Beck says to abolish public schools.

Since you are once again going off on your deluded economics, I will issue you this challenge once more. Let's hope you don't go runnning to your mommy like the last time I challenged you

Name one nation that became prosperous because of an economic policy of:

1) Little to no income taxes
2) Little to no business regulation
3) Little to no govt involvement in the economy

I gauarntee the Dude will fold

1. Ours
2. Ours
3. Ours

What point are you trying to make?

While we certainly are prosperous, it was due to an economic policy of high taxes, and lots of govt regulations and involvement in the economy

Do you support a 100% taxation rate and complete government ownership of the economy?
You are responding in THIS THREAD so are you obsessed? :doubt: Oh and he does suck ass. this fucking dry drunk clown Mormon convert makes me sick.

Pretty much every single thing he has said since coming to fox has been wrong.

The only person wrong more, is Dick (prostitute toe sucking) Morris.

Fox just sucks and whats worse is their "fans". They actually believe what they hear is credible.


You don't seem to understand that "I disagree with them" =/= they are always wrong, don't you? Normal people do.

You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.
You don't seem to understand that "I disagree with them" =/= they are always wrong, don't you? Normal people do.

You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.
You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

There's a 24 page thread in the media forum doing exactly that. You look like a fucking idiot when you claim anyone is ALWAYS wrong - Except Sangha of course:lol:
No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

There's a 24 page thread in the media forum doing exactly that. You look like a fucking idiot when you claim anyone is ALWAYS wrong - Except Sangha of course:lol:

You are about as wrong as you were when you said my wife wasnt born in hawaii. You are almost as wrong as Beck, Dick Morris and good ol Newt.

Fucking ighty winged teabaggin "fair and balanced" loving douche.

Oh and god bless. Name me one thing Beck has said or one conspiracy he spewed that came to cant can you. Not since he went to Fox and lost his fucking mind.
You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

I have a better idea...prove made the claim.

That's like me saying you're always wrong since you switched to decaf.... WTF?

But you know what, I can dispute it. Just this morning, Beck said ... well, wait...I'll let you hear it for yourself...and for the record...he's right!! 100% right!!

Glenn Beck mocks Ed Shultz poor book sales- The Right Scoop

You can't make this stuff up.....
No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

I have a better idea...prove made the claim.

That's like me saying you're always wrong since you switched to decaf.... WTF?

But you know what, I can dispute it. Just this morning, Beck said ... well, wait...I'll let you hear it for yourself...and for the record...he's right!! 100% right!!

Glenn Beck mocks Ed Shultz poor book sales- The Right Scoop

You can't make this stuff up.....
Meh....Beck should leave the bashing of other jabberjaws to the lefty twits who can't talk cogently about anything else.

Definitely does nothing to raise my already less-than-enthusiastic opinion of the guy.
You don't seem to understand that "I disagree with them" =/= they are always wrong, don't you? Normal people do.

You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Umm, it's not a literal term when the sentence begins "Pretty much everything...." :lol:
More Beck sayings that you can't disagree with...

'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that." Glenn Beck

"It's not just spending, it's not just taxes, it's not just corruption, it is progressivism, and it is in both parties. It is in the Republicans and the Democrats." Glenn Beck

"Timothy McVeigh was a coward. Violence is the stupid way out. It'll discredit any real legitmate movement." Glenn Beck

"What does it mean to be a conservative? I don't even know anymore. I know what it means to me. It means to me, personal responsibility. That if I've done something wrong, its up to me to pay the price. It's up to me to make it right." Glenn Beck

Just a few of the things that Beck is right about
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Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

I have a better idea...prove made the claim.

That's like me saying you're always wrong since you switched to decaf.... WTF?

But you know what, I can dispute it. Just this morning, Beck said ... well, wait...I'll let you hear it for yourself...and for the record...he's right!! 100% right!!

Glenn Beck mocks Ed Shultz poor book sales- The Right Scoop

You can't make this stuff up.....
Meh....Beck should leave the bashing of other jabberjaws to the lefty twits who can't talk cogently about anything else.

Definitely does nothing to raise my already less-than-enthusiastic opinion of the guy.

That wasn't the was said that Beck is ALWAYS WRONG...but in this instance he was dead on right.

Ed Shultz' book is a disaster!!!! 4009 copies in 5 weeks??? It shouldn't change your opinion of him...hate him if you him, tolerate him, ignore him...whatever... but he isn't always wrong.
You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Umm, it's not a literal term when the sentence begins "Pretty much everything...." :lol:

No...the point was focusing on exactly what you said...
You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

"Pretty much everything" is also literal... it means exactly what it says...

You don't seem to understand that a figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification.

For example, common expressions such as "falling in love," "racking our brains," "hitting a sales target," and "climbing the ladder of success" are all metaphors--the most pervasive figure of all. Likewise, we rely on similes when making explicit comparisons ("light as a feather") and hyperbole to emphasize a point ("I'm starving!").

Thanks're as good as gold! (another figure of speech)
You don't seem to understand that "always wrong" is a "figure of speech" and should not be interpreted literally.

No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Umm, it's not a literal term when the sentence begins "Pretty much everything...." :lol:

why are you being stupid and arguing against what zona meant? he actually clarified and say it meant it literally:

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

^ direct response to it being a figure of speech
No..."dumb as a box of rocks" is a figure of speech. "Always wrong" is a literal term. Otherwise it would be "usually wrong" or "sometimes wrong"...or you could go as far as to say "is wrong more often than not".

But if you use "always wrong" as a figure of will definitely be wrong.

Umm, it's not a literal term when the sentence begins "Pretty much everything...." :lol:

why are you being stupid and arguing against what zona meant? he actually clarified and say it meant it literally:

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

^ direct response to it being a figure of speech

Because Sangha is a child who doesn't know how to debate. He talks in circles, deflects, never answers a question, calls mistakes lies, and just generally acts like a petulant child.
Wow...That really did go over your head, in favor of your disparaging doom-and-gloom strawman, didn't it?

All three compete for the same general clientele and offer differing products at competitive prices.

Nobody forces me, as a Target shopper, to pay for products on Wal-Mart's shelves. Also, as it turns out, Wal-Mart stores have bigger auto parts departments and cheaper crummier clothing. So, I may go to the one for auto stuff and the other for clothes.

Got any gloomy Gus cold water to throw on that basic proven economic dynamic?

I do know that rural and small towns are not going to be served by market based education. The smaller the market, the fewer the opportunities. And with fewer opportunities comes shoddier workmanship. With public education, those small 'markets' are served with the economic power of the larger market (the state and federal funding).
How do you know that?

I spend a lot of my time in rural areas, all of which have different and competing places to buy food, clothing and other of life's necessities....What makes you think that education would be any different?

Consider this: Wal*Mart hires high school dropouts for $7.90 and hour. Schools hire college graduates with teaching credentials. You suppose folks would be willing to dedicate four years of higher education, sweat out passing an examination for $7.90 an hour?

Cheap and shoddy may very well describe your outlook on education. You reap what you sow.
some libs would die if they ever showed up at my school. We have teachers who gasp pray for their students, and attempt to instill good values in them.

My son graduated last month, and during the graduation we have 4 prayers and 2 speeches praising God, at a public school. Can you imagine the horror?

We had one complaint. We'll see how far it goes, I suspect not at all.

Why would you think that complaint will not go far? School biased against people not christian?

Because like most cops, conjob is a racist who has nothing but disdain for the law (note: conjob is not a cop)

Racist... racist.... racist.....!!!

That's all you idiots can do is call someone a racist. Prove that most cops are racist. Prove that Conhog is a racist. Just saying it doesn't make it true, so either back up your claim or apologize.
Consider this: Wal*Mart hires high school dropouts for $7.90 and hour. Schools hire college graduates with teaching credentials. You suppose folks would be willing to dedicate four years of higher education, sweat out passing an examination for $7.90 an hour?

Cheap and shoddy may very well describe your outlook on education. You reap what you sow.
There you go again, using the Wal-Mart literally rather than a meta-example of how markets work...Can we keep this on the subject at hand, rather than deflecting back to the all-too-typical obsessive bigoted lefty diatribe against Wal-Mart?

BTW, Target, K-Mart and Nieman Marcus have also been mentioned here, as examples of competitors where you could take your business if Wal-Mart has your undies in such a knot.
Why would you think that complaint will not go far? School biased against people not christian?

Because like most cops, conjob is a racist who has nothing but disdain for the law (note: conjob is not a cop)

Racist... racist.... racist.....!!!

That's all you idiots can do is call someone a racist. Prove that most cops are racist. Prove that Conhog is a racist. Just saying it doesn't make it true, so either back up your claim or apologize.

A racist is someone who does racist things. conjob has called black people "*******" and claimed that they always have their hand out.

That is racist
Umm, it's not a literal term when the sentence begins "Pretty much everything...." :lol:

why are you being stupid and arguing against what zona meant? he actually clarified and say it meant it literally:

Beck is "always wrong"...well at least since he went to Fox.

Dispute that.

^ direct response to it being a figure of speech

Because Sangha is a child who doesn't know how to debate. He talks in circles, deflects, never answers a question, calls mistakes lies, and just generally acts like a petulant child.

conjob is still stinging from the whipping I gave him in the "Rightwing terrorist pleads guilty to church fire" thread. WHen I caught him in a lie, he stopped responding (again)

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