Being Light Skinned Is Really Hard.


Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
I had a very interesting encounter today. I was sitting in the Malcolm X Lounge, a study room at the University of Texas that’s dedicated to African-American studies, but open to anyone. I was on a couch and had my feet up on a small table. When a girl came and sat down on the couch to my left, I jokingly made a big deal about moving my legs. She responded with, “Stop being so lazy, light-skin.”
I really wasn’t offended by the light-skin reference, but I was totally caught off guard by the way she used the term. See light-skinnededness (no that’s not a real word) has been the target of black humor for a while now, but usually people just say, “Stop being so light-skinned.”
A lot of y’all are probably wondering what that even means so I’ll break it down for you (sorry black people, bear with me here- I know ya’ll already know this stuff). It actually means somewhat different things if it’s being used to describe a guy or a girl, although there are some commonalities.
Guy acting light-skinned means:
  1. Showing and expressing emotions too freely,
  2. Being too “friendly”,
  3. Doing anything that could be seen as gay or feminine,
  4. Acting like Drake and/or listening to too much Drake,
  5. And just generally being “soft”
Blacks are privilege to live within our lands.

They wouldn't have
-medicine to cure their diseases
-Satellite or cable t.v
-A first rate education
-Get to vote in elections. Without the white man I doubt their would be democracy in Africa.
-Clean food and water for their children.

How about checking your fucking privilege. FUCKING ******.
whites are also privileged to live in our land,so said the Native American.
Just to remind them.... Blacks do not face "knockout" attacks, blacks are allowed to have their own TV channels, unions, History month, allowed to be proud of who they are, etc. Whites on the other hand aren't allowed any of that and are openly attacked by the media. Whites get killed by blacks or police and it is ignored, blacks get killed by police or whites and it is national news. These are just some of the things worth mentioning, but are by no means the only things that would debunk anyone claiming blacks face racism from whites, when in fact it is the whites who face more racism than blacks.

Really? Prove it.

1. If we benefit from "white privilege" how come over 70% of minimum wage workers are white?

2. How come the only race laws still in effect such as "hate crime laws" (as Eric Holder confirmed) or another example "affirmative action" benefit non-whites?

3. How come the U.S president is black even though blacks are 13% of the population? (The only other country I can recall having a minority in power that correspond to a similar % of population was Apartheid in South Africa.)

4. How come blacks have a History month (whites don't), exclusively race-centric TV channels (whites don't), unions (white don't), and are allowed to be proud of themselves (whites aren't without being called racist)?

5. Black racism exist in the mainstream media. One example was George Zimmerman being portrayed as white just so black racist and others could voice their racist opinions about whites. Other examples have been Jena 6 and the Duke lacrosse case. Besides those infamous cases, just check the internet to see anti-white racism. There are hundreds of thousands of opinions and articles on mainstream sites that promote anti-white hate.

6. Blacks can riot and organize pogroms and get away with it. When was the last white pogrom (1921)?

7. Blacks can say the most racist things and get away with it. One example was when Oprah faced no repercussions for comments she made wishing old whites would die, but Paula Dean admits to saying something 20 years ago and she is fired.

8. If the KKK denied blacks the vote they would be charged, but when the Black Panthers denied whites in Philadelphia their right to vote the case was dropped by the Justice Department. This brings me to the racial double standards in the U.S. A white marine was attacked in a Mississippi town and it took the local sheriff (who is black) being pressured before admitting the attack was a racist attack. Cases like these happen all the time and authorities fail to apply fairness and charge non-white with hate crimes the same way they would if it were reverse.

9. Whites are targeted in "knockout attacks" which are ignored by the media unless it targets a Jew. Besides those attacks there are also the flash mob attacks. These are racist attacks, their targets chosen because their white. (These attacks happen more frequently than neo-nazi attacks in Russia, and yet in the past, the U.S State Department has issued notices warning darker skinned people from visiting certain cities. Maybe the U.S State Department should issue notices warning white-Americans from visiting their own cities.)

10. This leads me to "no go areas". There are areas where being white can make you a target.

11. Integration has been a racist policy to wipe out white neighborhoods and schools. At the same time very few black neighborhoods have been integrated or experienced "diversity", but when they do, it is called "gentrification". This term is meant to imply it is negative or racist for whites to move into non-white areas, as if whites aren't allowed in those neighborhoods or being there is wrong. Just recently, two white people in Brooklyn were forced out of their own homes. Instead of it being seen as racist, some even congratulated them. If this were reverse and these were blacks moving into a white area and white residents took over their property at gun point and forced them out it would be seen a racism.

Ferguson is an example of "integration". It use to be a majority white area just a few decades ago. Now blacks are the majority and pretend to be the victim of racism even though they drove off the former white inhabitants because of their intolerance and hate, just as blacks have in numerous other neighborhoods and cities.

12. Whites are killed by police and the media is silent. Does anyone remember Joseph Jennings, Gil Collar, or Dillon Taylor (the last two killed by black cops)? Of course not, because their white.

In the U.S whites are less important than non-whites, this is seen in schools recruiting non-whites, in the sports, music, and movie industries recruiting non-whites. Whites (except for the top 1%) are treated as second class citizens. This is only getting worse and more whites are starting to notice the racism against them. All this talk of "white privilege" is a way to hide this racism, to make people neglect the non-white privilege in U.S society.

Speaking of "privilege" there are hundreds of whites murdered by non-whites every year, some of their stories get attention on this site (one of the only places they do), but the majority are ignored and censored by a bias media. None of those victims of black murder, rape, attacks are ever given the privilege of having their story turned into a national news story, or having the Justice Department take a second look at their cases, or having a televised funeral.

"White privilege"? Don't make me laugh.
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Rural whites are now the fastest growing poverty demographic in America. They have a higher infant mortality rate than urban blacks, because so many live so far away from hospitals. A high percentage of rural white kids are on some form of government food subsidy, usually food stamps. In fact the number of rural kids of all races on food subsidies is very high here in Colorado, almost 40%. Depending on where they live, up to 25% of white kids are born out of wedlock, usually to a teen mother, and they're now just as likely to be raised by their grandparents as they are by one of the two people who brought them into the world. It's probably safe to consider this huge demographic as decidedly "unpriviledged" don't you think?
Rural whites are now the fastest growing poverty demographic in America. They have a higher infant mortality rate than urban blacks, because so many live so far away from hospitals. A high percentage of rural white kids are on some form of government food subsidy, usually food stamps. In fact the number of rural kids of all races on food subsidies is very high here in Colorado, almost 40%. Depending on where they live, up to 25% of white kids are born out of wedlock, usually to a teen mother, and they're now just as likely to be raised by their grandparents as they are by one of the two people who brought them into the world. It's probably safe to consider this huge demographic as decidedly "unpriviledged" don't you think?

Yet you supply no source or link to actual data.

Why don't you go find the actual data and then compare and contrast it with data on black illegitimacy rates and black infant mortality rates and blacks on welfare and "subsidies" and "black" crime rates.

Now THAT would be interesting....
I had a very interesting encounter today. I was sitting in the Malcolm X Lounge, a study room at the University of Texas that’s dedicated to African-American studies, but open to anyone. I was on a couch and had my feet up on a small table. When a girl came and sat down on the couch to my left, I jokingly made a big deal about moving my legs. She responded with, “Stop being so lazy, light-skin.”
I really wasn’t offended by the light-skin reference, but I was totally caught off guard by the way she used the term. See light-skinnededness (no that’s not a real word) has been the target of black humor for a while now, but usually people just say, “Stop being so light-skinned.”
A lot of y’all are probably wondering what that even means so I’ll break it down for you (sorry black people, bear with me here- I know ya’ll already know this stuff). It actually means somewhat different things if it’s being used to describe a guy or a girl, although there are some commonalities.
Guy acting light-skinned means:
  1. Showing and expressing emotions too freely,
  2. Being too “friendly”,
  3. Doing anything that could be seen as gay or feminine,
  4. Acting like Drake and/or listening to too much Drake,
  5. And just generally being “soft”

"malcolm x lounge"

"african american studies"


List all the jobs that require a major in "african american" "studies"?
Yet you supply no source or link to actual data.

Try The Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland.

It's America's oldest and most highly respected child poverty think tank. Like a lot of such institutions (state libraries included), they don't put all their papers online, but you can call them and tell them what you're after specifically. They've done two studies over the past decade on rural poverty demographics that reflect the burgeoning problem of white poverty. They were both sourced by a College of the Redwoods sociology professor who wrote a lengthy piece in the Crescent City Triplicate newspaper about 7 years ago on that very subject. Planned Parenthood has done similar studies.
Yet you supply no source or link to actual data.

Try The Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland.

It's America's oldest and most highly respected child poverty think tank. Like a lot of such institutions (state libraries included), they don't put all their papers online, but you can call them and tell them what you're after specifically. They've done two studies over the past decade on rural poverty demographics that reflect the burgeoning problem of white poverty. They were both sourced by a College of the Redwoods sociology professor who wrote a lengthy piece in the Crescent City Triplicate newspaper about 7 years ago on that very subject. Planned Parenthood has done similar studies. have compare and contrast the data according to race as I suggested.

..or in case you "forgot"...

Rotagilla said:
Why don't you go find the actual data and then compare and contrast it with data on black illegitimacy rates and black infant mortality rates and blacks on welfare and "subsidies" and "black" crime rates.
Yet you supply no source or link to actual data.

Try The Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland.

It's America's oldest and most highly respected child poverty think tank. Like a lot of such institutions (state libraries included), they don't put all their papers online, but you can call them and tell them what you're after specifically. They've done two studies over the past decade on rural poverty demographics that reflect the burgeoning problem of white poverty. They were both sourced by a College of the Redwoods sociology professor who wrote a lengthy piece in the Crescent City Triplicate newspaper about 7 years ago on that very subject. Planned Parenthood has done similar studies. have compare and contrast the data according to race as I suggested.
why don't you do it,lazybones.
..or in case you "forgot"...

Rotagilla said:
Why don't you go find the actual data and then compare and contrast it with data on black illegitimacy rates and black infant mortality rates and blacks on welfare and "subsidies" and "black" crime rates.

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