Ben Carson As Candidate For 2016?

Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
I was going to back Rand Paul but he's decided to play "political flip flop." I guess he's been rubbing elbows with the D.C. Mafia for long enough now that he's turning into one of them. Ben Carson doesn't stand out as much of a powerhouse (IMHO). Can't say that I'm really impressed with anyone at the moment. When I hear someone emphatically state that he is going to return the USA to a Constitutional Republic; seal the southern borders; and return individual rights back to the individual then I might take note.
I think it is a good move for Dr Carson

It will get him some visibility, allow him to be seen by millions of voters and when he is done, sell more books, charge more for speaking engagements and get a guest contributor spot on Fox
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemoninational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.
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To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemonational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.

Not everyone who runs for president has an expectation that they may eventually win the job. Ben Carson is one of those candidates. Campaigning will give him exposure and allow him to reach more people than on guest appearances on Hannity
To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.

The only true difference is that Obama was voted into office simply BECAUSE he was black whereas Carson at least stands for something and has some substance. Unfortunately, those last two virtues have fallen out of vogue.
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemonational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.

Not everyone who runs for president has an expectation that they may eventually win the job. Ben Carson is one of those candidates. Campaigning will give him exposure and allow him to reach more people than on guest appearances on Hannity

I concur.
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemonational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.

Not everyone who runs for president has an expectation that they may eventually win the job. Ben Carson is one of those candidates. Campaigning will give him exposure and allow him to reach more people than on guest appearances on Hannity

Absolutely true but what the heck, there's plenty of room in the Clown Car. It will get very crowded in the next year and half but sure, I think he should climb right in.
What do you think about that?

Who's Ben Carson?

Wouldn't think a guy named Ben has much of a shot at becomming President. Unless he's a right wing hawk I can imagine the opposition ads now, "Gentle Ben voted against the Iraq War" etc.
To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.

The only true difference is that Obama was voted into office simply BECAUSE he was black whereas Carson at least stands for something and has some substance. Unfortunately, those last two virtues have fallen out of vogue.

That's just plain old sad when a Rightie writes something that stupid, really.

But hey, it's a free country.
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemonational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.

Not everyone who runs for president has an expectation that they may eventually win the job. Ben Carson is one of those candidates. Campaigning will give him exposure and allow him to reach more people than on guest appearances on Hannity

Absolutely true but what the heck, there's plenty of room in the Clown Car. It will get very crowded in the next year and half but sure, I think he should climb right in.

While Carson is no clown, he will be campaigning from the Clown Car. Normally, it is a good gig. You get treated like a legitimate candidate with all the rights and privledges. The problem with the GOP Clown Car is they don't know when it is time to get out. Thanks to Citizens United, those candidates have access to unlimited campaign funding and are able to ride the Clown Care to the end of the primaries
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To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.

The only true difference is that Obama was voted into office simply BECAUSE he was black whereas Carson at least stands for something and has some substance. Unfortunately, those last two virtues have fallen out of vogue.

That's just plain old sad when a Rightie writes something that stupid, really.

But hey, it's a free country.

Leftie's don't generally embrace the truth so I'm not shocked by your response. Nobody knew what he stood for so what's the next best reason to vote for him: White guilt and the ability to show the world that America had it's first, black President. It was a show of stupidity and he wasn't voted into office based on substance or integrity. He's proven to the world that he has neither.
To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.

The only true difference is that Obama was voted into office simply BECAUSE he was black whereas Carson at least stands for something and has some substance. Unfortunately, those last two virtues have fallen out of vogue.

That's just plain old sad when a Rightie writes something that stupid, really.

But hey, it's a free country.

Leftie's don't generally embrace the truth so I'm not shocked by your response. Nobody knew what he stood for so what's the next best reason to vote for him: White guilt and the ability to show the world that America had it's first, black President. It was a show of stupidity and he wasn't voted into office based on substance or integrity. He's proven to the world that he has neither.

Your post proves that white conservatives are and have always been the folks obsessed about the President's race, name, birth certificate, etc.
The rest of America is simply looking at you like the scent of manure has entered their nostrils.

Not really typical for you to state that Americans won't elect another white president due to the numerous failures that have occupied the White House...ehh..what more could one expect.
What do you think about that?

I believe he and Ted Cruz represent the best this country has to offer.

In Ted Cruz we have a guy who Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz called the most brilliant student he's ever had who then went on to great career distinctions.

And a brilliant, world celebrated neurosurgeon from Detroit?

As a government neophyte Dr. Ben could stand to serve with a POTUS like Cruz, in order to learn the intricacies of Washington politics.

Can't lose.
To be honest Dr. Ben Carson would be wasting his time and money by running for President.
Obama has ruined any hope of another black candidate being elected president for at least the next 25 years.

The only true difference is that Obama was voted into office simply BECAUSE he was black whereas Carson at least stands for something and has some substance. Unfortunately, those last two virtues have fallen out of vogue.

That's just plain old sad when a Rightie writes something that stupid, really.

But hey, it's a free country.

Leftie's don't generally embrace the truth so I'm not shocked by your response. Nobody knew what he stood for so what's the next best reason to vote for him: White guilt and the ability to show the world that America had it's first, black President. It was a show of stupidity and he wasn't voted into office based on substance or integrity. He's proven to the world that he has neither.

Your post proves that white conservatives are and have always been the folks obsessed about the President's race, name, birth certificate, etc.
The rest of America is simply looking at you like the scent of manure has entered their nostrils.

Not really typical for you to state that Americans won't elect another white president due to the numerous failures that have occupied the White House...ehh..what more could one expect.

Actually, you're incorrect. There are and have been blacks I would have voted for based on the substance of their message; their voting record; and their love and defense of the Constitution. Also, there are lots and lots of white Presidents whom I believe were very bad for America (Clinton, both Bush boys, Carter, and other Dems & RINOs). So get your facts straight before further making an ass of yourself.
I do not trust the man. All seems kosher for conservatives when you hear Carson speak. However, his "diversity" ensures that he will bring a wide variety of experiences and baggage with him to the WH. That is unfortunate, but at this point in history it is true. I fear that sometime into his presidency Carson will have a revelation and start ordering reparations or that he start signing bills printing social justice and cause wealth redistribution on a massive scale. At least if a white guy has an awaking his "moral default" will send him to white guy church or something relatively harmless to the rest of us. But a black guy? Their moral default is chicken wings and race riots. Fuck that.

Until we all have a common background, then I do not want minorities in public office. I want to know that they will wake up each morning with the say values I have. This will happen regardless of race once all of the groups assimilate. After a couple of generations we all have a common background. However, if you refuse to assimilate (I am talking about black folks here) then we never develop that commonality.

In order words, how can I trust a group of people if they refuse to join me? Conservatives were all slobbering at one time at the prospect of having a Colin Powell presidency. That turned out well, didn't it?
I want to first write some good things about Dr. Ben Carson:

he is a neurosurgeon, which means he is no dummy.

And I have watched some videos of him, he is a very good speaker, and obviously believes what he says.

The strike-mark against him is that he used a National Prayer Breakfast, which is supposed to be non-political, interdemoninational and above all else, FRIENDLY, to launch a verbal attack on our President in the presence of our President. This was crude, uncouth, but I am sure it was a calculated move - and it got Carsen what he wanted - national attention.

Now, I am not a Republican, so I will have no voice in whether he would be nominated by that party, but I think that if he wants to run, let him run and let voters from the GOP listen to what he has to say and then make their choice.Either they will accept him or reject him.

Were he to become the GOP nominee, I would study his history and his party's platform just like I do every four years.

It's really that simple.

He had a chance to speak truth to power and rather than shy away from the magnitude of the opportunity/responsibility before him, he stepped into it and made the most of it.

Hell of a choice. Hell of a moment for a boy from Detroit.

Good for you, Dr. Ben!

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