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Ben Carson did research on 17 week fetal tissue

While opining on the uselessness of fetal tissue research to Megyn Kelly Dr. Carson neglected to mention his own paper Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle: Immunohistochemical evidence for nonneuropithelial differentiation published in Hum Pathol 23:811-816 in 1992. The materials and methods describe using “human choroid plexus ependyma and nasal mucosa from two fetuses aborted in the ninth and 17th week of gestation.”

Yes, Dr. Ben Carson has done research on fetal tissue and published his findings. His name is on the paper so that means he had a substantive role in the research and supports the methods and findings.

How does one explain this given Carson’s stand on fetal tissue research?

Perhaps Dr. Carson feels that only his work delivered the goods and all other researchers have produced inconsequential work, an Ebola vaccine clearly not of merit by Carson’s logic.

Could he think his own research was useless? However, if it was non contributory to the field why was it published?

More: Ben Carson did research on 17 week fetal tissue - Dr. Jen Gunter

Did Carson forget about his research on fetal tissue?
Pure bullshit lies from the lying left. Retarded injun.
Days late and a million brain cells short.
Yes you are retarded scum sucker.
See my previous post.
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
Libtards are clueless and LIARS, liar.
Given your posting history and that of your fellow USMB rightists, particularly with regard to the lie being propagated by conservatives that Planned Parenthood 'violated' the law, you and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone else of 'lying.'
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
Libtards are clueless and LIARS, liar.
Given your posting history and that of your fellow USMB rightists, particularly with regard to the lie being propagated by conservatives that Planned Parenthood 'violated' the law, you and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone else of 'lying.'
Wrong lying idiot.
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
It also exhibits the right's contempt for privacy rights, and their desire to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
That would be the left doing that.
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
Libtards are clueless and LIARS, liar.
Given your posting history and that of your fellow USMB rightists, particularly with regard to the lie being propagated by conservatives that Planned Parenthood 'violated' the law, you and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone else of 'lying.'
Wrong lying idiot.
Scathing retort ...lol
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
It also exhibits the right's contempt for privacy rights, and their desire to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
That would be the left doing that.
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
It also exhibits the right's contempt for privacy rights, and their desire to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
That would be the left doing that.
Truth hurts, you lose retard.
Did Carson buy the remains from PP or were they obtained legally?

You're clueless.

Hospitals do exactly the same as PP does. Deal with it.

Really, I find it hard to believe you fools haven't known this all along. Idiots.

My bet is you did know. The only reason for the attacks on PP is they serve the poor.
It also exhibits the right's contempt for privacy rights, and their desire to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
That would be the left doing that.
Truth hurts, you lose retard.
It might if were the truth but it's not .
Thanks for playing.
So now we know that Ben Carson is also a liar.
Meaning him and who?
The rest of the GOP candidates?

Can you name one of them who hasn't been caught in a lie? I can't.
When did you come concerned about lying? You haven't cared in over six years.
I never lie.

YES, you do, You leftist cocksuckers ALWAYS lie! ...and here is the proof!

Dr. Ben Carson
August 13 at 6:48pm ·

I wanted to use our time tonight to directly deal with an attack launched on me today by the left and the media. A couple questions came in on this subject, so I want to address it head on.

Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors' names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study.

I am sickened by the attack that I, after having spent my entire life caring for children, had something to do with aborting a child and harvesting organs. My medical specialty is the human brain and even I am amazed at what it is capable of doing. Please know these attacks are pathetic attempts to blunt our progress.

Now lets get to answering your questions.

Nancy in Arkansas wants to know how my mother is doing.

Nancy, you know my mother is the only reason I stand here today. I surely would have been lost if it were not for her. She is an amazing woman. If she were the Secretary of Treasury, I assure you we would have a surplus. My mother was very ill when I announced my candidacy. The family was called in by her doctors. We surrounded her and prayed as did millions of you. She began to eat again. She has her strength back. She is doing as well as we can expect. Thank you for asking.

The next question is from Bill. He wanted to know if it was true that I was offered a slot at West Point after high school.

Bill, that is true. I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point. But I knew medicine is what I wanted to do. So I applied to only one school. (it was all the money I had). I applied to Yale and thank God they accepted me. I often wonder what might have happened had they said no.

Last question as it is getting late. A young nurse in Ohio wants to know how many patients did I treat during my career.

I treated over 15,000 patients in some 57 countries. We lived in Australia for a while as well. One of the most gratifying moments of each day is when I run into a former patient like I did tonight. My patients were all quite ill. I love seeing them with their families living normal lives. I think it is more gratifying than serving in Congress.

Speaking of serving in Congress. I constantly get asked how could I possibly become President when I have no political experience. Here is what I say. The current Members of Congress have a combined 8,788 years of political experience. How is that working out? People forget that of our 56 founding fathers who risked it all to sign the Declaration of Independence, Five were Doctors.

Good night,

Fetal Tissue Research Critic Ben Carson Conducted Fetal Tissue Research

Typical GOP hypocrite.

Before GOP 2016er Ben Carson was slamming fetal tissue research, the neurosurgeon was conducting studies on fetal tissues himself.

According to a blog post by OB/GYN Jen Gunter that was highlighted by Buzzfeed, Carson participated in a 1992 study that relied on "two fetuses aborted in the ninth and 17th week of gestation.”

Gunter, also a well-known science writer, posted a picture of the study bearing Carson's name on her blog.

After an anti-abortion group began releasing last month "sting" videos claiming to show that Planned Parenthood was profiting from the sale of fetal tissues to researchers, Carson came out against the practice.

“At 17 weeks, you’ve got a nice little nose and little fingers and hands and the heart’s beating It can respond to environmental stimulus," Carson said on Fox News, as Buzzfeed noted. "How can you believe that that’s just an irrelevant mass of cells? That’s what they want you to believe, when in fact it is a human being."

No comment from his campaign.


already debunked.You'll have to try for a different SMEAR for you dirty ass politics of the Democrat party
The bed wetters still don't understand the issue...

PP is not allowed by law to profit from the savagery of abortion. That's it, end of fucking story. When PP sociopaths are caught commenting about getting a Lamborghini, I'd say someone is making an illegal profit.

Thus proving that liberals are either complete blithering idiots, or criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

The bed wetters still don't understand the issue...

PP is not allowed by law to profit from the savagery of abortion. That's it, end of fucking story. When PP sociopaths are caught commenting about getting a Lamborghini, I'd say someone is making an illegal profit.

Thus proving that liberals are either complete blithering idiots, or criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

I see them are nothing more than sheep/tools. you can tell by how this was already posted ONCE BY THEM
Ben Carson said, "When pathologists receive specimen, their job is to prepare the specimen. They have no job opining on where the tissue came from."

So he will use fetal tissue for research, just don't tell him how it got into his hands.

Did he think it got there by magic? It obviously had to be harvested.
Yawn. Non-issue.

Yup, cause he is a non-candidate. The GOP is stuck with Donald...whether they like it or not. And you know the media is just waiting to push his buttons. He has no filter. He has lost the Hispanic and the women's votes for the GOP. He is the best thing that could ever happen to the Dems! Biden can even beat him.

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