Before there was a "greatest generation"

I find all this "greatest generation" crap to be blithering brainwashing.

The Americans who fought were betrayed by their government and leaders, exploited beyond endurance, killed and maimed to serve economic interests, not to benefit the soldiers and their families, and then tossed aside with lifelong psychological damage or physical wounds.

They were schmucks, who should have known better if they had been better educated and less brainwashed.

From the point of view of character and morals, America has simply become ever more degraded and coarsened since WWII. On the large scale, the last decent Americans were from the 1930's.

People who don't recognize that Vietnam and Iraq were evil, are just sick and twisted, in my opinion.

Thanks for your opinion. "schmucks" are those who judge the actions of young men, too young to vote, who gave their life in service to our nation. Every young man and women who gave their life during the wars and conflicts of the 20th Century - on both sides of the conflicts - were used by the power elites of their home nation.

"schmucks" are the Chicken Hawks in the 21st Century willing to send other people's kids into harms way.

I enlisted in the service during the Vietnam Conflict, not because I had any interest in killing someone else's kid (be they a Communist or a Farmer); but because I felt at age 19 I had a duty to our country. Later I learned that the "schmucks" in Congress and other power elites made sure their kids never served in harms way.
From the point of view of character and morals, America has simply become ever more degraded and coarsened since WWII. On the large scale, the last decent Americans were from the 1930's.

That's a pretty broad and harsh generalization. You cover yourself with "On the large scale", so you have a lot of room for exceptions. Interesting that you express opposition to the Vietnam War but don't mention the antiwar movement. Or the civil rights movement before it. Were you around during either of them? Did the participants meet your standards for character and morals?
The greatest generation was growing up during the 1930's, and they will be the ones that will survive America's greatest depression. Then in the 1940's as almost adults, they will go off to fight America's greatest war. They survive both and in the process could have really screwed up America, but instead, they held it together and passed it on, if not exactly the way it was, perhaps better.
The greatest generation was growing up during the 1930's, and they will be the ones that will survive America's greatest depression. Then in the 1940's as almost adults, they will go off to fight America's greatest war. They survive both and in the process could have really screwed up America, but instead, they held it together and passed it on, if not exactly the way it was, perhaps better.
I find it amusing that you imagine that they did not screw up America.

They are the ones who established the militarized, National Security State which, ever since the Second World War, has rampaged around the world as a Neo-Colonialist, economic imperialist spreader of barbarism, squandering the wealth of the nation and the talents of our people.

Moreover, they supinely accepted the invasion of their brains by what has been the most intrusive and damaging form of brainwashing which the world has ever known.
The greatest generation was growing up during the 1930's, and they will be the ones that will survive America's greatest depression. Then in the 1940's as almost adults, they will go off to fight America's greatest war. They survive both and in the process could have really screwed up America, but instead, they held it together and passed it on, if not exactly the way it was, perhaps better.
I find it amusing that you imagine that they did not screw up America.

They are the ones who established the militarized, National Security State which, ever since the Second World War, has rampaged around the world as a Neo-Colonialist, economic imperialist spreader of barbarism, squandering the wealth of the nation and the talents of our people.

Moreover, they supinely accepted the invasion of their brains by what has been the most intrusive and damaging form of brainwashing which the world has ever known.

If you have something to say, spit it out man, don't try to keep it in. If we have to use imagination instead of reason or facts to create a bit of history I'll pass.
The concept of the "greatest generation" is built on myths and media hype. The "greatest generation" suffered terribly but government and media propaganda made it seem noble. The Korea and VietNam generation were no different than the WW2 generation but nobility went out the window when the mainstream media went cynical.
I can't say I would classify FDR as a great president. His social programs, while maybe well intended, are part of the economic problems we have today. His programs have mushroomed into social and economic problems that are rife with corruption, misuse, and spinoff issues that most likely were not anticipated at the time they were instituted.

He was only one of our presidents who had the socialization of America as a goal.

I think A Republican president, at one time said something about Americans should stop being afraid of socialism, and maybr it's a fear Americans should get over.
Is it socialism when government gives to industry or is it just to people?

Obviously, it is an example of the Great American Tradition of supporting Free Enterprise when the government shovels money into the coffers of mega-corporate Monopolies, and satanic communism when ordinary people are helped.


Obviously, it is an example of the Great American Tradition of supporting Free Enterprise when the government shovels money into the coffers of mega-corporate Monopolies, and satanic communism when ordinary people are helped.


The soup lines were the only examples of the government "helping ordinary people" during the Great Depression. Free enterprise and mega-corporations brought the US back and saved the British DNA when the US finally entered WW2. Now the sissie generation hates us while they support the peculiar quasi-monarchy which does nothing but create more degenerates supported by the Brit taxpayers.
The concept of the "greatest generation" is built on myths and media hype. The "greatest generation" suffered terribly but government and media propaganda made it seem noble. The Korea and VietNam generation were no different than the WW2 generation but nobility went out the window when the mainstream media went cynical.

I remember Vietnam well and I remember some of the talk being "hell no we won't go," and yet there was little of that. In fact, so much hell no we won't go, talk that the draft was eventually dropped. So this nobility you speak of, where did it go, when did it go, where did it go, and most importantly what was it?
Perhaps that is why historians have come to rate FDR as America's greatest president.
FDR was a fucking scumbag, and one of the worst threats this country has ever faced.
I am quite willing to consider that hypothesis, but I would have appreciated rational argument and facts that support your view, rather than rude and vulgar insult.

But then, it is you who are saying it, Little Doggy, so it must be true!
Perhaps that is why historians have come to rate FDR as America's greatest president.
FDR was a fucking scumbag, and one of the worst threats this country has ever faced.
I am quite willing to consider that hypothesis, but I would have appreciated rational argument and facts that support your view, rather than rude and vulgar insult.

But then, it is you who are saying it, Little Doggy, so it must be true!

Who the fuck asked YOU to consider anything, shitstain? You are all but universally recognized here as a useless, self-important, delusional douchebag. YOUR opinion means less than nothing.
I do have compassion for your problem, Little Doggie.

Your Tourette's Syndrome certainly must make it difficult to discuss anything rationally.

My best wishes for your cure -- or at least, any treatment you might seek.
I do have compassion for your problem, Little Doggie.

Your Tourette's Syndrome certainly must make it difficult to discuss anything rationally.

My best wishes for your cure -- or at least, any treatment you might seek.

It's a lost cause. Ignorance can be cured, but dumb is forever.
FDR and his thieving cohorts who stole the property of American Japanese citizens and placed them in gulogs for the duration of WW2 should have been indicted for any number of felonies including unlawful imprisonment but when you have the media and most other branches of government including SCOTUS in your back pocket any violation of the Constitution is possible.
I do have compassion for your problem, Little Doggie.

Your Tourette's Syndrome certainly must make it difficult to discuss anything rationally.

My best wishes for your cure -- or at least, any treatment you might seek.

Good luck to you clearing up your red square syndrome, asswipe. On second thought, no. You deserve all that and more, you idiotic clown.
FDR and his thieving cohorts who stole the property of American Japanese citizens and placed them in gulogs for the duration of WW2 should have been indicted for any number of felonies including unlawful imprisonment but when you have the media and most other branches of government including SCOTUS in your back pocket any violation of the Constitution is possible.

So if the Supreme Court says an act is legal how can it be a violation of the constitution?
FDR and his thieving cohorts who stole the property of American Japanese citizens and placed them in gulogs for the duration of WW2 should have been indicted for any number of felonies including unlawful imprisonment but when you have the media and most other branches of government including SCOTUS in your back pocket any violation of the Constitution is possible.

So if the Supreme Court says an act is legal how can it be a violation of the constitution?

A Supreme Court bullied and coerced by a dictatorial President who had gathered more power to himself than the Constitution ever intended and who had skewed the balance of powers? Even at that, a Supreme Court that eventually could not justify FDR's concentration camps in light of the US Constitution? Are YOU trying to justify them now?
FDR and his thieving cohorts who stole the property of American Japanese citizens and placed them in gulogs for the duration of WW2 should have been indicted for any number of felonies including unlawful imprisonment but when you have the media and most other branches of government including SCOTUS in your back pocket any violation of the Constitution is possible.

So if the Supreme Court says an act is legal how can it be a violation of the constitution?

A Supreme Court bullied and coerced by a dictatorial President who had gathered more power to himself than the Constitution ever intended and who had skewed the balance of powers? Even at that, a Supreme Court that eventually could not justify FDR's concentration camps in light of the US Constitution? Are YOU trying to justify them now?

I don't have to justify it the Court did.
General DeWitt a very conservative general believed it necessary as did the Daughters of the Golden West and the California Fruit Growers. By the way. the camps except for Tule Lake closed before the end of the war so your duration statement was incorrect. During that conflict a number of rights were trod on by government and military.
It was a declared war.

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