Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

Yeah, those were the days...:bang3:

Pardon me for correcting your racist hateful accusations but this happens in every race ,tribe and people .Thank goodness not that often but if it happens at all it is terrible.
Now I didn't see the kid get slapped in the covered video so if he hit him that hard some hick is about to join the others in millionaire's lawsuit land.
Wonder how you would be debating this if the teacher was black and the kid called him the N word?
Like the Arbury case, you saw things you wanted to see.
The old man will be sued as will the school and some ignorant parent will all of a sudden care about their little feral child.
A grown man no matter what color he is has a right to strike a child because he calls him a name.

2 juries mainly whites saw it as i did in the Arbery case.
If your signature is any indication of how your kid will grow up he will likely be doing time if he even knows who you are. Not personal just just pointing out how most kids with BLM Black Panther slogan parents don't do too good.
Actually you are just pointing out how ignorant and racist you are. My son is a college graduate and has NEVER been in anyone's jail or prison. I don't get upset, because I know Trump taught you Trump Humpers is ok to be openly racist again.

Why not follow after men like Ben Carson or other conservative black males?

Because I don't laugh when nothing is funny, i don't scratch when I don't itch and I don't dance unless I hear music. Sorry, I have never been a boot licker and I never will.
Yeah, those were the days...:bang3:

Tes they were and it was nice for some not so much for others like it hasn't been for 5000 years no matter if you rule yourself or somebody else rules over you now so when will you take responsibility for what has transmpired in Africa for 1000s of years?
Stop blaming others for all your problems.
We are both about to reap the bitter friuts of your democratic plantation voting.
Your nation and mine are now destroyed and the new kids on the block brag they never had slaves and you will work for them. ironic that you voted with them to invade and take over mine and your nation.
I have nothing against the people but they will not keep America, America.
Hope you all enjoy third world nation you helped turn us into. People need time to assimilate or they bring the same culture they ran from.
Look at this. I wake up and see 13 leftwing posts after I expressly demanded you stop. But I will be damned if a bunch of leftwing snerts get the last word on MY thread.

You people are the ones who would have a parent arrested who spanked their child. A kid can threaten a teacher's daughter with rape, and the teacher is not allowed to discipline a student. THIS is the low level you're taking the country to.

While children in the Ukraine are acting like adults, taking up arms, defending their country, you leftwingers are making our kids into little soft mixtures of jello and marshmallow. It's DESPICABLE.
You seem to be having delusions of adequacy.
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

But it won't end here, because there is a backstory.

Holsinski is an outspoken conservative who has been in trouble with Northern Indiana Atheists, a hate group, who filed a formal complaint with the Freedom from Religion Foundation in 2019 after receiving complaints from a parent. According to an NIA document posted on the organization’s website, “Hosinski has a history of state/church violations at Jimtown High School that has ranged from his teaching topics to his classroom decor.” Signs and bumper stickers hanging on the classroom walls feature a range of content from religious to anti-liberal propaganda.

In photos obtained by NIA, some of the posters and stickers found in the classroom said things like “Proud to be a conservative,” “Choose life, your mom did” and “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”
“Hosinski told the class Hillary and Obama are criminals, President Donald Trump is great, and Democrats are liars. He told them abortion should be illegal,” the statement complaint alleged. “My student says ‘he told the class Bill Clinton’s friend takes little girls to a sex island and anyone who finds out is killed. Korea has nukes, something about Muslims taking over, and something about gay people getting married.’” The Elkhart Country Schools system removed these posters and items from his Hosinski's classroom.

And now the hateful NIA has posted the video on youtube. When you view NIA's website, you see they embrace the entire Marxist spectrum of causes, BLM, Antifa, LGBT. I don't have any doubt their funding comes from The Soros Organization.

This episode just happened, but I can assure you this won't be the end. See, Mr. Hosinger had the temerity to openly piss on the Marxist agenda, and to ridicule their icons. For 40 years he was untouchable. So the Marxist left will do everything in its power to make an example of him. For starters, they will demand his pension be revoked. Then they will sue the Elkhart School Board, then they will prompt/pay the boy's parents to file a criminal and civil suit against Hosinski and the district. They will try to imprison Hosinger, and basically ruin him and his family. Because this is what Marxists do. You see what they're doing to President Trump with frivolous suit after frivolous suit. The left is going to make sure nobody EVER crosses them like that again, whether it be as a presidential candidate or a public school teacher.

I sympathize with Hosinger, because he's that rare teacher that who is trying to teach kids the truth. It's such a shame that after 40 years of dealing with leftists from above and juvenile delinquents from below, his sterling career has to end like this. Reports say this particular student had threatened to rape Hosinger's daughter. Trashy stuff like that. He no doubt mouthed off to Hosinger in the hall, and Hosinger lost his cool for a split second and slapped him. It shouldn't negate his great career, but we know it will. 50 years ago, that sort of thing wasn't uncommon. Today, it will land you in prison. If the kid were black, this would be front page news. It might even go ahead of Ukraine.

Note: I delayed my Lenten hiatus because I thought this story needed to be addressed.

Obviously, from your description, this person should never have been allowed to be in a classroom.


I guess when he's teaching from your hymnal any abuse is OK.

He's damned lucky.
He committed battery on a child.
On a child in his control

He should be charged with his crimes and tried on the facts.
A grown man no matter what color he is has a right to strike a child because he calls him a name.

2 juries mainly whites saw it as i did in the Arbery case.

Can you imagine what this man went through teaching these kids all those years in a society ruled by criminals? I bet most of you weepers wouldn't last a week in these schools today. As I said I feel sorry for both the feral kid and teacher.
I didn't see the kid get hit that hard so hope he is ok but the old mans life if ruined now no matter.
If Mr Wilson has to take insults from his students then he is not in control of his classroom and learning is not taking place
Why do we pretend that students insulting/pranking teachers is some new thing


It is as American as apple pie -- and we have managed to deal with it well enough.....
Can you imagine what this man went through teaching these kids all those years in a society ruled by criminals? I bet most of you weepers wouldn't last a week in these schools today. As I said I feel sorry for both the feral kid and teacher.
I didn't see the kid get hit that hard so hope he is ok but the old mans life if ruined now no matter.
That stupid shit doesn't even make sense. You don't like the job, do something else.
For the millionth time, the teacher should not have slugged the kid

but he may have deserved a paddling
Padling is hitting. Even worse because it is not "in the heat of the moment". it is hitting a child deliberately, with a clear head as to what you are doing.
Actually you are just pointing out how ignorant and racist you are. My son is a college graduate and has NEVER been in anyone's jail or prison. I don't get upset, because I know Trump taught you Trump Humpers is ok to be openly racist again.

Because I don't laugh when nothing is funny, i don't scratch when I don't itch and I don't dance unless I hear music. Sorry, I have never been a boot licker and I never will.

Race card doesn't work on me. Also I didn't say your son or even know you had a son for that matter was anything ,just that most thuigs don't raise good kids,and your avatar looks like some ghetto trash is posting so don't advertise something your not. No way would I say anything about anyones kid. Weriting is not easy as talking in person you racist ,now how you like them apples Mr.Victim?
Padling is hitting. Even worse because it is not "in the heat of the moment". it is hitting a child deliberately, with a clear head as to what you are doing.
Maybe your children are well behaved

many are not
We use to get sent to the office and whipped with a paddle. Of course mama didn't go for that. But I would have prefered the paddle to the switch she used that was known to make me dance and have whelps all over my body. It didn't happen too often because I knew what to do most of the time to avoid it.
"Mama" was a psycho.

Every child should know how to make and use a garotte by age ten.
Padling is hitting. Even worse because it is not "in the heat of the moment". it is hitting a child deliberately, with a clear head as to what you are doing.

How about shooting a kid like most blacks do to each other, is that ok, stop acting so concerned like the other race hustlers who get rich off the blood of their own people.
They have led you to a future hell for us all with their immoral anti American bull crap. Where are you and I going if we have to leave forget Europe or Africa that is gone too now.
It's many "Conservatives" seem to opine for the good ol days when a teacher slapping kids around was a good thing because it taught discipline...

But I never see them volunteering their own kid or grandkid to be the one getting slapped around...

It's odd to see the same folks with so much disdain for public education and teachers --- also claim to trust those same teachers to slap kids around...

It leads me to believe that they are OK with it as long as it isn't their own kid...which makes them full of shit
Many are fine with it...though they prefer to do it themselves, because they ENJOY hurting children.
How many who went to Catholic schools look back fondly at the beatings and wish that on their own children? My cousin went to one and the nuns used a triangular ruler on her knuckles...for the crime of being left-handed. She has the scars to this day. The good old days?
That happened to my wife...the nuns ruler was a broken piece of a draftsman's square, that she honed to a razor edge. Sister psycho made a horrible mistake: never try to bully someone more vicious than you. A roll of dimes in the fist makes a very credible substitute for brass knuckles.
"Mama" was a psycho.

Every child should know how to make and use a garotte by age ten.

Why because she didn't beg for welfare and raised us to have discipline and be independent productive citizens? Can you say the same thing? Obviously, you had none.

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