Being gay is "God's greatest gift to me," says Exotic Tim Cook (Apple's CEO)

Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
Nobody argues that, but this is an indicator of just how far this nation has fallen. It IS an abomination. They should be ashamed.

I'm far more worried about the Left's campaign to turn us into a totalitarian state than I am about Tim Cooke's sexual preferences.

There are two types of people in the world. Those who want to tell other people how to live and those who want to be left alone. I'm the latter.

Heinlein put it quite well:

Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.
Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
He just made what should be his personal business his very public business. Homos are compelled to reveal their perversions.

Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
He just made what should be his personal business his very public business. Homos are compelled to reveal their perversions.

I'm hetero. Why are conservatives so dedicated to fucking up heterosexuality? I am well aware of the woman-hating bullshit that supposedly "heterosexual" males spit out to try and ruin relationships between the sexes. Just a few days ago, I saw an interview on a local TV station of a guy from the southern baptist cult bragging that he always has the last word in his house because he's got the dick. Why do people want to trash heterosexuality?
Tim Cock: "If being gay is the greatest gift...then getting a 12' up Uranus is the greatest miracle!"
Maybe it was a great gift for him.

Looking back on it, I can't say being born heterosexual was much of a blessing.


To be fair Proverbs is full of verses about the "nagging wife".

A choice one: "It is better to live in the corner of a housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife."--Proverbs 25:24

This should be a wake up call for women not to be quarrelsome with their husbands, but it too often is not.
Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
He just made what should be his personal business his very public business. Homos are compelled to reveal their perversions.

I'm hetero. Why are conservatives so dedicated to fucking up heterosexuality? I am well aware of the woman-hating bullshit that supposedly "heterosexual" males spit out to try and ruin relationships between the sexes. Just a few days ago, I saw an interview on a local TV station of a guy from the southern baptist cult bragging that he always has the last word in his house because he's got the dick. Why do people want to trash heterosexuality?

Why are you obsessed with other people's marriages?

Let me guess: you have no marriage of your own, amirite?
Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
He just made what should be his personal business his very public business. Homos are compelled to reveal their perversions.

I'm hetero. Why are conservatives so dedicated to fucking up heterosexuality? I am well aware of the woman-hating bullshit that supposedly "heterosexual" males spit out to try and ruin relationships between the sexes. Just a few days ago, I saw an interview on a local TV station of a guy from the southern baptist cult bragging that he always has the last word in his house because he's got the dick. Why do people want to trash heterosexuality?

Why are you obsessed with other people's marriages?

Let me guess: you have no marriage of your own, amirite?

No. Not right. But why are these people so obsessed with sex and their genitalia that they have to bring it to television? Cult people are all the same: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. Seriously, what is this obsession with the penis all about? Why do the people whom you seem to support appear to think with their private parts and seem to attribute wisdom to these private parts? You also appear to be a woman who worships the penis. Why is this?
Tim Cooke has every right to be happy with how he is. I've never heard anything about him hurting other people, so his personal business is his personal business.

I'm glad he took his recent stand for data privacy.
He just made what should be his personal business his very public business. Homos are compelled to reveal their perversions.

I'm hetero. Why are conservatives so dedicated to fucking up heterosexuality? I am well aware of the woman-hating bullshit that supposedly "heterosexual" males spit out to try and ruin relationships between the sexes. Just a few days ago, I saw an interview on a local TV station of a guy from the southern baptist cult bragging that he always has the last word in his house because he's got the dick. Why do people want to trash heterosexuality?

Why are you obsessed with other people's marriages?

Let me guess: you have no marriage of your own, amirite?

No. Not right. But why are these people so obsessed with sex and their genitalia that they have to bring it to television? Cult people are all the same: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. Seriously, what is this obsession with the penis all about? Why do the people whom you seem to support appear to think with their private parts and seem to attribute wisdom to these private parts? You also appear to be a woman who worships the penis. Why is this?

You appear to be a woman who is not married.

Why is that?
Being Gay - Red meat for the conservatives.
Sorry, no. We have an opinion, but no one cares as long as they keep the politics out. It is the left that uses these various mental illnesses to divide. The democrats can't survive without this coalition of freaks.
It appears Cook’s deeply held religious belief isn’t very popular around here. :lol:

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