Beck says to abolish public schools.

All of you who put too much stock in what these fucking ENTERTAINERS say need to have your right to vote taken away from you.

A girl I work with told me the last time she went dancing (country bar type) she said the guy who she was dancing with just came out of no where and said, Glenn Beck is the man. He has so much knowledge....

She also told me a friend from that same club is going to Washington to a beck get together soon as well.

There are people out there who takes what this clown says seriously, and like I said before, that is what scares me. Seriously.
So...Let me understand this. The righties want to do away with public education. Grand idea! Limit knowledge to those with means! As for the rest of the great unwashed, let them matriculate at home where Mom is the ideal font of knowledge!

That way we can produce generations of children who fear and loathe science the same way the righties do! Because, after all, the kitchen can serve as chemistry and biology laboratory and the Holy Bible can serve as the universal textbook! Didn't those ancient philosophers have everything right? From the complexities of the universe to the origin of the species, we can certainly afford to put the brakes on any further curiosity. The Bible tells me so.

Your sarcasm rests on the premise that you actually learn something in public schools.
Not only public schools, but....wait for it....a state university as well!

Me as well. Thanks for putting this in perspective.
I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.

All of you who put too much stock in what these fucking ENTERTAINERS say need to have your right to vote taken away from you.

A girl I work with told me the last time she went dancing (country bar type) she said the guy who she was dancing with just came out of no where and said, Glenn Beck is the man. He has so much knowledge....

She also told me a friend from that same club is going to Washington to a beck get together soon as well.

There are people out there who takes what this clown says seriously, and like I said before, that is what scares me. Seriously.

I agree with Beck on some things, and it scares me to think that anyone is just believing anything he says, or anyone else for that matter.

The thing is Zona, you are only listening to the idiots who listen to Beck, if YOU would watch him yourself, he ALWAYS tells his viewers "dont just believe me, educate yourself." I don't see how anyone could get upset at someone for telling Americans they need to educate themselves.

Olbermann even mentioned something about that the other day, and I can't stand him, but he gets props for saying that it's time for Americans to move past rhetoric and educate themselves... Good for him...

That's my main problem with lefties, they can never say "good for him" when a rightie does something right. For instance, McCain is on record as saying Obama did the wrong thing in letting McCrystal resign, yet in the multiple threads about that has a single leftie said "McCain said the right thing there?" Where are you guys to praise Bobby Jindhal for working his ass off during this oil spill? Nowhere to be seen of course.
Private schools are much more motivated to do a good job and please there customers, which are the parents.

I don't know about abolishing Public Schools, but something needs to be done, Because currently we are dumping Billions into our schools and the results were are getting are abysmal.

Bush Spent more on education that any president before him and still test scores went down. I always learned you do not just keep throwing good money after bad.

I also have a problem as a conservative with 2 kids just starting school. Because I can already see the Liberal Biases of teachers and my kids are not even out of elementary school yet. Ill be damned if I will send my kids to a Public school and pay taxes for it, so the teachers can have 8 hours a day to fill their heads with Liberal Propaganda and revisionist history. So I am seriously looking into private schools at the moment and hoping I can qualify for a voucher from the state :) long as you agree with the bias, it's okay to be biased?

there's a Christian school here in town. I'd sooner send my children to West Virginia for and education before i let the "Christians" teach them that mankind was placed on earth like a potted plant!

I don't see the point of what you just said. The Christian School is not funded by tax dollars. Why is it liberals can not see how it might upset a conservative or even a moderate to have no choice but to send his kids to public schools that shove liberal propaganda down their throats or pay out of their own pocket for private school while still paying taxes to fund the Public schools.

I guarantee you if Most public school teachers identified as Republicans and leaned to the right, the Liberals would be screaming for school vouchers so they could send there kids somewhere where they would not be filled with right wing propaganda, but that's not the case. The overwhelming majority of teachers from Kindergarten to College self identify as Democrats and lean to the left. Indeed the Union they belong to is steadfastly democrat.
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Private schools are much more motivated to do a good job and please there customers, which are the parents.

I don't know about abolishing Public Schools, but something needs to be done, Because currently we are dumping Billions into our schools and the results were are getting are abysmal.

Bush Spent more on education that any president before him and still test scores went down. I always learned you do not just keep throwing good money after bad.

I also have a problem as a conservative with 2 kids just starting school. Because I can already see the Liberal Biases of teachers and my kids are not even out of elementary school yet. Ill be damned if I will send my kids to a Public school and pay taxes for it, so the teachers can have 8 hours a day to fill their heads with Liberal Propaganda and revisionist history. So I am seriously looking into private schools at the moment and hoping I can qualify for a voucher from the state :) long as you agree with the bias, it's okay to be biased?

there's a Christian school here in town. I'd sooner send my children to West Virginia for and education before i let the "Christians" teach them that mankind was placed on earth like a potted plant!

I don't see the point of what you just said. The Christian School is not funded by tax dollars. Why is it liberals can not see how it might upset a conservative or even a moderate to have no choice but to send his kids to public schools that shove liberal propaganda down their throats or pay out of their own pocket for private school while still paying taxes to fund the Public schools.

I guarantee you if Most public school teachers identified as Republicans and leaned to the right, the Liberals would be screaming for school vouchers so they could send there kids somewhere where they would not be filled with right wing propaganda, but that's not the case. The overwhelming majority of teachers from Kindergarten to College self identify as Democrats and lean to the left. Indeed the Union they belong to is steadfastly democrat.

some libs would die if they ever showed up at my school. We have teachers who gasp pray for their students, and attempt to instill good values in them.

My son graduated last month, and during the graduation we have 4 prayers and 2 speeches praising God, at a public school. Can you imagine the horror?

We had one complaint. We'll see how far it goes, I suspect not at all.
All of you who put too much stock in what these fucking ENTERTAINERS say need to have your right to vote taken away from you.

A girl I work with told me the last time she went dancing (country bar type) she said the guy who she was dancing with just came out of no where and said, Glenn Beck is the man. He has so much knowledge....

She also told me a friend from that same club is going to Washington to a beck get together soon as well.

There are people out there who takes what this clown says seriously, and like I said before, that is what scares me. Seriously.

I agree with Beck on some things, and it scares me to think that anyone is just believing anything he says, or anyone else for that matter.

The thing is Zona, you are only listening to the idiots who listen to Beck, if YOU would watch him yourself, he ALWAYS tells his viewers "dont just believe me, educate yourself." I don't see how anyone could get upset at someone for telling Americans they need to educate themselves.

Olbermann even mentioned something about that the other day, and I can't stand him, but he gets props for saying that it's time for Americans to move past rhetoric and educate themselves... Good for him...

That's my main problem with lefties, they can never say "good for him" when a rightie does something right. For instance, McCain is on record as saying Obama did the wrong thing in letting McCrystal resign, yet in the multiple threads about that has a single leftie said "McCain said the right thing there?" Where are you guys to praise Bobby Jindhal for working his ass off during this oil spill? Nowhere to be seen of course.

I haven't heard or read where McCain said Obama was wrong on this McChrystal issue. So you need to provide a link or admit you made it up.
A girl I work with told me the last time she went dancing (country bar type) she said the guy who she was dancing with just came out of no where and said, Glenn Beck is the man. He has so much knowledge....

She also told me a friend from that same club is going to Washington to a beck get together soon as well.

There are people out there who takes what this clown says seriously, and like I said before, that is what scares me. Seriously.

I agree with Beck on some things, and it scares me to think that anyone is just believing anything he says, or anyone else for that matter.

The thing is Zona, you are only listening to the idiots who listen to Beck, if YOU would watch him yourself, he ALWAYS tells his viewers "dont just believe me, educate yourself." I don't see how anyone could get upset at someone for telling Americans they need to educate themselves.

Olbermann even mentioned something about that the other day, and I can't stand him, but he gets props for saying that it's time for Americans to move past rhetoric and educate themselves... Good for him...

That's my main problem with lefties, they can never say "good for him" when a rightie does something right. For instance, McCain is on record as saying Obama did the wrong thing in letting McCrystal resign, yet in the multiple threads about that has a single leftie said "McCain said the right thing there?" Where are you guys to praise Bobby Jindhal for working his ass off during this oil spill? Nowhere to be seen of course.

I haven't heard or read where McCain said Obama was wrong on this McChrystal issue. So you need to provide a link or admit you made it up.

I mistyped that Lonestar, I meant to say where McCain said Obama did the right thing.... Sorry about that.............Thanks for catching it. long as you agree with the bias, it's okay to be biased?

there's a Christian school here in town. I'd sooner send my children to West Virginia for and education before i let the "Christians" teach them that mankind was placed on earth like a potted plant!

I don't see the point of what you just said. The Christian School is not funded by tax dollars. Why is it liberals can not see how it might upset a conservative or even a moderate to have no choice but to send his kids to public schools that shove liberal propaganda down their throats or pay out of their own pocket for private school while still paying taxes to fund the Public schools.

I guarantee you if Most public school teachers identified as Republicans and leaned to the right, the Liberals would be screaming for school vouchers so they could send there kids somewhere where they would not be filled with right wing propaganda, but that's not the case. The overwhelming majority of teachers from Kindergarten to College self identify as Democrats and lean to the left. Indeed the Union they belong to is steadfastly democrat.

some libs would die if they ever showed up at my school. We have teachers who gasp pray for their students, and attempt to instill good values in them.

My son graduated last month, and during the graduation we have 4 prayers and 2 speeches praising God, at a public school. Can you imagine the horror?

We had one complaint. We'll see how far it goes, I suspect not at all.

Why would you think that complaint will not go far? School biased against people not christian?
I don't see the point of what you just said. The Christian School is not funded by tax dollars. Why is it liberals can not see how it might upset a conservative or even a moderate to have no choice but to send his kids to public schools that shove liberal propaganda down their throats or pay out of their own pocket for private school while still paying taxes to fund the Public schools.

I guarantee you if Most public school teachers identified as Republicans and leaned to the right, the Liberals would be screaming for school vouchers so they could send there kids somewhere where they would not be filled with right wing propaganda, but that's not the case. The overwhelming majority of teachers from Kindergarten to College self identify as Democrats and lean to the left. Indeed the Union they belong to is steadfastly democrat.

some libs would die if they ever showed up at my school. We have teachers who gasp pray for their students, and attempt to instill good values in them.

My son graduated last month, and during the graduation we have 4 prayers and 2 speeches praising God, at a public school. Can you imagine the horror?

We had one complaint. We'll see how far it goes, I suspect not at all.

Why would you think that complaint will not go far? School biased against people not christian?

Because like most cops, conjob is a racist who has nothing but disdain for the law (note: conjob is not a cop)
I agree with Beck on some things, and it scares me to think that anyone is just believing anything he says, or anyone else for that matter.

The thing is Zona, you are only listening to the idiots who listen to Beck, if YOU would watch him yourself, he ALWAYS tells his viewers "dont just believe me, educate yourself." I don't see how anyone could get upset at someone for telling Americans they need to educate themselves.

Olbermann even mentioned something about that the other day, and I can't stand him, but he gets props for saying that it's time for Americans to move past rhetoric and educate themselves... Good for him...

That's my main problem with lefties, they can never say "good for him" when a rightie does something right. For instance, McCain is on record as saying Obama did the wrong thing in letting McCrystal resign, yet in the multiple threads about that has a single leftie said "McCain said the right thing there?" Where are you guys to praise Bobby Jindhal for working his ass off during this oil spill? Nowhere to be seen of course.

I haven't heard or read where McCain said Obama was wrong on this McChrystal issue. So you need to provide a link or admit you made it up.

I mistyped that Lonestar, I meant to say where McCain said Obama did the right thing.... Sorry about that.............Thanks for catching it.

Good for him!!
Beck says to abolish public schools.

Government indoctrination Centers, aka, minimum security prisons ought be abolished

"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state. –Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.


and you're taking his words out of context

I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.


I think Zona is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says. :lol:
I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.


and you're taking his words out of context


it was a vid of HIM SAYING IT. Can you show me anywhere where he said anything else? That would help your cause. I showed you what he SAID in his own voice.
I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.


I think Zona is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says. :lol:

Fucking brilliant.

Parrot much?

(Go Rush!)
I think beck is brilliant in the sense that he knows what he is saying is just crazy blather, but he also knows idiots will back up what he says.

Wow, a self identified circus clown, and you guys support whatever he says.


and you're taking his words out of context


it was a vid of HIM SAYING IT. Can you show me anywhere where he said anything else? That would help your cause. I showed you what he SAID in his own voice.
Y'know...For someone who seems so worked over what Beck said, to the point that it motivated you to start this thread on it, you certainly have contributed the very least amount of substance than anyone else, including sangha....And that's no mean feat. :lol:
and you're taking his words out of context


it was a vid of HIM SAYING IT. Can you show me anywhere where he said anything else? That would help your cause. I showed you what he SAID in his own voice.
Y'know...For someone who seems so worked over what Beck said, to the point that it motivated you to start this thread on it, you certainly have contributed the very least amount of substance than anyone else, including sangha....And that's no mean feat. :lol:

Do I really need to find every thread you started and say you are obsessed about every topic you hit on?

Thanks for your insightful, intelligent and thoughtful post though. It really shook me up. :doubt:

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