Beck says to abolish public schools.

Because like most cops, conjob is a racist who has nothing but disdain for the law (note: conjob is not a cop)

Racist... racist.... racist.....!!!

That's all you idiots can do is call someone a racist. Prove that most cops are racist. Prove that Conhog is a racist. Just saying it doesn't make it true, so either back up your claim or apologize.

A racist is someone who does racist things. conjob has called black people "*******" and claimed that they always have their hand out.

That is racist

Using that term isn't inherently racist nor does the use make one a racist. My father and grandfather... used that term to describe black folk and not in a disparaging way, I myself as a child used that word to describe a negro but never in a mean spirited way.

Among Anglophones, the word ****** was not always considered derogatory, because it then denoted “black-skinned”, a common Anglophone usage.

****** - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the statistics I've seen 38 percent of whites receive welfare while only 37 percent of blacks do. But if you take into account that blacks represent 12 percent of the population and whites 75 percent, then you have to admit that Conhog wasn't that far off base with his hyperbole.

I'm still waiting on your supporting evidence about your claim that most police officers are racist.
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Consider this: Wal*Mart hires high school dropouts for $7.90 and hour. Schools hire college graduates with teaching credentials. You suppose folks would be willing to dedicate four years of higher education, sweat out passing an examination for $7.90 an hour?

Cheap and shoddy may very well describe your outlook on education. You reap what you sow.
There you go again, using the Wal-Mart literally rather than a meta-example of how markets work...Can we keep this on the subject at hand, rather than deflecting back to the all-too-typical obsessive bigoted lefty diatribe against Wal-Mart?

BTW, Target, K-Mart and Nieman Marcus have also been mentioned here, as examples of competitors where you could take your business if Wal-Mart has your undies in such a knot.
How can small markets be served better by privatizing the school system? How can economically depressed areas be served better? Running a school like a discount chain is like running an army like a bus company. The paradigm does not always fit. "Free Markets" are always ripe with corruption. that's why we regulate them. And now you want to bring the culture of corrupt markets to education?!? Is there nothing the state does well except kill people and break things?

Why don't we just abolish the National Parks Service and turn all that land over to developers so they can finally turn a profit on it?

Because they will exploit the land and ruin it for future use, that's why! You cannot impose the template of nihilistic "Free Markets" on every aspect of life and expect to survive.
Racist... racist.... racist.....!!!

That's all you idiots can do is call someone a racist. Prove that most cops are racist. Prove that Conhog is a racist. Just saying it doesn't make it true, so either back up your claim or apologize.

A racist is someone who does racist things. conjob has called black people "*******" and claimed that they always have their hand out.

That is racist

Using that term isn't inherently racist nor does the use make one a racist. My father and grandfather... used that term to describe black folk and not in a disparaging way, I myself as a child used that word to describe a negro but never in a mean spirited way.

Racists across the country agree with you.

Among Anglophones, the word ****** was not always considered derogatory, because it then denoted “black-skinned”, a common Anglophone usage.

****** - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the statistics I've seen 38 percent of whites receive welfare while only 37 percent of blacks do. But if you take into account that blacks represent 12 percent of the population and whites 75 percent, then you have to admit that Conhog wasn't that far off base with his hyperbole.

White people are the biggest welfare queens on the planet. I noticed you didn't include agricultural subsidies, and other welfare payments to white people

I'm still waiting on your supporting evidence about your claim that most police officers are racist.

I've already started several threads on the corruption of police. There's your evidence
Consider this: Wal*Mart hires high school dropouts for $7.90 and hour. Schools hire college graduates with teaching credentials. You suppose folks would be willing to dedicate four years of higher education, sweat out passing an examination for $7.90 an hour?

Cheap and shoddy may very well describe your outlook on education. You reap what you sow.
There you go again, using the Wal-Mart literally rather than a meta-example of how markets work...Can we keep this on the subject at hand, rather than deflecting back to the all-too-typical obsessive bigoted lefty diatribe against Wal-Mart?

BTW, Target, K-Mart and Nieman Marcus have also been mentioned here, as examples of competitors where you could take your business if Wal-Mart has your undies in such a knot.
How can small markets be served better by privatizing the school system? How can economically depressed areas be served better? Running a school like a discount chain is like running an army like a bus company. The paradigm does not always fit. "Free Markets" are always ripe with corruption. that's why we regulate them. And now you want to bring the culture of corrupt markets to education?!? Is there nothing the state does well except kill people and break things?

Why don't we just abolish the National Parks Service and turn all that land over to developers so they can finally turn a profit on it?

Because they will exploit the land and ruin it for future use, that's why! You cannot impose the template of nihilistic "Free Markets" on every aspect of life and expect to survive.
Just for grins, I'll concede to the argument that gubmint-run schools have the most marginal of marginal utility in the areas you describe, which themselves are in the vast minority of districts....How does that provide any rationale to have a bloated federal bureaucracy to deal with that small minority of cases?

Your assertion that markets are "always" corrupt is so patently absurd as to not be deserving of comment, other than to point out how patently absurd it is....Likewise the National Parks non sequitur.

Can we stick to reality rather than wild hyperbolic accusations, blatant anti-business bigotry, and presumptions that the worst aspects of people apply to everyone else, except people who share your politics and those involved in gubmint bureaucracies?
There you go again, using the Wal-Mart literally rather than a meta-example of how markets work...Can we keep this on the subject at hand, rather than deflecting back to the all-too-typical obsessive bigoted lefty diatribe against Wal-Mart?

BTW, Target, K-Mart and Nieman Marcus have also been mentioned here, as examples of competitors where you could take your business if Wal-Mart has your undies in such a knot.
How can small markets be served better by privatizing the school system? How can economically depressed areas be served better? Running a school like a discount chain is like running an army like a bus company. The paradigm does not always fit. "Free Markets" are always ripe with corruption. that's why we regulate them. And now you want to bring the culture of corrupt markets to education?!? Is there nothing the state does well except kill people and break things?

Why don't we just abolish the National Parks Service and turn all that land over to developers so they can finally turn a profit on it?

Because they will exploit the land and ruin it for future use, that's why! You cannot impose the template of nihilistic "Free Markets" on every aspect of life and expect to survive.
Just for grins, I'll concede to the argument that gubmint-run schools have the most marginal of marginal utility in the areas you describe, which themselves are in the vast minority of districts....How does that provide any rationale to have a bloated federal bureaucracy to deal with that small minority of cases?

If the Dud didn't lie, he'd have nothing to say

Education is a responsibility of the states. The fed govt has little control over schools, and there's no "bloated" bureacracy. I'd ask dud for a link, but we already know that dud doesn't do facts
So, the federal Department of Education is a figment of my imagination, now?

Mmmmmmm'kay! :rolleyes: :lol:

No, the "bloated federal bureaucracy" is a lie

That' why you won't back your claim up with facts
There you go again, using the Wal-Mart literally rather than a meta-example of how markets work...Can we keep this on the subject at hand, rather than deflecting back to the all-too-typical obsessive bigoted lefty diatribe against Wal-Mart?

BTW, Target, K-Mart and Nieman Marcus have also been mentioned here, as examples of competitors where you could take your business if Wal-Mart has your undies in such a knot.
How can small markets be served better by privatizing the school system? How can economically depressed areas be served better? Running a school like a discount chain is like running an army like a bus company. The paradigm does not always fit. "Free Markets" are always ripe with corruption. that's why we regulate them. And now you want to bring the culture of corrupt markets to education?!? Is there nothing the state does well except kill people and break things?

Why don't we just abolish the National Parks Service and turn all that land over to developers so they can finally turn a profit on it?

Because they will exploit the land and ruin it for future use, that's why! You cannot impose the template of nihilistic "Free Markets" on every aspect of life and expect to survive.
Just for grins, I'll concede to the argument that gubmint-run schools have the most marginal of marginal utility in the areas you describe, which themselves are in the vast minority of districts....How does that provide any rationale to have a bloated federal bureaucracy to deal with that small minority of cases?

Your assertion that markets are "always" corrupt is so patently absurd as to not be deserving of comment, other than to point out how patently absurd it is....Likewise the National Parks non sequitur.

Can we stick to reality rather than wild hyperbolic accusations, blatant anti-business bigotry, and presumptions that the worst aspects of people apply to everyone else, except people who share your politics and those involved in gubmint bureaucracies?
If I cannot 'presume' that corruption lies in the Free Market system, why do you continue to presume that everything run by the state is either bloated or inept?

If I cannot take real life experience and apply it to this discussion, why then should you argue from your assumption that privatized schools can serve all communities well? Pay to learn is a concept that makes sense only to those who have no experience in education aside from the diploma they may or may not have hanging on their wall.

Under your system, if one is just too damn poor to pay for their education, they are doomed to pass that poverty on to their progeny. And, conversely, those with the means to pay can continue to consolidate their wealth through the exclusion of the poor.

But, in the final analysis, that's really what modern American conservatism is all about, isn't it? The culture of "I've got mine! Screw you if you cannot get yours too!" applies to the most basic of freedoms: the freedom to better your lot in life.

And you may wonder why Conservatives are seen as greedy, selfish thugs who are more apt to exploit than promote. Well, gee. Pay to learn. There's an equitable solution!
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I only have a voluminous track record of ineptitude and waste of gubmint bureaucracy to go by. That and the fact that said bureaucracies are run by force and with models that run entirely counter to the laws of economic efficiency.

In the meantime, I've given you very mainstream examples of how market-based schools could be operated, only with you do go on the standard populist loon boilerplate rantings against Wal-Mart.

Under a system like mine, private charities would help out...Like Shriner's and St. Jude's hospitals help out kids who need medical care, while places like Ronald McDonald house help the parents.

I have a practically inexhaustible supply where it can be shown that that free people being left alone can be trusted to help people who really need it. All you have is pessimism for everyone in the world, except for yourself and those who "think" (for lack of a better term) as do you.

[ame=]YouTube - Kelly's Heroes Oddball - Negative Waves[/ame]
I only have a voluminous track record of ineptitude and waste of gubmint bureaucracy to go by. That and the fact that said bureaucracies are run by force and with models that run entirely counter to the laws of economic efficiency.

And dud again whiffs on proving that the Feds' Dept of Education is a "bloated federal bureaucracies"

I have a practically inexhaustible supply where it can be shown that that free people being left alone can be trusted to help people who really need it. All you have is pessimism for everyone in the world, except for yourself and those who "think" (for lack of a better term) as do you.

You have nothing to back up your lies.
^^You've got nothing

Run home and cry to mommy

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He posts the dog picture when he can't think of anything else to make up. 2 straight threads now he has done it. At least he's consistent.
I post the ankle biter picture when I'm no longer interested in entertaining the ankle-biting of an ankle biter.

If you have something halfway intelligent to say, no matter how misguided, I may well carry on a conversation with you.

Translation: As long as you don't challenge me, Dud won't run away like a coward

So, the federal Department of Education is a figment of my imagination, now?

Mmmmmmm'kay! :rolleyes: :lol:
So is the bloat.

Reports - Descriptive
Abstract: Since the 1965 passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which concentrated unprecedented authority over American education in the hands of the federal government, federal lawmakers have passed increasingly restrictive laws and drastically escalated education spending, which ballooned from around $25 billion in 1965 (adjusted for inflation) to more than $108 billion in 2002.

For almost 40 years the federal government has broken with both precedent and the Constitution by inserting itself into American education, an area that is traditionally and legally the domain of state and local governments. In that time the federal government has expended hundreds of billions of dollars on everything from Safe and Drug-Free Schools to programs for towns with historical ties to the whaling industry.

And what does it have to show for it? Stagnant academic achievement, large bills, and schools that are struggling as much today as they were at the beginning of Johnson's Great Society. Given that failure, federal meddling in education should end immediately, and control should be returned to parents and states.

Unfortunately, the No Child Left Behind Act and the massive funding that has accompanied it have moved the country in the opposite direction. But perhaps this opens a window of opportunity: states are growing increasingly restive, chaffing under the slew of new federal regulations that come with NCLB dollars.

This spreading revolt, coupled with the knowledge that very little of lasting educational value has been created by the federal government, might finally lead to what American K-12 education needs most--for the federal government to return educational control to the families, local governments, and states to which it belongs. (Contains 8 appendices & 137 notes.)
Glenn Beck is just uh, well, he works for Fox.

The King of Conspiracy is attempting to peddle the piddle that school kids are indoctrinated 24/7 by Washington in the form of the far-reaching liberal media, and by extension what they are taught in school.

Video Ed Show: Glenn Beck says the U.S. should Abolish public schools - Kick! Making Politics Funny - A liberal dose of political comedy

glenn beck, of course, would prefer to brainwash MY children with his OWN beliefs

since I oppose much of what beck says and believes I would prefer to keep public schools in business.

I have been told far too often by conservatives, that private christian/religious/conservative institutions have a RIGHT TO BRAINWASH their students with their beliefs...

I fear that should public schools disappear there would be no choice for any of us but to send our children to private schools funded by/controlled by conservatives/christians
who would endeavor to brainwash MY children with their (hate, ignorance, fear, lies) beliefs
So, the federal Department of Education is a figment of my imagination, now?

Mmmmmmm'kay! :rolleyes: :lol:
So is the bloat.

Reports - Descriptive
Abstract: Since the 1965 passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which concentrated unprecedented authority over American education in the hands of the federal government, federal lawmakers have passed increasingly restrictive laws and drastically escalated education spending, which ballooned from around $25 billion in 1965 (adjusted for inflation) to more than $108 billion in 2002.

For almost 40 years the federal government has broken with both precedent and the Constitution by inserting itself into American education, an area that is traditionally and legally the domain of state and local governments. In that time the federal government has expended hundreds of billions of dollars on everything from Safe and Drug-Free Schools to programs for towns with historical ties to the whaling industry.

And what does it have to show for it? Stagnant academic achievement, large bills, and schools that are struggling as much today as they were at the beginning of Johnson's Great Society. Given that failure, federal meddling in education should end immediately, and control should be returned to parents and states.

Unfortunately, the No Child Left Behind Act and the massive funding that has accompanied it have moved the country in the opposite direction. But perhaps this opens a window of opportunity: states are growing increasingly restive, chaffing under the slew of new federal regulations that come with NCLB dollars.

This spreading revolt, coupled with the knowledge that very little of lasting educational value has been created by the federal government, might finally lead to what American K-12 education needs most--for the federal government to return educational control to the families, local governments, and states to which it belongs. (Contains 8 appendices & 137 notes.)

Fed spending on education is less than 1% of all spending on education. 202 billion is peanuts. And most of the increased spending is to support charter schools

IOW, you totally failed in showing that there is a "bloated bureaucracy" at the fed level when it comes to education
Fed spending on education is less than 1% of all spending on education. 202 billion is peanuts. And most of the increased spending is to support charter schools
Logical fallacy .

Yeah Im always going to fail to read the report to you.

You will have to read it yourself. Skip directly to the end of the report to the appendix A through H to see the bloat by the numbers.

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