CCK whom he called simply 'Sandman.'


Ali was accurate. A sociopathic serial-killer named Stan was obsessed with Sandman (Marvel Comics) and believed that the comic book villain was 'talking' to him through telepathy and motivating him to commit murders in beaches across America. Stan even decided to call himself 'Sandman' (so Ali was absolutely right!). 'Sandman' visited Miami Beach (Florida) and Pacific Beach (California) and killed ten people, all beach-goers with beach-houses. Ali read the news-stories and was confident that the serial-killer was the 'Sandman' he envisioned. Ali decided to travel to Miami Beach and Pacific Beach that summer and perform some private investigations. Ali confirmed that 'Sandman' was targeting people in American beaches who had beach-houses/homes. Ali theorized that the logic of attacking people in beach-homes was that such victims symbolized 'luxury' and 'recreation' and served as 'prophecy-symbols' of the Sandman. Ali was once again accurate.


Sandman (Stan) had recruited two more psychos and formed a little 'Sandman-gang.' They planned to next visit Virginia Beach and then Venice Beach. Once again, they intended to attack people who resided in beach-homes. However, Ali predicted that Sandman would target Venice Beach and decided to stake-out the beach by renting a beach-house there (waiting for Sandman to strike!). When Sandman and his two goons broke into Ali's house one night, Ali was ready. They noticed Ali was in sunglasses, a hat, and wearing a scarf around his mouth (to cover his face). They also noticed Ali was wearing glasses and carrying a Bible in one hand and a silencer-pistol in the other. Ali raised up his pistol and said, "Jesus pities you" before shooting all three in the head. He then made an anonymous phone call for the Venice Beach Police to deal with everything before disappearing. When Ali returned home, he concluded that 'beach home invaders' were the modern age pirates (and minions of Satan!).



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