Trump's Short List Of VP Candidates

Ben Carson is a good choice, because he isn't part of the swamp.

Tucker Carlson , Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Hulk Hogan would all be tremendous choices as well

Brodus Clay is another great choice.

Hogan and Clay would benefit from their public speaking experience in WWE which would be great on the campaign trail.
This thread needs to be moved to the comedy thread.
He needs a Mexican-American from a border district. The latino vote is bigger in three of the biggest states, and a significant chunk of many swing states. He will get a lot more black votes than any other GOP candidate in recent history, but never more than 20%-22% at best, while he can sweep the latino vote by over 70% with a latino VP choice, preferably non-Cuban and a tejano.
Exactly who did you have in mind, because I can't think of a single Republican that meets those qualifications you just laid out? California, Arizona, and New Mexico are in the hands of DEMs in most important government seats.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been my VP choice for a long time. She knows Donald J. Trump very well as she was his press secretary for two years and met with him daily. She also knows how to deal with the press.
Sanders, as a governor for almost one year and six months, has balanced a budget as well. She is politically experienced and has a good moral compass.

And she can't be bought. If she and Trump have a good rapport, I think she would be invaluable to him for his 4 years and then become the U.S. President herself for the next 8 years. But, Trump's ultimate pick will be the right one for him. I just hope Sanders is being considered and would want the job.
Too bad she is not being considered. She doesn't want the job and has stated such.
Electorally, the best choice is JD Vance because that almost ensures Trump wins Ohio and as Ohio goes, so does the winner of the election.
I like Ben Carson, but Byron Donalds is a good choice.

What do you folks think?

Which one of them sucks Trump’s dick the most? This is important given how fragile and insecure this orange Neanderthal is.
Trump only hires the very best. He said so himself which means he needs to keep Pence as he is obviously the very best.
Yes, they are if Trump is willing to forego their electoral votes.

Exactly what do you fail to understand about:

of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 3 USSC

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I like Ben Carson, but Byron Donalds is a good choice.

What do you folks think?

I like Ben Carson, but Byron Donalds is a good choice.

What do you folks think?

I don't see Him taking anyone from either house based on the slim margins now. I'd bet Bergum or maybe even someone else not mentioned.

Trump draws the white vote all by himself

He's doing pretty good with the black vote all by Himself.

Stefanik used to be a Never Trumper but like so many others, she folded like a cheap suit very quickly.
Much like Kamala Harris?

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