Trump's Short List Of VP Candidates

I like Ben Carson, but Byron Donalds is a good choice.
Trump needs a black man who can bark and bite. That excludes Carson, but shines a light on Tim Scott. A barker and biter will keep the democrats away from him.
Trump needs a black man who can bark and bite. That excludes Carson, but shines a light on Tim Scott. A barker and biter will keep the democrats away from him.

He needs a Mexican-American from a border district. The latino vote is bigger in three of the biggest states, and a significant chunk of many swing states. He will get a lot more black votes than any other GOP candidate in recent history, but never more than 20%-22% at best, while he can sweep the latino vote by over 70% with a latino VP choice, preferably non-Cuban and a tejano.
He needs a Mexican-American from a border district. The latino vote is bigger in three of the biggest states, and a significant chunk of many swing states. He will get a lot more black votes than any other GOP candidate in recent history, but never more than 20%-22% at best, while he can sweep the latino vote by over 70% with a latino VP choice, preferably non-Cuban and a tejano.
Woudn't a Cuban be more trustworthy?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been my VP choice for a long time. She knows Donald J. Trump very well as she was his press secretary for two years and met with him daily. She also knows how to deal with the press.
Sanders, as a governor for almost one year and six months, has balanced a budget as well. She is politically experienced and has a good moral compass.

And she can't be bought. If she and Trump have a good rapport, I think she would be invaluable to him for his 4 years and then become the U.S. President herself for the next 8 years. But, Trump's ultimate pick will be the right one for him. I just hope Sanders is being considered and would want the job.
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He needs a Mexican-American from a border district. The latino vote is bigger in three of the biggest states, and a significant chunk of many swing states. He will get a lot more black votes than any other GOP candidate in recent history, but never more than 20%-22% at best, while he can sweep the latino vote by over 70% with a latino VP choice, preferably non-Cuban and a tejano.
Trump already has the hispanic vote because hispanics see that Biden is falling apart.

I gave Rubio some thought, but Rubio is very weak when it comes to the democrats. Scott can shut them up, as they will be trying to impeach Trump.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been my VP choice for a long time. She knows Donald J. Trump very well as she was his press secretary for two years and met with him daily. She also knows how to deal with the press.
She, as a governor for almost one year and six months has dealt with a budget as well. She is politically experienced and has a good moral compass.

And she can't be bought. If she and Trump have a good rapport, I think she would be invaluable to him for his 4 years and then become the U.S. President herself for the next 8 years. But, Trump's ultimate pick will be the right one for him. I just hope Sanders is being considered and would want the job.
Arkansa needs their governor just like Texas needs theirs. Florida needs their governor as well.

Vivek Ramaswamy or Kristi Noem


Woudn't a Cuban be more trustworthy?

Not nearly as many of them as there are Mexican and Central American latinos. Cities like Chicago, Portland, and several California cities have large latino populations. Currently he will get somewhere between 50%-65% of the latino vote, but he can bump that up to 70%-80%+ with a good VP choice, more votes than via the black vote.
Trump's top characteristic trait is leadership
Mafia leadership. No thanks.
Donalds and Scott would alienate many Trump supporters. I'd say Stefanik or Cotton.
America won't vote for this person being a little too much Adderall and Sudafed away from the presidency.

Can anyone see this thing as Commander in Chief?


I agree I think it will be someone not on the "short list". Dice would certainly be the anti Mike Pence!
Ken Paxton, but Trump wouldn't want to look at his droop-eye that looks like a ****, every day.

Tom Cotton, but I think Trump wants yes-men around him, not weasels. Cotton reminds him too much of his fail sons.

Lying Sarah, but he won't pick a woman.

I'm hoping it's Vance, if that kicks off a special election. He just barely squeaked by against Tim Ryan, so Ryan should have an easy time. Plus, Vance is such a fucking dope on his feet, Queen Kamala will destroy him in any debates. She was a very good persecutor. That's how she became Attorney General.
Ben Carson is a good choice, because he isn't part of the swamp.

Tucker Carlson , Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Hulk Hogan would all be tremendous choices as well

Brodus Clay is another great choice.

Hogan and Clay would benefit from their public speaking experience in WWE which would be great on the campaign trail.

definitely Stephen Miller! (or is it Steven?)

I don't know much about the last 2 u mention except Hogan is a wrestler.. not exactly known for his brilliant policy proposals!

not that I know of anyhow
Trump needs a black man who can bark and bite. That excludes Carson, but shines a light on Tim Scott. A barker and biter will keep the democrats away from him.

I don't see Scott as ... Trump lite or whatever. He actually seems like he wants to get along w/ everyone.. not such a bad thing all by itself

but we are at war. Yep..
Ted Cruz would be good but the Senate Rs can't afford --and America can't afford --the loss
I like Ben Carson, but Byron Donalds is a good choice.

What do you folks think?

I think two things:

1. It would be nice to have a VP who can help with either a state or a voting group. Many of those on the list just don't fit that category. Trump is already going to win North Dakota, Florida, Ohio, Arkansas, That leaves just Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik, and Ben Carson. A black can helps with the black vote and a woman can help with women's votes.

2. Trump needs someone who can shove it right back in the face of so called journalists and out of the last three I mentioned, Elise Stefanik is really the only one of the three who can do that.
I think two things:

1. It would be nice to have a VP who can help with either a state or a voting group. Many of those on the list just don't fit that category. Trump is already going to win North Dakota, Florida, Ohio, Arkansas, That leaves just Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik, and Ben Carson. A black can helps with the black vote and a woman can help with women's votes.

2. Trump needs someone who can shove it right back in the face of so called journalists and out of the last three I mentioned, Elise Stefanik is really the only one of the three who can do that.

is probably more in your face than Stefanik

But I prefer not to have ANY R taken from Senate or H

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