Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

Putting your fingers in your ears ans shouting "nananananana" is exactly what you're doing. Article III is irrelevant to this discussion. Nothing you have posted about the Constitution is relevant to shit discussion. Your "facts" are as relevant as the melting point of lead.

Fact is the seccession question was settled at Appamatox Court House. One Nation, Indivisable.

Yeah, we know, Rocks in the Head, "might makes right." And black slaves deserved to be enslaved because we could. The Indians also deserved to be wiped out.

Liberals are so compassionate.

there is something pathetic about a person who willfully remains ignorant of the truth
Fact is the seccession question was settled at Appamatox Court House. One Nation, Indivisable.

Yeah, we know, Rocks in the Head, "might makes right." And black slaves deserved to be enslaved because we could. The Indians also deserved to be wiped out.

Liberals are so compassionate.

there is something pathetic about a person who willfully remains ignorant of the truth

And keeps ducking the questions asked of him too... Bripat's BS'ing himself which is the fatal flaw of any enterprise which is why he's here every day complaining about something else. He'll never be happy because he's not happy with what he has become.
Alexander Stephens - March 21, 1861
Vice president of the confederacy
The "Conerstone Address"

Anyone who is still trying to argue that the American Civil War was "not about slavery" is historically challenged.

What he said was the truth.All you gotta do is look around and see that.

Just think guys, when you leave the nation, you get to be with this despicable racist piece of shit?

I guess that is what is underlying this entire discussion...not your "rights" but your preferences of who you want to live with; who will be allowed and who will not?

Am I right? Do you agree with AmCap that negros are not equal to whites? Is that what all of this is about?
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.
What he said was the truth.All you gotta do is look around and see that.

Just think guys, when you leave the nation, you get to be with this despicable racist piece of shit?

I guess that is what is underlying this entire discussion...not your "rights" but your preferences of who you want to live with; who will be allowed and who will not?

Am I right? Do you agree with AmCap that negros are not equal to whites? Is that what all of this is about?
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

So you don't hate blacks but you do insist on calling them 'negroes' which you are well aware is a term that they generally take offense to.

So why exactly do you go out of your way to refer to African-Americans as 'negroes'?

And in the meantime you are throwing tantrums over people calling you racist. Maybe should try treating others as you have them treat you.
Just think guys, when you leave the nation, you get to be with this despicable racist piece of shit?

I guess that is what is underlying this entire discussion...not your "rights" but your preferences of who you want to live with; who will be allowed and who will not?

Am I right? Do you agree with AmCap that negros are not equal to whites? Is that what all of this is about?
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

So you don't hate blacks but you do insist on calling them 'negroes' which you are well aware is a term that they generally take offense to.

So why exactly do you go out of your way to refer to African-Americans as 'negroes'?

And in the meantime you are throwing tantrums over people calling you racist. Maybe should try treating others as you have them treat you.
Oh sorry did I say something non approved by the pc police? :cuckoo: How about this BLACK that better? Soon as my race is referred to as European Americans I will call them African Americans. Oh and I was throwing no tantrum...I am quite calm actually. You pc nimrods are the ones freaking out.
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

So you don't hate blacks but you do insist on calling them 'negroes' which you are well aware is a term that they generally take offense to.

So why exactly do you go out of your way to refer to African-Americans as 'negroes'?

And in the meantime you are throwing tantrums over people calling you racist. Maybe should try treating others as you have them treat you.
Oh sorry did I say something non approved by the pc police? :cuckoo: How about this BLACK that better? Soon as my race is referred to as European Americans I will call them African Americans. Oh and I was throwing no tantrum...I am quite calm actually. You pc nimrods are the ones freaking out.

The only reason to call people something that offends them is to offend them. The only justifications for calling people something that offends them is to prove that they have no right to be offended, or that they deserve to be offended.
Eh...I don't care...let people be offended that isn't my problem. I call it like I see it. They are Black I am White...there is no special treatment offered.
What he said was the truth.All you gotta do is look around and see that.

Just think guys, when you leave the nation, you get to be with this despicable racist piece of shit?

I guess that is what is underlying this entire discussion...not your "rights" but your preferences of who you want to live with; who will be allowed and who will not?

Am I right? Do you agree with AmCap that negros are not equal to whites? Is that what all of this is about?
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

That's true; you're in no way the equal in intelligence to most of the human race; in that you have not evloved unlike nearly everyone else. That is your cross to burn...err I mean bear.
So you don't hate blacks but you do insist on calling them 'negroes' which you are well aware is a term that they generally take offense to.

So why exactly do you go out of your way to refer to African-Americans as 'negroes'?

And in the meantime you are throwing tantrums over people calling you racist. Maybe should try treating others as you have them treat you.
Oh sorry did I say something non approved by the pc police? :cuckoo: How about this BLACK that better? Soon as my race is referred to as European Americans I will call them African Americans. Oh and I was throwing no tantrum...I am quite calm actually. You pc nimrods are the ones freaking out.

The only reason to call people something that offends them is to offend them. The only justifications for calling people something that offends them is to prove that they have no right to be offended, or that they deserve to be offended.

Since when is negro an offensive word? Perhaps you can tell us what word or words are allowed to describe those of a darker skin color?
This is for all you servile turds who believe the Constitution outlaws secession:

"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed."

~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10

The first several generations of Americans understood that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate states’ rights document. The citizens of the states would delegate certain powers to a central government in their Constitution, and these powers (mostly for national defense and foreign policy purposes) would hopefully be exercised for the benefit of the citizens of the "free and independent" states, as they are called in the Declaration.

The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit. If the day ever came that the national government became the sole arbiter of the limits of its own powers, then Americans would live under a tyranny as bad or worse than the one the colonists fought a revolution against. As the above quotation denotes, the ultimate natural law principle behind this thinking was Jefferson’s famous dictum in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever that consent is withdrawn the people of the free and independent states, as sovereigns, have a duty to abolish that government and replace it with a new one if they wish.

This was the fundamental understanding of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – that it was a Declaration of Secession from the British empire – of the first several generations of Americans. As the 1, 107-page book, Northern Editorials on Secession shows, this view was held just as widely in the Northern states as in the Southern states in 1860-1861. Among the lone dissenters was Abe Lincoln, a corporate lawyer/lobbyist/politician with less than a year of formal education who probably never even read The Federalist Papers.

What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Articles of Confederation established a perpetual union.
Just think guys, when you leave the nation, you get to be with this despicable racist piece of shit?

I guess that is what is underlying this entire discussion...not your "rights" but your preferences of who you want to live with; who will be allowed and who will not?

Am I right? Do you agree with AmCap that negros are not equal to whites? Is that what all of this is about?
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

That's true; you're in no way the equal in intelligence to most of the human race; in that you have not evloved unlike nearly everyone else. That is your cross to burn...err I mean bear.
Figures you are one of those special kind of dumb asses who doesn't realize there are differences in the races...its talking to my dog...wait no my dog isn't that dumb.
1. Its AnCap. Not AmCap.
2.Just because I see negroes as inferior doesn't mean I hate them I see them as not as advanced as white people. Its the way shit happens...some of us evolved farther than others.
3. Uh yeah we ALL have the right to live near who we want..I live in a really white town well because it just happened to be white,crime is low,its small and its in the mountains I love it.
You can call me whatever name you want,I am not the one fooling myself that I am equal to a race of people who can't manage a society worth a shit...we take cities like Detroit for instance here in the US and damn near the entire continent of Africa for another instance...S. Africa used to be a beacon of hope on the African continent...negroes took over its a dump and extremely dangerous place to live. Same with Rhodesia.

That's true; you're in no way the equal in intelligence to most of the human race; in that you have not evloved unlike nearly everyone else. That is your cross to burn...err I mean bear.
Figures you are one of those special kind of dumb asses who doesn't realize there are differences in the races...its talking to my dog...wait no my dog isn't that dumb.

You might think you're better than black people because you're white, but because you're a racist, whites who aren't racist think you're worse.
That's true; you're in no way the equal in intelligence to most of the human race; in that you have not evloved unlike nearly everyone else. That is your cross to burn...err I mean bear.
Figures you are one of those special kind of dumb asses who doesn't realize there are differences in the races...its talking to my dog...wait no my dog isn't that dumb.

You might think you're better than black people because you're white, but because you're a racist, whites who aren't racist think you're worse.

I never said I was better I said white people as a whole are far more evolved than blacks are. Nothing anyone can do about it except let evolution take its course.
Well, the question shamed Bripat into silence; maybe Amway has a use after all. Can't blame Bripat; I'd be ashamed to share your views too.
Figures you are one of those special kind of dumb asses who doesn't realize there are differences in the races...its talking to my dog...wait no my dog isn't that dumb.

You might think you're better than black people because you're white, but because you're a racist, whites who aren't racist think you're worse.

I never said I was better I said white people as a whole are far more evolved than blacks are. Nothing anyone can do about it except let evolution take its course.

Negged for the sheer stupidity of the statement.
Eh...I don't care...let people be offended that isn't my problem. I call it like I see it. They are Black I am White...there is no special treatment offered.

Even if Whites were smarter than Blacks on average, that doesn't translate to you being necessarily smart because you're white.

Or is that too difficult a mathematical concept for your apparently below average mind to contemplate?
This is for all you servile turds who believe the Constitution outlaws secession:

"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed."

~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10

The first several generations of Americans understood that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate states’ rights document. The citizens of the states would delegate certain powers to a central government in their Constitution, and these powers (mostly for national defense and foreign policy purposes) would hopefully be exercised for the benefit of the citizens of the "free and independent" states, as they are called in the Declaration.

The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit. If the day ever came that the national government became the sole arbiter of the limits of its own powers, then Americans would live under a tyranny as bad or worse than the one the colonists fought a revolution against. As the above quotation denotes, the ultimate natural law principle behind this thinking was Jefferson’s famous dictum in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever that consent is withdrawn the people of the free and independent states, as sovereigns, have a duty to abolish that government and replace it with a new one if they wish.

This was the fundamental understanding of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – that it was a Declaration of Secession from the British empire – of the first several generations of Americans. As the 1, 107-page book, Northern Editorials on Secession shows, this view was held just as widely in the Northern states as in the Southern states in 1860-1861. Among the lone dissenters was Abe Lincoln, a corporate lawyer/lobbyist/politician with less than a year of formal education who probably never even read The Federalist Papers.

What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Articles of Confederation established a perpetual union.

True, but it only included the Union of the 13 colonies. Even those that argue about a "more perfect union" being grounds for the illegality of secession are grasping at straws considiner that "perfect" is an opinion. Even though the Union is supposed to be "perfect" doesn't mean that all 50 states have to remain members. With the same logic we could assume that no other states would be allowed to join because it would mess up the "perfection" of the Union already created. To have a "more perfect union" would even go against the Civil War argument considering that the people in the north hated the people in the South. You could assume that those living in the north would see the South leaving as giving them a more perfect Union with their fellow northern states.... Furthermore, the Constitution doesn't establish what a "more perfect union" is. How many states it includes? A Union can still be perpetual even with a few more or few less states. Just my take on it.
Hey did the result of the civil war change yet???? Is the democrat ran confederacy magically resatored where all them Negro slaves are back in there place? Or is it the same with the idiot delusional confederate loving fools still thinking history is lying to them? I am betting nothing changed and the idiots are still around.
This is for all you servile turds who believe the Constitution outlaws secession:

"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed."

~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10

The first several generations of Americans understood that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate states’ rights document. The citizens of the states would delegate certain powers to a central government in their Constitution, and these powers (mostly for national defense and foreign policy purposes) would hopefully be exercised for the benefit of the citizens of the "free and independent" states, as they are called in the Declaration.

The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit. If the day ever came that the national government became the sole arbiter of the limits of its own powers, then Americans would live under a tyranny as bad or worse than the one the colonists fought a revolution against. As the above quotation denotes, the ultimate natural law principle behind this thinking was Jefferson’s famous dictum in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever that consent is withdrawn the people of the free and independent states, as sovereigns, have a duty to abolish that government and replace it with a new one if they wish.

This was the fundamental understanding of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – that it was a Declaration of Secession from the British empire – of the first several generations of Americans. As the 1, 107-page book, Northern Editorials on Secession shows, this view was held just as widely in the Northern states as in the Southern states in 1860-1861. Among the lone dissenters was Abe Lincoln, a corporate lawyer/lobbyist/politician with less than a year of formal education who probably never even read The Federalist Papers.

What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Articles of Confederation established a perpetual union.

Apparently not.
You might think you're better than black people because you're white, but because you're a racist, whites who aren't racist think you're worse.

I never said I was better I said white people as a whole are far more evolved than blacks are. Nothing anyone can do about it except let evolution take its course.

Negged for the sheer stupidity of the statement.


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