Belonging To The Democrat Party

You didn’t build that….the collective did!!!

7. “The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America’s premise, which is: Government- including such public as roads, schools and police- is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Warren’s and Obama’s statements were footnotes to progressivism’s comprehensive disparagement of individualism and individual autonomy.

Warren and Obama asserted…that the individual depends on cooperative behavior by others….[but conservatism] understands society not as a manifestation of government but as the spontaneous order of cooperating individuals in consensual, contractual market relations.

American society, understood as hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily, is a marvel of spontaneous cooperation.” George Will

At its most basic level, socialism is theft.
Contrary to the lie the atheist Leftist tell when they try to twist religion to their agenda, the Bible does not endorse socialism.

After all, how much of someone else’s wealth are you entitled to, socialists?????

One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad, divided his wealth by the number of people in the world, and then instructed his secretary,

"Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."

Bet you don’t know the figure in terms of earnings that puts one in the top 1%.

I do.
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
Democrats are pretty well the scum of this country.

They are a despicable political party made up of a coalition of all the assholes in this country.

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Illegals, Welfare Queens, greedy Union thugs, Feminazis, Queers, pink pussy hat Moon Bats and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
I bet Republicans are proud to welcome you as a member
If communism was so great, why did people of Eastern Europe and Soviet Union reject it? This is what all communist deserve.

The big lie is there were labor shortages in eastern Europe during the later Soviet era. The truth is there was plenty of food. The big capitalist lie is to hide that food consumption dropped after the switch to capitalism in the Soviet union.
Google Image Result for

The biggest lie is communism.

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

Freedom leads to bad choices. Freedom of guns readily available causes more murder, McDonald's killing people from obesity, CocaCola leading to diabetes, smoking cigarettes leading to lung cancer, drugs leading to overdoses, and alcoholism leading to cirrhosis of the liver. All this adds on tabs to you for their healthcare costs. It ends peoples lives short, and destroys families.

"Freedom leads to bad choices." you've proven to be a false-flag poster, clearly hired by the Right to expose the Left as complete morons.

"A 'Liberal Paradise' would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does indeed's called a prison." -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio

A liberal utopia is everyone being able to live and paint without bothering with stuff like having a job.

...or, as the Ocasion Green New Deal put it...'economic security for those who don't care to work.'
Because there is a labor shortage. All those part time jobs Obama's economy created need to be filled by somebody. Republicans kept complaining Obama's job creation was part time jobs. But that's because of businesses hiring that way so they can escape giving people benefits.

Damn dood, make up your mind. There is a labor shortage or black unemployment is going up? Businesses hired that way because Obamacare forced them to hire that way...dumbass.
Blacks get hurt twice, first they actually get traumatized by racism. secondly they are discriminated against in the workplace. It just happens to be because of Obama's part time jobs, that because of a labor shortage. There are employers frantically looking for anybody they can hire, including minorities.

Great, so we agree, much of this crap was Obama's fault.
It is Obama's fault that George W Bush had cut taxes which inflated the housing market, which collapsed? It is Obama's fault that George W Bush went to a massive war with China buying up our debt, which lowered the value of the dollar?

Dood, China began buying debt in large numbers in the 1980's.
Much of our debt right now is Congress borrowing from Social Security.
Last edited:
Damn dood, make up your mind. There is a labor shortage or black unemployment is going up? Businesses hired that way because Obamacare forced them to hire that way...dumbass.
Blacks get hurt twice, first they actually get traumatized by racism. secondly they are discriminated against in the workplace. It just happens to be because of Obama's part time jobs, that because of a labor shortage. There are employers frantically looking for anybody they can hire, including minorities.

Great, so we agree, much of this crap was Obama's fault.
It is Obama's fault that George W Bush had cut taxes which inflated the housing market, which collapsed? It is Obama's fault that George W Bush went to a massive war with China buying up our debt, which lowered the value of the dollar?

Dood, China began buying debt in large numbers in the 1980's.
Most of our debt right now is Congress borrowing from Social Security.
Now you are just making shit up
Blacks get hurt twice, first they actually get traumatized by racism. secondly they are discriminated against in the workplace. It just happens to be because of Obama's part time jobs, that because of a labor shortage. There are employers frantically looking for anybody they can hire, including minorities.

Great, so we agree, much of this crap was Obama's fault.
It is Obama's fault that George W Bush had cut taxes which inflated the housing market, which collapsed? It is Obama's fault that George W Bush went to a massive war with China buying up our debt, which lowered the value of the dollar?

Dood, China began buying debt in large numbers in the 1980's.
Most of our debt right now is Congress borrowing from Social Security.
Now you are just making shit up
You wish.
Only 30% of our debt is owned by foreign investors.
What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.

Right Dem sky high taxes isn't the issue, Dem sky high taxes vampire sucking every last dollar from the poor and middle class isn't the issue...its your CEO talking point. :icon_rolleyes:
What is increasing poverty is the lack of a meaningful raise for the working class for the past 40 years, while management received pay increases which amount to 1000% of their wages 40 years ago. CEO pay has gone from a few hundred thousand dollars to $20 million or more for corporations who pay their workers minimum wages. Taxpayers have to foot the bill for the shortfall.

The USA is the ONLY nation on earth where the working and middle class are expected to subsidize the poverty level wages for the lowest paid workers. Other nations require employers to pay their workers. Walmart pays $14 an hour in Canada, plus health care, mandated vacations and maternity leaves - all the things big American corporations say they can't afford, and yet Walmart still manages to be the most profitable company in Canada.

You're being conned by the owner classes. When you have the highest profits in American history, it's a total lie that you can't afford to pay your workers more.

Right Dem sky high taxes isn't the issue, Dem sky high taxes vampire sucking every last dollar from the poor and middle class isn't the issue...its your CEO talking point. :icon_rolleyes:
Civilization requires taxes.
You didn’t build that….the collective did!!!

7. “The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America’s premise, which is: Government- including such public as roads, schools and police- is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Warren’s and Obama’s statements were footnotes to progressivism’s comprehensive disparagement of individualism and individual autonomy.

Warren and Obama asserted…that the individual depends on cooperative behavior by others….[but conservatism] understands society not as a manifestation of government but as the spontaneous order of cooperating individuals in consensual, contractual market relations.

American society, understood as hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily, is a marvel of spontaneous cooperation.” George Will

At its most basic level, socialism is theft.
Contrary to the lie the atheist Leftist tell when they try to twist religion to their agenda, the Bible does not endorse socialism.

After all, how much of someone else’s wealth are you entitled to, socialists?????

One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad, divided his wealth by the number of people in the world, and then instructed his secretary,

"Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."

Bet you don’t know the figure in terms of earnings that puts one in the top 1%.

I do.
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia
You didn’t build that….the collective did!!!

7. “The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America’s premise, which is: Government- including such public as roads, schools and police- is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Warren’s and Obama’s statements were footnotes to progressivism’s comprehensive disparagement of individualism and individual autonomy.

Warren and Obama asserted…that the individual depends on cooperative behavior by others….[but conservatism] understands society not as a manifestation of government but as the spontaneous order of cooperating individuals in consensual, contractual market relations.

American society, understood as hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily, is a marvel of spontaneous cooperation.” George Will

At its most basic level, socialism is theft.
Contrary to the lie the atheist Leftist tell when they try to twist religion to their agenda, the Bible does not endorse socialism.

After all, how much of someone else’s wealth are you entitled to, socialists?????

One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad, divided his wealth by the number of people in the world, and then instructed his secretary,

"Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."

Bet you don’t know the figure in terms of earnings that puts one in the top 1%.

I do.
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
Great, so we agree, much of this crap was Obama's fault.
It is Obama's fault that George W Bush had cut taxes which inflated the housing market, which collapsed? It is Obama's fault that George W Bush went to a massive war with China buying up our debt, which lowered the value of the dollar?

Dood, China began buying debt in large numbers in the 1980's.
Most of our debt right now is Congress borrowing from Social Security.
Now you are just making shit up
You wish.
Only 30% of our debt is owned by foreign investors.
You didn’t build that….the collective did!!!

7. “The collectivist agenda is antithetical to America’s premise, which is: Government- including such public as roads, schools and police- is instituted to facilitate individual striving, aka the pursuit of happiness.

Warren’s and Obama’s statements were footnotes to progressivism’s comprehensive disparagement of individualism and individual autonomy.

Warren and Obama asserted…that the individual depends on cooperative behavior by others….[but conservatism] understands society not as a manifestation of government but as the spontaneous order of cooperating individuals in consensual, contractual market relations.

American society, understood as hundreds of millions of people making billions of decisions daily, is a marvel of spontaneous cooperation.” George Will

At its most basic level, socialism is theft.
Contrary to the lie the atheist Leftist tell when they try to twist religion to their agenda, the Bible does not endorse socialism.

After all, how much of someone else’s wealth are you entitled to, socialists?????

One of the richest men in our history did a calculation…

Andrew Carnegie and the Socialist

Andrew Carnegie was once visited by a socialist who preached to him eloquently the injustice of one man possessing so much money. He preached a more equitable distribution of wealth. Carnegie cut the matter short by asking his secretary for a generalized statement of his many possessions and holdings, at the same time looking up the figures on world population in his almanac. He figured for a moment on his desk pad, divided his wealth by the number of people in the world, and then instructed his secretary,

"Give this gentleman 16 cents. That's his share of my wealth."

Bet you don’t know the figure in terms of earnings that puts one in the top 1%.

I do.
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
When was the last time China shot up the synagogue? List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
When was the last time China shot up the synagogue? List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

When was the last time you had the Stanford-Binet Exam?
You can’t ignore the roll of government in exercising the will of society. That society does not exist on its own

Roads, Bridges, ports, a legal system, schools........all executed by the government and funded by the people

It is business that uses them for profit
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
When was the last time China shot up the synagogue? List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia
If communism was so great, why did people of Eastern Europe and Soviet Union reject it? This is what all communist deserve.

The big lie is there were labor shortages in eastern Europe during the later Soviet era. The truth is there was plenty of food. The big capitalist lie is to hide that food consumption dropped after the switch to capitalism in the Soviet union.
Google Image Result for

The biggest lie is communism.

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

"Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual") concretizes the collectivist belief that individuals have no rights and that "the greater good" is the only standard of value. Under such a system, man is not an end to himself, only a tool to be sacrificed for the Führer, autocrat or ruling mob.

Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

Freedom leads to bad choices. Freedom of guns readily available causes more murder, McDonald's killing people from obesity, CocaCola leading to diabetes, smoking cigarettes leading to lung cancer, drugs leading to overdoses, and alcoholism leading to cirrhosis of the liver. All this adds on tabs to you for their healthcare costs. It ends peoples lives short, and destroys families.

"Freedom leads to bad choices." you've proven to be a false-flag poster, clearly hired by the Right to expose the Left as complete morons.

"A 'Liberal Paradise' would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only Law Enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does indeed's called a prison." -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio

A liberal utopia is everyone being able to live and paint without bothering with stuff like having a job.

A liberal utopia is one where everyone has a fair chance to succeed on their own terms. Where racism, sexism and background don’t advantage one group over another. Where everyone has access to healthcare and a decent education without being bankrupted by either.
A government which builds bridges will succeed. A government which builds walls will fail. This a globally dependent economy which relies on global trade. Trump supporters don't seem to understand this.

Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
When was the last time China shot up the synagogue? List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

When was the last time you had the Stanford-Binet Exam?
China has a lower homicide rate than the United States, because they limit guns. Of course Chinese are educated, and work hard, they aren't losers who blame their failures on Jews.
9. If the populace is a set of subjects, serfs, slaves of an all-powerful central government, the idea of material equality, economic equality, is fitting for a nation.

But not if it is made up of individuals each with a set of motivations, drives, inherent abilities, and desires.

“A society that values individualism, enterprise, and a market economy is neither surprised nor scandalized when the unequal distribution of marketable skills and inclinations produces large disparities in the distribution of wealth. Long experience with government’s attempts to use progressive taxation to influence the distribution of income suggests the weakness of that instrument and the primacy of social and cultural forces in determining the distribution of wealth.”
George Will, "The Conservative Sensibility," p.281

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice here would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

  1. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
  2. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.
Nobody has said it doesn't rely on global trade. What we have said is that trade should be mutually beneficial and certain rules should be in place, which is why there is a WTO, an organization in which China is a non-compliant member. Us Trump supporter clearly understand this better than the Democrats. What we cannot have is a global, one-world government with no borders. This seems to be the goal of the left. It is idiotic, not to mention prophetic.
China is an ally. China is better for Jews historically than America with it's long history of antisemitism. History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

I bet there are some days when you find it not worth the effort to chew through the restrains, huh?
When was the last time China shot up the synagogue? List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

When was the last time you had the Stanford-Binet Exam?
China has a lower homicide rate than the United States, because they limit guns. Of course Chinese are educated, and work hard, they aren't losers who blame their failures on Jews.

I'll help you pack.
No…not a member of that party…..being owned by it.

Don’t forget….that was the avocation, owning folks, of the Democrats before the Republicans pried their other slaves away from them.

1.The central belief of the Democrats, and of all iterations of the Left, is that only the state, the collective has rights. Having no rights makes one a slave to the state. . There are no ‘checks and balances’ for Progressives….government is king, czar, the ‘man of steel, Stalin’….it’s why Leftists call their candidates god, Jesus, the messiah.

2. If there is no individual with rights, there are no intellectual possessions, no free speech, no freedom of conscience. Only the state, the government, the society as a whole, has ownership of anything and of everything….which is why private property is erased under Leftist regimes, whether outright or via regulation and statute.

3. “In the Soviet Union, ‘society’ claimed ownership of the individual: People wishing to emigrate were denied permission on the ground that they would be taking away education that had been provided by the state. Because the education could not be left behind, the individual could not be allowed to disassociate from society. In effect, the individual could not be distinguished from society. This is where the attack on individualism leads.”
George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” p.336.

4. No one should be shocked that the same view prevails in a government whose leader envied Joseph Stalin:

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943

Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

One can't be surprised that the primacy of the Constitution ended with the 32nd President.

5. You might recall the most recent socialist-in-charge explaining that very same Soviet doctrine:

“…if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own….It must be because I worked harder han everybody else….If you’ve got a business- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Obama, Roanoke, Va. 2012

6. Actually, Obama was copying another socialist:

“There Is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there- good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to the market on roads the rest of us paid for….You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea- God bless, keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is that you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who is coming along.” Elizabeth Warren, 2011

In each case we hear the echo of the Progressive attack on individualism; it is the collectivist political agenda.
Welcome to the Democrat Party, comrade.

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