Becerra To Lead HHS With Support of AMA & American Hospital Association: Trumped-Up GOP Opposed To Medical Recommendations!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Senate has confirmed the nomination of the former California Attorney General to head Health and Human Services. The obvious wisdom of the choice is the 124 lawsuits filed against the former Trumped-Up Administration. Comparing and Contrasting with the Trumped-Up GOP: The position is about human health and human services: Even in English(?). The Trumped-Up Republicans were not on board with the Doctor recommendations: Support from the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)
It is widely acknowledged that included in Becerra's expertise is actually California Health Care Implementation and Administration. The federal agency itself is now widely known, even for elective surgeries for millions worldwide!
Becerra was reliably liberal in nearly a quarter-century in the House, but he was not seen as a left-wing firebrand. His issues were education, immigration and equal treatment for minorities. His profile was of a low-key insider who could work with Republicans.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said GOP arguments against Becerra “almost verge on the ridiculous.” Schumer said Republicans “complained loudly that he had no direct experience as a medical professional, even though Republicans voted in lockstep" to make pharmaceutical executive Alex Azar health secretary under President Donald Trump.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)
The Senate has confirmed the nomination of the former California Attorney General to head Health and Human Services. The obvious wisdom of the choice is the 124 lawsuits filed against the former Trumped-Up Administration. Comparing and Contrasting with the Trumped-Up GOP: The position is about human health and human services: Even in English(?). The Trumped-Up Republicans were not on board with the Doctor recommendations: Support from the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)

Is Becerra that anchor baby guy here on a stole citizenship...the guy who helped Mexifornia become a filthy thirdworld shithole full of his 'people' / wetbacks? You know, the state with an education system overrun by illiterate thirdworld brown human cockroaches, where teachers spend their days teaching the english language and not curriculum?
Didn't he also help ruin the healthcare system in Mexifornia? You know, the state where citizens wait for hours in the ER behind Becerra's illegal wetbacks buddies, or where citizens can't get a doctors appointment for weeks or months as they wait in line behind Mexico's people? Where Mexifornia taxpayers are forced to pay for Mexico's healthcare?
Are we talking about the same filthy fucked in the head piece of foreign dogshit Xavier Becerra?
The Senate has confirmed the nomination of the former California Attorney General to head Health and Human Services. The obvious wisdom of the choice is the 124 lawsuits filed against the former Trumped-Up Administration. Comparing and Contrasting with the Trumped-Up GOP: The position is about human health and human services: Even in English(?). The Trumped-Up Republicans were not on board with the Doctor recommendations: Support from the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)

Is Becerra that anchor baby guy here on a stole citizenship...the guy who helped Mexifornia become a filthy thirdworld shithole full of his 'people' / wetbacks? You know, the state with an education system overrun by illiterate thirdworld brown human cockroaches, where teachers spend their days teaching the english language and not curriculum?
Didn't he also help ruin the healthcare system in Mexifornia? You know, the state where citizens wait for hours in the ER behind Becerra's illegal wetbacks buddies, or where citizens can't get a doctors appointment for weeks or months as they wait in line behind Mexico's people? Where Mexifornia taxpayers are forced to pay for Mexico's healthcare?
Are we talking about the same filthy fucked in the head piece of foreign dogshit Xavier Becerra?

That's the one
Clearly illiterate BrokeLoser poster fails entirely at current events. Xavier Bercerra was a part of the Gavin Newsom Administration in California, now to be regarded famous for its color-coded opening and closings guidance. The clear and uniform rules now get applied statewide. 12 mil. people in Los Angeles County alone: Are posed to advance into the less stringent Orange tier, meeting California Standard guidelines.

The Trumped-Up brand offered nothing nationwide. 16 states created 10% increase of caseloads: Just last week.

Anyone sees why the medical profession supports the Biden-Bercerra-Gavin Newsom brand!

Anyone even sees the SassyIrishLass, anti-medical science--Trumped-Up Brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)
Clearly illiterate BrokeLoser poster fails entirely at current events. Xavier Bercerra was a part of the Gavin Newsom Administration in California, now to be regarded famous for its color-coded opening and closings guidance. The clear and uniform rules now get applied statewide. 12 mil. people in Los Angeles County alone: Are posed to advance into the less stringent Orange tier, meeting California Standard guidelines.

The Trumped-Up brand offered nothing nationwide. 16 states created 10% increase of caseloads: Just last week.

Anyone sees why the medical profession supports the Biden-Bercerra-Gavin Newsom brand!

Anyone even sees the SassyIrishLass, anti-medical science--Trumped-Up Brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)

Trust me, we are fully aware of what Becerra, Newsom and Obamala Harris have done to the once amazing state of Mexifornia.
Weird how 10 million illiterate thirdworlders can destroy a state so quickly...nobody saw that shit coming huh?
So per BrokeLoser poster, the immigrants to California from the South of the Border may have by-passed San Diego County on their way north. The freeway signs of families on the run, crossing the highways: Are well-known. So in County of Los Angeles--the Miracle of the Swimming Pools, from the LA Aqueduct water--is now replaced with cross-over from the more restrictive red-tier requirements to the imminent new Orange-tier requirements: Newsom reopening California, with support!

My own grandfather was actually friends with Mulholland, whose responsibility included the Los Angeles River flow. The ranch was across the river from the NBC Universal forerunner--Laemmle Studios. "Dracula" could become a household name: At last!

Immigrant cultures have worked for Los Angeles! Grandpa was an immigrant from the defeated Confederacy. His father, John Henry: Was a cattle-driving man!

Comparing: Anyone sees the BrokeLoser Brand: Likely tried to storm the Confederate Capitol building to Jeff Davis in the brain!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)
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Extensive litigation defending California Health Care from the Trumped-Up Brand of federal executive administration. That extensive legal experience success arose from the Secretary's extensive attention to widely and wildly popular Affordable Health Care: From its inception. Xavier Bercerra likely knows more people, directly engaged in ACA administration, nationwide: Than anyone else in the United States.

Republicans used to understand about that, and even live like that: Even designing segregationist types of programming(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think you get. Going back thousands of years, Matt 25: 14-30, is what you actually get, recently coming into remedy.)

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